Aquí os dejo una lista de los planetas donde poder encontrar elemento cero. ". Hourglass Nebula – Osun Cluster – Planet Erinie. Welcome one, welcome all, to our walkthrough for Mass Effect 2. ‪Role playing‬. Mass Effect 2 Randomizer is a randomizer for the second Mass Effect game on PC. Populacja: 2035 n.e. Capital 6.7 g Unlike most other Mass Effect 2 romanceable characters, Shepard will not need to recruit Miranda first, as she is with him from the start of the main campaign. Mass Effect 2 Stuck On Planet Scanning To get all of the necessary upgrades for your crew and the Normandy, you'll need to be vigilant in gathering resources during your 'Mass Effect 2' playthrough. Prequel bonuses. Como su complicado nombre sugiere, fue colonizado por los elcor, que tienen algunas industrias prósperas en el planeta. Surface Temp Populacja na stacjach orbitalnych: Jak sugeruje jego niezgrabna nazwa, świat ten został skolonizowany przez elkorów, którzy mają tu kilka znakomicie prosperujących gałęzi przemysłu. Region Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect on your hard drive, and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses:. Across the galaxy, entire human colonies are vanishing. 2.86 atm Temperatura Grawitacja View mod page. Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect on your hard drive, and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses: 100,000 credits: Mass Effect character with the 'Rich' achievement. Okres orb. Related: Mass Effect 2: Best Mission Order From the start of Mass Effect 2, the Normandy can store up to 30 probes at a time, and Shepard can purchase more in different systems around the galaxy.However, with a ship upgrade, they will be able to double that number, carrying and purchasing up to 60 probes at a time to allow them to explore more planets and pick up more … Population 11.993 km This collector’s bundle of premium gear is a celebration of the original Mass Effect Trilogy. (The order in the list is: Nebula – cluster – planet): Omega Nebula – Batalla – Thunawanuro. Es el recurso más difícil de conseguir en el juego, y el que sirve para investigar las mejoras más potentes. Z kopalni eksportuje się uran, tor i złoto, do których przewozu używa się wielkiej liczby pól efektu masy. Nurhemathun So read on to see the list of Element Zero planets in Mass Effect 2! For Mass Effect 2 on the Xbox 360, Planet Guide by sentinelshepard. 2.86 atm. orbitalna Keplera Thunawanuro: Gut: Reich: Arm: Reich: Moderat: Fathar-System. A video on Mass Effect 3 will be coming in the next couple of months. Mass Effect 2’s suicide mission naturally learns from some of the first game’s core tenets. Have a saved game file from the original Mass Effect on your hard drive, and use that profile in Mass Effect 2 to get the following bonuses:. Blood, Sexual Content, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Violence. Mass Effect 2. Localización: Vía Láctea /Nebulosa Omega / Batalla / Segundo planeta Thunawanuro, un planeta con mucha gravedad pero vida abundante, es una extraña isla de paz en los anárquicos Sistemas Terminus. Purchase as a gift - $9.99 Add to wishlist. Read more. 0.788 An in-depth analysis of Mass Effect 2. 6.7 g N/A 1.1 j.a. Of course, pirates target the elcor's shipping as soon as it leaves orbit, but the elcor's deals with mercenary companies keep away all but the most foolhardy of attackers. 1.3 roku ziemskiego She is an optional romantic partner for a male Shepard in Mass Effect 2, provided her Loyalty is secured and maintained. For Mass Effect 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Where is the best place obtain lot's of Element Zero? Hairy Sheploo mod allows players to add a new hairstyle and/or beard to the default male Shepard, based on Dutch model Mark Vanderloo. Hairy Sheploo mod allows players to add a new hairstyle and/or beard to the default male Shepard, based on Dutch model Mark Vanderloo. A small part of all the options. Wsp. Nearog is the third planet orbiting the star Batalla.. Main article: Nearog Thunawanuro [edit | edit source]. Related: How to Romance Garrus Vakarian in Mass Effect 2. 2,000 experience points: Level 50 Mass Effect character. Thunawanuro Change the indicated lines in the file to their new … Surface Gravity and will produce a significantly different feeling game depending on the options you choose! MATURE 17+. Come rivela il suo nome complicato, fu colonizzato dagli Elcor, che stabilirono numerose e rigogliose industrie sul pianeta. Keplerian Ratio Promień Además, también dejo los planetas donde nos saltarán algunas misiones secundarias. 51.7 godziny ziemskiej Nurhemathun. Rasy: Location: Milky Way / Omega Nebula / Batalla System /  Second planet, Colony 11,993 km N/A, Położenie: Droga Mleczna / Mgławica Omega / Batalla /  2. planeta, Kolonia Pressure Official Club. Colony Founded Orbital Distance Długość dnia Day Length MASS EFFECT LEGENDARY CACHE - BIOWARE GEAR STORE EXCLUSIVE VERSION “Relive the Legend with the Mass Effect Legendary Cache - BioWare Gear Store Exclusive Version. Mass Effect 2 features a New Game + feature which allows you to play the game a second time with certain items and stats you accumulated in your first game. Mass Effect 2. All hairstyles plus the beard are custom meshes with new textures, meaning this mod provides 3D hair options and aren't just painted over his face. This MOD adds full XBOX 360 controller support for playing Mass Effect 2. As its ponderous name indicates, it was colonized by the elcor, who have several booming industries on the planet. Położenie: Droga Mleczna /Mgławica Omega /Batalla / 2. planeta Thunawanuro to przedziwna wyspa pokoju na oceanie bezprawia Układów Terminusa; panuje na niej silna grawitacja, ale życie rozwija się bardzo bujnie. Satelity Miej swoje ulubione fandomy zawsze pod ręką, a nigdy niczego nie przegapisz. Mass Effect 2 Nexus - Mods and community. Franchises: Mass Effect… 1.1 AU 3,769,400 (2185)3.8 million (2186). Milky Way / Omega Nebula / Batalla Thunawanuro to przedziwna wyspa pokoju na oceanie bezprawia Układów Terminusa; panuje na niej silna grawitacja, ale życie rozwija się bardzo bujnie. Mass Effect 2 is an action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts.It was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in 2010, and PlayStation 3 in 2011. Mines export uranium, thorium, and gold taken to space with generous use of mass effect fields. Orbital Period Planet View Loyalty missions, while optional, help make each character fully committed to the Shepard's cause, increasing their chances of survival during the endgame Suicide Mission. Buy Now - $9.99. For most squadmates in Mass Effect 2, it is simply enough for Shepard to complete the mission, regardless of actions taken or choices made during the experience. Odl. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Treści społeczności są dostępne na podstawie licencji. Hourglass Nebula – Ploitari Cluster – … The Mass Effect 2 DLC Bundle includes: Expansions - Kasumi – Stolen Memory - Overlord - Lair of the Shadow Broker - Arrival Cerberus Network content …. This mod re-adds these textures, switches the config over to use the xbox interfaces, forces chunks of code to go down a 'console' path and changes the tutorial messages to controller buttons. Mass Effect 2 Cheat Codes: ----- Submitted by: David K. Cheat mode: ----- Use a text editor to edit the "Coalesced.ini" file in the "\Program Files\Team JPN\ Mass Effect 2\BioGame\Config\PC\Cooked" directory. 3.769.400 mln Hydroelectric dams and biofuels from tough woody algae provide much of the planet's … 30,000 credits: Level 50 Mass Effect character. Note: There are multiple instances of this line in the file. Ciśnienie atm. As its ponderous name indicates, it was colonized by the elcor, who have several booming industries on the planet. Check out the image gallery to see what different randomizers can do. To use this, you must have: Mass Effect™ 2 (2010) Save 60% $24.99. Jednak dzięki układom elkorów z kompaniami najemników na napady decydują się jedynie najwięksi ryzykanci. Mass Effect Wiki jest społecznością Fandomu Gry. Elcor Stolica: 2035 Radius Species Elkorowie 100,000 credits: Mass Effect character with the "Rich" achievement 30,000 credits: Level 50 Mass Effect character 2,000 experience points: Level 50 Mass Effect character Zaeed is one of two DLC companions in Mass Effect 2, and, while he does have a Loyalty mission for Shepard to complete, it is somewhat different from the other squadmates' personal missions. Prequel bonuses. View image gallery. Mass Effect 2 Edition. It can randomize many different things at your discretion. Tali'Zorah's Loyalty mission is one of those with a fail condition. Some squadmates' missions can be failed, however, depending on Shepard's actions and choices. 23.514 Earth Masses The fact you need to let either Kaidan or Ashley die and can potentially lose Wrex gives you automatic insight into the importance of Paragon and Renegade, as well as how essential it is to talk to your companions and complete their loyalty missions. 51.7 Earth Hours Założona: From the moment you gain full control of the Normandy after the first mission, you can head to several Platinum-rich planets to probe all the Platinum you'll need for every upgrade. Omega Nebula – Batalla Cluster – Planet Nearog. Summary: Once again stepping into the role of the heroic Commander Shepard, gamers command their crew on a suicide mission in space. Hairy Sheploo for ME2. Oczywiście gdy tylko transporty trafiają na orbitę, stają się celem ataków piratów. Logasiri is the first planet orbiting the star Batalla.. Main article: Logasiri Nearog [edit | edit source]. Jak sugeruje jego niezgrabna nazwa, świat ten został skolonizowany przez elkorów, którzy mają tu kilka znakomicie prosperujących gałęzi przemysłu. Atm. 1.3 Earth Years Planet Reichtum Element Zero Iridium Platin Palladium; Dorgal: Reich--Arm: Reich: Moderat: Korar: Gut--Reich: Moderat: Moderat: Lorek* Reich-- ... Mass Effect 2 (XB360) Mass Effect 2 (PS3) Mass Effect 2 (85 Bewertungen) Publisher Electronic Arts Entwickler BioWare Corp Genre Rollenspiele. A strange island of peace in the lawless Terminus Systems, Thunawanuro is a planet of crushing gravity but abundant life. Below, you can find links leading to the various sections of our walkthrough, which … Hydroelectric dams and biofuels from tough woody algae provide much of the planet's energy. A ghost planet may appear inside of Nearog's orbit, near the right hand side of the system.. Logasiri [edit | edit source]. 0.788 Thunawanuro Mass Effect 2 shipped with all the original XBOX controller interfaces but was missing some power/weapon wheel resources. Hairy Sheploo for ME2. Mass Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Większość energii planety produkują hydroelektryczne tamy i biopaliwa z twardych, zdrewniałych wodorostów. Location: Milky Way /Omega Nebula /Batalla System / Second planet A strange island of peace in the lawless Terminus Systems, Thunawanuro is a planet of crushing gravity but abundant life. 100,000 credits: Mass Effect character with the "Rich" achievement 30,000 credits: Level 50 Mass Effect character 2,000 experience points: Level 50 Mass Effect character 5,000 of each resource: Level 50 Mass Effect character 32°C Ubicazione: Via Lattea /Nebulosa Omega /Sistema Batalla / Secondo pianeta Un'insolita isola di pace nell'anarchia dei Sistemi Terminus, Thunawanuro è un pianeta dall'elevata gravità ma dall'abbondante quantità di forme di vita. 32 °C ‪Electronic Arts‬.
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