Simutronics desarrolló juegos basados en texto estilo MUD GemStone IV y DragonRealms, así como los juegos móviles Tiny Heroes, One Epic Knight y Lara Croft Relic Run. La incorporación de Bytro amplió aún más la cartera de juegos de Stillfront con títulos como Supremacy 1914, PanzerWars e Industry Tycoon y fortaleció el empresa dentro del género de los juegos de estrategia. AB, Stillfront Group (9 de mayo de 2016). WikiProject Articles for creation (Rated Start-class) This article ... a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of video games on Wikipedia. Stillfront Group serves customers worldwide. Der Unternehmensstandort ist Hamburg, wobei es … Stock analysis for Stillfront Group AB (1041529D) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. El precio de cotización fue de 39 SEK por acción y el primer día de negociación fue el 8 de diciembre de 2015. Sie zeigen überdurchschnittliches Wachstum, aber sie haben einen eher hohen Aktienpreis und sind riskant finanziert. September 2018 wurde Imperia Online von Stillfront Group übernommen. Rewards. [7][8], En diciembre de 2015, la compañía completó con éxito una oferta pública inicial y cotizó sus acciones en NASDAQ First North Stockholm. En enero de 2018, Stillfront completó la adquisición de Goodgame Studios por 270 millones de euros. Stillfront Group AB (publ) is a Sweden-based independent creator, publisher and distributor of digital games. Stillfront Group is an independent games developer and games publisher with a portfolio of high quality games that build long player relationships. [15], En octubre del mismo año, Stillfront adquirió Imperia Online, un desarrollador y editor de juegos líder en el sureste de Europa que se centra en las relaciones con los jugadores a largo plazo. Stillfront Group announces its interim results for January-March 2021 on 5 May 2021 at 7:00 a.m. CEST. Cookies help us deliver our services. Iwoca. Stillfront offers a diversified portfolio of games, developed and produced organically or through acquisitions, with broad appeal to gamers. The group's first album, Dire Straits, was recorded at Basing Street studios in Notting Hill, London in February 1978, at a cost of £12,500. La adquisición agregó títulos de juegos como eRepublik, Age of Lords y World at War: WW2 Strategy MMO al grupo.[14]. Stillfront is a global group of gaming studios and a market leader in the free-to-play online strategy games genre. Embracer's Competitors, Revenue, Number of Employees ... Stillfront Group. Goodgame Studios is an online games company founded in 2009 by Kai Wawrzinek, Christian Wawrzinek and Fabian Ritter. Stillfront Group | 2,144 followers on LinkedIn. Stillfront Group ist Mehr als 1.200 Mitarbeitern hatte Goodgame Studios in Spitzenzeiten, laut Wikipedia sind es derzeit immerhin noch 270. Stillfront Group is an independent creator, developer, publisher and distributor of digital games – with a vision to become one of Europe’s leading independent game developers and publishers. Stillfront Group Aktien sind ähnlich teuer wie vergleichbare Aktien. [16], Además, en diciembre de 2018, Stillfront adquirió Playa Games, un desarrollador y editor líder de juegos de estrategia informal en Alemania. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. In 2013, Bytro Labs merges with the Swedish Stillfront group, which combines cross-platform and cross-genre specialist developers. The report will be presented in a live webcast at 10:00 a.m. CEST the same day. Most of our titles are long lifecycle with a … El plan era construir una cartera diversificada de juegos de ciclo de vida largo, adquiriendo estudios de juego independientes y permitiendo que estos operaran de forma independiente dentro del mismo grupo. Worldwide: Number of employees. News zur STILLFRONT GROUP AKTIE und aktueller Realtime-Aktienkurs Gaming: Stillfront-Gruppe kauft Berliner Studio für 130 Millionen Euro Wikipedia. Später begann das Studio auch mobile Spiele zu entwickeln. [9][10], En junio de 2016, Stillfront anunció la adquisición de la mayoría de las acciones de Simutronics, uno de los estudios de desarrollo de juegos independientes más antiguos de América del Norte. 30: Website: Simutronics Official Site: The company's flagship product is the text based game, GemStone IV, which went live in November 2003, with predecessor games running back to 1988. Stillfront Group es una empresa con sede en Suecia especializada en la adquisición y gestión de estudios de juegos móviles y de navegador. Part of the Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, and is the second most successful dating agency in Germany. [5][6], En noviembre de 2013, Stillfront anunció que había adquirido el 51% de Bytro Labs y firmó un acuerdo para adquirir el 49% restante para 2016. Their classic line-up was Freddie Mercury (lead vocals, piano), Brian May (guitar, vocals), Roger Taylor (drums, vocals) and John Deacon (bass). Stillfront Group: Website: KIXEYE (stylized as KIXEYE, formerly known as Casual Collective) is a video game company founded in July 2007 and headquartered in Victoria, B.C., Canada. Wir empfehlen zu beurteilen, ob die Zukunft der Aktie Stillfront Group für diese Branche typisch ist, was der aktuelle, markttypische Aktienpreis vermuten lässt. Online FinTech company based in London. Aunque no comenzó a operar hasta 2012. Stillfront Group | LinkedIn. Im Rahmen der weltweiten Expansion eröffnete das Unternehmen im September 2013 seine ersten ausländischen Niederlassungen in Tokio und Seoul. These groups began networking together to present a defensive front against the state-supported violence of large landholders. Online games company founded in 2009 and based in Hamburg, Germany, and part of the Stillfront Group since 2018. While studying Cognitive Science, they teamed up to develop their own strategy game. Goodgame Studios wurde 2009 in Hamburg gegründet und war einmal inhabergeführt, bevor sich die Herren dazu entschlossen, ihre inzwischen altbackenen Spiele unter dem Schirm der Stillfront Group zu verunstalten. «SFRG.ST - Stillfront Group AB (publ) Profile | Reuters», «Stillfront: Understanding Gaming’s Dark Horse | EGD», «Live ops and scaling are key to Stillfront’s growth, says CEO Jörgen Larsson», «Stillfront Group acquires Power Challenge Sweden - 2012-11-12 - Crunchbase Acquisition Profile», «Stillfront Group acquires Bytro Labs - 2016-05-09 - Crunchbase Acquisition Profile», «Stillfront Group AB: Stillfront finalizes acquisition of Bytro Labs», «NASDAQ STOCKHOLM WELCOMES STILLFRONT TO FIRST NORTH», «Stillfront Group AB: Stillfront approved for listing on Nasdaq First North Premier», «Stillfront Group acquires Simutronics Corp. - 2016-06-21 - Crunchbase Acquisition Profile», «EGD News #35 — Stillfront is going places | EGD», «STILLFRONT GROUP ACQUIRES BABIL GAMES FOR $17M», «Stillfront Acquires eRepublik Labs - published by Grogu. CURRENT PRICE. Stillfront is a global group of gaming studios and a market leader in the free-to-play online strategy game genre. 2013 fusioniert Bytro Labs mit der schwedischen Stillfront Gruppe, die plattform- und genreübergreifend spezialisierte Entwickler vereint. Stillfront is a free-to-play powerhouse of gaming studios. Weltweit spielen etwa 12 Millionen registrierte Benutzer die … The company is based in Hamburg, Germany, and part of the Queen are a British rock band formed in London in 1970. Paradox Interactive Has A Grand Strategy (OTCMKTS:PRXXF ... Stillfront Group | LinkedIn. Paradox Interactive Has A Grand Strategy (OTCMKTS:PRXXF ... Stillfront: High Growth Ahead. 130+ (2020) Parent: Stillfront Group: Website: History. Online dating agency based in Hamburg, Germany. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Stillfront Group AB operates as a games developer and publisher. on day 3,479 - page 1 of 1», «Goodgame joins Stillfront Group in €270m deal», «Stillfront Group acquires Imperia Online for €10m», «Stillfront acquires Germany’s Playa Games for €45M.», «Stillfront acquires Kixeye to expand its portfolio of games», «Stillfront Group acquires Storm8 for up to $400m»,, Wikipedia:Artículos con datos por trasladar a Wikidata, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. Talk:Stillfront Group. More Details. The company creates, develops and publishes massively multiplayer online real-time strategy games (MMORTS) for PC and mobile devices. [13], En mayo de 2017, Stillfront Group adquirió eRepublik Labs. [1][2] Am Anfang fokussierte sich das Unternehmen hauptsächlich auf Browserspiele. Stillfront Group AB (publ), through its subsidiaries, designs, develops, markets, publishes, and distributes digital games in Europe, North America, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East and North Africa region. Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation, Template:WikiProject Articles for creation, Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics/Companies, Category:Company articles needing attention, Category:Company articles needing infoboxes, Professional Korean Warcraft III competition, List of video games based on Wipeout (2008 American game show),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This article was reviewed by member(s) of, This article has not yet received a rating on the project's, This page was last edited on 22 March 2021, at 22:30. On September 17, 2020 Nanobit has become part of the Swedish Stillfront Group, a leading free-to-play powerhouse of gaming studios. Wikipedia ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer Enzyklopädie aus freien Inhalten, zu denen du sehr gern beitragen kannst.Seit März 2001 sind 2.560.483 Artikel in deutscher Sprache entstanden.. Geographie Geschichte Gesellschaft Kunst und Kultur Religion Sport Technik Wissenschaft; Artikel nach Themen; Artikel nach Kategorien [53] [54] Members organized strikes, protests, seizures of land, and organized communist-controlled "self-defense communities" in southern Colombia that were able to resist state military forces, while providing for the subsistence needs of the populace. [17], Durante el verano de 2019, Stillfront adquirió Kixeye, un desarrollador y editor líder de juegos de estrategia en tiempo real multijugador masivo (MMORTS) para PC y dispositivos móviles. GemStone was originally accessed through General Electric's internet service provider GEnie, later becoming accessible through AOL, Prodigy, and CompuServe … Wikipedia:WikiProject Sweden - Wikipedia. [54] [3][4], En noviembre de 2012, Stillfront adquirió Power Challenge, un desarrollador y editor de juegos de gestión de deportes sociales para dispositivos móviles y basados en navegador. Die Imperia Online AG ist ein bulgarisches Spielesoftwareunternehmen mit Sitz in Sofia, das von Moni Dochev und Dobroslav Dimitrov gegründet wurde. En junio del mismo año, la cotización de las acciones de Stillfront se trasladó al NASDAQ First North Premier Growth Market. Trading at 24.9% below our estimate of its fair value. Bytro Labs was founded in 2009 by Felix Faber, Tobias Kringe and Christopher Lörken in Freiburg, Germany. Revenue grew by 99.4% over the past year. Stillfront (@Stillfront) | Twitter. Our studios work methodically to improve the retention of our games throughout their lifetime. Our diverse and exciting games portfolio has two common themes: loyal users and long lifecycle games. Das erste und erfolgreichste Spiel ist das gleichnamige MMOG Imperia Online. Stillfront Group (55.06%) Number of employees. Stillfront Group: Website: Storm8 Inc. is a mobile social game developer founded in 2009 by former Zynga designer, Garrett J. Remes, as well as former Facebook engineers, including Perry Tam, William Siu, Chak Ming Li, and Laura Yip in Redwood Shores, California. Nanobit; Industry: Mobile game development: Founded: 2008: Founder: Alan Sumina Zoran Vučinić : Headquarters: Zagreb, Croatia: Area served. Goodgame Studios wurde im Juni 2009 unter dem Dach der Altigi GmbH von Nikolai Lücht, den Brüdern Christian und Kai Wawrzinek sowie Fabian Ritter gegründet. Automated lending platform. Esta página se editó por última vez el 14 mar 2021 a las 19:48. Stillfront Group es una empresa con sede en Suecia especializada en la adquisición y gestión de estudios de juegos móviles y de navegador. Im Juni 2010 wurde der Spieleentwickler spotsonfire GmbH samt Belegschaft übernommen. Geschäftsmodell. The Company creates, develops, and operates digital games. Bytro Labs Spiele sind Free-to-play-Spiele mit teils kostenpflichtigen Erweiterungen. [3][4] Am 21. Produced by Muff Winwood, it was first released in the United Kingdom on Vertigo Records, then a division of Phonogram Inc.It came to the attention of A&R representative Karin Berg, working at Warner Bros. Records in New York City. [18], En enero de 2020, la empresa anunció la adquisición de Storm8, un desarrollador líder de juegos móviles con sede en California por hasta $ 400 millones.[19]. Earnings are forecast to grow 20.75% per year . Wikipedia. [11][12], En diciembre de 2016, Stillfront adquirió Babil Games, el principal editor de juegos móviles de la región de Oriente Medio y África del Norte. [1][2], Stillfront fue fundada en 2010 por Jörgen Larsson, un emprendedor sueco. Parship. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Stillfront Group consists of 19 game studios in Europe, North America and the MENA region, publishing on a multitude of platforms.
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