Anne Marie Louise van Orléans (Parijs, 29 mei 1627 – aldaar, 5 april 1693) was de enige dochter van Gaston van Orléans uit zijn huwelijk met Maria van Bourbon en was dus een nicht van de Franse koning Lodewijk XIV van Frankrijk.. Levensloop. Genre. [1] Anne Marie Louise d’Orléans (* 29.Mai 1627 im Pariser Louvre; † 5. The following year, her father married Liselotte of Palatine. In 1670, when Marie Louise was eight years old, her mother died. still image. Marie Louise's mother died in 1670. Facebook gives people the … English: Portrait of Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans (1627-1693), Duchess of Montpensier, also referred to as La Grande Mademoiselle Español: Ana María Luisa de Orleans , Duquesa de Montpensier Suomi: Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans , Montpensierin herttuatar eli Grande Mademoiselle Marie d'ORLÉANS LONGUEVILLE 1625-1707 Married 22 May 1657 toHenri II de SAVOIE 1625-1657; N d'ORLÉANS LONGUEVILLE 1626-1628; N d'ORLÉANS LONGUEVILLE 1634-1634; with Anne Geneviève de BOURBON CONDÉ, born in 1619, deceased 15 August 1679 - Paris, … Haar moeder, de schatrijke erfgename van Montpensier, stierf bij haar geboorte en maakte haar tot de rijkste erfgenaam van Frankrijk. Louis XIII aurait ainsi exprimé son soulagement -un rien misogyne-, en apprenant la naissance d’une fille, Permalink. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de Montpensier Leben. Small (300px) Standard (760px) und Cousine Ludwigs XIV.Sie war allgemein bekannt unter dem Beinamen La Grande Mademoiselle. Quand il revient en 1634, sa fille est âgée de 6 ans. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Herzogin von Montpensier (29. Anne Marie Louise D'Orléans de Montpensier Biographie. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans dite « La Grande Mademoiselle » , née le 29 mai 1627 et morte le 5 avril... Tombe. Type of Resource. One of the greatest heiresses in history, she died unmarried and childless, leaving her vast fortune to her cousin, Philippe of France. One of the greatest heiresses in history, she died unmarried and childless, leaving her vast fortune to her cousin, Philippe of France. Anne Marie Louise av Orléans (Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans), kallad la Grande Mademoiselle, född 29 maj 1627 på Louvrepalatset, död 5 april 1693 på Palais du Luxembourg, var en fransk prinsessa och memoarförfattare. Anne Marie d’Orléans (* 27.August 1669 auf Schloss Saint-Cloud; † 26. The following year, 1671, her father married Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine, who became like a mother to Marie Louise and her younger sister, Anne Marie d'Orléans, who became later the Queen of Savoy and Sardinia. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, known as La Grande Mademoiselle, was the only daughter of Gaston d'Orléans with his first wife Marie de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier. Anne-Marie, 'bâtarde', la Grande Mademoiselle NOMPAR de CAUMONT La FORCE (born d'Orléans) was born on month day 1627, at birth place, to Gaston 'Monsieur' de France d'Orléans and Marie de France d'Orléans (born de Bourbon-Montpensier). Anne Marie Louise d’Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, (May 27, 1627 – April 5, 1693) known as La Grande Mademoiselle, was the only daughter of Gaston d’Orléans with his first wife Marie de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier. "Dieu soit loué, tout est fendu!" Clippings. A son retour, Anne-Marie-Louise rapporte dans ses Mémoires que son père se fond dans la foule de ses courtisans pour voir si elle le reconnaît et il est particulièrement ému que ce soit le cas. 760px. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess o Montpensier, "Granddochter o Fraunce" (29 Mey 1627 – 5 Aprile 1693) kent as La Grande Mademoiselle, wis the eldest dochter o Gaston d'Orléans, an his first wife Marie de Bourbon, Duchess o Montpensier.One o the greatest heiresses in history, she died unmairit an haed nae childer, leaving her vast fortune tae her cousin, Philippe o Fraunce. Anne Marie d'Orléans (27 August 1669 – 26 August 1728) was the first queen of Sardinia by marriage to Victor Amadeus II of Savoy.She served as regent of Savoy during the absence of her spouse in 1686 and during the War of the Spanish Succession. 300px. Season Two. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, (29 May 1627 – 5 April 1693) known as La Grande Mademoiselle, was the only daughter of Gaston d'Orléans with his first wife, Marie de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier.One of the greatest heiresses in history, she died unmarried and childless, leaving her vast fortune to her cousin, Philippe of France. All download options. Anna Maria Luisa d'Orléans, Duchessa di Montpensier (Parigi, 29 maggio 1627 – Parigi, 3 aprile 1693), nota come La Grande Mademoiselle, era la figlia maggiore di Gastone d'Orléans, e della sua prima moglie Maria di Borbone, Duchessa di Montpensier.Una delle più grandi ereditiere della storia, morì nubile e senza figli, lasciando la sua enorme fortuna a suo cugino, Filippo di Francia. File:Anne Marie d'Orléans, formerly identified with Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans - Prado.jpg; File:Presumed portrait of Mademoiselle de Montpensier by Gobert future queen of Spain.jpg (file redirect) When Princess Palatine meets Philippe for the first time, she wants to get to know Marie Louise and her little sister Anne Marie d‘Orléans. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, (27 May 1627 – 5 April 1693) known as La Grande Mademoiselle, was the eldest daughter of Gaston d'Orléans, and his first wife Marie de Bourbon, Duchess of Montpensier.One of the greatest heiresses in history, she died unmarried and childless, leaving her vast fortune to her cousin, Philippe of France. Lorsqu’Anne-Marie-Louise a 2 ans, le duc d’Orléans part en exil. Gaston d’Orléans the third son of King Henri IV of France and his wife Marie … Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, (29 May 1627 – 5 April 1693) known as La Grande Mademoiselle, was the eldest daughter of Gaston d'Orléans, and his first wife Marie de Bourbon. Christian Bouyer: La grande Mademoiselle. Division. She is also the younger sister of Marie Louise. Download Options. She is also an important figure in British history (see Jacobite Succession below). House: Bourbon Affiliations: Kingdom of France Kingdom of Sardinia TV Character Information First Episode: A Still Small Voice (mentioned) Anne Marie d’Orléans is a French princess and the second daughter ofPhilippe of France and his first wifeHenriette of England. Join Facebook to connect with Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans and others you may know. Sie war die Erbin des reichen Herzogtums Montpensier und nach dem Tode der Mutter nicht nur die wohlhabendste... Werke. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchess of Montpensier, (29 May 1627 – 5 April 1693) known as La Grande Mademoiselle, was the eldest daughter of Gaston d'Orléans, and his first wife Marie de Bourbon. Mai 1627 - 5. The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection. von Savoyen war sie Herzogin von Savoyen, von 1713 bis 1720 Königin von Sizilien und anschließend Königin von Sardinien. Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans is on Facebook. ), plánování trasy, GPS a mnoho dalšího na Mapa Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans (Socha) – detailní mapa okolí (základní, turistická, satelitní, panoramatická, atd. Copy. More Details Cite This Item Image ID 1805831. April 1693 in Paris), Herzogin von Montpensier, war als Tochter von Gaston, Herzog von Orléans, und von Marie de Bourbon, duchesse de Montpensier, eine Nichte Ludwigs XIII. Mercure de France, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-7152-2521-0. Literatur. Response de Madamoiselle ["sic"] [Anne-Marie-Louise d'Orléans, duchesse de Montpensier] à l'archiduc Léopold touchant le traitté de l'accommodement de la paix Le Tableau de l'honeste fille, ou l'art de la bien eslever à la vertu, aux sciences & aux exercices convenables à sa condition. Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans, Duchesse de (1627–1693)French heiress and participant in the Fronde who provided in her memoirs a personal account of the splendor of the courts of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. with Louise de BOURBON SOISSONS, born in 1603, deceased 9 September 1637 - Paris, 75, Paris, Île-de-France, France aged 34 years old. April 1693), bekannt als La Grande Mademoiselle , war die einzige Tochter von Gaston d'Orléans mit seiner ersten Frau Marie de Bourbon, Herzogin von Montpensier .Als eine der größten Erben der Geschichte starb sie unverheiratet und kinderlos und überließ ihr großes Vermögen ihrem Cousin Philippe von Frankreich . Marguerite Louise d'Orléans (28 iulie 1645 – 17 septembrie 1721) a fost Mare Ducesă de Toscana ca soție a lui Cosimo al III-lea de' Medici, Mare Duce de Toscana.Lipsită de iubitul ei, Carol al V-lea de Lorena, Marguerite Louise și-a disprețuit soțul și familia acestuia, cu care se certa deseori suspectându-i că încercă s-o otrăvească.
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