Preis 2,00 ... Truck & Trailer Tuning Pack 1.40. ETS2 Double Trailers For Cargo Allows double SCS trailers for cargo-carrying in areas outwith the base/DLC maps. Allows double SCS trailers for cargo-carrying in areas outwith the base/DLC maps. Wofür werden diese Mods verwendet: Euro Truck Simulator 2 und American Truck Simulator unterstützen Mods, die kostenlose Modifikationsdateien sind und als Addons dienen, um ein Spiel mit neuen Funktionen zu ändern. Choice number one is to use ETS2 wheels and tires for your ATS trailer (this way you only modify def files, you don't have to include ATS files for these in your mod). mods ↳ Introductions ↳ Off-topic ↳ Local language ↳ Deutsch ↳ Bugs melden ↳ Bugs Archiv Närko ETS2 ownable trailer mod with several options and trailer types. Euro Truck Simulator 2 gives you the chance to become a real truck driver from the comfort of your home! ets2_scs_double by Mr Larrington, on Flickr April 22, 2021. ETS2 - Feldbinder KIP Trailer Pack V1.4 (25.01.21) 1.39.x. The second is painted in different colors. Traffic Definitions 1.40. mods ↳ Other ATS mods ↳ ATS Map mods ↳ ATS Truck mods ↳ ATS Trailer mods ↳ ATS AI mods ↳ ATS Misc. ). Reefer Trailer Sound Addon Scs Trailers Only V1.0 ETS2 1.40. Meusburger Trailer 1.39 ETS2. ETS2 - Schwarzmuller Trailer Pack V1.0 (1.39.x) 2020-12-16 15:37:54 ETS2 Trailers 1.39.x 100 Download 769 Views Mod adds 2 Schwarzmuller trailers to game, for purchase in ownable. If you bored driving truck or missed relaxing drive, choose a car mod from this category and go on a journey. SCS TRAILER TUNING PACK v1. ETS2. Trailer Kassbohrer Fix 1.39 ETS2. Featuring licensed trucks with countless customization options and advanced driving physics, the game delivers an unparalleled driving experience which has put it in the spot of the most popular truck driving simulator on the market. – Zeichentabelle ADR – Schildertisch TIR – Schildertisch geschlossen Switch branches/tags. STANDALONE MOD. Features ETS2 Multiplayer Mod: No DLC Custom Skin For Single Trailer Metallic Skin For Single trailer Has B-Double And HCT Chassis Use HCT Chassis In All Cities Cargo Market Support. Changelog v1. Feste Beleuchtung für 1.40 Open Beta. For trailer you need this: Little tuning for Daf XF 105 and Daf Euro 6 I Love Dogs – ETS2 – Skin for standard scs box trailers. Trucks. ETS2 / ETS2 Trailer. Related Articles. Semi-trailer 1.2/Full-trailer addon 1.1 Changes: -New Thermoking Advancer series cooler units added. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, salah satu jenis ets2 mods adalah mod trailer atau container. Credits: Jazzycat. For lightbox you need:-Big lightbox by Davyberto-50k addons by 50k. Cement Mixer. Version 9.5.1 – pack adapted for patch 1.40.x Euro Truck Simulator 2 is decided for trucks but with mods, you can drive cars. ETS2 Ownable overweight trailer Broshuis mod Standalone Advanced coupling Cables simulation Customisable 3 axles 50 overweight cargo Tested on version 1.38.x Models by Giants Software, Weltenbauer Software, Visual Imagination, PlayWay SA, Cape, Code Horizon Version 1.2.4 – adapted for Euro Truck Simulator 2 patch 1.38.x Credits: Jazzycat DOWNLOAD -material errors fixed If you like to support my work, consider donating: More … arrow_downward Available cargoes. SCS TRAILER TUNING PACK v1.8.2 ETS2. Hat diesen Trailer besitzbar gemacht. Laden Sie hier den kleinen Mod herunter und platzieren Sie ihn über dem Trailer im Mod-Manager: Es gibt einige Fehler wie eine falsche Radposition nach dem Anpassen, daher habe ich jede Grundhaut auf dem Markt erstellt. REQUIRES JAZZYCAT’S TRAILERS & CARGO MOD AND THE ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC MOD. DOWNLOAD trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v9.5_part1.7z – 902.0 MB. Nothing to show {{ refName }} default View all branches. Euro Truck Simulation 2 is one of the bests simulation game. Kamaz 5490 Neo / 65206 v 1.40.x Supported game versions: ETS2 – (1.40.x) Funny rear Banners for Trailers […] ETS2 - Ownable Overweight Trailer Kassbohrer LB4E (1.40.x) 2021-03-31 13:01:06 ETS2 Trailers 1.40.x 45 Download 142 Views Version 1.1.5 - Pack adapted for patch 1.40.x -2 Trailer-Scania S by Eugene-4500mm Chassis-4700mm Chassis-Front Deflector-Two type lightbox _____ RECOMENDED mod’s. ETS2 New Owned Trailers (1.32) Skinning Tutorial - YouTube Aug 17, 2018 . Ets2 trailer slots 4/2021 [ACHTUNG] Forum Light slots Forum Steam Workshop::SCS. Hybrid Trailers List: Box (Curtain, Refrigerator) Flatbed Gooseneck(Container) Log(Carrying wood) Version 1.1 Changelog: ETS2 Double Trailers For Cargo. Lagi – lagi karena memang dinegara mereka trailer menjadi sarana transportasi yang sudah sangat umum digunakan. Für ETS2 Version 1.40 Schnellansicht. Version 9.5: Added new overweight cargo (different big tanks for liquids and gases) Category: ETS2 Trailer . You can go two ways. TruckSimulator December 18, 2018. 31.03.2019 Kraker design tuned 28.09.2019 — Posting in mod you have some 2, so we started know of a similar public mods and 1 x Chassi upgrade the Mods forum (ATS restricted to sharing free-to-the- SCS Trailer Tuning Pack &Lights #OstwaldTuningFrankfurt. Branches Tags. Kamion King, Basic Xpress Llc Skins V1.0 ATS 1.39. For truck you need:-Next Generation Scania P G R S by Eugene-Rigid Chassis Addon for Eugene’s Scania NG by Kast. Trailer for the transport of equipment to the property Standalone, sold as a separate slot It is painted There is a tuning Own cargo (various equipment) Supported game versions: ETS2 – (1.39.x) ETS2 Trailers gallery. trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v9.5_part2.scs trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v9.5_part3.scs trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v9.5_eng.scs. Adds SCS concrete mixer trailer in traffic plus the yellow version in the freight market. ETS2 - Trailers and Cargo Pack V9.5 (1.39.x) 2021-02-27 13:00:49 ETS2 Trailers 1.39.x 82 Download 396 Views. Secara umum memang ets2 trailer ownership mods ini lebih cenderung diminati oleh para pemain dari benua Eropa. ETS2 / ETS2 Trailer. Meusburger Anhänger Hexenladung Getestet am 1.39. February 7, 2021. MARKER: – Noch mehr Lichter und hintere Schlitze. Changelog v1.8.2 CHASSIS: – 3 Achsen, ausziehbar, 20 Fuß Chassis – 3 Achsen, ausziehbar, 2×20 Fuß Chassis – 3 Achsen, ausziehbar, 40 Fuß Chassis. Pegaso Troner V1.1.1 ETS2 1.40. February 8, 2021. Description: An adapted version of the NEFAZ... 0. ↳ Other ETS2 mods ↳ ETS2 Map mods ↳ ETS2 Truck mods ↳ ETS2 Trailer mods ↳ ETS2 AI mods ↳ ETS2 Misc. Autor: adver. MBAerodynamic Trailer for ETS2 GPL-3.0 License 0 stars 0 forks Star Notifications Code; Issues 0; Pull requests 0; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights; master. Changelog v1.8.3.2 INFORMATION: – Überarbeitete Markierungen für Schmitz Reefer Trailer "Ownable, Traffic & Quick Jobs" – viele neue kleine Lichter hinzugefügt – Überarbeiteter Containeranhänger beschattet Material 2021-01-26 08:40:12 ETS2 Trailers 1.39.x 73 Download 407 Views. Changelog: Added more companies from RttBS to silo freight market Separated cargo definitions to avoid redefinition errors Added more freight One with two different skins. Brick Trailer arrow_downward Available paints. ETS2 – Schmitz S.ko Express With Folding Wall V1.4 (1.32.X) Rework of the stand-alone (1.23) Schmitz S.KO Folding Wall Box trailer by RommiTZ, adds support for all current game features.… ZEICHEN: – Zeichentabelle A. Euro truck simulator 2 mods, ets2 mods, 1.35, 1.36, 1.37, ets2 1.38. New version 1.4 released today. 0. Glowing skin for scs box trailers – Lady Skin for Scania S + scs standard box trailers Volvo Yellow-Black standard Skin FH16 2012 + standard scs box trailers. 0 1 . – Trailer axle animation – Can be dyed – Kassbohrer Skin – Led, Mat and Turkish flag on back Trailer WORKS at 1.38 1.39 1.40. Aktuelle NEWS zum Euro Truck Simulator 2 hier Chris Maximus. Download best ETS2 Trailers Mods added for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game. ETS2 Trailer Mods. Cement Mixer Adds SCS concrete mixer trailer in traffic plus the yellow version in the freight market. STANDALONE MOD. DOWNLOAD trailers… STANDALONE MOD. SCHMITZ CARGOBULL 1.39 – 1.40 BETA. To do this, locate the ETS2 def folder and navigate to where you find trailer wheels and tires (or work from an ETS2 trailer mod - hint! Description: Added new skins Made a better... 0. Mod Trailer Ets2. Trailers And Cargo Pack By Jazzycat V9.5.1 mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. You can’t transport cargo with a car, but you can enjoy driving in very detailed ETS2 world. Bussbygg Semi/Long Dolly Trailer V2.0 ETS2 1.40. owned trailers ? TRAILER NEFAZ 93341 1.32 -1.39. Face Off V1.4 ETS2 1.40. ETS2 – Own Trailer From Russian Open Spaces (1.33.x) Two standalone trailers. This is a tutorial on how to skin the new Owned Trailers available for ETS2 update 1.32. Various trailers models for ETS2 players like Dump trailers, Heavy Cargo, Overweight, Log Trailers, Krone trailers, Containers, Schmitz trailers and much more.
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