Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Use these last few weeks of pregnancy to prepare for your little one’s arrival. Here are the essential items to stock up on before baby’s arrival. I allow myself way more carbs than someone actually on the keto diet would ever consider eating, but still few enough to not cause any spikes in blood sugar. This averages out to about $32/week. Pancakes freeze quickly, and a piece of parchment or waxed paper in between them will keep them from sticking together. The stew is still vibrant and hearty thanks to the beef stock and potatoes. This meal can be frozen before cooking, or after. Wrap individually and store in a gallon freezer bag to freeze. Baking it in a pan lined with foil can make everything from prep to freezing a breeze. October 2020 Recipes. Simply toss the ingredients in a Zip-loc bag, label and place in the freezer. RELATED: 10 Healthy Snacks Your Picky Toddler Will Love. November 7, 2014 , In: Mains, Recipes, With: No Comments. My hope is that with a freezer stocked full of healthy dinners, I won’t have the urge to order pizza when things get stressful. One of the perks of GD is a really healthy diet. For anyone interested in the specific recipes I meal prepped, here they are: Pork Chops with Apples and Sweet Potatoes, Your email address will not be published. Once the baby arrives, you’ll probably have friends and family bring over food for awhile, but that eventually comes to an end! After shredding, portion it out and freeze with a bit of broth to keep the meat moist during reheating. Okay, to be fair, most new parents already have these on hand. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. So healthy in fact, I haven’t gained a single pound my entire 3rd trimester (don’t worry- I had some lbs to spare and baby girl is growing just fine). Individual burritos can be wrapped in parchment paper and frozen in a zipper bag. Another cold-weather favorite, chili is as universal as it is delicious. My Meal Prep for Baby’s Arrival. Or reheat in the microwave until warmed throughout. Lasagna is a classic freezer meal. This meatloaf from Autoimmune Wellness combines shredded zucchini, carrots, and onions with ground beef in a loaf that is both healthy and filling. Triple Berry “Lactation” Waffles (Great for breastfeeding moms and high in galactagogues that help with milk production !) I didn’t think I would do much meal prep this time around. The arrival of a new baby can be both exciting and financially overwhelming. If you’re expecting a baby and all the cuteness, mayhem and visitors that come with your new arrival, cooking up a storm might not be the first thing on your agenda. Frozen veggies make this hearty meal even more comfortable to put together. Once you have the baby, friends and family will often drop off meals to lighten your load... Have Hospital and Doctor’s Phone #s Handy. Being well organised now will make things easier for you and your family when your baby does put in … Since I know this about myself, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how I can continue a healthy diet without having to go to the extremes of GD/Keto. For the most part, these meals are casseroles that only need to be warmed or crock-pot meals that need to be thawed and tossed in the crock-pot the morning of. While there was a bit of legwork involved in the planning and preparation of so many meals, it offered peace of mind. Having a stash of prepared protein on hand that is pre-shredded can make preparing stir-fry, tacos, enchiladas, soups, or wraps super simple for moms with one free hand. It really didn’t take long at all. Send a Meal has new parent meals that deliver in convenient containers that … I get quite a bit of satisfaction from opening our freezer and seeing a months worth of dinners. This recipe from Delish calls for red wine but skips the flour. Our baby registry checklist and roundup of the best baby products will help you understand your options and make decisions about what's important. 6 oz tomato paste. This step is all about apples- we will puree half of our apples for the oatmeal bites and the chicken … I also completely cut sugar out of my diet with the exception of a half a banana here or there. Chili can be made without beans if that's your preference, or without meat, if mom is a vegetarian. Some ideas include: Overnight Oats – I’ve made these so many times, I can basically make them in my sleep! Once thawed, cook in a large pot on medium heat for 10 minutes, until heated through. Program them into your phone, so when you go into labor, … Top with hot chili and shredded cheese. I split the actual meal prep process up over a couple of days. I find it easy to have such a strict diet when there is a forcing function. After a baby is born, life becomes full of activity, so it's important to practice some self-care by preparing meals for yourself ahead of time. Chicken with fajita spices, bell peppers, and onions is an excellent freezer meal that can top a salad, fill a wrap, or spice up a breakfast scramble. A tiny new baby can mean big changes and major expenses for new parents. Salsa and Greek yogurt make an excellent dressing option. It seems like the trend is to pick 4-5 meals and just make a bunch of them. Often, cooking a protein is the most trying part of making a meal. 2 jalapeños (remove seeds to make less spicy) 2 bell peppers, chopped. Unfortunately, that’s what we had to do because we hadn’t thought of making a pre-baby grocery list (first time parent problems). I fell into that category of never having lost the last 10 lbs of baby weight before getting pregnant again. After a lot of internal debate, I decided the best thing to do is to simply try to stick to a healthy diet. You may have heard how sanity-saving it is to prep your freezer ahead of baby’s arrival. Adding in some diced tomatoes with green chilis is a delicious way to spice it up. But in between the muslins, nappies and blankets, a batch of homemade, ready-prepared meals can make those early days much easier. Un-paper Towels: Because Who Can Find Paper Towels, Anyway. To save on dishes (and because I only have a couple casserole dishes), I ordered these foil pans with lids for prepped meals. 2 cups cherry tomatoes. When turning it into a meal, add a vegetable and a sauce for an easy option. For an added nutritional boost, try topping it with mashed sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. Serve this stew with a simple salad for a well-rounded meal that's good enough for company. 11. With all this in mind, I compiled a list of freezer-friendly dinner recipes that I thought would last us approximately a month. If you’re the sole meal preparer in your household, I highly recommend meal prepping in this manner. I spent about an hour each day prepping. RELATED: 10 Easy Snack Ideas For New Moms. Because we live far from family, this is especially important. DO make it easier for friends and family to help feed you. Another fast meal idea that I defer to a lot is a quick stir fry. Then, I made my grocery list and hit up my local Aldi (if you’re on the fence about trying Aldi, I highly suggest you grab a quarter and some reusable bags and give it a try). Thanks for the reminder that I need to get on the ball preparing food before baby comes (only 2 weeks until I’m considered “full term”!!) 0 Make Ahead Parmesan Chicken Cutlets from Bon Appetit. Hi guys! Cooking the meat in a slow cooker with broth ensures that it stays tender. If the meat is necessary for lasagna in the new mom's household, adding it is is simple, but leave the spinach. Shepherd's pie is the perfect combination of protein, veggies, and luscious potatoes to keep new moms fed on busy days. Pancakes are a breakfast staple, but most contain refined carbohydrates and sugar. I was able to easily label each dish and they stacked nicely in the freezer (once frozen). No one will know that fiber-boosting veggies are hiding inside. All you need for preparing for your baby’s arrival: a one-stop shopping and registry experience, plus great advice on buying baby gear, nursery room essentials. It fuels your mind and productivity to be ready for anything life will throw at you. These pancakes from Lichen Paleo, Loving AIP, are a healthy and protein-packed twist on a breakfast favorite. I assume this works for some people, but I get bored. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tired moms can use reheated chili to top vegetable "chips" or as a filling for Taco Tuesday. The longer meals were the ones that needed to be pre-cooked and then frozen. 1 lb hamburger. The meals are incredibly easy to prepare, deliver fast, healthy and delicious. So, I don’t think this ended up costing us any extra and depending on how we shop for breakfast, lunch and snacks after the baby is born, we may end up saving money. Zucchini slice. I could also prep double of whatever I was making for dinner and freeze one meal. Preparing for Baby’s Arrival With Quick & Easy Dinners. Since I’m so self-aware, I decided the best thing to do to help control my post-baby diet, is to meal prep.
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