* Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. Below you will find a list of religious festivals during each month (and a short description). Apart from that, you have the option to … JUNE 2021 Image above: The Empire Windrush ship bought people from the Carribbean to the UK 16 Guru Arjan Martyrdom (Sikh) 22 Summer Solstice/Litha (Wicca/Pagan) National Windrush Day The day honours the British Caribbean community, and the half a million people who travelled to the UK after the Second World War. Here on eBay, you can find a wide variety of high quality printed calendars on offer, ranging from fine art and high-class photography to your favourite sports teams. London events: May 2021. Calendars are a great way to keep on track of upcoming events, birthdays, and to avoid double booking your next evening out. Thank you for choosing us for your February 2021 Calendar needs. So, we have put together a comprehensive list of all the key retail dates that your business must know when creating a marketing calendar for the new year. You can add 2020 - 2021 holidays of any country and the week number to your calendar while generating it. Lent begins in March in 2021 for those Orthodox Christians who follow different customs with their calendars. The 2021 Multicultural Calendar is titled "Embracing our Differences". View, download, sync and embed the awareness calendar with the Awareness Days toolkit. Events in May 2021. Events in June 2021. 2021 Interfaith Calendar Note: 1. Acknowledging those common values can see us through our challenges today as we work toward what needs to … ... from culture and sports, to food and theatre. Updated regularly. Inclusion Calendar 2021 This online calendar, produced in partnership with Diversiton, is for individual CIPD members’ own personal use and highlights over 240 important dates including holy days, religious festivals, health and well-being awareness days, special events and bank holidays. Scenes in the Square at Leicester Square. To raise awareness about the importance of intercultural dialogue, diversity and culture. 1 . Coventry City of Culture 2021 programme highlights announced. 21 Mar 2021: Cultural Diversity Week, Victoria - TBC: Cultural Diversity Week features a program of festivals and events highlighting Victoria’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity. With many sporting, musical and cultural events being re-scheduled for the new year, 2021 is looking jam-packed! A complete month-by-month calendar of annual events including holidays, celebrations, festivals, religious occasions, special days, awareness days, weeks and months as well as special one-off events, UK and global festivities and historical commemorations. To understand how Christians celebrate Easter SUMMER TERM 2021 May 9th-15th Christian Aid Week Spiritual Moral Social Cultural To join the fight against poverty around the world. 2021 religious festivals. Calendar Club offer the UK’s largest range of organisers, with over 6,500 Calendars, Diaries & Planners, as well as beautiful and practical Gift Ideas from Stationery to Books. Our February 2021 Calendar is … Please email equality@ljmu.ac.uk Get your diary in order with a new calendar. ... 2021 bodybuilding calendar uk, 2021 first timers show dates, bodybuilding shows uk 2021, fit x show dates 2021, miami pro show dates 2021… January 2021. 4th – PCA (PHYSICAL CULTURE ASSOCIATION ) First timers – Venue TBC. De Montfort University is proud to announce Cultural eXchanges Festival is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year! Coventry City of Culture Trust has launched its Delegates Office. So for you, we have provided the UK calendar 2021, which helps you to plan your trip and schedule accordingly. Within the above calendar you can also click on the month to see the month calendar for 2021 including all holidays and week numbers. 2021 - 2022. Mary, Mother of God - Catholic Christian; Feast Day of St Basil - Orthodox Christian; Shogatsu/Gantan-sai (New Years) - Shinto This information has been compiled by the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education, and is used with permission.Religious festival calendars are available to purchase in a range of formats from the Shap website. Our shared values define us more than our differences. Welcome back to Cultural eXchanges Festival 2021. When you are planning ahead for the new year, it can be helpful to think around the cultural, religious and community-focused events that might affect your schedule.
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