It's a key element in our sustainability framework, which outlines how our company protects people and the world around us, both now and in the future. But we did not stop there. Nun bin ich ja von Natur aus ein wenig neugierig, hab mal rei… We have made it our mission to make life easier, better and safer for everyone. Reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero is a bold target that we aim to achieve. Watch this video to learn more. By continually learning and innovating we aim to put an end to fatalities and severe injuries on the roads. The insights we gain allow us to constantly develop new, world-first safety technologies and be obe of the industry leaders. We will address intoxication and distraction via in-car cameras that watch over the driver. We study them by running countless computer simulations, as well as physical crash tests at our state-of-the-art Volvo Cars Safety Centre. Their objective is to devise new ways to make driving safer and thereby eliminate traffic accidents completely by 2020. Zu den Projektpartnern zählen Volvo Cars, AB Volvo, AF (Sensorfusion-Entwicklung), HiQ (Sensorfusion-Entwicklung, Risikobewertung), Mecel (Sensorlieferant) und Chalmers (Sensorfusion-Entwicklung, Anpassung). If you would like to find out more about new Volvo safety innovations or inquire about new Volvo models, please feel free to reach out. Recently, Volvo Cars CEO, Håkan Samuelsson, made the unequivocal statement: “Our Vision is that by 2020, nobody should be seriously injured or killed in a new Volvo car.” Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO, Volvo Cars Every time a serious accident involving a Volvo occurs within a 60 mile radius of Göteborg, Sweden, the Traffic Accident Research Team is alerted via the official emergency switchboard - day or night. From the very outset Volvo Cars has been a brand for people who care about the world we live in and the people around us. Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO, Volvo Cars. At Volvo Cars, we don't accept that globally 1.3 million people should die every year in road traffic accidents. Marketing works because people have too much information to process and they latch on to information they hear repeatedly rather than working through all the facts. More specifically, our safety experts have identified three ‘gaps to zero’ that we will address striving for our Safety Vision. Vision 2020 is about reducing the number of people that are seriously injured or killed in road traffic accidents to zero. For a better future. And, realizing that technology alone will not get us there, we have expanded our scope to also focus on human behaviour. Volvo’s Vision 2020 initiative states that by 2020, no one will be killed or critically injured in a new Volvo car. The most famous invention is the three-point safety belt introduced in 1959, estimated to have saved over a million lives since. Encouraging better behaviour for safer roads, Volvo Cars will limit the top speed to 180 kph. We want to provide you with the freedom to move in a personal, sustainable and safe way. In recent years, with the advance of cameras and sensors, we have added active safety features like the City Safety with Autobrake technology, which helps avoiding and mitigating accidents inside and outside the city. Receive Price Alert emails when price changes, new offers become available or a vehicle is sold. visit the international brand website. Our vision describes where we want to be in the future. Themenstarter am 26. Habe heute eine Mail von Volvo bekommen und ganz unten war ein Link zum Thema "Vision 2020" drin. We have invented some of the most important innovations in the history of car safety – including the three-point safety belt – saving over a million lives in the process. Volvo Group Vision Statement. Volvo Vision Statement. "Our vision is that by 2020 no one should be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car." Volvo is known for being “the car company that builds safe cars”. Contact Us. While we have come a long way, there are still a few obstacles on the road to zero fatalities in our cars. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars’ philosophy and Vision 2020 is our commitment to saving lives. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars’ philosophy and Vision 2020 is our commitment to saving lives. Volvo Vision 2020 Volvo Vision 2020 Our Vision is that no one is killed or injured in a Volvo in the year 2020 2020/ The Challenges of the vision •Only 11 years of development left •Two vehicle generations •We are facing a step learning curve in the development of preventative safety systems •Further development still needed for protective safety Interested in our products, In some ways, the Safety Moment event was an anticipated one, considering the closing in of the deadline for Volvo’s Vision 2020 — a bold commitment to reduce the number of deaths or serious injuries in accidents involving Volvo cars to zero. By continually learning and innovating we aim to put an end to fatalities and severe injuries on the roads. We are continually working on technology to make future vehicles safer still. - Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO, Volvo Cars. The aspirations are there to guide us on our journey. Our cars are packed with advanced passive safety features, such as airbags, safety cages and crumple zones. The Volvo Safety Vision 2020 stands out by bringing high-end luxury features and a couple of distinctive engines to this sometimes price-conscious class. Volvo erprobt derzeit einen Sensor, der die Augenbewegungen des Fahrers beobachtet und damit erkennen kann, ob der Fahrer müde oder unaufmerksam ist. Redesigned just last year, the Volvo Safety Vision 2020 is one of the newer entries on this phase. Es steht im Einklang mit der Volvo Vision 2020 und legt den Schwerpunkt auf Techniken zur Verringerung von Unfallrisiken für Pkw und Nutzfahrzeuge. Dieses System markiere einen Schritt in Richtung Vision 2020, nach der ab dem Jahr 2020 niemand mehr in einem neuen Volvo bei einem Verkehrsunfall getötet oder schwer verletzt werden soll. And there’s more to come. To be the most desired and successful transport solution provider in the world. We also actively share the knowledge we gather, to the benefit of society as a whole. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars' philosophy and Vision 2020 is our commitment to saving lives. Have leading customer satisfaction for all brands in their segments: The only true measure of success is customer satisfaction. It's a key element in our sustainability framework, which outlines how our company protects people and the world around us, both now and in the future. While we are proud of what we have achieved so far, we are not satisfied yet. Our cars are packed with advanced features that will help us achieve Vision 2020. Ein Vorgabe des Automobilherstellers, von Volvo-Chef Hakan Samuelsson formuliert, lautete: „Unsere Vision ist, dass bis 2020 niemand mehr in einem neuen Volvo schwer oder tödlich verletzt wird.“ “Regardless of what drives a car forward, be it an electric machine or combustion engine, a Volvo must be safe,” says Malin Ekholm. Continuing this history, Volvo Vision 2020 seeks to dramatically reduce the number of people that die or are seriously injured in automobile accidents to zero. Just like its mission statement, Volvo Group’s vision statement is also short and generic which does not successfully express the future the company envisions for itself. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars' philosophy and Vision 2020 is our commitment to saving lives. Volvo erprobt derzeit einen Sensor, der die Augenbewegungen des Fahrers beobachtet und damit erkennen kann, ob der Fahrer müde oder unaufmerksam ist. September 2012 um 22:20. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars’ philosophy and this is our commitment to saving lives. Our Safety Vision is one of the most ambitious safety visions in the automotive industry. Diese Technik ist eine von vielen Initiativen, mit denen sich Volvo dem Unternehmensziel für 2020, der Vision 2020, nähert: dass niemand mehr in einem neuen Volvo schwer verletzt oder getötet wird. Schedule Service Log In. - Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO, Volvo Cars Aiming for zero Volvo Cars' Safety Vision is about reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero. It is rooted in our leadership in safety and the fact that everything we do starts with protecting the people inside and around our cars. All these and other safety technologies are the result of our data- and science-driven approach to technology development. Find out more about the Volvo commitment to safety through Vision 2020 at Volvo Cars of Cary. September 2012 um 9:34. Volvo Group Annual Report 2019. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars' philosophy and this is our commitment to saving lives. Working towards them ensures that we are on the right track. Since our foundation in 1927, we have invented some of the most important breakthroughs in car safety. Hallo liebe Gemeinde, By continually learning and innovating we aim to put an end to fatalities and severe injuries on the roads. At Volvo Cars, we don't accept that globally 1.3 million people should die every year in road traffic accidents. Volvo Vision 2020 "Our vision is that no one should be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car." Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars' philosophy and Vision 2020 is our commitment to saving lives. Make the most of your shopping experience by creating an account. Our methods are unique and far-reaching, combining exhaustive research, computer simulations and thousands of crash tests with data from real-life collisions to make us world leaders in safety. Our aim is that no one should be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo. Vision 2020 is our way of creating more sustainable personal transport. Vision 2020 - The Volvo Brand's Approach to a Safer Driving Environment. Vision 2020 is our way of creating more sustainable personal transport. Reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero is a bold target that we aim to achieve. We are also looking at how smart speed control and geofencing technology could automatically limit speeds around schools and hospitals in future. If a clearly intoxicated or distracted driver does not respond to warning signals and is risking an accident that might result in serious injury or death, the car will intervene by slowing down and parking safely. The well-being of drivers is a top priority for Volvo. Volvo Vision 2020 "Our vision is that no one should be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car." We constantly collect and analyse accident data: our database contains information on tens of thousands of real-world accidents. Knowledge is the key. Protecting and caring for people is at the heart of Volvo Cars' philosophy and this is our commitment to saving lives. Volvo XC60 D. jl1. Volvo 2020 Vision Volvo and the Environment Customer Reviews Showroom Hours. Volvo Cars' Safety Vision is about reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero. Aiming for zero Volvo Cars' Safety Vision is about reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero. By continually learning and innovating we aim to put an end to fatalities and severe injuries on the roads. With this program, we're demonstrating our commitment to protect what matters most, people. Volvo's Vision 2020 "Our vision is that no one should be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car." Volvo's "Vision 2020" Volvo's "Vision 2020" 19 Antworten Neuester Beitrag am 28. Aiming for Zero Volvo Cars' Safety Vision is about reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero. Knowledge is the key. Neue Sensorsysteme machen das Autofahren in Zukunft noch sicherer. Das ist ein mehr als spannendes Statement des schwedischen Herstellers, da nur ausgereifte Assistenzsysteme und eine extrem sichere Karosserie den Weg zu dieser “Vision 2020” ebnen. Bis zum Jahr 2020 soll kein Mensch mehr in einem Volvo getötet oder ernsthaft verletzt werden. That is why the company employs only the best and brightest engineers on its team. Copyright © 2021 Volvo Car Corporation (or its affiliates or licensors). Simply contact us so we can arrange a test drive or discuss the new Volvo … Knowledge is the key. Vision 2020 was a way to double-down on that differentiation. You can: Access your saved cars on any device. Volvo Cars' Safety Vision is about reducing the number of people that die or are seriously injured in road traffic accidents to zero. Volvo arbeitet bereits seit Jahren an der sogenannten Vision 2020. To send a strong signal about the dangers of speeding, we will limit the top speed on all its cars to 180 kph from 2020.
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