It’s therefore also about fate and coincidences .It evokes the fantasy of the perfect person (for that particular moment in your life) just coming up to you (she doesn’t give you time for questions as she locks up your arms in hers and you follow till your sense of which direction completely disappears) and taking control of your life and taking you to a place which your decision making would never take you to. They were happy to help him, for a price. "Year of the Cat" is a story song. From there he went on to adopt and raise Dachshunds and race them in Octoberfest wiener dog races and lived happily ever after, until he died and discovered that he had to live 8 more lives, cleaning litter boxes. Auf finden Sie eine Zusammenstellung der meisten Abkürzungen die es gibt. I always thought that this song was about a girl in a multicolored silk dress, who owned a cat, but didn't want to change the kitty litter because she was afraid that it would mess up her dress. div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) At the time of the song's release, the most recent Year of the Rabbit had been 11 February 1975 to 30 January 1976; thus, the song was recorded in the Vietnamese Year of the Cat. Geschiedenis. Year of the Cat è un singolo del cantautore britannico Al Stewart, pubblicato nel luglio 1976 come primo estratto dal settimo album Year of the Cat. Its sales helped by the hit single "Year of the Cat", co-written by Peter Wood and described by AllMusic as "one of those 'mysterious woman' songs", the album was a top five hit in the United States. Year of the Cat - Al Stewart. Der kostenlose Service von Google übersetzt in Sekundenschnelle Wörter, Sätze und Webseiten zwischen Deutsch und über 100 anderen Sprachen. This is where it all started with Al for me. It corresponds to that of the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. By the time he wakes up he realizes the plane has gone and will not be back for some considerable time. Parsons had Phil Kenzie add the saxophone part of the song—and by doing so transformed the original folk concept into the jazz-influenced ballad that put Al Stewart onto the charts. SKU: MN0044832 You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre. According to Stewart on an episode of In the Studio with Redbeard (which devoted an episode to the making of the Year of the Cat album), Phil Kenzie was watching a movie and didn't want to be bothered with going to do session work; but as a favour to Alan Parsons he went to Abbey Road, and the sax solos were recorded in one or two takes, after which Kenzie left the studio to go back home and watch the rest of his movie. stemming. He claims he knew a good song title when he saw it. 1975, the year before the … It was the Year of the Cat tour. In the UK, where the single had been overlooked on its original July 1976 release, it gained renewed interest which was evident in a Top 40 chart entry although interest levelled off outside the Top 30 with a number 31 peak in January 1977. Stewartin varhaistuotannon folk rock-tyylin sijaan albumi edustaa 1970-luvun lopulla suosittua progressiivista popia ja oli eräs tyylilajia määrittäneistä albumeista.. Albumi menestyi hyvin erityisesti Yhdysvalloissa, missä se oli parhaimmillaan listojen viidentenä. 6) and New Zealand (no. As he wanders, he sees a beautiful, mysterious girl. var opts = { 9. She'll just tell you that she came. artist: "Al Stewart", This was the start of some great albums that followed. 15). Textstellen wie On a morning from a Bogart movie…’ machen das ziemlich deutlich. 3), Italy (no. I had never previously heard of Al Stewart. 2. The significant lyric being “you have thrown away your choice and lost your ticket”. During one stop, he and his fellow tourists get to look around at a marketplace or bazaar. The references to a Bogart movie and Peter Lorre seem to strongly suggest Casablanca (Bogart and Lorre starred in a famous movie of that name, and it was set in the Moroccan city of, you guessed it, Casablanca). Stewart asked if he could add words to the notes, but the pianist said no. As it is, it is a mid-pace soft rock ballad, with crystal clear percussion and a plaintive, "serious and thoughtful" vocal delivery. Jetzt das Profil mit allen Daten, Fakten und Statistiken einsehen bei Deutscher Galopp. Sogar Peter Lorre, der im Film Signor Ugarte spielt, wird im Lied erwähnt. During which AL Stewart explained the meaning of the Year of the Cat and indeed many of his other songs. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. I get taken away deep by this song. Both are metaphorical stories that take place while traveling through an exotic desert land. He learns that she's not an Arab or a native of the Middle East herself- she came there herself from somewhere far away, in "The Year of the Cat." Translation of 'Year of the Cat' by Al Stewart (Alastair Ian Stewart) from English to German Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 After a night of passion, he realized that the tourist bus left with his passport and all of his money so he had to seek help from the officials at the embassy. It's a story about a musician whose life is always on the road with music drums still beating in his head from the night before. ("you've thrown away your choice and lost your ticket, so you have to stay on") One of the most asked questions on when looking at the Vietnamese zodiac is: Why is there a cat instead of a rabbit? His life has changed. Here are some possible ex… "Year of the Cat" is a story song. Das Lied wurde gemäß Sänger und Textschreiber Al Stewart zum Teil von dem Spielfilm Casablanca (1942) inspiriert. He wants to leave the road but for now he is obligated to stay. To have Modern Times and Year of the Cat on one album is a gift. Eventually, they spend hours making passionate love. This was to be one of the most memorable concerts I ever attended. [20], This article is about the Al Stewart song. Al Stewart (2010) Al Stewart (* 5. A cover version by F. R. David appeared on the 1999 album Words – '99 Version. It sounds by the title as if it should be a Steeleye Span or Fairport Convention song. This song reminds me of Hotel California. Year Of The Cat "Lord Grenville" is a mysterious song. Year of the Cat is the seventh studio album by Al Stewart, released in 1976. It features some excellent guitar. song: "Year of the Cat", The Heroine of the story (pun intended)delights the senses and holds the traveler in her clutches ("you know sometime you're bound to leave her, but for now you're gonna stay")and the famous("you can check out any time you like..but you can never leave"). Hector recorded the song with his own Finnish lyrics as "Kissojen Yö" on his 1978 album Kadonneet Lapset. Du weißt, dass du sie eines Tages verlassen wirst. Stewart also told Redbeard that he didn't like the sax solos at first but grew to like them. At the time of t… })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One Saturday evening in 1978 whilst studying at Leeds University Al Stewart was due to play in the refectory. The song reached number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100 in March 1977. translation and definition "Year of the Cat", English-French Dictionary online. On a morning from a Bogart movie. Listening to a nice song relaxed me in those days! It corresponds to that of the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. … While crossing the river on the water buffalo, the scheming rat pushed the cat into the river to ensure its place at the top of the list. /* TFP - lyricinterpretations */ They are heartbroken in the end. Although Stewart's highest charting single on that chart was 1978's "Time Passages",[3] "Year of the Cat" has remained Stewart's signature recording, receiving regular airplay on both classic rock and folk rock stations. Stewart incorporated the notes into the melodic line of "The Year of the Cat" anyway.[5]. Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in G Major (transposable). The song is mainly written in E minor/G major, with the electric guitar solo in the bridge in D major. Co-written by Peter Wood, "Year of the Cat" is a narrative song written in the second person whose protagonist, a tourist, is visiting an exotic market when a mysterious silk-clad woman appears and takes him away for a gauzy romantic adventure. I think of a man or a woman being distracted by the opposite sex. Year Of The Cat. Im Jahr der Katze. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. [4] It was the melody for this never-recorded song to which Stewart set the lyrics of "Year of the Cat" in 1975. Stewart explained Wood's involvement in the creation of "Year of the Cat" during a concert in Edmonds, Washington, during November 2017. On waking the next day beside her, the tourist realises, with equanimity, that his tour bus has left without him and he has lost his ticket. Ever since then the cat and the rat have been mortal enemies. Another version of the song, also performed by Stewart, appears on Volume 1 of the Cities 97 Sampler. Auch im Text des Titellieds Year of the Cat geht es hauptsächlich um eine Frau. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "year cat" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Example sentences with "Year of the Cat", translation memory. I was into astrology but never tried to figure it out! Year of the Cat (geboren 2008 in FR) ist ein Hengst v. Footstepsinthesand (GB) aus der Alta Lena (FR). In Vietnamese astrology, the Year of the Cat is also called the Year of the Rabbit - it comes every 12 Years and it is supposed to be a stress-free year. Incense always fill the air. Completely disappears. I always liked it! Doch vorerst wirst du bleiben. So, even though he knows he must return home somehow, someday... for now, he's stuck there in this Middle Eastern nation with this mysterious seductress. 5), the Netherlands (no. The Cat is one of the twelve signs of the Vietnamese zodiac. Since the end of potash production in 1992, the plant has profited from its long years of relations with customers and suppliers: A manufacturer of cat litter, who used to obtain a raw material from Salzdetfurth, decided to transfer his production to Salzdetfurth after his application to expand production capacity at his old location was turned down. And you follow till your sense of which direction. Peter Lorre was a criminal. 13), Belgium/Flemish Region (no. The song is the title track of his 1976 album Year of the Cat, and was recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, in January 1976 by engineer Alan Parsons. adunit_id: 100001411, By the blue tiled walls near the market stalls. "On The Border" begins with Elton John-esque "Funeral For A Friend"-style piano before the song moves into a Spanish … After this ordeal, he decided that international travel was off for him during the year of the horse, snake, dragon, ox, and, well, he decided to stay at home from then on. Schlenderst du durch die Menge wie Peter Lorre, der ein Verbrechen ausheckt. For the Lemonheads song, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Year Of The Cat – Record Collector Magazine", CONCERT REVIEW: AL STEWART BRINGS HIS ‘YEAR OF THE CAT’ TOUR TO EDMONDS, – Al Stewart – Year of the Cat", "Image : RPM Weekly – Library and Archives Canada", – Al Stewart – Year of the Cat", – Al Stewart – Year of the Cat", "Al Stewart Chart History (Adult Contemporary)", "Top 100 Hits of 1977/Top 100 Songs of 1977",, Articles needing additional references from April 2007, All articles needing additional references, Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 April 2021, at 04:42. The song began as "Foot of the Stage", a song written by Stewart in 1966 after seeing a performance by comedian Tony Hancock whose patter about "being a complete loser" who might as well "end it all right here" drew laughs from the audience: Stewart's intuitive response that Hancock was in genuine despair led to the writing of "Foot of the Stage". Kann man auch als sexuelle Anspielung verstehen - "also nimmst du sie, um herauszufinden, was dich 'da drinnen' erwartet". The general consensus is that the zodiacs originally had something to do with the worship of animals. A "woman" calls to the traveler and draws him into her secret place of seduction and is able to keep him there longer than he had intended stay. Year of the Cat on Al Stewartin soft rock-tyylinen kappale vuodelta 1976. It's about a Western male who's taking a guided bus tour through the Middle East. The surroundings remind him of scenes he saw in the Humphrey Bogart/Peter Lorre film "Casablanca." Song meanings ©2003-2021 Having to remain in Casablanca could almost be juxtaposed with the refugees that ended up in Casablanca in the movie. Year of the cat is een single van Al Stewart. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource . The Spanish rendering "El año del gato" was recorded by Érica García for her 2001 album release El cerebro. Frag gar nicht erst nach einer Erklärung. Tim Renwick plays both the acoustic lead and electric lead and George Ford plays bass. It means much more , but I can’t write a long interpretation. Some experiences are beautiful, exotic and pleasurable for a time but both songs are quite possibly warning us about the hidden cost behind the curtain. Autori del brano Year of the Cat sono lo stesso Al Stewart (autore del testo) e Peter Wood (autore della melodia).. Il singolo fu prodotto da Alan Parsons e distribuito dalle etichette RCA Victor (Regno Unito) e Janus Records (Stati Uniti). The song is the title track of his 1976 album Year of the Cat, and was recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London, in January 1976 by engineer Alan Parsons. Subsequent to the entry of the single on the US charts, the track afforded Stewart a major hit in Australia (no. Two albums by Al Stewart that proved he was agreat vocalist and musician. It about a business man/ company executive who is extremely busy and is flying to a destination in the far east ( on business) when his plane has an unscheduled stop. At any rate ,that's just another take on the song . Unter anderem auch die Abkürzung für CAT Abkürzung oder auch Abbreviatur wie der Begriff „CAT„, bezeichnet eine verkürzte Darstellungsform eines längeren Wortes oder einer längeren Wortgruppe. He succumbs to this beautiful woman. Print and download Year of the Cat sheet music by Al Stewart. I have also seen A.S. describe how the song's name was inspired by a book his then girlfriend owned called, believe it or not, Year of the Cat. She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running. Year of the Cat. In a country where they turn back time. Like a watercolor in the rain. The cat made it 4th on the animal calendar list after being betrayed by the rat during the Great race. The song reached number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100 in March 1977. A zodiac system has existed in Chinese culture since the Qin dynasty, more than Wie Wasserfarbe im Regen. It about a business man/ company executive who is extremely busy and is flying to a destination in the far east ( on business) when his plane has an unscheduled stop. It’s a time of passion the two shared , but it was only for a time that’s only a dream now. Instead, she decided to seduce a tourist and make love to him in exchange for him changing the kitty litter. It’s not a decision he would have planned but it’s a good turn in his life events.
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