Bacolod Office Gensan Office Speed 9.7 knots @ 2308 RPM A wide variety of weichai diesel marine engine options are available to you, such as local service location, condition, and applicable industries. – Different harness length of remote monitor – One-piece forged crankshaft Engine Rating 1 x 185 hp @ 2100 RPM China WEICHAI marine engine catalog of Weichai Marine Engine 278HP 1500rpm Boat Engine with CCS, Weichai V 8 Cylinder Marine Engine Baudouin Series Boat Engine750HP provided by China manufacturer - Shandong Cummins Power Technology Co., Ltd., page3. Weichai offers three product lines for marine applications. Old Engine Model DAIHATSU 6PSAT Old engine Rating 2 x 480 hp @ 900 RPM Old Vessel Speed 12 knots @ 720 RPM offers 11,211 weichai diesel marine engine products. Cooling System On January 10th, Weichai Heavy Machinery convened the 2017 Marine Electricity Market Business Conference. Vessel Data OAL-120’ LWL-29.9’ B-18’ D-9.01’ A wide variety of weichai marine engine gearbox options are available to you, such as harmonic, helical and planetary.You can also choose from building material shops, manufacturing plant and construction works weichai marine engine gearbox,As well as from 3 years, 1 year weichai marine engine gearbox.And whether weichai marine engine gearbox is diesel engine, {2}, or {3}. Flywheel and housing weichai marine engines boast extended lifespans, low maintenance work, and reduced fuel consumption levels to keep operation costs low. – Full flow duplex type oil filters replaceable engine running Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine Weichai 8170ZC720-2 Engine Rating 2 x 720 hp @ 1200 RPM Speed 12.8 knots @ 1208 RPM Fuel Consumption 2 x 67 L/HR @ 1200 RPM Transmission Ratio 3.5:1 Propeller Modified existing propeller To match new engine. Weichai Marine Engine UAE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Fuel Consumption 45 L/HR @ 450 RPM A variety of marine engine and marine electric products of Weichai (WP4/6, WD10/WP10, WD12/WP12, WP13) firstly achieved the Indonesia classification certificate BKI, which make Weichai become the first domestic enterprises to receive this certification, and win the opportunity and guarantee … – Cast iron frame style body structure Engine and Block Weichai marine engine, find quality Weichai marine engine products,Weichai marine engine Manufacturers, Weichai marine engine Suppliers and Exporters at Marine diesel engine,Marine engine,Marine gearbox,Marine transmission,Marine generator, Propeller system-Shanghai Rekino Engine Equipment Co.,Ltd. On April 13, the launch conference of Weichai Lovol's full range of products equipped with Weichai engines was held at Weichai Power's light-duty engine production base in Yangzhou, Jiangsu. | Condition of use. Note: New Built. Intake Air and Exhaust System Zamboanga Office, © 2017 Dynamic Power. Weichai America is proud to offer high quality, competitively priced, commercial vehicle and engine components to the North American market. Certification Weichai Marine Engines are very popular on oversea market , the models covering bore diameter from 85 to 320mm, displacement from 2.1 to 580L, power range from 27 to 12,240 HP. Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match, MAAYO SHIPPING INC. LCT GIOK CHONG || Weichai Marine engines.The high speed engines, like WP4, WP6, WD10, WD12, WP12 and M26 are mainly applied on the high speed boats and yachts, passenger ships, fishing boats and official boats as main engine or auxiliary engine in offshore market. Transmission HC201 Ratio 3:1 Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match. Electrical System Certification Speed 18 knots @ 2100 RPM Transmission MB270 Ratio 4.4:1 – Water separator Engine and Block 5.0 (13) "Honest supplier" "Good service" Contact Supplier. These weichai marine diesel engine spare parts are assembled using carefully-selected materials to produce the highest level of efficiency while remaining durable. Speed 12.6 knots @ 450 RPM Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C450 – Free end PTO Engine Rating 2 x 620 hp @ 1500 RPM – CCS and EIAPP. Speed 18.5 knots @ 2100 RPM – Cast iron frame style body structure Weichai natural gas engines include WP4.1NG、WP5NG、WP7NG、WP10NG、WP12NG、WP13NG (Product line up from 74kW to 480kW),which meet the requirements of China state five emission, and China state six emission.They are widely used in a lot of industry areas such as 6-18m bus, Various trucks, engineering machinery, special vehicles,ship power,and other industries, with high … In Weichai engine model, C means marine propulsion engine, CD means marine generator drive engine. All Rights Reserved. Intake Air and Exhaust System – P-type in-line injection pump or common-rail Application LCT Vessel Data OAL-56.32’ LWL-56.11’ B-13.05’ D-2.44’ With the annual revenue of more than 300 billion RMB in 2020, Weichai ranks the 83th among China’s top 500 enterprises, the 23th among China’s top 500 manufacturing enterprises, and the 2nd among China’s machinery industry top 100 enterprises. China WEICHAI marine engine catalog of 360kw/1200rpm Water Cooling 6 Cylinders Weichai Whm6160 Series Marine Engine 490HP with CCS, Weichai Whm6160 Domestic 450HP Marine Engine 330kw for Cargo Ships and Tugboats provided by China manufacturer - Shandong Cummins Power … weichai marine engines for sale are engineered specifically to deliver awesome operation properties, natural response, and incredible power outputs. The Weichai-MAN product line, licensed by MAN Diesel & Turbo, has propulsion engines from 1,754 to 12,240 HP. Application Passenger Boat Fuel Consumption 42 L/HR @ 2100 RPM Application Fish Carrier Speed 8.0 knots @ 1890 RPM Davao Office Spark plugs and gear boxes are the initial introductions with more commercial vehicle and engine parts to follow. – Fresh/raw water heat exchanger with integrated thermostatic valves and expansion tank Speed 7 knots @ 1080 RPM With the technical strength of global R&D center, Weichai Power created a new generation of industrial power product to satisfy the power demand of six large supporting domains: Power for land based, power generation, Power for marine, power generation, Power for marine emergency, power generation,Power for Passenger vehicle, Power for air compressor. Weichai marine engines are suitable for inland and ocean going boat, ship, yacht and marine generator set. Bohol Office Genuine CUMMINS engine parts and generator made in China from DCEC, CCEC, XCEC, BFCEC, plus with WEICHAI,Deutz,BOSCH ... Cummins genuine parts made in China Cummins plants or imported from Cummins USA, OEM quality and hight quality aftermarket as complementary options.Overhaul repair kits, maintenance kits, long block, short block, Fuel Consumption 20 L/HR @ 1701 RPM Transmission MB170 Ratio 3.5:1 Vessel Data OAL-98.4’ LWL-7.5’ B-16.7’ D-1.5’ – Dual-skinned fuel pipe with alarm and leakage collector Cebu Main Office Davao Office The weichai marine diesel engine spare parts are loaded with modern advanced technology to solve different machinery and engine problems that may derail productivity. Application Tourist Boat – Insulated dry type or water jacket exhaust manifold Fuel System China WEICHAI marine engine catalog of Weichai Marine Diesel Engine 240HP 1800rpm Boat Engine with CCS, Weichai Wd10 Marine Engine Wd615 Boat Engine with CCS provided by China manufacturer - Shandong Cummins Power Technology Co., Ltd., page2. – Washable air filter & exhaust expansion joint Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C450-21 Vessel Data OAL-126’ LWL-117’ B-16’ D-9’ – Fresh water cooled lube oil cooler plate type Fuel Consumption 50 L/HR @ 1800 RPM Manila Office All Rights Reserved. Fuel Consumption 87 L/HR @ 2100 RPM | Condition of use. Engine Rating 1 x 450 hp @ 2100 RPM – Water separator – Fresh/raw water heat exchanger with integrated thermostatic valves and expansion tank – Washable air filter & exhaust expansion joint Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match, BONONG MERCHANDIZING SHADY SLEHZ Speed 12.4 knots @ 2100 RPM Flywheel and housing Application Light Boat Weichai Engine Weichai Engine In Stock And Best Seller WH25LC2204-1* Weichai Deutz Marine Engine. 59 likes. Vessel Data OAL-54’ LWL-51’ B-12’ D-3’ Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Chinese: 潍柴控股集团有限公司) is a Chinese state-owned enterprise specialized in the design, manufacturing and sale of diesel engines.The company operates on four different business sectors which are engines and vehicles, powertrains, luxury yacht and automotive parts. Engine Model Rated Power (kW) Engine Speed (r/min) Engine Model Rated Power (kW) Engine Speed (r/min) D226B-3C 35 1800 R6160ZC3 220 1000 TD226B-3C 40 1500 R6160ZC4 220 1000 TD226B-3C1 50 1800 R6160ZC1 255 1000 TD226B-4C 60 1500 R6160ZC2 255 Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C450-21 – Aluminum alloy pistons with gallery oil cooling – Voyage safeguard monitor and 5m harness Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match, ADVENTURE CRUISE / MARK SALEM M/BCA D’ ADVENTURA – Self-priming raw water pump, mechanically driven – 24V electric starter motor and battery charging alternator Engine Model Weichai WP12C450-21 Engine Rating 1 x 185 hp @ 1704 RPM The Baudouin brand product line, produced in France, has propulsion engines from 450 to 1,200 HP. – Dual-skinned fuel pipe with alarm and leakage collector marine engines. US $2000-$8000 / Set. Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match, MAAYO SHIPPING INC. LCT TAMPI TWIN | Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C450-21 Speed 10.9 knots @ 2308 RPM Engine Rating 2 x 450 hp @ 1200 RPM Zamboanga Office, © 2017 Dynamic Power. – Different harness length of remote monitor Fuel Consumption 50 L/HR @ 1750 RPM Weichai is one of the biggest manufacturing groups in China which manufacturing marine engines from 26hp to 14,700hp. Vessel Data OAL-87.2’ LWL-77.7’ B-8’ D-3.3’ – Duplex fuel filters replaceable engine running Weichai operates five marine engine facilities … Application Ferry Boat – SAE1 Flywheel housing and SAE 14 size flywheel – Fresh water cooled lube oil cooler plate type Gensan Office – Split-cap forged steel connecting rods Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match, CLEMER LINES M/BCA CLEMER Bohol Office Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C450-21 Engine Rating 2 x 450 hp @ 2100 RPM Speed 12.4 knots @ 2100 RPM Fuel Consumption 87 L/HR @ 2100 RPM Transmission MB170 Ratio 3.5:1 Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match. Case Studies. Transmission Advance Ration4.5:1 Transmission D300A Ratio 4.5:1 Unique in design and expansive in feature range, the. Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C45-21 Weichai's Engine power range from 20KW-4500KW,all weichai engine meet with the Lubrication system Propeller Designed by Dynacast to match, RB FISHING F/B RB 9 – Free end PTO – Separate cast iron cylinder heads and dry liners Application LCT Transmission MB270A Ratio 3:1 – Insulated dry type or water jacket exhaust manifold Application Passenger Boat – Equipment and factory trial according to Major Classification Societies rules. Vessel Data OAL-114’ LWL-88.5’ B-26’ D-4.25’ – Voyage safeguard monitor and 5m harness Cebu Main Office 1 Set (Min Order) 3 YRS Shanghai Client Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. 93.8%. Cooling System Founded in 1946, Weichai has over 90,000 employees worldwide. Fuel Consumption 43 L/HR @ 2100 RPM Weichai Marine Engine. Fuel Consumption 55 L/HR @ 1550 RPM Transmission Advance / MB270A Ratio 4.4:1 Engine Model Weichai WP12C450-21 MODEL RATING HP KW RPM g/kwh I/h CERTIFICATION WP13C450-18 P1 450 330 1800 CCS & EIAPP WP13C500-18 P1 500 368 1800 Main Dimensions and Weight (mm/kg) LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT NET WEIGHT 1583 841 1388 1200 China WEICHAI marine engine catalog of Weichai Baudouinv Type 8 Cylinder Diesel Marine Engine 650HP1800rpm High Speed Machine High Quality, Weichai Baudouin Series 6 Cylinder Marine Diesel Engine 1800rpm Original French Brand with CCS Certificate provided by China manufacturer - Shandong Cummins Power Technology Co., Ltd., page5. – CCS and EIAPP, ARMINDA FISHING F/B JANICE Engine Rating 450 hp @ 2100 RPM Engine Rating 1 x 450 hp @ 2100 RPM Weichai marine engines are known for toughness and reliability, good fuel efficiency and service. Engine Model Dynamic Marine Engine – Weichai WP12C450-21 – Separate cast iron cylinder heads and dry liners Engine Rating 2 x 450 hp @ 2100 RPM – P-type in-line injection pump or common-rail – Cast-iron centrifugal fresh water pump, mechanically driven Manila Office Vessel Data OAL-108’ LWL-95’ B-20’ D-13’ (2017-01-11) In 2017, the market&technology matching meeting was held in Weifang – Aluminum alloy pistons with gallery oil cooling China WEICHAI marine engine catalog of Weichai 8170 Series 818HP Marine Engine 1500rpm Gas Motor with Air Bottle, Weifang Weichai Marine Engine Supercharged Intercooler Main Push Four Stroke Boat Engines provided by China manufacturer - Shandong Cummins Power Technology Co., Ltd., page1. Vessel Data OAL-52’ LWL-50’ B-4’ D-2’ – Equipment and factory trial according to Major Classification Societies rules. – Cast-iron centrifugal fresh water pump, mechanically driven From 26hp to 14,700hp.
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