The dialects spoken in Scania, the southernmost part of the country, are influenced by Danish because the region traditionally was a part of Denmark and is nowadays situated closely to it. Nights normally remain cool, especially in inland areas. Schweden ist ein nordskandinavisches Land mit großen Küstenebenen und Binnenseen und Gletschern sowie weiten borealen Wäldern. Sweden has a significant folk-music scene. As a nation, only ten other countries hold more patents than Sweden. The two main spectator sports are football and ice hockey. [56], However, the Swedes began to resent the monopoly trading position of the Hansa (mostly consisting of German citizens), and to resent the income they felt they lost to the Hansa. In 1866 Sweden became a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament, with the First Chamber indirectly elected by local governments, and the Second Chamber directly elected in national elections every four years. [145][150] Notwithstanding their self-rule, local authorities are nevertheless in practice interdependent upon the State, as the parameters of their responsibilities and the extent of their jurisdiction are specified in the Local Government Act (Swedish: Kommunallagen) passed by the Riksdag. Swedish taxation is controlled by the Riksdag. 7-Tage-Inzidenz von 420. [267] In Canada, the community of Swedish ancestry is 330,000 strong.[268]. As so happens, many of them were built in Scania and are in effect Danish churches. [106] In the 1980s several key Swedish industries were significantly restructured. daß diese Art von Regeln einen starken Rückhalt haben, damit sie überhaupt Sinn machen. [104], A bursting real estate bubble caused by inadequate controls on lending combined with an international recession and a policy switch from anti-unemployment policies to anti-inflationary policies resulted in a fiscal crisis in the early 1990s. Suetidi is considered to be the Latin form of Svíþjóð, the Old Norse name for the Swedes. [56] Under the Hanseatic trade, two-thirds of Stockholm's imports consisted of textiles, while the remaining third was salt. five times that of the cheapest country (Spain: 39). [72] Sweden's largest threat at this time, Russia, had a larger army but was far behind in both equipment and training.[73]. The nation's most well-known artists are painters such as Carl Larsson and Anders Zorn, and the sculptors Tobias Sergel and Carl Milles. [207] A pilot program to test the feasibility of a six-hour workday, without loss of pay, will commence in 2014, involving the participation of Gothenburg municipal staff. There are no exact numbers on the ethnic background of migrants and their descendants in Sweden because the Swedish government does not base any statistics on ethnicity. (country) (Geographie) Schweden En Eigenname: Namen von Personen, Städten, Ländern, Flüssen, Himmelskörpern, Institutionen oder Ereignissen (z.B. [233], However, from the 1970s and onwards Sweden's GDP growth fell behind other industrialised countries and the country's per capita ranking fell from 4th to 14th place in a few decades. [86], The Swedish East India Company, Ostindiska Kompaniet, began in 1731. Due to its northerly latitude numerous world class winter sports athletes have come from Sweden. During the last sixty years or so it has attained a remarkably high artistic standard, stimulated by domestic as well as external influences and experiences. Englisch hingegen ist Lingua franca der westlichen Welt. However, on 11 December 2014, due to tensions in the Baltic area, the Swedish Government reintroduced one part of the Swedish conscription system, refresher training. Amongst several directors who have made internationally successful films can be mentioned Ingmar Bergman, Lukas Moodysson and Lasse Hallström. Land Schweden - Englisch-Übersetzung – Linguee Wörterbuch The Swedish Riksbank—founded in 1668 and thus the oldest central bank in the world—is currently focusing on price stability with an inflation target of 2%. The total resident population of Sweden was 10,377,781 in October 2020. The actual age of the kingdom of Sweden is unknown. Einhorn, Eric and John Logue (1989), p. 8. [24] In 2014, Sweden celebrated 200 years of peace, breaking even Switzerland's record for peace. werden, 1992 mehrere Palästinenser getötet zu haben, um ihre Organe zu entnehmen. [41] The Arab traveller Ibn Fadlan described these Vikings as follows: I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. Übersetzung für 'Schweden' im kostenlosen Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Englisch-Übersetzungen. Norrland, which covers approximately 60% of the Swedish territory, has a very low population density (below 5 people per square kilometre). Lars Magnus Ericsson started the company bearing his name, Ericsson, still one of the largest telecom companies in the world. In the extreme north is it difficult to state the trees forms true forests at all, due to the large distances between the trees. In 1319, Sweden and Norway were united under King Magnus Eriksson, and in 1397 Queen Margaret I of Denmark effected the personal union of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark through the Kalmar Union. Das schwedische Recht räumt den in Schweden wohnhaften Steuerpflichtigen eine Steuerbefreiung für Dividenden ein, die in Form von Aktien einer Tochtergesellschaft von einer in Schweden oder in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat des EWR[1] niedergelassenen Aktiengesellschaft ausgeschüttet werden, versagt ihnen aber diese Befreiung, wenn eine solche Ausschüttung von einer Gesellschaft ausgeht, die in einem Drittland, Swedish legislation grants taxpayers resident in Sweden a tax exemption in respect of dividends distributed in the form of shares in a subsidiary by a limited liability company established in Sweden or in an EEA [1] Member State, but refuses to grant them that exemption where such a distribution is made, Eine vollständige Online-Bearbeitung aller, und wird an seiner kompletten Länge von den verschiedenen Meeren. Sweden reached its largest territorial extent under the rule of Charles X after the treaty of Roskilde in 1658, following Charles X's risky but successful crossing of the Danish Belts. Remains of what is believed to have been a large market dating from 600 to 700 CE have been found in Ystad. Between 800 and 1000, trade brought an abundance of silver to Gotland, and according to some scholars, the Gotlanders of this era hoarded more silver than the rest of the population of Scandinavia combined. [39], In the 6th century, Jordanes names two tribes living in Scandza, both of which are now considered to be synonymous with the Swedes: the Suetidi and Suehans. Strong grassroots movements sprang up in Sweden during the latter half of the 19th century (trade unions, temperance groups, and independent religious groups), creating a strong foundation of democratic principles. The response of the government was to cut spending and institute a multitude of reforms to improve Sweden's competitiveness, among them reducing the welfare state and privatising public services and goods. [307] Since the early 1970s, immigration to Sweden has been mostly due to refugee migration and family reunification from countries in the Middle East and Latin America. [316] The figures for fraud and property damage (excluding car theft) are in contrast with the numbers of reported crimes under such categories which have remained roughly constant over the period 2014–16. About 15% of Sweden lies north of the Arctic Circle. [176] The monarchy became hereditary in 1544. [64][65] The foundation of Sweden's success during this period is credited to Gustav I's major changes to the Swedish economy in the 16th century, and his introduction of Protestantism. In the following two decades the property sector strengthened. There are no official statistics on ethnicity, but according to Statistics Sweden, around 2,634,967 (25.5%) inhabitants of Sweden were of a foreign background in 2019, defined as being born abroad or born in Sweden with foreign born parents. Some Swedish political figures have become known worldwide, among these are: Raoul Wallenberg, Folke Bernadotte, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld, the former Prime Minister Olof Palme, the former Prime Minister and later Foreign minister Carl Bildt, the former President of the General Assembly of the United Nations Jan Eliasson, and the former International Atomic Energy Agency Iraq inspector Hans Blix. The highest temperature ever recorded in Sweden was 38 °C (100 °F) in Målilla in 1947,[citation needed] while the coldest temperature ever recorded was −52.6 °C (−62.7 °F) in Vuoggatjålme on 2 February 1966. Voters rejected right-hand traffic in 1955, but after the Riksdag passed legislation in 1963 changeover took place on 3 September 1967, known in Swedish as Dagen H. The Stockholm metro is the only underground system in Sweden and serves the city of Stockholm via 100 stations. Its members are commemorated on the Ingvar runestones, none of which mentions any survivor. A communist revolution was avoided in 1917, following the re-introduction of parliamentarism, and the country was democratised. The Supreme Court consists of 16 Justices (Swedish: justitieråd), appointed by the Government, but the court as an institution is independent of the Riksdag, and the Government is not able to interfere with the decisions of the court. This would include the Lund Cathedral from the 11th century and the somewhat younger church in Dalby, but also many early Gothic churches built through influences of the Hanseatic League, such as in Ystad, Malmö and Helsingborg. [322] The early Swedish film I Am Curious (Yellow) (1967) reflected a liberal view of sexuality, including scenes of love making that caught international attention, and introduced the concept of the "Swedish sin" that had been introduced earlier in the US with Ingmar Bergman's Summer with Monika. A total of 21 councils are in charge with primary and hospital care within the country. It is a unitary state, currently divided into 21 counties and 290 municipalities. Martin of Tours Eve is celebrated in Scania in November with Mårten Gås parties, where roast goose and svartsoppa ('black soup', made of goose stock, fruit, spices, spirits and goose blood) are served. The Swedish Vikings, called Rus are believed to be the founding fathers of Kievan Rus'. The European Spallation Source, costing some SEK 14 billion to construct,[259] will begin initial operations in 2019 with construction completion scheduled for 2025. Officially the Republic of China, participates as ", This page was last edited on 21 April 2021, at 19:52. Earlier kings, for which no reliable historical sources exist, can be read about in mythical kings of Sweden and semi-legendary kings of Sweden. und den Austausch von Steuerinformationen hat, müssen durch einen Steuervertreter repräsentiert werden, der eine Person mit ständigem Wohnsitz in Schweden oder ein Unternehmen mit Betriebsstätte oder Geschäftstätigkeit in Schweden sein muss. For over 50 years, Sweden had had five parties who continually received enough votes to gain seats in the Riksdag—the Social Democrats, the Moderate Party, the Centre Party, the Liberal People's Party and the Left Party—before the Green Party became the sixth party in the 1988 election. [175] The present King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf, was the first monarch officially proclaimed "King of Sweden" (Sveriges Konung) with no additional peoples mentioned in his title. The capital city Stockholm has a municipal population of about 950,000 (with 1.5 million in the urban area and 2.3 million in the metropolitan area). Spanisch. : die Abwesenheiten number auch [TECH.] Sweden held the chair of the European Union from 1 July to 31 December 2009. Despite holding only 33% of the seats in the Riksdag, the Social Democrats and the Greens managed to form a minority government in January 2019, relying on supply and confidence from the Centre Party, Liberals and the Left Party. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer In 2006, Tre Kronor became the first national hockey team to win both the Olympic and world championships in the same year. The northern coniferous forest zone or the Taiga begins north of the natural boundary of the oak. Akvavit is a popular alcoholic distilled beverage, and the drinking of snaps is of cultural importance. Its border with Norway (1,619 km long) is the longest uninterrupted border within Europe. [102] Nevertheless, both Swedes and others have argued that Sweden could have done more to oppose the Nazis' war efforts, even if it meant increasing the risk of occupation. Götaland in this sense mainly includes the provinces of Östergötland (East Gothia) and Västergötland (West Gothia). Klassen. [70] After more than half a century of almost constant warfare, the Swedish economy had deteriorated. Furthermore, when Sweden did develop, freed itself from the Hanseatic League, and entered its golden era, the fact that the peasantry had traditionally been free meant that more of the economic benefits flowed back to them rather than going to a feudal landowning class. agreement on mutual assistance for collection. [148][149] The local authorities have self-rule, as mandated by the Constitution, and their own tax base. Their routes passed through the Dnieper south to Constantinople, on which they carried out numerous raids. As the Industrial Revolution progressed during the 20th century, people gradually moved into cities to work in factories and became involved in socialist unions. John Bitton and Nils-Åke Svensson, "Øresund sett från himlen" (Oresund seen from the sky), 2005, Yearly averages excluding full-time students working part-time. Some 275,000 Swedes are today members of various Evangelical Protestant free churches (where congregation attendance is much higher), and due to recent immigration, there are now some 100,000 Eastern Orthodox Christians and 92,000 Roman Catholics living in Sweden. [43], St Ansgar is usually credited with introducing Christianity in 829, but the new religion did not begin to fully replace paganism until the 12th century. It also ranks high in life expectancy and in safe drinking water. The decrease in the number of Swedish prisoners was considered "out-of-the-ordinary" by the head of Sweden's prison and probation services, with prison numbers in Sweden falling by around 1% a year since 2004. [120], Most of Sweden has a temperate climate, despite its northern latitude, with largely four distinct seasons and mild temperatures throughout the year. With Christianisation in the 11th century, the laws of the country changed, forbidding worship of other deities until the late 19th century. The Swedish name Sverige (a compound of the words Svea and rike, with lenition of the consonant [k], first recorded in the cognate Swēorice in Beowulf)[31] literally means "realm of the Swedes", excluding the Geats in Götaland. [299], There are a number of different universities and colleges in Sweden, the oldest and largest of which are situated in Uppsala, Lund, Gothenburg and Stockholm. Mehr als 70.000 Menschen sind in Deutschland bisher an den Folgen von Covid-19 gestorben. The ferry ports of Karlskrona and Karlshamn in southeastern Sweden serve Gdynia, Poland, and Klaipeda, Lithuania. For the next several decades, the Swedish poured an annual average of about 5% of GDP into making their defenses credible. Although in its natural area, also planted Spruce are common, and such woods are very dense, as the spruces can grow very tight, especially in this vegetation zone's southern areas. [50] Indeed, both slavery and serfdom were abolished altogether by a decree of King Magnus IV in 1335. In Folge der Reformation wird der Ordensstaat in ein Herzogtum umgewandelt und nach dem Ende des. Slavery (also called thralldom) was not common in Sweden,[49] and what slavery there was tended to be driven out of existence thanks to the spread of Christianity as well as to the difficulty to obtain slaves from the lands east of the Baltic Sea, and by the development of cities before the 16th century. [12] The population exceeded 10 million for the first time on Friday 20 January 2017.[262][263]. Die skandinavischen Länder selbst sind nicht so groß. During the era following the Reformation, usually known as the period of Lutheran orthodoxy, small groups of non-Lutherans, especially Calvinist Dutchmen, the Moravian Church and French Huguenots played a significant role in trade and industry, and were quietly tolerated as long as they kept a low religious profile. "A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1./Hayes..." Hayes, Carlton J. H. (1882–1964), However, Sweden's largest territorial extent lasted from 1319 to 1343 with. The traditional flat and dry crisp bread has developed into several contemporary variants. Combined with the third- and fourth-largest lakes Mälaren and Hjälmaren, these lakes take up a significant part of the southern Sweden's area. Sweden has 162,707 km (101,101 mi) of paved road and 1,428 km (887 mi) of expressways. The style came to dominate in the following decades. Sweden receives between 1,100 and 1,900 hours of sunshine annually. Swedish 20th-century culture is noted by pioneering works in the early days of cinema, with Mauritz Stiller and Victor Sjöström. When hot continental air hits the country, the long days and short nights frequently bring temperatures up to 30 °C (86 °F) or above even in coastal areas. Birch grows largely everywhere. Weitere Informationen zu den in Schweden empfohlenen Präventionsmaßnahmen findest du auf der FAQ-Seite der schwedischen Gesundheitsbehörde. Land nahe des Äquators, mit einem vergleichbaren Lebensstandard aber relativ konstanten Temperaturen über das Jahr hinweg. Previously, technical progress had mainly come from mainland Europe. Sweden has a total population of 10.4 million;[12] and a low population density of 25 inhabitants per square kilometre (65/sq mi). [174] Establishing the age depends mostly on whether Sweden should be considered a nation when the Svear (Sweonas) ruled Svealand or if the emergence of the nation started with the Svear and the Götar (Geats) of Götaland being united under one ruler. Despite the slow rate of industrialisation into the 19th century, many important changes were taking place in the agrarian economy due to constant innovations and a rapid population growth. In the 1920s–1980s, the filmmaker Ingmar Bergman and actors Greta Garbo and Ingrid Bergman became internationally noted people within cinema. [93] Because the Swedish peasantry had never been enserfed as elsewhere in Europe,[94][citation needed] the Swedish farming culture began to take on a critical role in Swedish politics, which has continued through modern times with modern Agrarian party (now called the Centre Party). [108] Sweden's GDP declined by around 5%. [318][319] The number of convictions up to 2013 has remained between 110,000 and 130,000 in the 2000s — a decrease since the 1970s, when they numbered around 300,000 — despite the population growth. Eigenname: Namen von Personen, Städten, Ländern, Flüssen, Himmelskörpern, Institutionen oder Ereignissen (z.B. " Sweden hosts the two largest port companies in Scandinavia, Port of Göteborg AB (Gothenburg) and the transnational company Copenhagen Malmö Port AB. Low population density exists also in large parts of western Svealand, as well as southern and central Småland. Although it declined in recent decades, the latest elections saw an increase in voter turnout (80.11% in 2002, 81.99% in 2006, 84.63% in 2010, 85.81 in 2014)[170] and 87.18% in 2018. The word Sweden is derived from 17th century Middle Dutch and Middle Low German. only path on earth towards the Salvation since its institution by our Savior Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago. [308] In 2019, Sweden granted 21,958 people asylum, and 21,502 in 2018. [194], Trade unions, employers' associations and collective agreements cover a large share of the employees in Sweden. According to a 2012 OECD report, the country had the second-highest public social spending as a percentage of its GDP after France (27.3% and 28.4%, respectively), and the third-highest total (public and private) social spending at 30.2% of its GDP, after France and Belgium (31.3% and 31.0%, respectively). ensuring that such support exists, so that rules, Von den ausgewählten Produkten waren die Schwankungen innerhalb der EU am. ", "Statistical database - Select variable and values", "WikiLeaks reveal Swedes gave intel on Russia, Iran", "Global Competitiveness Report 2012–2013", "Sweden and Norway celebrate peace treaty", "European emigration", The House of Emigrants, Växjö, Sweden, "Sweden: Social and economic conditions (2007)", "Swedish neutrality and economic warfare in World War I", "Sweden's 'Crazy' 500% Interest Rate; Fails to Faze Most Citizens, Businesses; Hike Seen as Short-Term Move to Protect Krona From Devaluation", "Fires and rioting after Malmö suburb unrest", "Sweden Riots Put Faces to Statistics as Stockholm Burns", "In Sweden, Riots Put an Identity in Question", "Sweden parties reach budget deal to avoid snap election", "Sweden and Denmark add border controls to stem flows of migrants", "Immigration: Sweden rolls back strict rules on family reunification", 10.1175/1520-0493(1900)28[393:TGSM]2.0.CO;2, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, "Weather Data: Sweden, Vuoggatjalme, 1966, February", "Precipitation, Sunshine & Radiation for January 2015 (all-time records section)", "Temperature & Wind – January 2015 (all-time records section)", "Arctic sea-ice loss fuels extreme European snowfall", "Skogen växer bättre – men riskerna blir fler", "Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity - Supplementary Material", "The Riksdag Act – almost a fundamental law", "The Swedish Government Offices – a historical perspective", "The Instrument of Government (as of 2012)", "Center–right wins Swedish election — but short of majority", "Change of Government Council at the Royal Palace of Stockholm", Municipalities, county councils and regions, "Kungl. [37] In Germania 44 and 45 he mentions the Swedes (Suiones) as a powerful tribe (distinguished not merely for their arms and men, but for their powerful fleets) with ships that had a prow at each end (longships). [78][79] Returning to Sweden in 1715, Charles XII launched two campaigns against Norway on 1716 and 1718, respectively. Furthermore, there are official flag day observances and a Namesdays in Sweden calendar.
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