ISDA Guidance: SOFR Publication on Good Friday 2021, Benchmark Reform and Transition from LIBOR, Use of Chinese Government Bonds as Margin, Letter on UK and EU Emissions Trading Systems, Response to BCBS Consultation on SFT Haircuts. This workshop provides a... Derivatives trading strategies have had to adapt to a variety of market and regulatory changes, and more are in the pipeline. ISDA fosters safe and efficient derivatives markets to facilitate The use of arbitration under an ISDA Master Agreement 1. ISDA fosters safe and efficient derivatives markets to facilitate Dr Peter Werner Senior Counsel International Swaps & Derivatives Association The Need for Law Reform Financial Law Reform 2 • The development and use of derivatives products has become ubiquitous spreading around the world • All types of counterparties get involved in derivatives trading (financial institutions, insurance Books – International Swaps and Derivatives Association. Santiago Bausili, Secretary of Finance 10:15 Introduction to ISDA documentation Douglas Donahue, Partner, Linklaters LLP Ian Cuillerier, Partner, White & Case LLP 12:15 Practical issues for Argentine entities to consider when negotiating cross-border ISDA agreements In the ISDA context this means: This conference will explain the main provisions in the ISDA 2002 Master Agreement and Schedule and discuss key terms that firms typically negotiate. ISDA is a registered trademark of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. • 3) Dr. Peter Werner Senior Counsel International Swaps & Derivatives Association (ISDA), London. For further information about the work of the ISDA Financial Law Reform Committee, please contact Peter Werner at ISDA’s London office: Tel. Accept. Dr. Werner is ISDA’s global lead on financial law reform (contract, insolvency and resolution, collateral, conflict of law rules, dispute resolution). Finance and we will help you, Review of P.R.I.M.E. Dr. Werner is qualified in Germany and holds a Ph.D. in international law. With Ian Sloyan, Director Data and Reporting, ISDA; Ayaz Haji, Head of MiFID II Technical Architecture and Data Strategy, Goldman Sachs; Paul Lewis, Partner, Linklaters; Dr. Peter Werner, Senior Counsel, ISDA. Dr Peter Werner, ISDA; This event has been convened by Dr Eva Lein, British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Dr Markus Gehring, Centre for International Governance Innovation Download the event flyer Join the conversation @BIICL #PostBrexit. From: Peter Werner ( MEMORANDUM FOR MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SWAPS AND DERIVATIVES ASSOCIATION, INC. Let us know ideas or topics you are interested in! Grünewald (University of Zurich), Matthias Haentjens (University of Leiden) and Peter Werner (ISDA) with whom I have discussed issues addressed in this paper. Dr Peter Werner Senior Counsel ISDA The Need for Law Reform • The development and use of derivatives products has become ubiquitous spreading around the world • This includes the Islamic finance sector (ISDA/IIFM Tahawwut Master Agreement) • Effective risk management requires legal certainty. Dr. Werner is ISDA’s global lead on financial law reform (contract, insolvency and resolution, collateral, conflict of law rules, dispute resolution). For that reason, ISDA strongly supports the proposal, made by the Czech Banking Association, to delete the word "exclusively" from Section 5(1) of the draft financial collateral law. Bookstore Online Library. March 1, 2010. Peter Beales, LIBA Keith Luckhoo, IMA Anthony Belchambers, FOA Peter Maskrey, Association of Foreign Banks ... Rebecca Hughes, Euronext.liffe Peter Werner, ISDA Lynn Johansen, Clifford Chance Geoffrey Yeowart, Lovells, Chair, Powers Sub-Group Roger Jones, APACS Have a suggestion for future ISDA Conferences? If you click the "Accept" button, you consent to the use of cookies on our website. Peter Werner is a Senior Counsel based at ISDA’s office in London. Finance Annual General Meeting 2020, P.R.I.M.E. Go to ISDA's Twitter in a new window or tab. Go to ISDA's Facebook in a new window or tab. Dr Peter Werner, Senior Counsel at ISDA, commented: "We welcome the interest in ISDA model clauses expressed by German market participants and the dispute resolution community. To experience the full functionality of the ISDA website, it is necessary to enable Javascript in your browser. The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) is the world’s leading trade association for participants in the market for over the counter derivatives. 37 In 2013, ISDA published model arbitration clauses for … Many thanks to Stefan Hoffmann and Nihal Dsouza, who have reviewed the manuscript. Contact P.R.I.M.E. The elaboration of this paper has been generously Go to ISDA's Linkedin in a new window or tab. Global Staff Contact: Peter Werner — The Online Library of Interactive ISDA Documentation is available exclusively to ISDA members by subscription. There is an antipathy expressed by derivatives lawyers of the risk of bringing into a derivatives contract all the panoply of European civil code law, which happens if you adopt, for example, French law as the governing law of your contract To: Mr. Peter Werner ISDA cc: Yusuf Battiwala, Partner, Dentons Matthew Sapte, Partner, Dentons . Would you like to come in contact with this expert? One of its crowning achievements has been the widespread adoption of its “master agreements”, which now form the standard template for … 27th September 2017. Submit your feedback below. Documentation: On 27th March 2012, ISDA and IIFM announced the launch of the ISDA/IIFM Mubadalatul Arbaah (Profit … To limit atmospheric warming to 1.5°C, the world must halve existing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Equivalence Determinations for Non-Cleared Margin Requirements Close. Public Policy Public Policy Asia-Pacific Europe Global Japan North America Japan April 10, 2020 Public Policy. JavaScript in your web browser, Getting Ready for Phase 5/6 IM Implementation (JP), Documentation & Legal Aspects of Initial Margin, ISDA Symposium® Negotiation Strategies: Paragraph 13 of the 2018 Credit Support Annex for Initial Margin (IM), ISDA Master Agreement and Credit Support Annex: Negotiation Strategies, Understanding the ISDA Master Agreements Conference - Including an Overview of the Regulatory Changes to ISDA Documentation. Documents (7) for 2018 Model Netting Act and Guide FINAL 2018 ISDA Model Netting Act and Guide Oct15(pdf) will open in a new tab or window 2018 ISDA Model Netting Act and Guide – Bahasa Indonesia translation(pdf) will open in a new tab or window 2018 ISDA Model Netting Act and Guide - French Translation(pdf) will open in a new tab or window Today, the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets published its blueprint on creating a large-scale, transparent carbon credit trading market. Dr Peter M Werner … Dr Peter Werner Senior Counsel ISDA The Need for Law Reform 2 • The development and use of derivatives products has become ubiquitous spreading around the world • This includes the Islamic finance sector (ISDA/IIFM Tahawwut Master Agreement) • Effective risk management requires legal certainty. As it started to encompass a broader membership base issues started to arise. Dr. Peter Werner, Senior Counsel, ISDA 10:00 Macro remarks Lic. Before joining ISDA, Dr. Werner worked with the United Nations and, prior to that, as a solicitor/barrister based in Frankfurt. ISDA Morning Briefing: Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger: Invited panellist. effective risk management for all users of derivative products. Registration for this event will close 2 hours before the live broadcast In For general questions, including exhibition/sponsorship opportunities, conference topics or location suggestions contact us: ©2021 International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. browser. It is the quickest, easiest and most cost-effective way to access all documents published by the Association. Furthermore, he is responsible for legal and regulatory issues in emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Dr Peter Werner Senior Counsel ISDA The IBORs are used as benchmarks for more than $373 trillion worth of financial contracts, but the availability of certain IBORs in the future is uncertain IBOR footprint • Interbank rates such as LIBOR, EUIBOR and TIBOR (known collectively as the IBORs) are used as benchmarks for more than King & Wood Mallesons (London) lunches with Dr Peter Werner, Senior Director, ISDA. As Peter Werner, a senior legal counsel at ISDA noted, arguably, this is because ISDA emerged from the sell-side, and there was no need for it. He is also ISDA’s representative on law reform matters to various international organisations (e.g., UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, Hague Conference on Private International Law) and runs ISDA’s Working Group on Supranationals/IFI. We would be pleased to discuss this further with you if you would find that helpful. Background Follow us @isdaconferences for the latest on upcoming events. 4) Mujeebu Rahman VP Financial Market Sales, … From: Sadaf Buchanan ( Dentons & Co Oman Branch Date: 3 September 2019 Subject: Informal country update: entering into derivative transactions in Oman. An interview with Dr Peter Werner, Senior Director at ISDA on the widespread spread use of its _______________. Privacy Policy, ISDA uses cookies to enhance your experience on our website. To experience the full functionality of the ISDA website, it is necessary to enable Javascript in your Credit Derivatives Determinations Committees, how to enable To experience the full functionality of the ISDA website, it is necessary to enable Javascript in your browser. The ISDA Islamic Finance WG has been set up to discuss documentation as well as legal and regulatory issues affecting trading in OTC derivatives transactions with counterparties in Islamic jurisdictions. Peter Werner is a Senior Counsel based at ISDA’s office in London. Law Reform and ISDA • The development and use of derivatives products has become ubiquitous spreading around the world • Effective risk management requires legal certainty.
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