The company said it has contacted and briefed the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding its "concerns pertaining to the Hindenburg report." The stock closed Monday up 11%. Die Nikola Corporation (bis 2020 Nikola Motor Company, auch Nikola Motors genannt) ist ein börsennotiertes amerikanisches Hybrid-Truck-Entwicklungs- beziehungsweise Designunternehmen. Truck and Bus News LDV LAUNCHES NEW DELIVER 9 AS VALUE AND SPECIFICATION LEADER IN LARGE VANS October 14, 2020. "It was never described as 'under its own propulsion' or 'powertrain driven,' " the company said. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. Nikola Two: Der Nikola Two ist ein weiteres angekündigtes Modell von Nikola, das dem Nikola One in technischer Sicht sehr ähnlich sein soll. In a tweet Monday morning, Milton said the company is "focused on delivering" — something analysts such as Wedbush's Daniel Ives have been advising Nikola investors on doing. All Rights Reserved. [2], Die Nikola Motor Company wurde 2014 von Trevor Milton gegründet, der am Unternehmen noch über 40 % der Anteile hält. ", "Nikola had previously promised a point by point rebuttal to our report and this morning's press release did not deliver on that promise," Anderson said in an email to CNBC. Nikola said investors at the time knew the capabilities of the prototype vehicle, calling the 3-year-old video "irrelevant except for the fact that the short seller is trying to use it for its main thesis.". [24][25] Die offizielle Antwort der Nikola Motor Company auf die Vorwürfe sorgte nur für eine geringe Erholung des Aktienkurses. E Squared is based out of a small residential apartment in Texas that doesn't operate a vehicle fleet. Nikola rebuts fraud claims but acknowledges that its truck wasn't driving itself Published Mon, Sep 14 2020 8:00 AM EDT Updated Mon, Sep 14 2020 … Tesla-Rivale Nikola im Visier der Börsenaufsicht. [4] Nel gab im September 2018 eine Investition von 5 Millionen US-Dollar in Nikola bekannt. Mit dem Börsengang wechselte der bisherige CEO Trevor Milton in die Rolle des Executive Chairman; Mark Russell wurde CEO. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools. Als Folge von Kritik an irreführender Unternehmenskommunikation trat Trevor Milton im September 2020 zurück; sein Nachfolger wird der ehemalige GM-Manager Stephen Gersky. [3] Zusammen mit dem norwegischen Unternehmen Nel Hydrogen plant Nikola Motors den Aufbau eines Netzes von Wasserstofftankstellen in den USA. He also reconfirmed comments made last week that detailed billions in potential cost savings from announced partnerships, and specifically called out its plans with General Motors. By the end of the year, Nikola was poised to reveal its revolutionary new truck, the Nikola One. The accusations came days after GM said it is taking an 11% stake in Nikola. Nikola has been the biggest example of hydrogen’s promises — and pitfalls. Nikola announced plans Thursday of a limited collaboration for hydrogen fueling stations with TravelCenters of America. [16] And no Rivian or Arrival delivery vans. However, there also were no disclaimers that the truck wasn't functioning on its own. Am Tag nach der Veröffentlichung des Berichts sank der Börsenwert Nikolas bis zu 27 %. FAZ.NET: Rücktritt von Vorstandschef lässt Nikola-Aktienkurs einbrechen. [20] Juni 2020 sind Bestellungen für den Pickup-Truck Badger möglich. Unlike the Nikola One, a prototype driving under its own power was demonstrated, including when hauling a cargo of beer for a future customer. [11] Weitere Anteilseigner sind die Beteiligungsgesellschaft ValueAct Capital aus San Francisco und Worthington Industries aus Columbus (Ohio). Power comes from LDV’s own two-litre, four-cylinder turbodiesel which pumps out maximum power of 110kW and torque of 375Nm from 1,500rpm. The baker’s dozen actually includes a bakery truck — a Workhorse C-1000 delivery van used by Alpha Baking Co. in Chicago. Roeth wasn’t sure the electric truck field event was ready for a Run on Less demo. Hindenburg accused Nikola's founder, Trevor Milton, of making false statements about the company's technology in order to grow and partner with auto companies. The company said it "ultimately decided not to invest additional resources" to complete the vehicle. In the months leading up to the presentation, a user asked Nikola whether the truck would be a “design unveiling or a functional prototype”. – CNBC's Leslie Josephs contributed to this report. Aussagen Nikolas zum Entwicklungsfortschritt, und Behauptungen bezüglich großer Photovoltaikanlagen und eigener Erdgasquellen im Besitz des Unternehmens werden, unter anderem unter Berufung auf Insider, angezweifelt. Unter anderem habe das Unternehmen außer Fahrzeugkonzepten keine funktionsfähigen Prototypen vorzuweisen. Nikola and Iveco, a unit of Italian American vehicle maker CNH Industrial, are in a joint venture to build battery-electric and hydrogen heavy trucks. Nikola said there were "dozens" of inaccurate allegations in the report by a short-selling firm. [10] Bosch will ab 2022 Brennstoffzellen für Fahrzeuge von Nikola Motors liefern, die unter Lizenz von PowerCell gefertigt werden. Nikola has rejected the claims, calling the report "a hit job for short sale profit driven by greed." [5] Mit einer Bestellung von 800 Lastkraftwagen zählt die Brauerei Anheuser-Busch, zu dem die Marke Budweiser gehört, zu den ersten Großkunden von Nikola. But Nikola isn't disputing one of Hindenburg's largest claims — that it staged a video showing a truck that appeared to be functional but wasn't, as well as claims that the truck was fully functional. Short-seller Hindenburg blasts Nikola as 'false' and 'misleading', Nikola denies Hindenburg Research fraud accusations. The Nikola Two is a semi-tractor truck that is expected to be technically identical to the Nikola One. An EV truck company founded in Utah six years ago (the name must have driven Musk crazy), founded by one Trevor Milton, Nikola went public this June through a … Nikola’s business plan is to lease a fuel cell truck, along with maintenance and fuel, to a … A 14,000-truck deal from E Squared Energy, supposedly representing $735 million in sales. Earnings Results Nikola stock gains after narrower Q4 loss for electric-truck maker Last Updated: Feb. 26, 2021 at 7:31 a.m. In a statement Monday, the company said there were "dozens" of inaccurate allegations in the report, and it outlined specific examples. Nikola Corp said on Wednesday that South Korea's Hanwha Corp has decided to sell up to half of its stake this year, setting out to reduce its bets on the prospects of the electric-truck maker.7 It also has retained a law firm regarding potential legal action. Nikola said it anticipated saving "over $4 billion in battery and powertrain costs over 10 years and over $1 billion in engineering and validation costs. Hindenburg said the truck was "towed to the top of a hill on a remote stretch of road and simply filmed it rolling down the hill." GM erhielt 11 % Anteile für Sachleistungen in Wert von zwei Mrd. A breakout in early May sent shares through Nikola’s pre-Covid high of $16.25 set two months prior. Februar 2021 um 13:27 Uhr bearbeitet. The short seller also took aim at Nikola Corp in September, accusing the electric-truck maker of fraud, leading to the resignation of its founder, Trevor Milton. A high-level overview of Nikola Corporation (NKLA) stock. "I would suggest it's ridiculous to think they haven't done a deep dive; much more deep dive than what any third party short seller would be able to perform.". Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. The accusations came days after General Motors said it is taking an 11% stake in Nikola. "While we look forward to management addressing some of these issues, we continue to believe seeing the forest through the trees that Nikola is a story stock now and its all about execution looking ahead through 2023," Ives said in an investor note Monday. The electric truck company is moving forward with a key element of its strategic plan, and investors are pleased to see some positive news … [21][22] Russell describes the buildout of the hydrogen station network in station pairs along repeatable routes that fleets travel. Nikola confirmed that it would be a “functioning” and “fully built truck at event”. [8] Im September 2019 wurde bekannt gegeben, dass CNH Industrial mit 250 Millionen US-Dollar, sowie der deutsche Automobilzulieferer Bosch und die südkoreanische Hanwha Group jeweils mit über 100 Millionen US-Dollar an Nikola Motors beteiligt sind. Dezember 2016. Those allegations included alleged misrepresentation of the capabilities of the Nikola One during the vehicle's unveiling in 2017 and claims that the company's headquarters was off the grid. Dafür bekommt Nikola den Bau des Badgers als Elektrofahrzeug. Founder of Nikola, Trevor Milton speaks during presentation of its new full-electric and hydrogen fuel-cell battery trucks in partnership with CNH Industrial, at an event in Turin, Italy December 2, 2019. We want to hear from you. ET First Published: Feb. 25, 2021 at 4:15 p.m. Er ist ein. Ives said if Nikola can achieve goals such as completion of an assembly plant in Arizona and building saleable models, the opportunity for the stock "is massive and the stock will reflect this dynamic.". The electric truck industry seems to be falling further out of favor with investors. [23] [7] Seit dem 29. Ein Video des Unternehmens aus dem Jahr 2017, das den Sattelschlepper Nikola One während der Fahrt zeigt, sei gefilmt worden, während der Sattelzug ohne eigenen Antrieb einen Hügel hinunterrollte. Alternative fuel truck developer Nikola Corp. (NASDAQ: NKLA) is on a wild ride.. After a reverse merger with special purpose acquisition company VectoIQ brought … And for one month, shares barely looked back … Nikola shares closed Monday at $35.79, up 11% following the rebuttal as well as comments from Nikola CFO Kim Brady, who reassured investors the company's plans remain on track. Lediglich eine unverbindliche Absichtserklärung zur Bereitstellung des Brennstoffzellensystems Hydrotec von GM für Nikolas geplante LKW-Produktion konnte beschlossen werden. [6] Insgesamt sollen über 14.000 Vorbestellungen für Lastkraftwagen des Unternehmens vorliegen (Stand September 2019). The first hydrogen fuel cell semi-truck - Nikola Tre FCEV - is even further away, as the current plan is mid-2023. ", "I think it's offensive to our strategic partners that you have a short seller who's doing a hack job and essentially pointing fingers at our strategic partners that they don't know what they're doing," Brady said during an RBC Capital Markets conference. Es wurde in Salt Lake City (Utah) im Jahr 2014 gegründet und hat seit 2018 seinen Sitz in Phoenix (Arizona). ET Regarding the video, Nikola said it "never stated its truck was driving under its own propulsion in the video, although the truck was designed to do just that." [19], Anfang September 2020 veröffentlichte der Leerverkäufer Hindenburg Research eine Analyse, in der Nikola und dessen Management der Lüge und des Betrugs bezichtigt werden. manager magazin,,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Nikola One: Vorgestellt wurde der Nikola One am 1. Es wurde in Salt Lake City im Jahr 2014 gegründet und hat seit 2018 seinen Sitz in Phoenix (Arizona). [17], Im September 2020 gab General Motors eine strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Nikola Motor Company bekannt. It instead shifted resources to another pickup, known as the Nikola Two, which the company has demonstrated is self-propelled. "In the few areas where the company did respond, it largely confirmed our findings or simply raised new unanswered questions. Der Hauptunterschied zum One ist, dass der Nikola Two mit einem deutlich kleineren Fahrerhaus ausgestattet ist. Nikola expects its first public hydrogen station to be open by the end of the year. Seit Anfang Juni 2020 werden die Aktien des kombinierten Unternehmens an der Nasdaq unter dem Tickersymbol NKLA (WKN: A2P4A9) gehandelt. A Division of NBCUniversal. Ende November 2020 wurde bekannt, dass die geplante Allianz zwischen GM und Nikola nicht zustande kommen wird. Nikola, another electric pickup truck startup which has been attacked by the Hindenburg in the past, separately fell more than 7per cent hit by a key investor cutting its stake. Nikola did not address other claims outlined by Hindenburg. We will be issuing a detailed response.". Hindenburg Research betont weiterhin, dass das Logistikunternehmen U.S. Xpress, das für Fahrzeugreservierungen im Wert von 3,5 Milliarden Dollar steht, im letzten Quartal vor der Untersuchung nur einen Kassenbestand von 1,3 Millionen Dollar vorzuweisen hatte. Mehrere Anschuldigungen wurden nicht entkräftet und als „nicht relevant“ bezeichnet.[22][26]. No Tesla Semi. The video was one of several claims in the firm's report, which was called "Nikola: How to Parlay An Ocean of Lies Into a Partnership With the Largest Auto OEM in America.". Elsewhere, shares of Nikola were up 19%. The only difference is that the Nikola Two does not have a sleeper compartment which the Nikola One will possess. [12][13], Im März 2020 gab Nikola bekannt, dass das Unternehmen mit VectoIQ, ein sogenannter SPAC (Börsenmantel mit liquiden Mitteln), fusionieren werde, um dadurch eine Börsennotierung zu erhalten; die durch die Fusion erhaltenen Mittel sollen zudem die Produktion finanzieren. Nikola Tre: Im November 2018 wurde der Nikola Tre (norwegisch für „drei“) angekündigt. [14] Des Weiteren wird Nikola den Grundstein für seine Produktionsanlage in Coolidge, Arizona, legen und eine Wasserstofftankstellen-Infrastruktur aufbauen. Ex-CEO Trevor Milton cashes in on $49 million worth of Nikola stock last week. US-Dollar. Shares of Nikola recovered from early losses Monday as the electric vehicle start-up disputed fraud claims made last week by short-selling firm Hindenburg Research. Got a confidential news tip? GM said it planned to produce Nikola's battery-electric pickup truck the Badger by the end of 2022. Die Nikola Corporation (bis 2020 Nikola Motor Company, auch Nikola Motors genannt) ist ein börsennotiertes amerikanisches Hybrid-Truck-Entwicklungs- beziehungsweise Designunternehmen. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. © 2021 CNBC LLC. [9] CNH liefert zudem Antriebskomponenten für den Bau der Zugmaschinen. In other instances, Nikola said Hindenburg mischaracterized a quote from an employee of auto supplier Bosch, a partner of the company; misrepresented comments from Milton about potential advancements in the company's battery technology; and falsely linked the departure of a chief financial officer to refunding deposits for first-generation versions of the company's semitrucks. Shares of Nikola recovered from early losses Monday as the electric vehicle start-up disputed fraud claims made last week by short-selling firm Hindenburg Research. No Nikola Tre. Dieser. Hindenburg founder Nathan Anderson said the firm finds Nikola's statement on Monday "completely inadequate. It was then used in a video, which Nikola said was created by a third party, in which the truck appeared to be driving on its own propulsion on flat roads. [18] Unter anderem erklärte das Unternehmen, man habe nie behauptet, dass sich der Nikola One in dem angeführten Video aus eigener Kraft fortbewegt hätte. [15] All are expected next year.
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