“Indeed the heavy haulage sector doesn’t want too many major changes”, Beyer knows from experience. Two equally impressive 500- and 750-ton mobile cranes are already waiting there to transfer the cargo onto a barge for onward transport to Antwerp. Thousands of cubic metres of excavated material and heavy construction vehicles are transported by Konrad Götz in Seubersdorf. Christian Lahm Technical director at W. Mayer GmbH & Co. KG. Like Rainer Beyer, he also emphasises the excellent collaboration with Mayer. 1960 PS at the factory gate: Two MAN TGX are pulling from the front and the new MAN is pushing 374 tons backwards up an incline. HEADLIGHTS. Die große Weltpremiere am Abend des 10. JB 24 Trucker 7/2020 MAN has nally done it! MAN New TGX 18.510 (Neuer TGX 2020) Veröffentlicht am 26.06.2020. The new MAN TGX scored particularly well in the areas of driving comfort, working/living quality, safety, fuel efficiency, connectivity, innovative services and operating and display philosophy. Next stage: three heavy objects in the hold of the barge from Saarlouis to Antwerp. Last but not least, the exit also has to be tackled in reverse to arrive on the adjacent main 269 road in the correct position ready to drive off in the direction of Saarlouis. “I also have the automatic gearbox with torque converter in the V8, so it's easy to handle. Hans Dräger, an experienced driver for Mayer and this time at the wheel of the demonstration TGX, views the operation with the composure of a veteran. The total mass amounts to 374 tons, and the high centre of gravity at over 7.30 metres (with a width of 5.30 metres) doesn’t make things any easier. Three of them are in the service of W. Mayer GmbH & Co. KG from Zweibrücken, all TGX 41.680 with V8 engines and decked out in the typical green company livery. It carried out a successful five-hour-long journey with a cargo over 7.3 metres tall and 5.3 metres wide. a total length of 51.4 metres, and a gross weight of 374 tonnes. "The panel of esteemed experts were unanimous in their decision," writes Transport News, in the latest edition of the magazine (February 2021). The new MAN TGX has the power to get you further down that road. The all-round view and especially the mirrors are better now, and it’s really easy to manoeuvre. W. Mayer GmbH & Co. KG from Zweibrücken was commissioned to carry out the job; it deployed five MAN heavy-duty semitrailer tractors for this purpose. It was commended for its driving comfort, working and living conditions, safety, fuel efficiency, connectivity, innovative services, and operator control and display philosophy. Yet this is a long way from being the ultimate destination: the assemblies are to leave the Belgian seaport to cross the pond and then travel further up the Mississippi towards Arkansas, USA. Customers therefore have advantage of being able to continue using their existing exemptions.”. A clear case for MAN’s introduction of its new truck generation to include the development of new heavy-duty tractor units to tow weights up to 250 tons and beyond. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Herpa 944335 MAN TGX GX 18.640 "The New MAN TGX" Individual LION S " SZM / PC bei eBay. He not only performs the planning at Bohnet GmbH, he also sits behind the wheel himself on the nightly trips. New Truck Flatbed open Offer: MAN TGX 26.510 6x2 4 LL Containerpritsche/Fassi 545, € 247.900,- Net price, in 32657 Lemgo-Lieme, Germany Together with a “pushing” rear vehicle from the previous generation, which was also equipped with a 640-hp engine, a 20-axle swing axle low loader trailer with a 233-tonne component was also used. The other two, equipped with 640 PS D38 in-line six-cylinder engines, also stand out visually: they have silver or bright red paintwork and belong to the demonstration fleet at MAN Truck & Bus – with one demonstration vehicle from the new TGX heavy haulage series in its première role as lead vehicle. The new MAN TGX is “International Truck of the Year 2021”! * What is new on the vehicle is the entire control system, for instance the newly configured software and heavy duty programming.” He sees its deployment at Mayer, a long-standing MAN customer and heavy load expert through and through, as a decisive development step – from practice for practice: “Until now the tractor unit has only driven in trials, so this is its first ‘real’ load journey. They need empty roads. “We do though have differences in the engine and transmission: the silver one is Euro 6C, whilst the new red one in version D3876LF10 meets Euro 6D and also has a slightly shorter gear ratio of 4.33 to one instead of 4.11.” A small but fine detail with regard to his pusher that Hans Dräger notices right from the first few metres: “I can tell straight away that my colleague at the back has different gear changing points due to the longer axle.” Given the close radio contact between the well-rehearsed team, however, this is only a question of coordination. Although the conspicuous police presence is certainly another reason to refrain from sounding your car horn. It looks pretty good to me. MAN Truck & Bus points out that the performance improved compared to the previous version is thanks, (among other things), to the use of the new Euro 6D generation engine and the new hypoid main gearbox with an extremely long gear ratio of 2.31. It is still pitch black and freezing cold at the agreed meeting point in mid-January. MAN TGX GX "The new MAN TGX" SZM / Pullback 12,22 € * Menü schließen ohne Spiegel, Metallmodell, M 1:87, Maßstabs- und originalgetreues Spielzeug für Kinder ab 3 Jahren Artikel-Nr. I would admittedly still like to test it over the mountains for a few weeks, but for now I can say: a little fine-tuning here and there, not much more.” Christian Lahm sees it similarly from a fleet perspective: “The new MAN has done well, this vehicle meets the requirements. The new MAN TGX is the only choice for truck operators who are looking for trucks that are capable of hauling up to 44,000kg GVW, with the model being built to provide the very best in performance, both in fuel consumption and comfort for the driver. The technology behind the new MAN TGX 26.480 has increased its payload advantage over many other competing vehicles while keeping fuel economy high thanks to its six-cylinder engine, exhaust-gas recirculation particle filter, SCR system and extended rear axle. Floating over snowcapped peaks, enjoying a panoramic view: the highest three-cable installation in the world has been opened in Zermatt in the Swiss Alps. The lion-strong overall package of the new MAN TGX convinced the jury of 24 journalists. EASY CONTROL. This page is dedicated for New Man Generation. zzgl. Otherwise this could result in damage to the gearbox: “Nobody wants to see a gearbox breaking apart during the journey”, adds Richter. Although manual intervention is never fully out of the question in heavy haulage operation. Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. INTERIOR. “The frame, chassis, axle spacing – all that remains as usual. July 12, 2019. MIRRORS. Zusätzlich der Preisrahmen ist verglichen mit der angeboteten Produktqualität mehr als zufriedenstellend. Solltet Ihr andere Geräte an der Scheibe haben, wie auf den Bildern, macht im Zweifelsfall ein Foto. for this purpose. BUNK REMOTE CONTROL. New TGX! The 15.2L, 640hp six-cylinder common rail engine is both twin turbocharged and intercooled and has unprecedented power and efficiency. Februar 2020 im spanischen Bilbao war sozusagen eines der letzten großen Events, welches in Europa vor dem großen Coronoa-Lockdown stattfand. After hydrodynamic start-up, the converter is bypassed at 1200 revolutions and operation switches to dry clutch. INDICATORS. Meanwhile, what doesn't fit is made to fit: the advance team changes traffic lights and removes signs, the cherry pickers lift overhead lines and the police keep moving targets in check. Twin turbocharged and intercooled, the TGX delivers unprecedented power and efficiency making pulling heavy loads an effortless task. Re: New MAN TGX #16 Post by xXCARL1992Xx » 11 Feb 2020 18:14 it takes one year to release a truck, we saw that with the New Scania, the Lonestar also, the MAN … Because our drivers are ultimately the ones who handle the material every day and can thus detect vehicles’ strengths and weaknesses.”, Text   Ralf Becker Photos   Björn Iversen. The new 4-axle heavy-duty semitrailer MAN TGX tractor was used for the first time in a heavy-duty convoy made up of three units at the end of January. This requires a MAN TGX semitrailer – and a full-blooded driver, and Florian Brendel. As he had done throughout the morning, driver Hans Dräger takes a relaxed view of the situation at the end. Never a dull moment.”, The subsequent wait on the tree-lined main road, on the other hand, is precautionary in nature: the advance team, including two cherry pickers in the convoy, is checking the avenue for overly low-hanging branches. This operation involves a constructive exchange for both parties.” As a technician through and through, however, he gets straight back to talking about the vehicles. Nothing new so far. GEARSHIFT. Test drive: New MAN TGX SAFETY. A good idea (why didn't they think of it before?) MAN TGX MAN's TGX is the ultimate truck for heavy-duty, long-haul transportation. The vehicles and products displayed on this website may differ in terms of shape, design, colour and scope of supply. The push-pull combination came to a total length of 51.4 metres, and a gross weight of 374 tonnes. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! In order to set notifications about comments -, from Lebach in Saarland, Germany to the Saarlouis port to be loaded onto a ship. “This time it was the crossing to Henry-Ford-Strasse shortly before Saarlouis, and the exit from the Dileb premises right at the start. MAN's D38 is the ultimate truck for heavy-duty, long-haul transportation. The new MAN TGX scored particularly high marks for driving comfort, working/living quality, safety, fuel efficiency, connectivity, innovative services and operating and display concept. PTV Group’s Michael Nutto explains how e-vehicles and smart cities can make supp... Official: lorry drivers entering England must get covid tests as of April 6th. New Truck Flatbed open Offer: MAN TGX 26.640 6x2 4 BL Baustofffahrzeug nach Wunsch, Price on request Price, in 32657 Lemgo-Lieme, Germany There is no need to rush, since progress is mainly at walking pace. “Always keep your foot off the accelerator at the bottlenecks ahead, unless I say differently. There will at some point have to be a replacement, but this new one with its D38 engine has already made a good impression.”, The final conclusion on this day is reserved for Arno Alt, managing director at haulage company Meyer: “We’re generally very pleased regarding our mutual exchange with MAN. Der New man tgx Produkttest hat erkannt, dass das Verhältnis von Preis und Leistung des analysierten Produktes im Test sehr überzeugt hat. STORAGE DRAWERS. The technical features and equipment of the vehicles described are merely examples and may differ, in particular on a country-specific basis. With MAN D26 and MAN D38 engines for the Euro 6 emission standard and the text generation of transmissions, the best and most powerful ever MAN TGX is there for you now. Out in front: the brand new MAN TGX 41.640 leads the convoy onto the road. As the convoy sets off again on the main 269 road, it is not only in full daylight, but the route is also lined with vast numbers of heavy haulage fans who are constantly filling their memory cards with snapshots. Shortly before this, an MAN TGX … The crossing of Henry-Ford-Strasse over a steep and frozen earth bank mentioned at the beginning of this article is ultimately only a question of time. Versandkosten. Außerdem fährt der neue MAN TGX bald auch auf Pflanzen ab: Ab 2017 gibt MAN die Motoren MAN D20, MAN D26 und MAN D38 für den Betrieb mit paraffinen Kraftstoffen nach EN15940 frei. Another completely new experience follows during the crawl through the community of Körprich with its 2000 inhabitants: passers-by wave in a friendly manner, children's eyes light up and even all the cyclists give way without complaint. Here is the new video of the new MAN TGX Euro 6 uploaded today by SCS on Youtube: What are your thoughts for it as we can see it now completely ? Shortly after seven o’clock and at minus seven degrees, three heavy haulage low-loaders with a total of five awesome MAN tractor units have assembled at the Dileb machine factory in Lebach, Saarland. Covid border restrictions and test centres... Amazing images show transport of 67-metre-long... Covid border restrictions and test centres for HGV drivers in Europe – updated M... Amazing images show transport of 67-metre-long turbine blade, Germany: new restrictions for drivers coming from Moselle, Sweden and Hungary. DRIVELINE. Just let yourself be pulled”, Hans Dräger calmly tells his pusher over the radio. 1-3 Werktage ACCESS. MwSt. That's something you don't usually experience in a load convoy... As things progress, even drivers wait patiently when the convoy goes the wrong way around roundabouts or takes up the entire opposite lane on ramps and bends. : ZY.MN093-9270 2 - 4 Werktage (Ausland abweichend) Anzahl We have competent technical contacts there and we can also rely on their workshops in Kaiserslautern and Sangerhausen. Beschreibung "Herpa The new MAN TGX MAN TGX GX 26.580 Volumenhängerzug ZY.HE094-2485" With 2,700Nm of torque available in all gears, at all times, the D38 makes pulling heavy loads an effortless task. New Man Tgx. It took no less than 13 years for MAN finally to move the exterior mirrors back a bit, and so greatly improve visibility when entering a roundabout! Successful première: the team from MAN and Mayer is very happy this Sunday in the January midday sun, from the left: Steffen Richter, Michael Makowsky, Arno Alt and Rainer Beyer. The convoy has been charged with transporting a pipe welding system to nearby Saarlouis, to the south quay in the Saar metropolis to be precise. The new MAN TGX, which was first showcased in February 2020, was therefore able to prove its calibre in another important comparison test. The lion-strong overall package of the new MAN TGX convinced the jury of 24 journalists. Thank you! the very low step position, the new MAN TGX clears the way for getting in and out ergonomically. CENTRAL DISPLAY. BUMPER. It turned out that the new MAN TGX consumed on average 8.2% less fuel than its older competitor. Der New man tgx Test hat zum Vorschein gebracht, dass die Qualität des verglichenen Vergleichssiegers uns sehr überzeugt hat. MAN EasyControl: four control buttons reachable from outside the vehicle for maximum comfort Midsection and armrest of inside door panel: depending on configuration made of fabric or Initially the stage to Saarlouis is on the agenda, however, and that in itself is no mean feat. Herpa The new MAN TGX MAN TGX GX 18.640 Sattelzugmaschine PC Virtine ZY.HE094-0955 € 32,50 * inkl. Veteran at the wheel: Hans Dräger immediately felt at home in the new MAN TGX on its test drive. In each of these cases we had to work with a lot of lateral compensation and three tractor units.”, In the aforementioned exit, sharply steep and what’s more with an interlocking carriageway, stands the 51.4-metre-long push-pull traction unit including the two powerful 640 PS D38 machines, by nature ready for the greatest challenge: the traction duo has to cope with the largest load in the convoy, being a section of the pipe welding system weighing around 233 tonnes placed on the 20-axle Scheuerle pendulum axle low-loader. Once again a third tractor unit is attached and then the route into the harbour is mostly a formality. The new MAN TGX has done well, this vehicle meets the heavy haulage requirements. Alongside the company’s own TGX 41.680 with V8, the demonstration vehicle with its 640-hp D38 engine had the chance to prove itself as the lead vehicle in the push-pull combination. Première: the MAN TGX 41.640 from the new truck generation hangs in front of a 20-axle low-loader at the customer's premises for the first time. “As part of the MAN Trucknology Roadshow, this vehicle is the first heavy haulage unit from the new TG generation”, clarifies Michael Makowsky, heavy haulage expert at MAN and responsible for the Trucknology Roadshow. The festive ceremony took place in Jaunmārupe at the service premises of SIA AVAR AUTO, the official importer of MAN Truck & Bus SE in Latvia. Two generations in tandem: the latest MAN TGX 41.640 model is pulling, the previous model is pushing. A journey of 16 kilometres may sound like a piece of cake on paper. Re: New MAN TGX #9 Post by Virgo91 » 11 Feb 2020 16:44 Yep,the top engine(640 hp),even if it is an L6 now,still produces the same amount of torque as the Euro 5 V8(680 hp).3000Nm is a lot of torque if you ask me. Händler-Präsentation. The new 4-axle heavy-duty semitrailer MAN TGX tractor was used for the first time in a heavy-duty convoy made up of three units at the end of January. The air-conditioning systems in our vehicles contain fluorinated greenhouse gases (R134a / GWP 1430 with up to 1.15 kg equivalent to 1.6445 t CO2). Raasepori, Finland. Rainer Beyer, responsible for special and custom vehicles at MAN Truck & Bus Deutschland GmbH and on-board with Hans Dräger as a passenger, meanwhile gives some details for the record: “Enthusiasts will basically already know the demonstration vehicle’s drive train from previous TGX heavy haulage tractor units: 15.2-litre engine with 640 PS and 3000 Nm torque, reinforced cardan shaft with 36,000 Nm shear torque, 16-ton rear axles and ZF TCHD (torque converter heavy duty) with automated 12-speed MAN TipMatic 12.30 OD transmission and 440 torque converter clutch. “It's certainly a bit different from delivering parcels. The new MAN TGX, which was first showcased in February 2020, was therefore able to prove its calibre in another important comparison test. Isn't an official page of MAN Truck & Bus! große Ablage für den NEW MAN TGX 2020 Antirutschmatten sind in verschiedenen Farben zur Auswahl. In terms of feel, the gear changes in the new one even are even smoother than in its predecessor; it is quieter than in the V8 and the braking power from the engine brake and retarder is very good. We and our partners process personal data such as IP Address, Unique ID, browsing data for: Use precise geolocation data | Actively scan device characteristics for identification.. “So put your foot down now, it’s getting steep” – they understand each other without many words. We have a conversion factor of 1 to 1.58, in other words a breakaway torque of 4740 Nm. Fighting off stiff competition from three other manufacturers, namely DAF, Mercedes-Benz and Scania, the New Generation MAN TGX was singled out thanks to its evolutionary upgrades in cab design, both inside and out. The convoy’s job was to transport a tube-welding line from Lebach in Saarland, Germany to the Saarlouis port to be loaded onto a ship. Ebenfalls das benötigte Budget ist gemessen an der gebotene Produktqualität sehr gut. It was about time! HVO Hydrogenerated Vegetable Oils, CTL coal to liquids, GTL gas to liquids, BTL biomass to liquids. Man TGX 35.580 High Capacity Transport truck for Kesko Logistics. Subject to any change without notice. The 15.2 L, six-cylinder common rail D38 engine now comes in both 580 and 640hp. After two unsuccessful attempts in the factory exit, the only option left was to add a third additionally coupled tractor unit to deploy the combined forces of almost 2000 PS to pull the low-loader into its starting position on the main road. Around 7 o’clock on a Sunday morning: not an unusual time of day for oversized heavy haulage low-loaders. We will subsequently evaluate the data collected here in the road test and make further adjustments as necessary. It carried out a successful five-hour-long journey with a cargo over 7.3 metres tall and 5.3 metres wide. On October 7 this year, the first seven new MAN TGX trucks were handed over to SIA HEAD, the leading international cargo transporter in Latvia. is the new module in the AERODOMES. THE MAN TGX D38. We’ve been driving MAN vehicles in the heavy haulage sector for decades now, and experience has shown that our suggestions from practice are taken up in new designs. Colleague Steffen Richter, technical trainer for heavy haulage tractor units at MAN, also adds with regard to the push-pull traction unit: “We have essentially the same power train as in the silver ‘pusher’ from the previous generation, including the 600 kW Turbo-EVB engine brake and the Intarder 3 with up to 630 kW.” In combination, however, the tremendous braking power is limited to 980 kW to protect the drive train. After almost five hours of transport, there is time for a first conclusion as the cranes load their cargo onto the barge. DIGITAL INSTRUMENT CLUSTER. “We’ve been looking after this customer for many years and have been heavily engaged in this current deployment. Heavy haulage with the MAN TGX The haulage of large and heavy goods represents the supreme discipline in the transport world. GRILLE. Many helpers: an employee lifts up the street lighting in the basket of a cherry picker, to allow the convoy with all its accompanying vehicles to pass under the overhead power lines. A challenge therefore, despite the fact that Mayer personnel have frequently travelled this route and know virtually every crash barrier by name. New MAN TGX truck of Stengel LT pulls trailer along Finnish national road 25 towards Port of Hanko in the summer. But the route along the “Saar heavy load section” features some aspects that make life difficult for even the most experienced haulier, including tree-lined avenues, low-hanging power lines, a few steep inclines, narrow roads through towns and some roundabouts. Some of the images may include special equipment, accessories and decorative elements which are subject to an additional charge. For our part, we strongly involve our drivers in the decision-making process. Obstacle: even the traffic light pole can be pulled out of the way with a little effort. Yellow truck of the type MAN TGX 18.680 reflected in the front of another MAN truck, MAN Forum, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe. Kevin Knaub believes that a heavy transport needs to be well planned. *If you have photos with the new series,send me! “The tricky spots are always somewhere different depending on the load”, comments Christian Lahm, technical director at Mayer, in retrospect. We were already convinced by our predecessors with their V10 and V8 and the chassis and drive train technology quite simply suit this MAN. MULTIFUNCTION STEERING WHEEL. BUNKS. The new MAN TGX is “International Truck of the Year 2021”! Cant wait to drive it A Heavy-Duty Truck with Exceptional Power and Torque. W. Mayer GmbH & Co. KG from Zweibrücken was commissioned to carry out the job; it deployed. At over 7.3 metres tall and 5.3 metres wide, the push-pull combination came to a total length of 51.4 metres, and a gross weight of 374 tonnes. At the harbour: it takes two massive mobile cranes to transfer the load from the road onto the barge. Heavy manual work: the tow bar is hooked into the register coupling at the front of the vehicle. Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest. The new MAN TGX has been named International Truck of the Year 2021 by a jury of 24 trade journalists. Kraftstoffe, die dieser Norm entsprechen, sind z.B. There are also other such customer deployments in the coming months.” Although the basic configurations will by the way remain untouched. Alongside the company’s own TGX 41.680 with V8, the demonstration vehicle with its 640-hp D38 engine had the chance to prove itself as the lead vehicle in the push-pull combination. Unsere Tische werden nicht auf dem Amaturenbrett festgeschraubt, sie werden mit Klett befestigt, was wieder ohne Probleme ablösbar ist. 2,157 likes. I am really hyped up for this ! After a journey of nearly five hours, the vehicle delivered its cargo safely to the Saarlouis south quay. MAN SMARTSELECT.
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