3:18. Entrá y conocé nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. La cumparsita, un tango charnière . Country. Matos, Rodriguez Gerardo Hernan : La cumparsita (big band) violin, 2 flutes, clarinet, 5 saxophones, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, piano, bass, drums / Beginner / 1 PDF / 1 MP3 / MIDI Arranger : Bergeron, Guy Listen to La Cumparsita (Tango) by Werner Müller And His Dance Orchestra, 114 Shazams. LA CUMPARSITA Chorégraphe: Paolo & Nicola Line Dance:64 comptes - 1 mur – DEBUTANT + Musique: La Cumparsita SIDE TOGETHER SIDE WITH FLICKS, RIGHT & LEFT 1à4 PD à … TANGO LA CUMPARSITA aka El ritmo de mi corazón. ... La Cumparsita Tango Choreographer: KH Loh – June 2015. ВКонтакте – универсальное средство для общения и поиска друзей и одноклассников, которым ежедневно пользуются десятки миллионов человек. La Cumparsita (spanisch für „kleiner Straßenumzug“) heißt das musikalische Meisterwerk des uruguayischen Architekturstudenten und Komponisten Gerardo Hernán Matos „Becho“ Rodríguez (1897–1948). In der internationalen Tango-Szene wird La Cumparsita superlativisch «el tango de los tangos», „der Tango aller Tangos“, genannt. Music: Sensual Tango - La Cumparsita Count : 64. You know this one, even if you might not know the name of it. Encontrá La Cumparsita Dance en MercadoLibre.com.ar! Please select the number of stars you wish to vote on the left. Put your left hand to the left waist and lift your right hand up as doing toe taps, Step right forward, hold, step left forward, hold, step right forward, step left together. [1] 6 Votes). [Bbm Fm Ab E Dbm Abm Eb B Bb] Chords for Line Dance: LA CUMPARSITA (Italy) with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Descubrí la mejor forma de comprar online. In the 2006 dance movie Take the Lead, Jenna Dewan, Dante Basco and Elijah Kelley danced to a remixed version. Tango. Entrá y conocé nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. Start then again from the beginning. Choreographer: Kirsi-Marja Vinberg. La cumparsita es un tango cuya melodía fue creada y escrita entre finales del año 1915 y principios de 1916 por el músico uruguayo Gerardo Matos Rodríguez.Poco después y a pedido de Matos Rodríguez, recibió arreglos musicales del argentino Roberto Firpo quien, posteriormente a esto, la tocó junto a su orquesta por primera vez en público. Line Dance stepsheet list for dances choreographed to Richard Clayderman - La Cumparsita Tango Dance - La Cumparsita - Tango Fire. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Please select the number of stars you wish to vote on the left. "Darienzo Orquesta Actual" dirijida por Carlos Lazzari quien fuera arreglador y coodirector de Darienzo los últimos 25 años. Tango Dance - La Cumparsita - Tango Fire. C’est aussi un tango important dans l’histoire du tango parce qu’il est au confluent de multiples courants qui ont fait l’histoire du tango. 1 — C’est un tango à la charnière entre … Playing next. Lettering. Need more information to buy the correct version of song! Size 10.0 Source 78 User_cleaned Kevin Coupe User_metadataentered Lawson Cade User_transferred Lawson Cade 0 Votes). ( Rhythm: slow slow quick quick, Step right forward, turn ½ right with right foot and knock back left toes on the floor 3 times. About The mother of all tangos. Optional start position: left arm, hand flat, in front of chest, right arm, hand flat, at back, right toe pointed to right Step RF to right, LF next to left, step RF to right, flick LF behind right, Step LF to side , RF next to LF, step LF to left, flick RF behind left, ¼ turn left(9 oclock), step RF to side , LF together, RF next to left, flick LF behind right, Step LF to left, together RF, step LF to left, flick RF behind left, ¼ turn left( 6 oclock ), step RF to side , LF together, RF next to left, flick LF behind right, ¼ turn left( 3 oclock ), step RF to side , LF together, RF next to left, flick LF behind right, ¼ turn left, step forward RF in front of LF, point LF to side (12 oclock), Step Forward LF in front of RF, point RF to side, Step forward RF in front of LF, point LF to side, Step forward LF in front of RF, as you make ½ turn right hook RF in front of L knee, Step forward RF in front of LF, point LF to side (6 oclock), Step forward LF in front of RF, point RF to side, Step forward LF in front of RF, kick RF forward, Step back with RF, LF, RF, long step LF to side, Touch RF next to left instep, point RF to side, touch RF next to instep, HOLD.
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