4th Zagreb Tango Festival 2014 @ Yanina Quinones & Neri Piliu (1/4) Mauricio Guariglia, author of this tango, was a flutist, music teacher and composer of... "Loca" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1942. Extended hours of dancing, milongas, practicas, excellent DJ's for all activities. With this number the three-section structure that prevailed in the old trend tango began... "El pensamiento" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1945. Con tus dulces... "Tres horas" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1943. D'Arienzo was performing at the Chantecler by then. From Jacinto Font as a composer, we highlight “Yo me llamo Eloy Peralta”. In 1940, D'Arienzo looked for members to put together a new orchestra, tempting Cayetano... "La clavada" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1940. Manuel Aróztegui's first composition —“El apache argentino”—, was heard for the first time in... "El Entrerriano" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1946. José Luis Padula was born in Tucumán, and to this city, he dedicated a... "Amarras" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1944. The well-known tango “Don Juan (El taita del barrio)” was written by Ernesto Ponzio... "El africano" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1937. Yanina y Neri @ Zagreb Tango Festival MILONGA QUERIDA - Juan D'Arienzo / Alberto Echauge. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and … 12 tracks (33:28). Around the late 30s the name of Francisco Gorrindo reached, suddenly, a great reputation,... "Ataniche" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1936. Tango que atraes corazones,
About La Juan D’Arienzo: Since its 2012 debut in Buenos Aires, La Juan D’Arienzo has aimed to offer listeners and dancers the characteristic music in the style of the legendary tango orchestra leader Juan D’Arienzo, who was known as the Rey del Compás, or the King of the Rhythm. Listen to Tangos y Milongas in full in the Spotify app. Carlos Waiss had a great ability to produce his works, which in many cases... "La Cumparsita" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1963. Ernesto Zambonini was one of the creators of the "canyengue" beat with the violin. An excellent singer with great in-born capacities, good intonation and a pleasant color of... "Cruz Maidana" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Laborde in vocals, 1950. Armando Laborde was an excellent singer with great in-born capacities, good intonation and a... "Si supiera que la extraño" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Laborde in vocals, 1945. Medellin Tango Marathon The city of eternal spring joins the new wave of the great events of tango. 13-9-1968 Buenos Aires RCA-Victor AVL-3819 RAAN-8298. About virtual Argentine Tango classes and private lessons, Argentine Tango class on change of weight, Argentine Tango class on walking: fundamentals, 20% OFF on private lessons for absolute beginners, Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, instrumentals 1935-1939, Juan D’Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, instrumentals 1940-1950, Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, Juan D’Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Laborde in vocals, Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica after 1960. In dem waren der Pianist Juan … Alberto Nery He was considered one of the most capable typical pianists in the... "Yo quiero cantar un tango" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1943. Er begann im Alter von zwölf Jahren Violine zu spielen und studierte am Konservatorium Mascagni in Buenos Aires. 2 2004 Glorias del Tango: D'Arienzo Vol. "Pensalo bien" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1938. "Cicatrices" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1942. Juan D'Arienzo – Milongas 2 El Esquinazo – from Sus Primeros Exitos, Vol. 1 2003 Juan D'Arienzo: Discografía Completa Vol. D'Arienzo was performing at the Chantecler by then. 2 (Tango Argentino BMG-RCA) Juan D'Arienzo – Milongas 3 En estos tiempos particulares que nos toca vivir, y ante la imposibilidad de viajar este año a visitar a nuestro querido público Japones y la bella gente de Min-On que con tanto cariño nos recibió en 2015, felizmente compartimos unos tangos al ritmo de Juan D'arienzo a la espera de volver a viajar en 2022. Listen to Tangos y Milongas now. Of Ricardo González Muchila, his tango “La rosarina” deserves special mention because it was... "Lunes" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1938. When Domingo Rullo was five years old, for the first time he saw a... "Yo me llamo Eloy Peralta" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1944. Gerardo Matos Rodríguez was the creator of the worldwide known and most successful tango... "La Galarcita" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1945. Si te gustó el video, podés compartirlo o inscribirte al canal, así seguimos llevando el tango, a todos los rincones del planeta.Musicalizador de Tango: Damián BoggioInfo \u0026 contacto:http://tangodj-vinilo.blogspot.it/1- TRAMPA2- EL COMANDANTE3- SE ACABARON LOS GUAPOS De quien escucha tus sones,
Ángel Villoldo is considered by many “The father Tango”. Many of them were committed... "Tucumán" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1950. Listen free to Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica – Tangos (La Cumparsita, A Media Luz and more). Juan D'Arienzo:Discografía Completa Vol. A mi vieja Tango. (17 March 1887 - 30 December 1957)
Ricardo Brignolo was an excellent musician who left us gems as “Chiqué”. Juan D'Arienzo discography and songs: Music profile for Juan D'Arienzo, born 14 December 1900. and for... "Mandria" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1939. “Canaro en París” and “Seguime si podés” with... "Tierra negra" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1942. ... ℗ 2016 TANGOS Y MILONGAS. José Martínez is a name of a truly remarkable importance in the early days... "El choclo" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1937. His orchestra is considered one of the "Big Four" orchestras of Argentine tango, along with: Carlos di Sarli, Anibal Troilo, and Osvaldo Pugliese. "Mine was always a tough orchestra, with a very swinging, much nervous, vibrant beat.... "El irresistible" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1936. Listen free to Juan D'Arienzo y Jorge Valdez – Los Tangos del Siglo Vol.14. In 1949 D'Arienzo said: «In my point of view, tango is, above all, rhythm,... "Sábado inglés" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1946. 32 numbers of Graciano De Leone have been found. "One evening when the dancers had run through our repertory I had to improvise... "La puñalada" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1937. La orquesta de Juan D’Arienzo logró por sí sola vender más discos que el total de todas las otras orquestas juntas. He was son of Italian immigrants and used more modern arrangements and instrumentation; his popular group produced hundreds of recordings. Tango, Milonga. That happened when in his orchestra Rodolfo Biagi was included, a pianist who had played with Pacho, who had accompanied Gardel on some recordings, who had also played with Juan Bautista Guido and with Juan Canaro. A great pianist, Eduardo Pereyra is placed among the creators and interpreters of tango... "El cencerro" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1937. José Luis Padula was an archetype of Buenos Aires, owner of extraordinary natural talent,... "El paisanito" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1944. Also available in the iTunes Store More by Juan D'Arienzo. He was essential to the acceptance of bandoneon as a musical instrument of Tango. Juan Polito dagegen hatte leider kein Glück mit seinem Orchester, und so kehrte Echagüe zu D’Arienzo zurück, wo ihm der Erfolg garantiert war. youtube.com. To hear more of the milongas: Milongueando con Juan D'Arienzo on EURO records. Enrique Santos Discépolo was very versatile in his styling, having the ability to write... "Sobre el pucho" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1941. Hoy, como ayer, escuchamos, los viejos tangos, que escuchaban nuestros padres y abuelos, en nuestras casas, cuando éramos pequeños.Conectando el auricular, en nuestro celular, en cualquier parte del mundo, disfrutamos de las melodías que nos relatan los queridos tiempos de antaño.Así, de este modo, podemos escuchar esta maravillosa música que llamamos TANGO, en cualquier lugar y cuando queremos. 1 the light that illuminated my existence
Lyricist, journalist and theater author
Lorenzo Logatti, the composer of the melody, replied that he had not yet given... "El Marne" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1939. Tango.info since 2004: music, CDs, events, festivals, shoes, composers, lyricists, singers, teachers, DJs, videos 06. Corrientes y Esmeralda – Tango – Orquesta Juan D’Arienzo con … "Canaro en París" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1940. Yanina y Neri @ Zagreb Tango Festival MILONGA QUERIDA - Juan D'Arienzo / Alberto Echauge. It would end up very hard work trying to mention all the musicians that... "Qué importa" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1939 (English translation). "Ansiedad" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1938. Biagi´s inclusion meant a change of time signature for D'Arienzo orchestra, which changed the four-eight for the two-four; that is to say, he returned to two-four, the fast frolic beat of the primitive tangos. youtube.com. Juan D'Arienzo (Buenos Aires, 14 de diciembre de 1900 - Ibídem; 14 de enero de 1976) fue un músico y director de orquesta argentino de tango, conocido como “El rey del compás”.. A diferencia de otras orquestas de la época de oro (1940-1950), D’Arienzo retornó al sentimiento del 2 × 4 característico de la “guardia vieja”, pero con arreglos e instrumentación modernos. His nickname was “El Rey del Compas” (The King of the Beat). Enrique Cadícamo himself tells us in his book "Mis memorias" that one day in... "Dime mi amor" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1941. Argentine Tango: What do you need to improve? Juan d'Arienzo (December 14, 1900 – January 14, 1976) was an Argentine tango musician, also known as "El Rey del Compás" (King of the Beat). 4th Zagreb Tango Festival 2014 @ Yanina Quinones & Neri Piliu (1/4),MILONGA QUERIDA - Juan D'Arienzo / Alberto Echauge. The six Juan D'Arienzo renditions, between 1928 and 1971, are different, but the one... 1935 is the key year in D'Arienzo's career; this is the year when the D'Arienzo we all remember really appeared. Also available in the iTunes Store More by Juan D'Arienzo. This space has been created for milongueros, dancers and students who wish to dance for their own pleasure, to enjoy and improve their dance. "La bruja" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1938. D’Arienzo was born on 14 December 1900 in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Balvanera. That happened when in his orchestra Rodolfo Biagi was included, a pianist who had played with Pacho, who had accompanied Gardel on some recordings, who had also played with Juan Bautista Guido and with Juan Canaro. Canta Armando Laborde / Orquesta Juan D'Arienzo Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last.fm. Albums include The Tango Lesson, Tango, and El tango no tiene contra. He wrote with Juan... "Seamos amigos" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1944. For more of his great 50s instrumentals: the album on Euro Records shared with Di Sarli, Dos músicos, dos estilos (EU16019). 1 2003 Glorias del Tango: D'Arienzo Vol. "A short time ago it was your love
“Tango que sos un encanto
"La bicoca" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1940. Arturo De Bassi was connected to the theater and the musical world of the... "La payanca" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1936. Juan D’Arienzo war Sohn italienischer Einwanderer. He was just 35 years old, one less than Julio De Caro —stylistically placed on the other end of the musical horizon of tango— he had been a star since 1924 and D'Arienzo started to become one when Pablo Osvaldo Valle took him to the brand new El Mundo radio station. In so doing, he created the foundation for tango’s most glorious years, the golden decade of the 1940s. D’Arienzo musste sich also nach neuen Musikern umsehen, und das Orchester, das er nun zusammenstellte, war noch eindrucksvoller als das vorherige. Instruments. Juan d’Arienzo (December 14, 1900-January 14, 1976) was a violinist, pianist, band leader and composer. Genres: Tango, Milonga. José Martínez used to make up the melody of his compositions improvising during his... "El puntazo" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1952. That happened when in his orchestra Rodolfo Biagi was included, a pianist who had played with Pacho, who had accompanied Gardel on some recordings, who had also played with Juan Bautista Guido and with Juan Canaro. Juan d'Arienzo (December 14, 1900 – January 14, 1976) was an Argentine tango musician, also known as "El Rey del Compás" ( King of the Beat ). Juan D'Arienzo contributed a fresh, juvenile, enlivening air to Tango. Alejandro Scarpino composed around 200 pieces. Enrique Maroni
"El apache argentino" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1944. A cd of D'Arienzo with singer Héctor Maure - the old FM Tango cd is still available on El Bandoneón (EBCD-99). Play on Spotify Manuel Romero's personality was that of a typical porteño and for that reason, Tango... "El olivo" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1941. n 1936, Juan D'Arienzo successfully appeared in the disputable territory of popularity. Among the most successful creations of Pascual Clausi is the popular milonga "El paisanito". Biagi´s inclusion meant a change of time signature for D'Arienzo orchestra, which changed the four-eight for the two-four; that is to say, he returned to two-four, the fast frolic beat of the primitive tangos. About the origin of the tango “Ataniche” somebody said —and many more repeated it—... "Don Juan" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1936. "Nada más" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1938. Me gusta bailar milonga – Milonga – Orquesta Juan D’Arienzo con Alberto Echagüe – 2:02 – 26/12/1944 08. 4th Zagreb Tango Festival 2014 @ Yanina Quinones & Neri Piliu (1/4) "La cumparsita" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1943. Héctor Mauré's interpretation was dramatic and at the same time, melodic. Argentine Tango classes for beginners: When is the new series starting? He wrote a... "Compadrón" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1942. In 1919 Eduardo Arolas composed “El Marne”, a true concerto of advanced structure for... "Indiferencia" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Alberto Echagüe in vocals, 1938. Francisco Brancatti was a great figure of Argentine popular music. ℗ 2016 TANGOS Y MILONGAS. Tango Masters: Juan D’Arienzo In 1937, Juan D’Arienzo propelled an entire city to its feet with his irresistible beat, converting a generation of tango listeners into tango dancers. 1935 is the key year in D'Arienzo's career; this is the year when the D'Arienzo we all remember really appeared. José María Suñé was the manager of several orchestras and singers and stood out... “Color cielo” by Juan D’Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Armando Laborde in vocals, 1944. "El flete" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1936. 4th Zagreb Tango Festival 2014 @ Yanina Quinones & Neri Piliu (1/4),MILONGA QUERIDA - Juan D'Arienzo / Alberto Echauge. 1927 Die „Los Ases del Tango wurden zu „Aieta y sus ases“ mit Luis Visca (piano) Aieta und Navarro (Bandoneones) D‘Arienzo und Cuervo (Geige) und Alfredo Corletto (Kontrabass) 1928 Juan D‘Arienzo formte ein Orchester unter seiner Direktion. Domingo Julio Vivas played guitar from his childhood, but at age 17, he had... "Infamia" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré in vocals, 1941. Undoubtedly, Fulvio Salamanca was one of the greatest Tango piano players. The composer himself, in a radio interview, said that it was a number with... "Canaro" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1941. José González Castillo truly disembarked in the genre with the lyrics of “Sobre el... "Tango Brujo" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica with Héctor Mauré, 1943 (English translation of the lyrics). Learn more at todotango.com. José Martínez, without having studied music, played by ear, and yet he was a... "Chiqué" by Juan D'Arienzo y su Orquesta Típica, 1942. Violin, Piano. 1935 is the key year in D'Arienzo's career; this is the year when the D'Arienzo we all remember really appeared. Selección de 10 tangos, valses y milongas famosos, interpretados por 5 de las Orquestas Típicas más inolvidables de todos los tiempos.
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