The eastern Frankish lands, the Holy Roman Empire, were ruled by the Ottonian dynasty, represented by Hugh's first cousin Otto II and then by Otto's son, Otto III. Emma (b. c.943, d. after 18 March 968, married as first wife Richard I Sans Peur Comte de Normandie) 3. All French Kings down to Louis Philippe, and royal pretenders since then, have been members of the dynasty (the Bonapartes styled themselves emperors rather than kings). 399 ff. [Mistress (1): ---. Hugh's motives are unknown, but it is presumed that he acted to forestall Rudolph's brother and successor as Duke of Burgundy, Hugh the Black, from taking the French throne, or to prevent it from falling into the grasping hands of Herbert II of Vermandois or Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy. The "country" operated with 150 different forms of currency and at least a dozen languages. King Odo was his grand-uncle and King Rudolph the son-in-law of his grandfather, King Robert I. Hugh was born into a well-connected and powerful family with many ties to the reigning nobility of Europe. He is regarded as the founder of the Capetian dynasty. Paris: PUF, 1996. Deux jours plus tôt, à Senlis (ou peut-être à Noyon ou Soissons), les principaux seigneurs du royaume ont offert la couronne au comte de Paris, au détriment de l'ultime héritier de Charlemagne et des rois carolingiens. After Lothair and his son died in early 987, the archbishop of Reims and Gerbert of Aurillac convened an assembly of nobles to elect Hugh Capet as their king. Further south, on the border of the kingdom, Fulk II of Anjou, another former client of Hugh the Great, carved out a principality at Hugh's expense and that of the Bretons. 83, No. Theobald I of Blois, a former vassal of Hugh the Great, took the counties of Chartres and Châteaudun. From 978 to 986, Hugh Capet allied himself with the German emperors Otto II and Otto III and with Archbishop Adalberon of Reims to dominate the Carolingian king, Lothair. The Chronicle of Ademar de Chabannes, on the other hand, recounts the dispute between "Dux Aquitanorum Willelmus" and King Hugues, as well as the subsequent peace agreed between the parties in 990, without mentioning that the duke was the king's brother-in-law[125], all the more surprising if the Poitevin origin is correct as Ademar concentrates on Poitevin affairs and also includes genealogical details in his narrative. The monarch began a long process of exerting control of the rest of the country from there. The son of Hugh the Great, Duke of France, and Hedwige of Saxony, daughter of the … 77 mi. Hugh Capet (c. 939 – 24 October 996) was the King of the Franks from 987 to 996. De este matrimonio nacieron cuatro hijos: 1. He was consecrated at Noyon 1 Jun 987. Indeed, there was a plot in 993, masterminded by the Bishop of Laon and Odo I of Blois, to deliver Hugh Capet into the custody of Otto III. 939: Hugh Capet likely conceived before the final break between Hugh the Great and Louis IV and resulting military campaigns. Hugh Capet possessed minor properties near Chartres and Angers. His son Robert continued to reign. Helgaud's Vita Roberti Regis names "Rex Francorum Rotbertus…patre Hugone, matre Adhelaide", specifying that "ab Ausonis partibus descenderat"[126]. 2. In 993 werd een complot van Odo van Blois en de bisschop van Laon ontdekt, om Hugo te ontvoeren en over te dragen aan keizer Otto III. His authority ended there, and if he dared travel outside his small area, he risked being captured and held for ransom, though, as God's anointed, his life was largely safe. Hugo verbond zich vervolgens met de graven van Normandië en Anjou, tegen Odo van Blois die Melun had geannexeerd. [edit] Legacy. He died, according to Richer, a monk at St. Remigus, "covered in spots [possibly smallpox] at his château in the hands of Jews [probably his doctors]." Geni requires JavaScript! The Pope then sent a legate with instructions to call a council of French and German bishops at Mousson, where only the German bishops appeared, the French being stopped on the way by Hugh and Robert.
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