[164] Despite being a lively community, Henry's court was more tightly controlled than those of previous kings. Heinrich war ein souveräner, geschmeidiger Regent, den die Sorge um die Normandie, die schweren französischen Angriffen ausgesetzt war, jahrelang von England fernhielt. Seine Mutter, Katharina von Valois, die stammte aus dem französischen Königshaus der Valois, war bei seiner Geburt erst zwanzig Jahre alt. [162] Initially Henry continued his father's practice of regular crown-wearing ceremonies at his curia, but they became less frequent as the years passed. Curtmantle 35: Plantagenet, angevinisches Reich: 56: Fontevraud Abbey, France: 1170-1183: Heinrich der Jüngere* Omissions? [134] His campaign stalled, and the King instead began peace discussions with Robert. Heinrich England was born on month day 1902, at birth place, to Heinrich Wilhelm August England and Johanna Sophie Wilhelmine England (born Diestel). [184] Henry was in a difficult position. Juli 1189 in Chinon) war Herzog der Normandie und von Aquitanien, Graf von Anjou sowie König von England (1154–1189). With the London settlement and the English victory at Tinchebrai, the Anglo-Norman state was reunified and at peace. The sentence was carried out at Salisbury by the Bishop. (HRR), römisch deutscher Kaiser (1084–1106) Heinrich IV. Nachdem Heinrich seinen Verstand, seine beiden Königreiche und seinen einzigen Sohn verloren hatte, starb er in der Nacht des 21. ist der Name mehrerer europäischer Herrscher: Heinrich IV. [235][nb 24] Henry was pushed onto the defensive as French, Flemish and Angevin forces began to pillage the Normandy countryside. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. When Henry I died at Lyons-la-Forêt in eastern Normandy, his favourite nephew, Stephen of Blois, disregarding Matilda’s right of succession, seized the English throne. (englisch Henry II, ursprünglich Henry Plantagenet; * 5. [91][nb 10] Matilda had originally been named Edith, an Anglo-Saxon name, and was a member of the West Saxon royal family, being the niece of Edgar the Ætheling, the great-granddaughter of Edmund Ironside and a descendant of Alfred the Great. [156] Henry was a harsh, firm ruler, but not excessively so by the standards of the day. und Mary de Bohun. [166][nb 16] In England, Henry drew on the existing Anglo-Saxon system of justice, local government and taxes, but strengthened it with additional central governmental institutions. [60] Domfront had previously been controlled by Robert of Bellême, but the inhabitants disliked his rule and invited Henry to take over the town, which he did in a bloodless coup. [95] She did not wish to be a nun and appealed to Anselm for permission to marry Henry, and the Archbishop established a council at Lambeth Palace to judge the issue. Reginald de Dunstanville, 1st Earl of Cornwall, England in the Middle Ages § High Middle Ages (1066–1272), Constance, Viscountess of Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, "A Search for Bones of Henry I is Planned in Reading", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henry_I_of_England&oldid=1017146267, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [250] In the melee, Henry was hit by a sword blow, but his armour protected him. Jakob I. [227] Louis backed down and in March 1113 met with Henry near Gisors to agree a peace settlement, giving Henry the disputed fortresses and confirming Henry's overlordship of Maine, Bellême and Brittany. [192], Even after the investiture dispute, Henry continued to play a major role in the selection of new English and Norman bishops and archbishops. Henry kept Robert imprisoned for the rest of his life. [195] Henry increasingly drew on a wider range of these bishops as advisors – particularly Roger of Salisbury – breaking with the earlier tradition of relying primarily on the Archbishop of Canterbury. Warren Hollister prefers six weeks; Judith Green, 15 days. 1162: Juni: 2. [33], During this period, neither William nor Robert seems to have trusted Henry. He purchased the County of Cotentin in western Normandy from Robert, but his brothers deposed him in 1091. [128] He confronted the Duke and accused him of siding with his enemies, before returning to England. In the battle of Bourgthéroulde, Odo Borleng, castellan of Bernay, Eure, led the King's army and received intelligence that the rebels were departing from the rebel base in Beaumont-le-Roger allowing him to ambush them as they traversed through the Brotonne forest. Traditionally Henry's mother has been given as Nest ferch Rhys, although more recent work by Kathleen Thompson casts doubt on this theory. (englisch Henry I; * um 1068 in Selby in Yorkshire; † 1. [289], Fresh conflict broke out in 1127, when the childless Charles I, Count of Flanders, was murdered, creating a local succession crisis. Commonwealth of England und Protektorat Von 1649-1660 war England eine Republik und wurde von Oliver Cromwell und seinem Sohn Richard als Lordprotektoren regiert. [58] By the end of the year, Robert and William Rufus had fallen out once again, and the Treaty of Rouen had been abandoned. Considered by contemporaries to be a harsh but effective ruler, Henry skillfully manipulated the barons in England and Normandy. [27] This also gave Henry influence over two major Norman leaders, Hugh d'Avranches and Richard de Redvers, and the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, whose lands spread out further across the Duchy. Updates? [214], In 1108, Henry betrothed his six-year-old daughter, Matilda, to Henry V, the future Holy Roman Emperor. (engl. Juni 1491 in Greenwich; † 28. [237] Henry's wife, Matilda, died in early 1118, but the situation in Normandy was sufficiently pressing that Henry was unable to return to England for her funeral. William Rufus continued to put down resistance to his rule in England, but began to build a number of alliances against Robert with barons in Normandy and neighbouring Ponthieu. [261] Henry's court was initially too scared to report William's death to the King. Heinrich VIII., König von England war ein Tyrann. [268] Henry intervened in North Wales that summer with an army and, although he was hit by a Welsh arrow, the campaign reaffirmed royal power across the region. (HRR), römisch deutscher Kaiser (1084–1106) Heinrich IV. Henry had a number of illegitimate children by various mistresses. [203] He was a keen supporter of the Cluniac order, probably for intellectual reasons. [173][nb 17] In Normandy, he restored law and order after 1106, operating through a body of Norman justices and an exchequer system similar to that in England. [231] He reinforced the Welsh Marches with his own appointees, strengthening the border territories. [235] Henry and Louis raided each other's towns along the border, and a wider conflict then broke out, probably in 1116. When he was finally told, he collapsed with grief. [269] Matilda left for Anjou, but Henry argued that the dowry had in fact originally belonged to him before it came into the possession of Fulk, and so declined to hand the estates back to Anjou. Anselm was criticised in some quarters for permitting the royal marriage to proceed. (England), König (1399–1413) Heinrich IV. [79], Henry was hastily crowned king in Westminster Abbey on 5 August by Maurice, the bishop of London, as Anselm, the archbishop of Canterbury, had been exiled by William Rufus, and Thomas, the archbishop of York, was in the north of England at Ripon. On one hand, the symbolism and homage was important to him; on the other hand, he needed Anselm's support in his struggle with his brother Duke Robert. [83], In addition to his existing circle of supporters, many of whom were richly rewarded with new lands, Henry quickly co-opted many of the existing administration into his new royal household. [159] At the heart was his domestic household, called the domus; a wider grouping was termed the familia regis, and formal gatherings of the court were termed curia. Heinrich II. Nach seinem Tod … Seine Mutter, Katharina von Valois, die stammte aus dem französischen Königshaus der Valois, war bei seiner Geburt erst zwanzig Jahre alt. Duke Robert Curthose, the eldest of the three brothers, who by Norman custom had succeeded to his father’s inheritance in Normandy, was returning from the First Crusade and could not assert his own claim to the English throne until the following year.
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