This browser is no longer supported at MarketWatch. If that’s the case, GME comes down to who blinks first. Lucas Jackson/Reuters. AMC Entertainment Holdings Registered (A), Tages-Trading-Chancen am Freitag den 23.04.2021. Historical and current end-of-day data provided by FACTSET. “The true vocation of man is to find his way for himself.” – Hermann Hesse. Lets dumb this down for you apes: - Let's say 5 banana's currently cost 10 dollar - One ape on the market has 5 banana's - Snake asks to borrow 5 banana's for a bit and instead sells the 5 banana's thinking price will go down soon (shorting). BBBY +2.67%. Not long ago, for example, GME reached a situation where over 130% of the available stock was tied up in short positions. RUA-0.21%. Short sellers are betting that GameStop will decline in price. Zeitverzögerung der Kursdaten: Deutsche Börsen +15 Min. GME short interest is $8.82BN; 27.12M shs shorted; 53.15% SI % Float; 34.1% S3 SI % Float; 26% borrow fee and easing to 10%. Shs shorted have decreased by -35.2M over the last week. 14. trendanalysis fundamental gamestop gme shortsqueeze laggards shortinterest. Währung in USD. re: GME short squeeze Posted by itsbigmikey on 1/19/21 at 12:44 pm to hiltacular quote: Cohen did a lot of good things with CHWY but the current CEO Sumit has done equal if not more for them. Nasdaq 100. Die Aktie stieg aufgrund Millionen von Privatanlegern aus der Reddit-Community (r/wallstreetbets) und eines beabsichtigten Short Squeeze (die Short-Quote betrug teilweise 140%) von rund 20 Dollar am Jahresbeginn auf zwischenzeitlich 480 Dollar. Get the latest GameStop Corporation (GME) stock news and headlines to help you in your trading and investment decisions. … To short GameStop stock, an investor borrows shares, sells them and buys the shares back on the public market later to return it to the lender. Add to Watchlist. GameStop Corp. (GME) NYSE - NYSE Verzögerter Preis. GME - Short squeeze stock short interest data and short selling information for shares of Gamestop Corporation Class A. 3 Big Stories to Watch. Stock analysis for GameStop Corp (GME:New York) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. The narrow width of the bands suggests low volatility as compared to GME's normal range. Market Data is delayed by 15 minutes and is for informational and/or educational purposes only. Bei Wertpapieren sind das je nach betrachtetem Markt meist zwei bis drei Geschäftstage. Er muss sich also den leer verkauften Wert rechtzeitig verschaffen. In depth view into GameStop Short Interest explanation, calculation, historical data and more Because bears are fuk. short volume shows 78% on some sources, only 21 million shares, down 65% from 35 million shares (you state 93 million shares). They have screwed us on student loans that we can never get out from under. GameStop Corp. engages in the retail of multichannel video game, consumer electronics, and wireless services. Durch diverse Funktionen erhalten Sie eine einfache Möglichkeit, sich einen genauen Überblick zu verschaffen, welche Aktie in welcher Höhe geshortet wird und wer die Aktien leerverkauft hat. BYND-1.43%. Sinkt das Leerverkaufsvolumen, deutet dies auf eine bullische (positive) Stimmung hin. The Dark Red Reversal Doji on the Daily during a selloff is a great indicative of a trend change! The company was founded by Daniel A. DeMatteo in 1996 and is headquartered in Grapevine, TX. Das wird ein nie gekanntes Kursfeuerwerk bei Uran-Aktien auslösen! HDGE-0.20%. Der Anbieter von Videospielen litt in den vergangenen Jahren unter dem Trend hin zu mobilen Spielen über die Cloud und war teilweise kurz vor … Daten zum Leerverkaufsvolumen können Aufschluss über die Anlegerstimmung geben. Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. • Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. BBBY, +1.35% saw its stock climb 33% on Wednesday, and has hiked up 96% amid a four-day win streak. Zur Watchlist hinzufügen. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using this site you agree to the 102. Ein Leerverkauf in Form eines Kassageschäfts unterscheidet sich in Abschluss und Abwicklung nicht von einem normalen Verkauf. Its long-term stock value depends on fundamentals, not a short-squeeze. For the best experience, please update to a modern browser. ANALYSTEN SEHEN URAN-PREIS BEI 50 USD!!! This is nowhere near that of the short float on GameStock. It operates through the following segments: United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Note: Quote Data is Delayed At Least 15 Minutes. If exercised, that would've driven up the price AH/PRE or today in the high hundreds, maybe even thousands. DAX Index 231.795. Short interest stock data available for NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, OTCBB and Pink Sheets stocks available from There are currently no items in this Watchlist. Real-time last sale data for U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only. Impfstoff-Pipeline prall gefüllt: Nicht nur Corona zündet den Turbobooster für Biotechs – Aufholjagd beginnt! GME has closed above bottom band by 34.6%. 101. Steigende DAX-Dividenden trotz Pandemie? Earnings outlook for gamestop. Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices, company earnings, market valuation and more. M-3.52%. FIZZ +1.60%. GameStop Corp., a specialty retailer, provides games and entertainment products through its e-commerce properties and various stores in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Here’s Why. Musst aber da Bezahl Apps haben. Then this guy, WHO'S NOT A CAT, walks into my office and says those same banks got GREEDY, they lost track of the SHORTS and I can profit off of their STUPIDITY? MELDUNGEN überschlagen sich! NYSE +20 Min. What are your thoughts on the short ladder strat post squeeze? Lenders are funds or individuals that own the security that have indicated to the broker that they are willing to lend it out. 4182 views . GME - Short squeeze stock short interest data and short selling information for shares of Gamestop Corporation Class A. 154,69 -1,75 (-1,12%) Börsenschluss: 4:00PM EDT. Change the date range, see whether others are buying or selling, read news, get earnings results, and compare GameStop against related stocks people have also bought like AMC, BB, NOK, and KOSS. When an investor makes a short sale, they do so with the belief that a security will decline in price. “No wind favors he who … Gme quote. NASDAQ +15 Min. If the stock does drop after selling, the … Jetzt Dividendenausblick lesen! Losses totaled roughly $1.6 billion on … The average GME stock price target is 40.36 with a high estimate of 175.00 and a low estimate of 3.500. Learn about GME (XNYS) with our data and independent analysis including price, star rating, valuation, dividends, and financials. What Now? Das Börsen-Tool „Short-Positionen“ des Stockstreet-Portals listet die im Bundesanzeiger offiziell gemeldeten Netto-Leerverkaufspositionen oder kurz Short-Positionen einzelner Investoren auf. GME-3.00%. GME / GameStop Corp. short borrow fee rates are shown in the following table. Copyright © 1998-2021 wallstreet:online AG - Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Gesamtzahl der offenen Short-Positionen eines Wertpapiers geteilt durch die Anzahl der handelbaren Aktien. Das bedeutet insbesondere, dass der Leerverkäufer den verkauften Wert innerhalb der marktüblichen Fristen liefern muss. GME Short Thread - "/biz/ - Business & Finance" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion of business and finance, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin. Screenshot des Kurses der GameStop-Aktie (GME) vom 28.12.2020 bis 28.01.2021 via Short Float: 19.75%: Perf Quarter: 305.19%: Sales: 5.09B: P/S: 2.21: EPS this Y: 37.80%: Inst Trans-8.91%: Short Ratio: 0.28: Perf Half Y: 1039.54%: Book/sh: 6.69: P/B: 23.69: EPS next Y: 39.80%: ROA-8.70%: Target Price: 40.36: Perf Year: 3216.11%: Cash/sh: 7.18: P/C: 22.08: EPS next 5Y-ROE-55.30%: 52W Range: 3.77 - 483.00: Perf YTD: 741.35%: Dividend-P/FCF: 177.06: EPS past 5Y-23.50%: ROI-22.80%: … Januar 2021 an der … GME - Short squeeze stock short interest data and short selling information for shares of Gamestop Corporation Class A. Dow Jones +15 Min. The Canada segment comprises of retail and e-commerce business. View the latest GameStop Corp. Cl A (GME) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ. 103. GME Short Interest as of today (April 15, 2021) is . Short interest stock data available for NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, OTCBB and Pink Sheets stocks available from Pre-Market 1.38 (0.87%) NYSE:GME GAMESTOP CORPORATION. GameStop short-sellers have lost $3.3 billion betting against the stock in 2021, S3 Partners said. Real time quotes advanced visualizations backtesting and much more. Datum Short Volume Total Volume Ratio; 04.06.20: 4.193.343: 5.097.877 +82,26 %: 03.06.20 This table shows the interest rate that must be paid by a short seller of US:GME to the lender of that security. Shorts are down -$13.38BN in 2021, which includes up +$1.93BN on today's -22% move. GameStop Is Popping, Coinbase Is Dropping, and the Stock Market Is Following Bitcoin Lower, GameStop CEO George Sherman to step down by end of July, stock jumps, ‘From a traditional perspective, the market is fractured and possibly in the process of breaking completely,’ says hedge-fund titan Einhorn, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock underperforms Friday when compared to competitors, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock underperforms Thursday when compared to competitors, GameStop’s stock price is down 50% from the highs — and this proves why it’s still crazy, Coinbase Stock Goes Public—and Retail Traders Can’t Get Enough, GameStop stock rallies, is on track to snap longest losing streak in 3 1/2 years. Jetzt einsteigen und profitieren! See what stocks are on extreme levels and the most shorted stocks by sector and regions. Short Volume is a data set that can be used to understand investor sentiment. We should see the GME short squeeze continuing and more short covering in the stock as mark-to-market losses mount,” he told Yahoo Finance late Wednesday. WKN A0HGDX | ISIN US36467W1099 | GameStop Aktie mit aktuellem Realtime Kurs, Chart, Nachrichten, Fundamentaldaten, Analysen, Meinungen & Empfehlungen. This fee is shown as an annual percentage rate (APR). Data is currently not available. -1.56 (-1.00%) DATA AS OF Apr 16, 2021 1:27 PM ET. Die letzten GameStop Corporation (GME) Aktienkurse, Verläufe, Nachrichten und weitere wichtige Informationen für den Aktienhandel und Investitionen finden. Keiner ist so günstig wie der Smartbroker (Finanztest 11/20). Short inspirational quotes and short inspirational sayings. Quote. Not long ago, for example, GME reached a … From the relationship between price and moving averages; we can see that: This stock is NEUTRAL in short-term; and BULLISH in mid-long term. If you are interested to test some amazing BUY and SELL INDICATORS that i use, which give the signal at the beginning of the candle, not at the end of it, just leave me a message. GME manufactures a unique range of consumer products including EPIRBS and PLBs, UHF CB Radios, Antennas, Entertainment Products and more. Ein Short-Squezze, der seines Gleichen sucht und vielleicht mit dem der Volkswagen Aktie im Jahr 2007/2008 zu vergleichen ist. View today's stock price, news and analysis for GameStop Corp. Cl A (GME). Der Preis einer Aktie mit vielen Short-Positionen steigt, was Leerverkäufer dazu zwingt, ihre Leerverkäufe zu "decken", indem sie tatsächliche Aktien kaufen, was den Preis noch weiter nach oben treibt. Gesamtzahl der gehandelten Short-Aktien geteilt durch die Anzahl der täglich gehandelten Aktien. Privacy Notice, and Im Falle von Wertpapieren geschieht das normalerweise durch eine Wertpapierleihe oder ein Wertpapierpe… Die Marktkapitalisierung des Unternehmens stieg auf über 20 Milliarden Dollar. Börsen- & Finanzwidgets für Ihre Homepage. GameStop Corp. NYSE Updated Apr 21, 2021 8:50 AM GME 158.53 5.84 (3.55%). Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Get GameStop Corp (GME:NYSE) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC. MRNA-1.86%. Sure, a few speculators saw GameStop’s 52-week high of $347.51. What Will the Stock Market Do Today? IRBT +0.82%. See, when GME would've closed in between $115 and $150, over 44.000 Call options would've become ITM. The Australia segment refers to the retail and e-commerce operations in Australia and New Zealand. (Surely after the squeeze) GAMESTOP CORPORATION MrRenev . 17. Have Watchlists? View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. GME, $GME, GameStop Corp stock technical analysis with charts, breakout and price targets, support and resistance levels, and more trend analysis indicators Disney fan complains Walt Disney World is becoming too ‘woke’ and new home sales surge past expectations as builders race to meet demand, Why the Fed’s focus on those hardest-hit by the pandemic matters for markets, Why it’ll take more than easy money from the Fed to keep sparking this bull market in stocks, Indonesia navy declares submarine lost with 53 aboard, Homeowners face the biggest property-tax hikes in 4 years — here’s where they pay the most, India virus patients suffocate amid oxygen shortage in surge, GameStop CEO George Sherman to step down on July 31, or earlier, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock rises Friday, still underperforms market, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock falls Thursday, underperforms market, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock falls Wednesday, underperforms market, Lawsuits against Robinhood in the GameStop saga are getting their day in court — but there’s one big snag, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock underperforms Tuesday when compared to competitors, The cryptocurrency dogecoin began as a joke, and now it’s worth more than Ford, GameStop Corp. Cl A stock outperforms market on strong trading day. Gesamtzahl der täglich an den wichtigsten US-Märkten gehandelten Short-Aktien. Bollinger Bands are 47.9% narrower than normal. Log in to see them here or sign up to get started. Naked Brands Has A Tall Order Ahead In Revamping Its Business, #AMCDAY: 8 Things for AMC Investors to Know About the April 22 Holiday, Investors Beware: 3 Red Flags an Investment Is Too Good to Be True. GameStop's stock is trading down $7.37 today. GME stock is the poster child of the lucrative "short squeeze" rally that took off in early 2021. GameStop Corp., GME - Live Short Interest changes, statistics and charts, Days To Cover (DTC), Cost To Borrow, Nasdaq and NYSE data as well as live Securities Lending data. GME Innotainment Short Interest | Stock Short Selling | Short Interest Quote. At its height, on January 28, the short squeeze caused the retailer's stock price to reach a pre-market value of over US$ 500 per share, nearly 30 times the $17.25 valuation at the beginning of the month. I use Fibonacci Extension to predict the new price of GME: 300usd. The United States segment includes the retail operations and electronic commerce websites and, Game Informer magazine, and Kongregate. Top 15 der gesamten Suchanfragen der letzten 7 Tage, Das folgende Diagramm zeigt das Leerverkaufsvolumen bei GameStop Corp New (A). GME | Complete GameStop Corp. Cl A stock news by MarketWatch. What is a short squeeze Biggest short squeeze so far, 2008 Anyone else getting in on GME? Short interest stock data available for NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX, OTCBB and Pink Sheets stocks available from Gesamtzahl der offenen Short-Positionen eines Wertpapiers geteilt durch die Anzahl der … PLUG +2.30%. tags: fragment-52, games, heraclitus, leisure, philosophy, play, time, wisdom. AMC-3.73%. So different sources all reporting different % of float vs different quantities. Besides, the short float is in the single-digit range. Wenn ein Anleger einen Leerverkauf tätigt, dann glaubt er, dass der Preis einer Aktie sinken wird. With GameStop Starting With a Clean Slate, Is Now the Time to Buy? GME / GameStop Corp. short volume is shown in the following chart. GameStop Stock Dove Because the Company Isn’t for Sale. Die Aktien sind doppelt verliehen. Daher über 100%. Find the latest GameStop Corporation (GME) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. GME stock is above $200 for the simplest possible reason: a lot of people have bought it, and not many of them are yet willing to sell. GameStop ist eine US-amerikanische Einzelhandelskette für Computerspiele und Unterhaltungssoftware. Get the latest GameStop Corp. (GME) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and investment decisions. Short Interest zu GME Innotainment tagesaktuell. Market Data is delayed by 15 minutes and is for informational and/or educational purposes only. Copyright © 2021 MarketWatch, Inc. All rights reserved. Sometimes, when a bear case is obvious or massively hyped, the short selling gets to ridiculous levels. he thinks he can buy them later for less and give them back to ape, so he make's profit on the difference. GameStop Stock Is Soaring Because Its CEO Is Out. GME Australia. 155,70 +1,01 … GME marketwatch I never knew much about a 'squeeze' but all this GME news lately has gotten me to dive deeper and it seems legit as frick. Something went wrong while loading Watchlist. 1455 likes. Turnaround geschafft - Aktie vor Ausbruch! The Europe segment pertains to the retail and e-commerce operations in the European countries. WHY DID THEY SHORT GME SO AGGRESSIVELY WITH FAKE SHARES? GameStop Corporation Common Stock (GME) Nasdaq Listed. GME 226.42% short interest! Add to Portfolio. The price of many other heavily shorted securities also increased. GameStop Corp. had the biggest day yet of its dizzying rally, adding more than $10 billion in market value, as bullish day traders kept the upper hand over short sellers. Hello, here I am updating you on the GME short story before anyone else (I got … TSLA +2.63%. View the real-time GME price chart on Robinhood and decide if you want to buy or sell commission-free. Created with Highcharts 9.0.1 Regular Volume Short Volume Mar 22 Mar 24 Mar 26 Mar 30 Apr 05 Apr 07 Apr 09 Apr 13 Apr 15 Apr 19 Mar 23 Mar 25 Mar 29 Apr 01 Apr 06 Apr 08 Apr 12 Apr 14 Apr 16 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 PETS +0.88%. UPDATE: Short interest is now just 0.9% of the float. Da zuvor mehrere Hedgefonds mit Leerverkäufen … Wenn der prozentuale Anteil der Leerverkäufe am Gesamtvolumen steigt, deutet dies auf eine bärische (negative) Stimmung des Marktes hin.
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