Of 5,150 candidates who took the October remote exam, 4,319 passed for an … The statements, opinions and data contained in the journals are solely Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. bipvo bipvo.com. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. Sheva's Ballet Fan Ibra's Opera Fanの全6371記事中1ページ目(1-50件)の新着記事一覧ページです。 Siehe auch: Entspannungspolitik zwischen Ost und West, Entschärfung einer 1,8 Tonnen schweren Fliegerbombe, erste selbstwählbare Telefonverbindung ins Ausland, schwerste und folgenreichste Eisenbahnunglück, Johann Friedrich von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=3._September&oldid=210541171, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Bipvo est un incroyable site de streaming français, vous trouverez ici un site très organisé avec beaucoup d’expérience dans le monde du streaming, si vous n’avez jamais visité ce site, alors commencez la visite guidée dès aujourd’hui! We love porn and our goal is to provide the best service to find your favourite sex videos, save them for future access or share your own homemade stuff. 1972 : Am Goldenen Sonntag siegen bei den Olympischen Spielen in München Klaus Wolfermann im Speerwurf , Hildegard Falck im 800-Meter-Lauf und Bernd Kannenberg im 50-km-Gehen . Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 4. Image: peshkova – Fotolia The following candidates passed the bar exam administered October 5-6, 2020. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. April 2021 um 16:19 Uhr bearbeitet. Support. Kleinere Unglücksfälle sind in den Unterartikeln von Katastrophe aufgeführt. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. L-carnitine helps the body turn fat into energy. Integration of Human and AI within Industry 4.0 Cyber Physical Manufacturing Systems, Machine Learning and Multimodal Sensing for Smart Wearable Assistive Robotics, Machine Learning for Communications and Networks, Machine Learning from Heterogeneous Condition Monitoring Sensor Data for Predictive Maintenance and Smart Industry, Machine Learning in Human Activity Recognition, Machine Learning in Internet of Things and Indoor Positioning/Localization, Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things, Machine Learning-Based Audio Signal Processing via the Use of Sensors, Machine Learning, Signal, and/or Image Processing Methods to Enhance Environmental Sensors, ​Microscale Sensing and Actuation in MEMS, Microwave Sensors: From Sensing Principle to Application, Mobile Health Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare, Model-Free Structural Health Monitoring Approaches, Motion Optimization and Control of Single and Multiple Autonomous Aerial, Land, and Marine Robots, Multi-Agent-Based Human-Computer Interaction, Multi-Sensor for Human Activity Recognition, Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Artificial Intelligence, New Trends in Intelligent Social-Health Systems Empowered by Internet of Every Things, New Trends in Smart Sensor Networks, Smart Computing, and Network Security, Novel Sensors and Algorithms for Outdoor Mobile Robot, Object Detection and Identification in Any Medium, Pattern Recognition Using Neural Networks, Planning and Control of Connected Automated Vehicles Subjected to Sensor Failure/Attack, Portable Systems for Diagnostics and Monitoring Applications, RADAR Sensors and Digital Signal Processing, Recent Advance of Sensors and Algorithms for Biometrics, Recent Advances in Big Data and Cloud Computing, Resilience Engineering for Smart Energy Systems, Robust and Explainable Neural Intelligence, Robust Emotion and Activity Recognition Related Sensor Systems Involving Neurocomputing, Role and Challenges of Healthcare Cognitive Computing: From Extraction to Data Analysis Techniques, Security and Privacy in Networked Smart Objects, Selected Papers from 2021 IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference, Selected Papers from the 2020 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C 2020), Selected Papers from the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, Selected Papers from the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive, Selected Papers from the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Sea, Selected Papers from the 4th International Workshop on Connected & Intelligent Mobility (CIM 2020), Selected Papers from the International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications (ICUIA 2021), Sensing and Data Analysis Techniques for Intelligent Healthcare, Sensing and Semantic Perception in Autonomous Driving, Sensing Properties and Emotions: Engineering for the Intelligent and Sustainable Optimization of the Quality of Industrial Products, Sensing Technologies for Agricultural Automation and Robotics, Sensing the Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Sensor Based Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition, Sensor Data Fusion Based on Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Medical Applications, Sensor Data Summarization: Theory, Applications, and Systems, Sensor Intelligence through Neurocomputing-Based Data Compression and/or Robust Time-Series Forecasting, Sensor Networking for Connected and Smart Mobility in Cities of the Future, Sensor Signal and Information Processing IV, Sensor Solutions towards Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Cities, Sensor Technologies: Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Management, Sensor Technology for Intelligent Control and Computer Visions, Sensor-Based Biometrics Recognition and Processing, Sensor-Based Deep Learning Applications for Enhancing Situational Awareness, Sensor-Based Smart Manufacturing: Selected Papers from the 30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (, Sensor-Fed and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities, Sensors and Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles, Sensors and Autonomous Systems in Smart Cities, Sensors and Carriers for Monitoring Operations at Sea and on Ground, Sensors and Fault-Tolerant Systems for Automated Guided Vehicles, Sensors and Pattern Recognition Methods for Security and Industrial Applications (SPR-SIA), Sensors and Sensor Fusion for Future Mobility Systems, Sensors and Single-Board Open Source Architectures: Design and Applications, Sensors and Technologies for Fall Risk Awareness, Sensors for Autonomous Agricultural Robotics, Sensors for Construction Automation and Management, Sensors for Medical Data Acquisition and Analysis, Sensors for Object Detection, Classification and Tracking, Sensors in Intelligent Industrial Applications, Sensors with Machine Learning Methods for Assisted Systems - Recent Advances and Future Trends, Sensors-Based Human Action and Emotion Recognition, Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Smart Sensing Applications, Signal Processing Circuits and Systems for Smart Sensing Applications, Signal, Image Processing and Computer Vision in Smart Living Applications, Smart and Predictive Strategies in Data Fusion, Smart Homes: A Prospective of Sensing, Communication, and Automation, Smart Packaging Sensors for Food Quality Monitoring, Smart Sensing and Advanced Machine Learning Based Emerging Intelligent Systems (SMILES), Smart Sensing in Building and Construction, Smart Sensor for Smartgrids and Microgrids, Smart Sensors and Measurements Methods for Quality of Life and Ambient Assisted Living, Social Sensing Applications in Edge Computing Systems, Sound Monitoring Acoustic Sensor Network Design for Urban and Suburban Environments, Surface EMG and Applications in Gesture Recognition, Systems, Applications and Services for Smart Cities, Towards Reliable and Scalable Smart Cities: Internet of Things Meets Big Data and AI, Ubiquitous Intelligent Sensing Systems for Smart Homes, Ubiquitous Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV)—Advances, Applications & Challenges, Virtual Sensors with Neurocomputing and Machine Learning Techniques, Wearable Sensors for Healthcare Applications, Wireless Smart Sensors for Digital Healthcare and Assisted Living, Advanced Multi-Band Antennas and Millimeter-Wave Components, Advanced Sensor Networks/Seismic Networks and Monitoring for Earthquakes and Phenomena Having a Seismic Signature, Advanced Systems for Human Machine Interactions, Advanced Wireless Sensing Techniques for Communication, Advances and Trends in Sensors and Sensing Technologies for Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Advances in Occupancy and Social Distance Monitoring Based on Indoor Positioning Systems, Application of Information Technology (IT) to Social Good, Application of UAV and Sensing in Precision Agriculture, Applications and Innovations on Sensor-Enabled Wearable Devices, Applying Wireless Sensors to Structural Health Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in Healthcare Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Their Applications in Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence for Security and Privacy in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (AI-SPASN), Assistive Robots for Healthcare and Human-Robot Interaction, Autonomous Maritime Navigation and Sensor Fusion, Challenges in Energy Perspective on Mobile Sensor Networks, Cloud and Edge Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things, Cognitive Radio Wireless Sensor Networks: From Radio to Applications, Communication Security in Wireless and Mobile Networks, Compressed Sensing for ECG Data Acquisition and Processing, Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Contents (CIIC), Congestion Control in Internet of Things Systems, Context-Aware Computing Based on Mobile Sensing, Cooperative Perception for Intelligent Vehicles, Cyber Situational Awareness in Computer Networks, Damage Detection with Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Acquisition and Analysis of Seismic Noise, Data and Privacy Management in Sensor Networks, Data Fusion and Machine Learning in Sensor Networks, Data Privacy, Security, and Trust in New Technological Trends, Data-Driven Cybersecurity and Safety for Critical Applications and Infrastructures, Decentralized Systems for Secure and Interoperable IoT Applications, Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computer Networking, Dependability of Wireless Sensor Networks, Design of Embedded Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks, Distributed Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Distributed Sensor Networks: Development and Applications, Drone Sensing and Imaging for Environment Monitoring, Emerging Blockchain Technology Solutions for Real-world Applications (EBTSRA), Emerging Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks, Energy Harvesting in Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Networks, Fog/Edge Computing based Smart Sensing System, Fusion of Multi-Sensors for Underwater Navigation and Localization, Geo-Distributed Big Data Analytics in Sensor Networks, Indoor Positioning with Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), Industrial Sensor Networks, Internet of Things and System of Systems, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Protocols and Challenges, Innovative Life-Changing Using IoT Sensors, Intelligent Communications and Networking Systems, Intelligent Internet of Thing, Sensor, and AR/VR Technology for Smart Cities, Internet of Things for Ambient Assisted Living, Internet of Things for Smart Community Solutions, IoT Sensors and Technologies for Education, Learning Technology Based on Navigation Sensors, Machine Learning Applied to Sensor Data Analysis, Marine Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications and New Challenges, Mobile and Wearable Devices for Digital Health, Multi Sensor-Fusion for Autonomous Robots, Multi-Sensor Fusion for Indoor Localization, New Trends in Wireless Body Area Networks, Next Generation 6G Based Sensor Networks for Smart City Application, Parallel and Distributed Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Physical Layer Security for Sensor Enabled Heterogeneous Networks, Proximity Detection through Sensing Technologies, Recent Advances in Connected and Autonomous Internet of Vehicles, Recent Advances in Indoor Positioning Systems, Recent Progress in Wireless Sensor Networks, Robot Sensors, or Applied Electromagnetics Applications, Reliability Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network, Routing in Aerial, Underground, and Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks, Security and Privacy Protection for Wireless Sensor Networks towards Big Data, Security, Privacy, and Ethical Issues in Sensor Data Processing, Selected Papers from ICOIN 2021 on Next Generation Communication and Networking, Selected Papers from MASCOTS 2020 and Workshop, Selected Papers from the 11th EAI International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, Selected Papers from the 1st International Workshop on Technology of AI and Wireless Advanced Networking: Dependable Computing and Communication (TAIWAN-DCC) in Conjunction with the 16th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2020), Selected Papers from the International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligent Applications (ITIA2020), Sensing and Processing for 3D Computer Vision, Sensor Fusion for Object Detection, Classification and Tracking, Sensor Networks for Cyber Physical Systems, Sensor Networks for Dependable Monitoring of Critical Applications, Sensor Networks for the Industrial Internet of Things, Sensor Networks in Distributed Measurement Systems, Sensor Networks Security and Applications, Sensors and Modern Technologies for Road, Robotic, and Intelligent Vehicle, Sensors and Sensor Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles, Sensors and Technological Ecosystems for eHealth, Sensors Application on Early Warning System, Sensors Applications in Structural Health Monitoring: Selected Papers from the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2020), Sensors, Networks and Applications for Intelligent Monitoring of the Territory, Simplified Sensing for Ambient Assisted Living in Smart Homes, Smart Sensor Networking in Cyber Physical Systems, Smart Sensor Networks for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring, Smooth Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles, Social Sensing of Natural Hazards and Extreme Weather, Software-Defined Wireless Sensors and IoT Solutions, Solar Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensor Networks, State-of-the-Art of Sensor Networks in Italy, Sustainable Environmental Sensing Systems, The Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Cities, The Security and Privacy of Sensor and Actuator Networks, The Weather and Pollution Sensing for Intelligent Transport Systems, Theory and Techniques for the Deployment of Future Wireless Sensor Networks in 5G and Beyond, Time-Sensitive Networks for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Trends on Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Next Generation Sensor Networks, UAV-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Systems: Research, Technologies, and Applications, Underwater Sensor Networks and Internet of Underwater Things, Underwater Wireless Sensing and Wireless Sensor Networks, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Future Networking Applications, Vibration Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensors, Video Coding Based on Compressive Sensing, Vision-Based Sensors in Navigation: Image Processing and Understanding, Wearable and BAN Sensors for Physical Rehabilitation and eHealth Architectures, Wearable and Mobile Sensors and Data Processing, Wearable Sensors and IoT-Oriented Systems for Life Quality Improvement, Wireless Sensing and Intelligent Reflective Surfaces, Wireless Sensor Network-Based Home Monitoring System, Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT for Smart Cities, Wireless Sensor Networks for Vehicle Navigation, Wireless Sensor Networks for Water and Environmental Monitoring, Wireless Sensor Networks in the IoT: New Challenges, Wireless Sensor Networks towards the Internet of Things, Wireless Sensors and IoT Platform in Large-Scale Infrastructures, 70th Anniversary of SAR: A Themed Issue Dedicated to Carl Atwood Wiley, Active and Passive Radars on Mobile Platforms, Adaptive Resilient Vehicular Fog Computing, Advanced Control and Connection Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles, Advanced Interference Mitigation Techniques for GNSS-Based Navigation, Advanced Sensing Technology for Ocean Observation, Advances in Optical and Laser Sensing Technologies for Environmental Applications, Advances in Remote Sensors for Earth Observation, Advances in the Monitoring, Diagnosis, and Optimisation of Water Systems, Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Mapping, Applications and Downscaling of Remote Sensing Soil Moisture, Applications of Sensor Networks and IoT in Marine Environment Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence-Driven Ocean Monitoring (AID-OM), Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation Ⅱ, Computational Electromagnetics in Remote Sensing: Wave Propagation and Scattering in Disordered Media, Deep Learning Techniques for the Mapping and Localization of Mobile Robotics, Design and Processing of Multi-Dimensional Signals, Electrical and Electromagnetic Sensors and Methods in Archaeology and Monumental Heritage, Emerging Characterization of Geomaterials Using Advanced Geo-Sensors, High Performance Positioning, Navigation and Timing for Mobile Platforms, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Earth, Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning: Techniques and Systems, Information Extraction for Situation Awareness During Emergency Using Multi-Sensor Imagery, Latest Advances in UAV Networks: Sensing, Communication, and Control, Lidar Remote Sensing of Aerosols Application, Marine Information Sensing and Energy Systems, Methodologies used in Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Remote Sensors for Precision Agriculture, Microwave Remote Sensing and Applications: New Challenges of the Earth Observation (EO) Technology for the Building of a More Resilient Society to Natural Disasters, Monitoring and Understanding the Earth’s Change by Geodetic Methods, Multi-Radio and/or Multi-Sensor Integrated Navigation System, Multisensor Systems Based Atmospheric Measurement, New Approaches, New Technologies and New Applications of Satellite Navigation Systems, New Technologies and Data Analysis Methods for Seismic Monitoring, On-Board and Remote Sensors in Intelligent Vehicles, Proximal and Remote Soil Sensing Technologies for Multiscale Soil Investigation, Recent Advances in GNSS-Based High Precision Positioning Technology: Part II, Recent Advances in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Analysis, Recent Advances on UAVs’ GN&C (Guidance, Navigation, and Control) Technology, Remote Sensing and Field Sensing for Geoenvironmental Applications, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics in Wildfire Management, Remote Sensing Application for Monitoring Grassland, Remote Sensing Big Data for Improving the Urban Environment, Remote Sensing for Forecasting and Monitoring Aquatic Systems, Remote Sensing for Land Cover Mapping: Approaches for Supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Remote Sensing in Monitoring of Terrestrial Biodiversity, Remote Sensing of Water Quality and Water Environment, Remote Sensing Sensors and Processing Methods for the Study of Paintings and Works on Paper, RF Sensing for Human Motion Recognition Driven Ambient Intelligence, Satellite and UAV Platforms, Remote Sensing for Geographic Information Systems, Satellite Remote Sensing for Volcanic Applications, Selected Papers from "6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS 2020)", Selected Papers from the 12th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2020), Selected Papers from the International Conference on Water Security and Management (WSM 2020), Sensing Indoor Spaces for Structured Reconstruction: Methods and Applications, Sensor Applications for Measuring Air Quality in Remote and Developing Locations, Sensor Applications on Marine Recognition, Sensor Fusion for Vehicles Navigation and Robotic Systems, Sensors and Algorithms for Autonomous Navigation of Aircraft, Sensors and Sensor's Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles, Sensors for Coastal Habitat Mapping under the Sea and Applications, Sensors for Environmental and Human Health, Sensors Solutions for Mapping Mining Environments, Signal Processing for GPS/GNSS/APNT Systems, Simulation Studies on Remote Sensing Scenarios, Smart Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, Smartphone Sensors for Indoor Positioning, Soft Computing, Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence for Laser Based Sensing and Measurement, State of the Art in Terrestrial Laser Scanning, State-of-the-Art Multimodal Remote Sensing Technologies, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Simulation and Processing, UAV Imagery and Its Applications Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Explainability-Based Models, UAV Lidar System: Performance Assessment and Application, UAV-Based Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture, Unmanned Aerial Systems and Remote Sensing, Unmanned Vehicles Aided Mobile Networks for Communication and Monitoring, Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for Predicting Quality Compounds in Foods, Vehicle Localization Based on GNSS and In-Vehicle Sensors, Vehicle State Estimation and Localization for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, Wireless Communications in Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2D Materials-Based Electronic and Optoelectronic Biochemical Sensing Applications, Advanced Fiber Photonic Devices and Sensors, Advanced Fiber-Optic Sensors in Civil Engineering, Advanced Laser Phototherapy: Sensing and Applications, Advanced Quantum Diamond Sensors and Applications, Advances in Optical Proximity Sensor Based Interferometry, Advances in Plasmonics-Based Optical Fiber Sensors, Application and Technology Trends in Optoelectronic Sensors, Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors for Concrete Structure Monitoring, Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors: Applications and Technology, Emerging Technologies for Sensing, Imaging and Biomechanics of the Eye for Diagnostics and Surgery, Emerging Trends and Applications of Optical Fiber Sensors, Enhancing Light-Matter Interaction by Metastructures for Sensing Applications, Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives, Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications 2021–2022, Fiber Optic Sensors in Chemical and Biological Applications, Fiber-Optic Sensors: Detection and Applications, Fibre-Optic Devices for Minimally Invasive Medical Procedures, Health Monitoring with Optical Fiber Sensors, Infrared Sensors and Technologies: Recent Advances, Innovative Photonic and Microwave Sensing Approaches and Their Applications, Integrated Photonics for Novel Sensing and Measurement Applications, Lidar/Laser Scanning in Civil Engineering, Light–Matter Interactions in Functional Nanomaterials for Sensing, Materials and Applications for Miniature Fiber-Optic Sensors, Micro/Nano-Structured Devices for Sensors and Transducers, Multipixels Single Photon Detectors for Quantum Applications, Nanostructured Materials for Optical Biosensing: Progress and Perspectives, New Developments in Guided Waves (GW) Based Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) Using Optical Fiber Sensors, New Trends for Millimeter-Wave Antennas and Devices: Design, Manufacturing, and Measurement for the 5G Era and Beyond, New Trends on Sensor Devices for Space and Defense Applications, Novel Optical Sensors for Biomedical Application, Numerical Modeling for the Sensor Application, Optical Camera and Visible Light Sensor Communication, Optical Fiber Sensor Transducers Based on Hybrid and Structured Materials, Optical Fiber Sensors for Space and Planetary Exploration: In-Orbit Results, Validation and Qualification, Optical Fiber Sensors in Radiation Environments, Optical Fibers and Photonics for Novel Physical Sensors, Optical Imaging and Biophotonic Sensors (OIBS), Optical Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, Optical Sensors for the Measurement of Human Posture and Movement, Optical Sensors Technology and Applications, Optical Sensors: Innovative Designs, Configurations, Measurements, and Applications, Optical Spectral Sensing and Imaging Technology, Optical Technologies for Medical Diagnostics, Optics and Photonics for Novel Physical and Chemical Sensors, Pervasive Fiber Optic Sensor Technology: Improvements and Applications, Phononic Crystal Sensors and Their Applications, Photonic Integrated Circuits for Spectroscopic Sensing, Photonic Sensors and Optoelectronic Devices Based 2D Materials, Plasmonic Optical Fiber Sensors: Technology and Applications, Recent Advances in Depth Sensors and Applications, Recent Development and Applications of Plastic Optical Fiber Sensors, Recent Developments of Integrated Photonic Sensors, Recent Progress in Optical Voltage and Current Sensors, Scattering-Based Techniques for Sensing Applications, Selected Papers from the 25th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC2020), Selected Papers from the 5th International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics (AOP2021), Sensing and Imaging Technology in Dentistry, Sensing with Hollow-Core Photonic-Crystal Fibers, Silicon Photonics: A Theme Issue in Honor of Professor Richard A. Soref, State-of-the-Art Optical Sensors Technology in China 2021, State-of-the-Art Optical Sensors Technology in Russia 2021-2022, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensors for the Detection of Functional Changes in Living Cells, Volatile Organic Compounds Detection with Optical Fiber Sensors, Advanced CMOS Integrated Circuit Design and Application, Advanced Flexible Sensors and Electronics, Advanced Interface Circuits for Sensor Systems, Advanced Sensing Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Advanced Sensing Technologies in Photovoltaic Systems, Advanced Sensors for Digital Power Grids and Energy Internet, Advances and Applications of Micro/Nano-Electronic Sensors, Advances in Electronics, Signal Processing and Control Applied in Sensors and Systems, AI-Enabled Sensing Technology and Data Analysis Techniques for Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction, Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society – Sensors, IoT and Artificial Intelligence, Automated Vehicle Control and Sensing Technology, Autonomous Mobile Robots: Real-Time Sensing, Navigation, and Control, Bioimpedance Sensors: Instrumentation, Models, and Applications, Biological, Liquid and Gas Sensors Based on Piezoelectric Resonators, Combining Sensors and Multibody Models for Applications in Vehicles, Machines, Robots and Humans, Deep Learning Based UAV Detection, Classification, and Tracking, Design, Manufacture and Mechanics of Vibratory Gyroscopes, Electromagnetic and Electrical Methods for Environmental Engineering, Emerging Trends and Applications of Taste Sensors, Energy-Harvesting Microsystems and Microsensors, Flexible and Stretchable Sensor Technology, Flexible Sensitive Magnetic/Electronic Materials and Sensors, Frontiers in Flexible Electronics and Sensors, Human Activity and Behaviour Recognition: New Technologies and Methods, Human–Machine Interfaces: Design, Sensing and Stimulation, Inertial Sensors for Gait Recognition and Analysis, Infrared Sensor Technologies and Applications, Integrated Circuit Sensors for Healthcare Sensing and Monitoring, Integration of Advanced Sensors in Assistive Robotic Technology, Low Power Integrated Circuit Design, Sensors and Their Applications, Magnetostrictive Transducers, Sensors, and Actuators, Micro-Nanoelectronics Based Sensors for Facing the Challenges of Connected Society, Multi-GNSS Precise Positioning and Applications, Optical Fiber Sensor Development and Applications, Organic Bioelectronics, Adaptive Materials and Sensors, People Detection and Analysis Using Depth Sensors, Portable Spectral Imaging System and Colorimetric Sensors, Recent Advances Sensors in Electromechanical Transducers, Self-Organization and Efficiency in Distributed Sensor Networks, Sensing and Monitoring Electric and Electromagnetic Quantities in Railways, Sensing Moisture in Timber: Measurement Techniques and IoT Monitoring Systems for Sensor Networks, Sensing Technologies for Fault Diagnostics and Prognosis, Sensor Networks for Vehicular Communications, Sensor-Based Smart Homes and Automatic Management, Sensors and Artificial Intelligence for Wildlife Conservation, Sensors and Systems for Indoor Positioning, Sensors and Wearable Technologies for Cognitive Aid, Sensors for Rehabilitation, Telemedicine and Assistive Technology, Smart Manufacturing: Advances and Challenges, Smart Sensing Systems: Algorithms and Applications—Selected Papers from Signal Processing Symposium 2021 (SPSympo-2021), Smart Sensors for Comfortable and Energy Efficient Buildings and Building Management, Smart Sensors for the Improvement of Sustainable Transport Modes and Road Safety, Tactile Sensing and Rendering for Healthcare Applications, Textile Sensors Based on Screen-Printing Technology, Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting and Sensing, Advanced Materials for Sensing Applications, Advanced Micro- and Nano-Gas Sensors Materials, Devices and Applications, Advances in Bio-Inspired Sensing: Materials and Devices, Advances in Metamaterials or Plasmonics-Based Sensors, Composites of Carbon-Based Quantum Dots in Fluorescence Sensing for Biomedical and Environmental Applications, Electroanalytical Applications of Functional Materials, Electrochemical Nanosensors for Analysis of Pharmaceuticals, Flexible Inorganic Materials for New Sensors, Graphene-Based Materials for Biomedical and Environmental Applications, Graphene-Based Strain and Pressure Sensors, Metal–Organic Framework Thin Films as Advanced Chemical Sensing Materials, Metamaterials in Microfluidic Lab-on-Chips, Micro-/Nano-Fiber Sensors and Optical Integration Devices, Microdevices and Sensors Based on Polymeric Materials for Human Health Applications, Multifunctional Materials Sensors for Theranostic Nanomedicine, Nanomaterial-Based Electrochemosensors for Environmental Monitoring, Novel Detectors for Particle Identification and Tracking, Porous Nanomaterials in High Performance Sensors, Recent Advances in Functionalized Material Manufacturing Based on Laser Techniques, Semiconductor Materials and Nanostructures for Sensors and Devices, Sensing Concepts and Applications Using Carbon Nanotube Assemblies, Sensors and Applications in Diagnostics, Food and Environmental Analysis, Sensors and Biosensors Related to Magnetic Nanoparticles, Smart Microstructures and Materials for Sensors and Actuators Applications, Specialty Polymer Optical Fibers and Sensors, Textile-Based Sensors: E-textiles, Devices, and Integrated Systems, The Applications of Nanomaterials Based Sensors, The Research and Application of Graphene Phototransducer, Thin-Film Materials and Nanostructure Devices Applicable for Sensing, Toward the Application of Smart Self-Sensing Nanocomposites to Structural Health Monitoring, 5G and beyond Communication Networks in Industry 4.0, Activity Recognition Using Constrained IoT Devices, Advanced Antenna Techniques for IoT and 5G Applications, Advances in Blockchain Technologies towards Identity Management and Its Applications in ICT and IoT, Advances in Integrated MEMS Sensors for IoT Applications, Applications of Internet of Things Networks in 5G and Beyond, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in the Internet of Things: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in Health Applications, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cellular Networks, Artificial Intelligence for Security and Privacy in Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence of Things for Real-Time Data Monitoring and Processing, Artificial Intelligence Systems Design for IoT Applications, Blockchain for IoT Security, Privacy and Intelligence, Blockchain for Trustworthy Internet of Things, Blockchain of Things: Benefits, Challenges and Future Directions, Body-Centric Sensors for the Internet of Things, Building Trustworthy and Dependable Infrastructure in the Internet of Things, Communications and Sensing Technologies for the Future, Cyber Risk in the Industrial Internet of Things, Cyber-Security-Based Internet of Things for Smart Homes, Cybersecurity and Privacy in Smart Cities, Cybersecurity and Privacy-Preserving in Modern Smart Grid, Data Privacy, Security, and Trust in Blockchain and IoT Based Networks, Developing “Smartness” in Emerging Environments and Applications with Focus on the Internet of Things (IoT), Edge and Fog Computing for Internet of Things Systems, Edge Computing Architectures in Industry 4.0, Edge Computing-Based Intelligent IoT (ECIIoT): Architectures, Algorithms and Applications, Edge Sensing and Communication towards Intelligent Space-Air-Ground Connectivity and Computing, Emerging IoT Technologies for Smart Environments Ⅱ, Human-Robot Interaction Applications in Internet of Things (IoT) Era, Image and Video Processing and Recognition Based on Artificial Intelligence II, Industrial Internet of Things in the Industry 4.0: New Researches, Applications and Challenges, Integrating the Internet of Things and Blockchain-Enabled Applications: Current Practices, Opportunities and Challenges, Intelligent Security Sensors in Cloud Computing, Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare Applications, Internet of Things and Sensors Network in 5G Wireless Communications, Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Network for Early Disease Detection, Internet of Things Based Multimedia Sensor Networks, Internet of Things Data Analytics (IoTDA), Internet of Things for Industrial Applications, Internet of Things for Smart Homes and Industrial Application, Internet of Things in Healthcare: Applications, Infrastructures and Smart Systems, Internet of Things, Sensing and Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Smart Sensing and Data Fusion in Smart City, IoT & AI Application for Smarter Workspaces, IoT Enabling Technologies for Smart Cities: Challenges and Approaches, IoT for Smart Grids: Challenges, Opportunities and Trends, IoT Security in Different Industrial Application Areas: Manufacturing, Autonomous Driving and Smart Farming, IoT Sensor Networks for Environment Monitoring: From Sensor to Cloud, IoT-Embedded Electrical Drives and Machineries: The New Frontier of Edge Computing and Intelligent Sensors, Knowledge Transfer in IoT and Edge Computing, Lightweight Security Integrity and Confidentiality for Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Edge Cloud Computing, Machine Learning for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle for Mixed Traffic Environment, Meta-User Interfaces for Ambient Environments, Mobile Fog/Cloud Computing: Open Challenges, Monitoring of Security Properties in IoT and Emerging Technologies, Monitoring, Security and Privacy in IoT Emerging Technologies, Multi-UAV Systems: Networks, Services and Energy Management, Multiple Access Techniques in Emerging Wireless Systems: Performance, Applications and Challenges, Multistage Manufacturing Processes in the Industry 4.0 for Zero-Defect Products, New Trends for Securing the Internet of Things, Open Internet Access: Measurement Methods and Impact of Qos Parameters on Service Performance, Performance, Reliability and Scalability of IoT Systems, Privacy, Trust and Incentives in Crowdsensing, Production and Industrial Service Management in the Industry 4.0 Era: Digital Techniques in Operations, Real-Time Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (RT-WSAN), Recent Advances in Algorithm and Distributed Computing for the Internet of Things, Recent Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Recent Theories and Applications in Transportation and Mobility, Securing the Industrial Internet of Things, Securing the Spectrum of Threats with IoT IDS Solutions, Security and Information Flow in Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things, Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing Environment, Security and Privacy in IoT Systems and Applications, Security and Privacy in Large-Scale Data Networks, Security and Privacy in Software Based Critical Contexts, Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things (IoT), Security and Trustworthiness in Industrial IoT, Security, Privacy, and Trust Management in IoT, Security, Trust and Privacy in New Computing Environments, Selected Papers from the 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, Selected Papers from the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (IEEE 2021 ICCE-TW), Semantic Web Technologies for the Internet of Things: Interoperability and Enriched Service Provision, Sensor and Assistive Technologies for Smart Life, Sensor Facilitated Cyber-Physical Systems, Sensor Networks and Internet of Things for Intelligent Infrastructures in Transport and Energy Systems, Sensor Networks in Future Vehicles: Applications, Architectures, and Emerging Trends, Sensor Networks: Physical and Social Sensing in the IoT, Smart and Future Applications of Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) Using Big Data Analytics, Smart Cities and Smart Traffic: Sensors, IoT, and Intelligence, Smart Cities of the Future: A Cyber Physical System Perspective, Smart Cloud Computing Technologies and Application, Smart Internet of Things and Intelligent Computing, Smart IoT & PHD (Personal Health Device) Sensors and Emerged Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols, Smart IoT System for Renewable Energy Resource, Smart Sensors in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Smart, Autonomous and Evolved Technologies in Internet of Things, Surveillance and Monitoring of Data Using Edge/Fog Computing in Secure IoT Platforms, The Role of Fog and Edge Computing in Machine Learning-based Applications, Toward Data-Driven Structural Health Monitoring: New Approaches and Sensor-Based Methods, Underwater Wireless Communications and Networking, Wireless Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensing and Networking for the Internet of Things, Biennial State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Russia 2019-2020, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technologies in Ireland 2020, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Canada 2020-2021, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in China 2020–2021, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Greece 2020–2021, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Portugal 2020-2021, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Romania 2021, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Sweden, State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Taiwan 2020, Medical Applications of Sensor Systems and Devices, Advanced Optoelectronic Sensors and Biomedical Application, Advanced Sensing and Image Processing Techniques for Healthcare Applications, Advances in Light- and Sound-Based Techniques in Biomedicine, Advances in Sleep Monitoring Sensors, Devices, and Computational Technologies, Advances in Wearable Photoplethysmography Applications in Health Monitoring, AI-Enabled Low Power Implantable and Wearable Medical Devices, Analysis of FAIR Data from Medical Sensors, Application of Wearable Technology for Neurological Conditions, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Dental Medicine, Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Sensing, Analysis and Treatment, Artificial Intelligence for Glucose Modelling and Prediction in Diabetes Care, Bio-Electronics in Healthcare: Biosensors and Biomedical Signal Processing, Biological Nanosensors Using Upconverting Nanomaterials, Biomechanical Analysis of Motion and Postural Control: Sensors Methods and Data Analytics, Biomedical Data in Human-Machine Interaction, Biomedical Image and Signals for Treatment Monitoring, Biomedical Infrared Imaging: From Sensors to Applications Ⅱ, Biomedical Sensing Applications of Diffuse Optics, Biomedical Sensing for Human Motion Monitoring, Biomedical Sensors and Data Processing in Human Monitoring for E-health, Biomedical Sensors for Functional Mapping: Techniques, Methods, Experimental and Medical Applications, Biomedical Sensors-Recent Advances and Future Challenges, Biomedical Signal Acquisition and Processing Using Sensors, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing in Speech Analysis, Biomolecular Engineering for Diagnostic Applications, Bionanotechnology and Biomaterials in Medicine, Biosensor Development and Innovation in Healthcare and Medical Applications, Biosensors for Surveillance and Diagnosis, Biosignal Sensing and Processing for Clinical Diagnosis, Brain Activity Exploration with Non-invasive Sensor Arrays, Brain-Computer and Brain-Machine Interfaces: Advances in EEG Acquisition, Processing and Machine Learning Technologies towards Better Usability, Brain–Computer Interfaces: Advances and Challenges, Classical Biomedical Image Analysis in the Era of Deep Learning: Relevance, Complementarity and Hybrid Methods, Computer-Aided and Game-Based Telerehabilitation and Telemonitoring Platforms, Data Analytics and Applications of Wearable Sensors in Healthcare, Deep Learning Approaches for Prenatal and Perinatal-Image Analysis, Deep Learning in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare, Development of Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems for Health and Clinical Assessment, E-health Sensor Systems and Platforms for Biomedical Challenges, EEG Signal Processing for Biomedical Applications, EEG Signature Decoding towards Brain-Computer Interface Practice in Real World, EEG-Based Brain–Computer Interface for a Real-Life Appliance, Electrical Stimulation and Methods to Manipulate the Motor and Sensory System: Current Settings and Applications, Electronic Tongues, Electronic Noses, and Electronic Eyes, Embodied Minds: From Cognition to Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Solutions for Digital Healthcare: From Health Monitoring to Health Enhancement, Graphene-Based Sensors for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Image and Signal Processing for Biomedical Applications, Integrated Sensors for Biomedical Applications, Intelligent Sensing in Biomedical Applications, Intelligent Systems for Clinical Care and Remote Patient Monitoring, Label-Free Biosensors for Medicine and Biotechnology, Machine Learning Methods for Biomedical Data Analysis, Machine Learning Techniques for Medical Imaging, Sensing, and Analysis, Magnetic Nanomaterials, Devices and Sensors for Biomedical Applications, Medical Imaging using Deep Learning Intelligence Systems, Metamaterials for Biomedical Applications: Electromagnetism and Beyond, Micro/Nanostructured Sensors for Biomedical Applications, Monitoring Technologies in Healthcare Applications, Multimodal Data Fusion and Machine-Learning for Promotion of Health/Well-Being, New Advances in Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging, Optical and Photonic Sensors for Biomedical Applications: Advances and Emerging Solutions, Optical Biosensors for the Detection of Biomarkers, Physiological Sound Acquisition and Processing, Recent Advances in Interaction, Sensing and Monitoring Devices and Its Applications, Recent Applications of Non-Invasive Biomedical Sensors, Rectennas for Wireless Body Area Networks, Respiratory Monitoring for Healthcare, Sport and Physical Activity: Sensors, Techniques and Applications, Robotic Sensing for Biomedical Applications, Sensing Circulating Markers for Metabolic Syndrome, Sensing Human Movement in Health and Disease, Sensing Materials and Interfaces for Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Sensor-Based Measurement of Human Motor Performance, Sensors and Applications in Predictive and Personalised Healthcare, Sensors and IoT in Modern Healthcare Delivery and Applications, Sensors and Musculoskeletal Dynamics to Evaluate Human Movement, Sensors Based on Field Effect Transistors, Sensors for Biomedical Applications and Cyber Physical Systems, Sensors for Detection of Cancer Biomarkers, Sensors for Electrical Deep-Brain and Neuromuscular Stimulation and Biomedical Control, Sensors for Human Physical Behaviour Monitoring, Sensors for Mobile Healthcare Monitoring System, Sensors in Vision Research and Ophthalmic Instrumentation, Sensors toward Unobtrusive Health Monitoring, Smart Computing Systems for Biomedical Signal Processing, Smart Sensors for Biomedical Applications, Smart Wearable Sensors and Systems for Healthcare Monitoring, Smartphone Sensors for Health Monitoring and Diagnosis, Soft Sensors & Flexible Electronics for Digital Healthcare, Spatial Perception and Navigation in the Absence of Vision, State-of-the-Art Sensor Technology in China, Technologies for Sports Engineering and Analytics, Ultra Wideband (UWB) Systems in Biomedical Sensing, Ultrasound Imaging and Sonoelastography for Measuring Mechanical Properties of Human Tissues, Wearable Sensors and Algorithms for Health Monitoring and Deterioration Detection, Wearable Sensors for Biomechanical Gait Analysis, Wearable Technologies and Applications for Eye Tracking, Application of Satellite Communication in Network Sensing, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enabled 6G Communications, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for IoT B5G Networking, Automation and Learning in MEC and Cloud Systems, Automotive Visible Light Communications (AutoVLC), Cell-Free Ultra Massive MIMO in 6G and Beyond Networks, Cognitive Radio Applications and Spectrum Management, Communication and Data Management for Smart Grids, Cooperative Communication in 5G-and-beyond Networks, D2D Communications in 6G Heterogeneous Ultra Dense Networks, Dynamic Spectrum Sharing and Cognitive Radio Systems, Emotional AI and its Applications in Communications Networks, Energy Harvesting Communication and Computing Systems, Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication Systems, Experimentation in 5G and beyond Networks: State of the Art and the Way Forward, Flexible Radio Access Techniques for 5G and Beyond, Forward Error Correction Architectures for Beyond 5G New Radio Wireless Communication, Future of Physical Layer Technologies for 6G Wireless Communication Networks, Green Communications under Delay Tolerant Networking, Heterogeneous Sensor Communications and Networking for Future Applications, Information and Communication Technologies for Social Good and Healthcare, Massive Machine-Type Communications towards 6G, Massive MIMO Systems for High-Resolution Localization, Radar, and Imaging Systems: State-of-the Art, Perspectives and Applications, Microwave and mmWave Sensors for 5G and 6G Healthcare Systems, Modeling and Measurements of Propagation Environments for 5G and beyond Networks, Molecular Sensing, Communications and Processing, Multi-Antenna Techniques for 5G and beyond 5G Communications, Optical Signal Processing Technologies for Communication, Computing, and Sensing Applications, Radio Frequency Machine Learning (RFML) Applications, Satellite Networks for Massive IoT Communication, Signal Processing in Radar and Wireless Communication Systems, Terahertz Technologies for Future Communications, Transmission Techniques for Future Global Mobile Systems, UAV Control and Communications in 5G and Beyond Networks, Underwater Acoustics Modelling and Control, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Enabled Wireless Communications and Networking, Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications, Waveguide Transitions for Millimeter-Wave Antenna Arrays Communications, Artificial Intelligence Explainability (XAI) and Interpretability: Exploring the Potential of XAI in Fault Diagnosis and Cyber-Physical Systems, Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Computer Vision for Remote Sensing and Infrastructure Inspection, Condition Monitoring, Field Inspection and Fault Diagnostic Methods for Photovoltaic Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems - from Perception to Action, Cyberphysical Sensing Systems for Fault Detection and Identification, Data Acquisition and Processing for Fault Diagnosis, Fault Diagnosis in Transportation and Industry: Sensors, Methods, and Experimental Applications, Fault Diagnosis of Modern Systems and Sensors, Intelligent Systems for Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis, Model and Sensor Analysis of Electromagnetic Field in Engineering and Medicine, Recent Advances in Fault Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Intelligent Condition-Based Maintenance, Sensing for In-Process Monitoring of High-Value Manufacturing Processes, Sensors for Wind Turbine Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis, Smart Textile Systems for Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Vibration Sensor-Based Diagnosis Technologies and Systems, Sensors for Gait, Human Movement Analysis, and Health Monitoring, Advanced Applications in Wearable Biosensors, Advanced Flexible and Stretchable Electronics Using Conductive Fiber Electrode for Smart Textiles and Wearables, Advanced Mobile and Wearable Health Sensors, Advanced Research in Myoelectric Sensors and Prosthetic Hands, Advanced Sensors/Devices for Ambient Assisted Living, Advanced Sensors/Devices for Functional Electrical Stimulation Systems, Advances in Sensing Body Motion for Neuromechanics and Therapeutics, Advances of Wearables in Health Monitoring, Application for Assistive Technologies and Wearable Sensors, Application of Wearable and Nearable Gas Sensors for Health and Human Environment Monitoring, Application of Wearables in Digital Medicine, Applications of Body Worn Sensors and Wearables, Applications of Flexible and Printable Sensors, Applications, Wearables and Sensing Technology in Sports and Physical Activity, Artificial Intelligence and Sensors’ Data for Sports Performance Assessment, Bridging the Gap between Sensors’ Data and Clinically Relevant Outcomes in Movement and Gait Analysis, Continuous Real-Life Cognitive Impairment Assessment with Wearable Sensors, Crop and Animal Sensors for Agriculture 5.0, Electronic Textiles and Innovative Wearables, Emerging Wireless Sensing Components and Platforms, Feedback-Based Balance, Gait Assistive and Rehabilitation Aids, Flexible Multifunctional Sensors for Health Monitoring, Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors for Learning and Teaching, Inertial Sensing of Human Movement and Physiological Function, Inertial Sensors for Clinically Relevant Mobility Outcome Measures, Intelligent Robotic Sensor Technologies in Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering Applications, Intelligent Sensors for Monitoring Physical Activities, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Wearables for Sports Performance Analysis and Injury Prevention, Mobile Sensor Systems and Machine Learning for Gait and Biomechanical Motion Analysis, New Features beyond Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention in Wearable and Implantable Defibrillators, Novel Approaches for Advancing Wearable Sensing Technologies, Sensors for Physiological Parameters Measurement, Sensors, Devices and Advanced Applications for Virtual Reality – Based Patient Rehabilitation, Smart Textiles Technologies and Wearable Sensors, Smartphones and Wearable Sensors for Monitoring Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability, Textiles Materials for Wearable Antennas/Devices, Unobtrusive Monitoring of Mobility and Health during Everyday Life, Wearable and Implantable Sensors for Real-Time Detection and Diagnosis, Wearable and Integrated Sensors for Sport and Rehabilitation Applications, Wearable and Remote Sensing and Monitoring for Personal and Professional Healthcare, Wearable and Unobtrusive Technologies for Healthcare Monitoring, Wearable Antennas and Wearable Wireless Communication Systems, Wearable Assistive Devices for Disabled and Older People, Wearable Devices and Sensors for Innovative Monitoring Systems in the 4.0 Era, Wearable Sensing Technology for Physiological and Behavioral Human Monitoring, Wearable Sensor Systems for Human Activity Analysis, Wearable Sensor Technologies for Physiological and Environmental Monitoring, Wearable Sensors Applied in Movement Analysis, Wearable Sensors for Assessment of Gait in Older Adults, Wearable Sensors for Biomechanical Monitoring in Sport, Wearable Sensors for Biomechanics Applications, Wearable Sensors for Human Movement Analysis Related to Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology, Wearable Sensors for Physical Activity Monitoring and Motion Control, Wearable Sensors for Risk Assessment and Injury Prevention, Wearable Sensors for Smart Health Applications, Wearable Technology for Occupational Risk Assessment and Prevention, Wearables and Computer Vision for Sports Motion Analysis, Wearables and Modern Technology for Sports Medicine: The Digital Age of Athletes, Well-Being, Comfort and Health Monitoring through Wearable Sensors, Advanced Nanomaterial-Based Sensors for Biomedical Applications, Biosensors Technology and Its Applications Based on Raman Spectroscopy and Imaging, Carbon Nanosensors for Bio-Chemical Detection, Gas Sensors based on Semiconductor Materials, Integrated Circuits and Systems for Smart Sensors, Mechanically Driven Magnetoelectric Antennas, Microelectromechanical Systems in Sports and Exercise, Nanobiosensors for the Detection, Diagnostic and Monitoring of Bacterial or Viral Agents, Nanosensors and Nanodevices for Disease Detection, Nanostructured Materials Systems for Optical Sensing, Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery and Biosensing, Novel Applications and Developments of Raman Spectroscopy for Biomolecule Detection, Piezoelectric Nano Structures for Sensor and Applications, Recent Advances in Smart Materials for Sensor and Actuator Applications, The Advanced Implantable Devices and Sensors, 3D Human-Computer Interaction Imaging and Sensing, Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control, Advanced Measures for Imaging System Performance and Image Quality, Advances in Deep-Learning-Based Sensing, Imaging, and Video Processing, Advances in Hyperspectral Imaging, Sensing and Its Applications: Precision Agriculture and Fire Prevention, Advances in Image Segmentation: Theory and Applications, Advances in Sensors, Big Data and Machine Learning in Intelligent Animal Farming, Advances in Spectroscopy and Spectral Imaging, Advances of Antennas and Electromagnetic Imaging: Design and Medical Applications, Advances of Nanotechnologies in Biosensing and Bioimaging, Application of Motion Sensing Systems in Physical Activity and Sport, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Biomedical Imaging, Artificial Intelligence for Network of UAVs and Swarms of Small Satellites, Best Practice in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Bioimaging and Biosensing in Telemedicine, Bridging Multimodal Neurodynamic Sensor Data, Computational Intelligence in Image Analysis, Computational Optics and Machine Learning in Microscopic Imaging, Computer Vision and Sensors Innovations for Microscopy Imaging Applications, Convolutional Neural Networks Applications in Sensing and Imaging: Architectures, Insight, Visualization, Transparency, Deep Learning Applications for Fauna and Flora Recognition, Deep-Learning Approaches for High Dynamic Range Sensing and Imaging, Explainable and Augmented Machine Learning for Biosignals and Biomedical Images, Feature Extraction for Unconventional Visual Sensors or Specific Applications, Feature Papers in the Sensing and Imaging Section 2021, Human Activity Recognition Based on Image Sensors and Deep Learning, Image Sensing and Processing with Convolutional Neural Networks, Intra-Operative Imaging, Sensing and Augmented Reality in Image-Guided Surgery, Machine and Deep Learning in Sensing and Imaging: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities, Machine Learning and Signal Processing in Sensing and Sensor Applications, Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging and Sensing II, Medical and Biomedical Sensing and Imaging, Mobile Multi-Sensors in Positioning, Navigation, and Mapping Applications, Multimodal Data Analysis in Computer Vision, Multiscale and Multitemporal High Resolution Remote Sensing and Non-Destructive Testing for Archaeology and Monumental Heritage: From Research to Preservation, Neural Networks and Deep Learning in Image Sensing, New Frontier in Advanced Dentistry: CBCT, Intraoral Scanner, Sensors, and Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry, Novel Sensors and Techniques in Quantum Imaging Applications, Onboard Sensemaking for Guidance, Control, and Remote Sensing Application in Image Processing, Perception and Intelligence Driven Sensing to Monitor Personal Health, Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Biomedical Applications, Recent Advances in Medical Image Processing Technologies, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications on Groundwater Research, Research and Application of Robust Hyperspectral Image, Selected Papers from the 2020 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Sensing and Imaging for the Monitoring of Seeds and Plants, Sensing, Computing and Imaging in 3D Microscopy, Sensing, Imaging and Computing in Multimedia and Network, Sensors for Imaging Cultural Heritage: Technologies, Methods and Data Processing, Smart CMOS Image Sensors and Related Applications, Thermal Imaging Sensors and Their Applications, Three-Dimensional (3D) Biophotonics Sensing and Reconstruction towards Biomedical Research, Trends and Prospects in Medical Hyperspectral Imagery, Vision and Sensor-Based Sensing in Human Action Recognition, Vision Sensors and Systems in Structural Health Monitoring, Advanced Computer Vision Techniques for Autonomous Driving, Advanced Sensing and Machine-Learning-Based Analysis of Human Behaviour and Physiology, Advanced Sensor Modules for ISO/IEC Compliant Emerging Robots, Advanced Sensors and Robotics for Radiological Environments, Advances in Human-Robot Interaction: Sensing, Cognition and Control, Advances in the Fabrication, Sensing, Modelling, and Control of Soft Robots, Applications of Multisensory Fusion for Automation and Control of Robotic Systems, Autonomous Navigation in Robotics: A New Challenge towards Social Robots, Biologically Inspired Robotic Mechanisms, Control, and Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Human-Robot Coexistence, Connected Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Design and Control of Self-Sensing Actuators for Soft Robotics, Digital Twins, Sensing Technologies and Automation in Industry 4.0, Efficient Planning and Mapping for Multi-Robot Systems, Efficient Sensing, Learning and Vision for Autonomous Robotics, Flexible Sensors for Bio-Inspired Robotics, Human Centered Artificial Intelligence: Putting the Human in the Loop for Implementing Sensors Based Intelligent Environments, Human-Robot Collaborations in Industrial Automation, Instrumentation in Interactive Robotic and Automation, Learning-Based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Mobile Robots, Mechatronics and Robotics in Future Engineering Education, Multimodal Sensing for Human-Robot Interaction, Pervasive Mobile-Based Games, AR/VR and Sensors, Recent Advances in Visual Sensor Networks for Robotics and Automation, Robotic Contact with the Human Body in Physical Human–Robot Interaction, Robotics and Sensors Technology in Agriculture, Robotics in Healthcare: Automation, Sensing and Application, Sensing, Modelling and Using Spatial Motion Patterns for Dynamics-Aware Mobile Robots, Sensing, Perception, and Navigation in Space Robotics, Sensors and Machine Learning for Robotic (Self-Driving) Vehicles, Sensors and Machine Learning Methods Applied to Human-Computer Interaction, Sensors and Measurement Systems for Industry 4.0 - Selected Papers from the 1st IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0 (ARCI' 2021), Sensors and Object Detection for Autonomous Driving in Adverse Conditions, Sensors and Robotics for Digital Agriculture, Sensors Technology and Machine Learning for Human Activity Recognition, Sensors, Motor Coordination, and High-Level Cognition in Bio-Inspired Robotics, Smart Sensors for Remotely Operated Robots, State-of-Art in Sensors for Robotic Applications, Stereo Vision-Based Perception, Navigation and Control for Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Application of Deep Learning in Intelligent Transportation, Machine Learning Methods for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure (ITI) Systems for Urban Environments, 3D Object and Scene Detection, Reconstruction, Segmentation Based on Advanced Sensing Technology, Navigation and Perception Sensors and Systems for Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, and Wearable Technology, Selected Papers from 11th International Conference on Localization and GNSS 2021 (ICL-GNSS 2021), Sensors for Gait, Posture, and Health Monitoring, Wearable and Unobtrusive Biomedical Monitoring, Advanced Resonant Sensors and Signal Processing Techniques for IoT-Enabled Applications, Antenna Technologies for Millimeter and Terahertz Sensing, Capacitive Fingerprint Sensors and Applications, Electrochemical Biosensors for Cell-Secreted and Cell-Surface-Expressed Biomarkers Detection, Electronic Gas Sensors, Sensor Arrays, and Electronic Noses for Indoor and Outdoor Environment Monitoring, Field-Effect Sensors: From pH Sensing to Biosensing, Inertial Sensors for Patient Monitoring and Rehabilitation, Measurements, Predictions, and Control in Microgrids and Power Electronic System, Metaheuristic Algorithms–An Effective Way to Optimize the Behaviour of the Dynamical System, Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: New Approaches and Applications 2021, Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Algorithms, Portable Sensor Systems for Monitoring Environment and Health, Recent Advancements in Radar Imaging and Sensing Technology II, Selected Papers from the 7th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, Sensors for Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring: From Research to Citizen Science Applications, Sensors for Physiological Monitoring Designed to Advance Emergency Medical Care, Sensors Technology and Sensing for Postharvest Quality Management in Agri-Food Chains, Smart Sensors, Big Data Analytics and Modelling in Healthcare and Personalized Medical Applications.
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