Erdogan did not explicitly say that Hagia Sophia would be opened for worship, but by speaking of a “Hagia Sophia Mosque” he made it clear that the edifice’s museum status would change. On July 10th 2020, a Turkish court cleared the way for the Hagia Sophia to be converted from a museum back into a mosque. The present Hagia Sophia was completed and inaugurated by Emperor Justinian the Great in 537. He made the announcement after a Turkish court ruled that Kemal Atatürk’s 1934 conversion of it to a museum was illegal. Am Freitag hat der türkische Sultan Erdogan persönlich die Hagia Sophia in Istanbul wieder in eine Moschee verwandelt. click to watch video on YouTube. Erdogan Talks of Making Hagia Sophia a Mosque Again, to International Dismay The World Heritage site was once a potent symbol of Christian-Muslim rivalry, and it could become one once more. Erdogan informed his audience that the “mosque” would remain open to all, Muslims and non-Muslims. The magnificent mosaics were completed later in that same century. Istanbuls Hagia Sophia fand zum ersten Mal seit 86 Jahren wieder ein muslimisches Freitagsgebet statt. Erdogan revealed as Antichrist at Hagia Sophia. Do not underestimate the implications of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's decision to convert the Hagia Sophia into a mosque last week. On July 24, 2020 Turkish President Erdogan sat in the 1500 year old Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul, Turkey showing himself that … The reconversion of Hagia Sophia, a symbol of Istanbul and a marvel of Byzantine art, into a mosque is a historic moment.The controversial move, put in motion by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's decree, could fairly be seen as the Turkish Reconquista. Hagia Sophia is both historic and religiously central to millions of people. An English translation given on the official website of the Office of the Presidency reads: "The resurrection of Hagia Sophia heralds the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. On July 9, Turkey’s Court of Cassation decided to void a 1934 cabinet decision designating Hagia Sophia as a museum. Seit Tagen wird in der Türkei wieder über die Hagia Sophia gestritten. Ob die Hagia Sophia wieder zur Moschee wird, soll in den nächsten 15 Tagen entschieden werden. Präsident Erdogan lässt prüfen, ob das Museum wieder als Moschee genutzt werden kann - und provoziert damit Griechenland. Why did this happen? Erdogan, the lobbyist. D ie Hagia Sophia in Istanbul ist offiziell wieder eine Moschee. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday led the first Muslim prayers attended by thousands in Hagia Sophia since the controversial reconversion of … President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday rejected worldwide condemnation over Turkey's decision to convert the Byzantine-era monument Hagia Sophia back into a mosque, saying it represented his country's will to use its "sovereign rights". Since 2002, when Mr Erdogan came to power, he has chipped away at the Kemalist State and Islamised it. Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan has declared Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia open to Muslim prayer as a mosque after a top court ruled that the building’s conversion to a museum in 1934 was illegal. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will deliver a speech later on Friday, after a court ruling which paves the way for the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul to be converted back to a mosque.. Erdogan’s recent decision to return the Hagia Sophia to its former status as a place of worship has, in fact, little to do with a conflict between Islam and Christianity, or church and mosque. And once qualified as a mosque, other obstacles to worship in the structure would be, no doubt, removed. Reporting by Ece Toksabay, writing by Dominic Evans Read more: Reuters Top News » Erst christliches Gotteshaus, dann Moschee, dann Museum - und nun will der türkische Präsident Erdogan die berühmte Hagia Sophia in Istanbul wieder zur Moschee machen. Am Mittwoch vertagte sich das Gericht, das über die Frage befindet. Istanbul was Constantinopole in 1453 when it was conquered by the Muslim-Turkish Ottomans under Mehmed II, and the East Roman (Byzantine) … The decision to change the status of the ancient Hagia Sophia church, which had been transformed into a mosque in 1453 and then into a museum in 1934, was made controversially last week. Erdogan took a prominent role in the ceremonies: He virtually appeared on a giant screen in Hagia Sophia next to an imam reciting Quranic verses and delivered a spirited speech broadcasted live. On the same day, Erdogan gave a speech to celebrate the “resurrection” of Hagia Sophia into a mosque. Erdogan, who critics say is chipping away at the Muslim-majority country's secular pillars, announced Friday that Muslim prayers would begin on July … Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to “liberate al-Aqsa mosque” from Israel after “resurrecting Hagia Sophia” as a mosque on Friday. Erdogan appeared on a large screen in the Haiga Sophia to deliver a virtual speech on May 29 as part of the 576th anniversary celebrations of the Ottoman capture of Istanbul. Turkey's Recep Tayip Erdogan has ordered the conversion of the city's famous Hagia Sophia into a mosque after a Turkish court ruled annulled a 1934 … Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan declared Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia a mosque on Friday hours after a top court ruled the ancient building’s conversion to … Last Friday, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia would open for Muslim prayers as a mosque. Hagia Sophia serves to exalt this Islamo-nationalism of which Tayyip Erdogan is not, far from it, the inventor. For Christians, Hagia Sophia holds significance as an orthodox Christian monument. In the official speech, Hagia Sophia is therefore not only celebrated as a Muslim edifice, but also as an acquired asset, fundamentally Turkish, a marker of sovereignty. The high court’s decision followed an intense campaign by the office of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to convert the nearly 1,500-year-old Istanbul landmark back into a mosque.. A 2010 constitutional amendment allowed Erdogan to appoint a … Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will deliver a speech later on Friday, after a court ruling which paves the way for the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul to be converted back to a mosque. In Istanbul, Turkey's President has taken the decision to convert one of the most historic museum and buildings into a Mosque. By Craig C. White. Demonstrativ nahm Präsident Erdogan daran teil. Bei den Mohammedanern in der Türkei … Erdogan to give speech after Hagia Sophia ruling. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday paid a symbolic visit to the former Hagia Sophia basilica in Istanbul, his first since its controversial conversion into a mosque last week. Erdogan official revealed as the Antichrist. Erdoğan's July 10 speech on the Hagia Sophia was in line with this approach.
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