But he was made to believe, the old witch and the Jesuits, that if he would plague the Reformed, that would replace the scandal with god and people, as he did with the double adultery he committed with the Montespan. She describes her stylistic principles in a letter to her half-sister Ameliese: Just continue, always naturally and without writing abruptly! Elisabeth Charlotte was born on 27 May 1652 in the castle of Heidelberg as the second child and only daughter of Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine, and his wife Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel. She was very well read, as evidenced by many of her letters, and had a library of more than 3,000 volumes, including not only all the popular French and German novels and plays of her time (Voltaire dedicated his tragedy Oedipe to her), but also most of the classical Greek and Latin authors (in German and French translation), Luther Bibles, maps with copperplate engravings, travelogues from all over the world as well as the classics of natural history and medicine and even mathematical works. They originally had prejudices and expected a 'rough' and 'uncultivated' foreigner. Die Ansichten anderer Patienten geben ein gutes Statement bezüglich der Wirksamkeit ab. "Briefe der Prinzessin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orleans an die Raugräfin Louise 1676-1722, hrsg. ...I believe that M. de Louvois burns in hell because of the Palatinate; he was terribly cruel, nothing could complain... As EL now describe the German court to me, I would find a big change in it; I think more of sincerity than of magnificence, and I am quite happy to hear that such is lost in homeland. Bei ihrer Geburt wurde ihr der Ehrentitel Mademoiselle de Chartres verliehen, der vom Namen einer der Apanagen ihres Vaters abgeleitet war. Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans Prinzessin Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans, genannt Mademoiselle de Chartres (* 13. Suche: "Orléans, Elisabeth Charlotte de" Ergebnisse filtern . Other versions But she felt it without arrogance and let the others feel it without contempt. In his memoirs, Saint-Simon describe her: ...strong, courageous, German through and through, open and downright, good and charitable, noble and great in all her demeanor, but extremely petty as to the respect she deserves... Liselottes' numerous letters established her fame. He told me his whole story. Dezember 1723), war Mitglied der königlichen Familie Frankreichs und diente von 1715 bis 1723 als Regent des Königreichs. She loathed the foreign minister and later prime minister, Father Guillaume Dubois (cardinal from 1721); she mistrusted the economist and chief financial controller John Law, who caused a currency devaluation and speculative bubble (the so-called Mississippi bubble): I wanted this Law to come to Blockula with his art and system and never come to France. As a clergy advisor, she valued two staunch supporters of the Age of Enlightenment: Archbishop François Fénelon (who fell from grace under Louis XIV) as well as her intermittent confessor Abbé de Saint-Pierre. She also bought three of the recently invented microscopes with which she examined insects and other things. She also wrote regularly with the sister of George II and granddaughter of the Electress Sophia, the Prussian Queen Sophia Dorothea of Hanover. All of these people were excellent in their field ... Everything you see or hear now does not match them. Although she was not particularly beautiful (an important asset at the French court) and was somewhat unconventional by the current standards, Liselotte also made a very good impression on the courtiers and witty Parisian salon ladies. Karl was born on December 22 1617, in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland. [89] The guilt for all this and for the bigotry of the King was primarily not attributed to him, but to the influence of Madame de Maintenon, who she regarded as hypocritically bigoted, greedy for power and corrupt and who hated anyway:[90]. Da der noch minderjährige französische König Ludwig XV. The Maintenon invented that first; because, as she saw that the King didn't want to declare her before the queen, she had the young Dauphine (prevented) to hold a court, as keep yourself in your chamber where there is neither rank nor dignity; yes, the princes and the Dauphine had to wait for this lady at her toilet and at the table on the pretext that it was going to be a game. In 1693 Elisabeth Charlotte fell ill with life-threatening pox (smallpox). Abstammung und frühes Leben [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]. Liselotte and Philippe's marriage was problematic for both sides, as he was homosexual and lived it out quite openly. Somit war sie eine Nichte Ludwigs XIV. She remained virtuous and at times outraged by the open infidelity practised by the aristocracy. Believe me, dear Luise! Therefore, she reacted with indignation and anger. Louise Elisabeth war die Tochter von Herzog Philipp II. v. Harling zu Hannover. Her younger son Philippe not only looked like her outwardly, but shared her literary, artistic and scientific interests; during his father's lifetime and shortly thereafter, his relationship with his mother was distant, as his father and his favorites influenced him and allowed him everything, while his mother criticized his debauchery. After answering, she burned the letters she received herself, and probably assumed that the same thing happened to her letters; Fortunately, just under a tenth escaped this". Orléans, Elisabeth Charlotte d '. Die letztere Ehe kam jedoch nie zustande, da sich nach dem Tod des spanischen Thronfolgers die Pläne änderten und man die junge Prinzessin nach Spanien zurückschickte wo sie mit König Joseph I. von Portugal liiert wurde. At the royal court of France she was known, prior to marriage, as the Princess Palatine Elisabeth Charlotte, and afterwards, although her official title was "Her Royal Highness, Madame, Duchess of Orléans", she was entitled to and invariably accorded the unique designation of Madame as wife of the king's younger brother.[2]. [nach diesem Titel suchen] Berlin & Stuttgart: Verlag von W. Spemann, o.J. Her son mourned her deeply (only a year later he follow her to the grave), and he didn't take part in the memorial mass on 18 March 1723. Liselotte was described as stolid and mannish. When the Wittelsbach line of Palatinate-Simmern ended in 1685 with the death of Liselotte's brother, Charles II, Elector Palatine, Louis XIV raised a claim to the Electoral Palatinate on behalf of Liselotte, contrary to her marriage contract, and began the Palatinate War of Succession. She had also written regularly to another half-sister, Raugräfin Amalie Elisabeth (Ameliese; 1663–1709). (ca. [68] She was the victim of extreme harassment, and her marital relationship was now completely shattered. Ausgewählte Seiten. Die der Kronprinzessin entgegengebrachte Abneigung führte im Lauf der Zeit immer mehr zu Fehlbetragen und Zuwiderhandlungen gegen das strenge Spanische Hofzeremoniell ihrerseits. [22] When Duke Ernest Augustus of Brunswick took office as Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück in September 1662, Liselotte moved with her foster parents to Iburg Castle. The letters often appear to have no disposition and are subject to spontaneous ideas, whereby they make the reader a living companion (W. L. Holland). I've seen letters...so I struggle to understand. At the royal court, however, the topic was taboo: EL [her lover] are right to say that one does not talk about the agony here if one does the poor Reformed, one does not hear a single word about it. 3] 1716-1718.--[v. The King...didn't know a word about our Bible; he had never been allowed to read it; said that if he only listened to his confessor and talked about his Pater Noster, everything would be fine and he would be completely godly; I often complained about it, because his intention has always been sincere and good. The strong personality of this aunt offered her support in all difficult life situations; Liselotte had also shaped the atmosphere of the Hanoverian court with her scientific and literary interest, her religious tolerance thinking and the preservation of morality and concepts of virtue with all due consideration for human inadequacies, for life. auf 4 (= 2 Doppel) Blatt. von Orléans und der Françoise Marie de Bourbon-Blois, einer legitimierten unehelichen Tochter Ludwigs XIV. 12 1617 -28. Their descriptions are often less precise, but much more colorful and humorous than those of the Marquis de Dangeau, whose court diary and memoirs made him the official chronicler of the reign of Louis XIV. The intrigues led to the isolation and disappointment of Liselotte, who now withdrew more and more into her writing room.[70]. [158], For the wife of Elector George William of Brandenburg, see, sfn error: no target: CITEREFVan_der_Cruysse2001 (. („Elsie“). Bild. Mai 1652 Heidelberg †8. Johannes Kramer describes her letters as "the best studied example of the use of the German language in private letters between members of the high nobility". With two of her half-sisters, Louise (1661–1733) and Amalie Elisabeth, called Amelise (1663–1709), she kept a lifelong correspondence. I cannot live without doing nothing; I can still go crazy without chatting at all times would be unbearable for me...I can't read all the time either, my brain is too confused ... writing amuses me and gives my sad thoughts distraction. von Ludwig Geiger Stuttgart : Spemann, [1883]. Anekdoten vom französischen Hofe, vorzüglich aus den Zeiten Ludewigs des XIV. She showed her affection to both of them, wholeheartedly and without any ulterior motives, and accepted the overwhelming power of the one as well as the Italian inclinations of the other without complaint, as destined by fate."[56]. This is some (own) thing for french women; no kitchen maid here believes that she has insufficient understanding to rule the whole kingdom and that she is being done the greatest injustice in the world not to consult her. Élisabeth Charlotte war die einzige Tochter von Herzog Philipp I. von Orléans und seiner zweiten Frau Prinzessin Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte), Tochter des Kurfürsten Karl I. Ludwig von der Pfalz. Maintaining the German language, also by reading books, meant a piece of home and identity for her in a foreign country. [131] Her son inherited her collections as well as his father's art collection, but her little-interested grandson Louis, Duke of Orléans (1703–1752), was to dissolve the collection and scatter them to the wind. I also love the Parisians, they are good people. 16.05.2020 | Sie ist die Nationalheldin Frankreichs: Johanna von Orléans, die aus dem Glauben heraus für ihr Land kämpfen wollte. [42] Liselotte had her own court of 250 people, which cost 250,000 livres annually, while her husband had an even larger one.[43]. Elisabeth war die Tochter von Alfons Prinz von Bayern und seiner Gattin Victoire d’Orléans-Alençon. [73] The Duke of Orléans didn't belong to this brotherhood, but many of his favorites were. [33] The day before, she had already solemnly renounced her old Reformed faith and converted to the Roman Catholic faith. ...If it is true that you become a virgin again if you have not slept with a man for long years, then I must have become a virgin again, because since 17 years ago my lord and I did not sleep with each other, but we liked each other, knowing it will not fall into the hands of the gentlemen Tatars. I do not care, but thank God all those with whom I correspond have not accepted this disgusting fashion; I could not have answered... To characterize the nature of her correspondence, she uses the term “chat”: for the duration of a letter (which usually consisted of 15 to 30 folded sheets of gilt edging, which she described with large, energetic handwriting), she lingered in her mind those she liked, but who lived far away to talk to them casually. [9][10] His early death in battle deeply saddened her. "[60], In France, Liselotte only had two German relatives, two older aunts, with whom she had regular contact: Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate (a sister of her father and Abbess of Maubuisson since 1664) and Emilie of Hesse-Kassel (a sister of her mother, who had married the Huguenot general Henri Charles de La Trémoille, Prince of Taranto and Talmont). In the Ancien Régime this title belonged to the King's eldest brother. Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans oder, wie wir sie alle nennen und kennen, Liselotte war eine Deutsche und eine Pfälzerin. Everything natural, unsophisticated and not practiced. 2] 1707-1715.--[v. Marie Louise Elisabeth von Orléans — Marie Louise Élisabeth, Prinzessin von Orléans (* 20. : Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte) von der Pfalz, Herzogin von Orléans (1652-1722); Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de) The so-called palatine is named after Liselotte; is a short cape or turn-down collar trimmed with fur, which women use to protect the cleavage and neck from the cold in winter. That's how you betrayed the poor gentleman. [100] The King also married his other "bastards from double adultery" within his family, because they couldn't have marry off to foreign courts, hardly even to the high nobility in France, and he saw that they could be married "under class" as unworthy of them. The poor person loved me as if I were his birth mother. [75][76] When it became known that the 'brotherhood' also included the Prince of la Roche-sur-Yon and the Comte of Vermandois (one of the King's legitimate sons with Louise de La Vallière), in June 1682 became a wave of exiles. [110], On 9 June 1701, Monsieur died of a stroke at the Château de Saint-Cloud. Band 5 (1720). The Maintenon, nor does the Archbishop of Paris say; only the King believes in them in religious matters. The King used to say: il n’y a que Vous qui jouissés des beautés de Versailles (you are the only one who enjoys the beauties of Versailles)". Other problems arose in the following years for Liselotte, as she harbored a massive aversion to Madame de Maintenon, the last important mistress and from the end of 1683 the secret wife of Louis XIV, whom she increasingly controlled him. Originally, she was laughed at at the French court because of her "old" furs that she wore when she arrived from Heidelberg, but since she was very popular with the king in the 1670s, the ladies began to and imitated this trend in the unusually cold winter of 1676. [39] However, the couple lived mostly at the royal court, where they had to be present for about three quarters of the year, first in the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye and, after its completion in 1682, in the Palace of Versailles, where they had two adjacent apartments in the main wing. [118] Liselotte was warned to change her attitude towards Madame de Maintenon,[30][32] but the harmony between the two women didn't last very long either, and Liselotte was "more tolerated than loved" after initial benevolence. Als Charlotte mit 10 Jahren ihre geliebte Mutter verlor, ließ ihr Vater sie beinahe nicht mehr aus den Augen. 4] 1719.--[v. 8vo. She was buried in the royal necropolis at the Basilica of Saint-Denis, next to her husband and his first wife. [7] In 1657, Elector Charles I Louis separated from his wife Charlotte in order to marry morganatically with Marie Luise von Degenfeld, who thus became Liselotte's stepmother. "[156] Also Wolfgang Menzel, who in 1843 found a volume of letters published by the half-sister Raugräfin Luise, saw in the Duchess of Orléans the simple German woman and the most open soul in the world, who only had to watch too much moral corruption... understandable that she sometimes expresses herself about it in the crudest words. von W. Menzel", Stuttgart, 1843, being extracts from the letters published in the present collection form v. 6 of the "Bibliothek" [v. 1] 1676-1706.--[v. von Frankreich. [34] She saw her husband, who was 12 years her senior, for the first time on 20 November 1671 in Châlons.[35]. hatte mehrere Liebschaften und auch seine Ehe mit Maria Theresia von Spanien hielt ihn nicht davon ab, immer wieder neue Beziehungen … [40][41] From Fontainebleau, the couple made regular detours to Montargis Castle, which belonged to Monsieur and which, according to their marriage contract, would later fall to Madame as a (hardly used) widow's seat. Louis XIV punished his own son very severely and sent him to war, where he died shortly afterwards at the age of 16. In her letters, Liselotte also mentioned her dislike for the pompous Baroque style that had become fashionable: I think everything in Germany has changed so much that I'm in France that it feels like another world. The Parlement of Paris overturned the will's provisions at the request of Liselotte's son, Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who, being the only legitimate agnate of the royal family in France, became in the Regent of the Kingdom for the still underage sovereign, beginning the time known as the Régence. [28], From her youth in Heidelberg, her first stable master and steward, Etienne Polier, became a confidante, whom she took with her to France after her marriage and who remained in her service for life. 1880-1890)., 1880 When I'm not fun, I don't like to speak, and I am at rest in my lies. [116] To this she explained frankly and freely: "If I hadn't loved you, then I would not have hated Madame de Maintenon so much, precisely because I believed she was robbing me of your favor". In his will, the deceased monarch divided the regnal prerogatives among relatives and courtiers, allocating to his legitimised son, the Duke of Maine, guardianship of the new monarch, Louis XV, who was 5 years old. However, the historicism also recognized the enormous cultural-historical value of the letters and extensive editing activities began in the editions of Bodemann and Wilhelm Ludwig Holland. Elisabeth Charlotte, Pfalzgräfin, Herzogin von Orléans, ist am 27.Mai 1652 geboren. But true Christians, if God has done the grace to love him and virtue, do not turn to the priesthood, they follow God's word as well as they understand it, and the order of the churches in which they find themselves leave that constraint to the priests, superstitions to the mob and serve their god in their hearts and seek not to give anybody offense. In 1788, some longer excerpts from Liselotte's letters appeared for the first time –under unexplained circumstances– initially in a French translation, then a few years later in the German original, under the title Anecdotes from the French Court, especially from the times of Louis XIV and the Duke Regent. Standort: Landesmuseum Hannover Bildnummer: 1035232. Herzogin von Orléans seit 1671, * 27. Her favorite saying (and personal motto) is often quoted: "What cannot be changed, let go as it goes" (Was nicht zu ändern stehet, laß gehen wie es gehet). She had a "no-nonsense" attitude. Elisabeth Charlotte von Orléans, zweite Gemahlin Philipps von Orléans (1652-1722). The emigrants were supported by the Brandenburg ambassador, Ezekiel Spanheim, with advice and action; Liselotte was very close to him because he had once been the tutor of both her father and brother. von Frankreich. 1652 Heidelberg, † 8. Colbert is said to have said that many are subjects of kings and princes wealth, therefore wanted everyone to marry and have children: so these new subjects of the German electors and princes will become wealth. I once read in a book that they are compared to pigs with gold collars. Leben. Her hearty appetite caused her to gain weight as the years went by, and when describing herself she once commented that she would be as good to eat as a roasted suckling pig. Elisabeth. In a letter to Electress Sophia of Hanover dated 23 May 1709, Liselotte describes a conversation with her confessor, who wanted to "convert" her to the veneration of saints. Johanna von Orléans kurz erklärt .Heiligenportraits. Élisabeth Charlotte d’Orléans als Kind, ca. von Elisabeth Charlotte, Herzogin von Orleans: und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und … She didn't like to spend the winter in the Palais Royal (the official residence of her son and his family) because of the bad Parisian air from the smoke from many chimneys (and "because in the morning you can only smell empty night chairs and chamber pot") and the bad memories of her marriage: Unfortunately I have to go back to morose Paris, where I have little rest. zzgl. [134] Liselotte tended to use coarse formulations, which was not uncommon in letters from princely persons of the 16th and 17th centuries, but in Helmuth Kiesel's view she had gone extraordinarily far in this, including a psychological disposition, the frivolous tone in the Palais Royal and perhaps her previously reformed faith had contributed to polemics known to her; in any case, their tone differed greatly from the Précieuses of the Parisian salons of their time, and also from the naturalness of the German bourgeois lettering style of the 18th century, as shaped by Christian Fürchtegott Gellert. Als Hochzeitsgeschenk machte ihn Kaiser Franz Joseph zum Generalgouverneur von Lombardo-Venetien. ], 1969 Maria Elisabeth Prinzessin von Bayern was born on 9 September 1914 at Schloss Nymphenburg, Germany G. 1 She was the daughter of Franz Maria Luitpold Prinz von Bayern and Isabella Prinzessin von Cro ÿ. Ihre Mutter Prinzessin Louise von Orléans. Later, however, their relationship improved and in the end they were very close, which was not exactly common in royal houses at the time. Etienne de Polier de Bottens, a Huguenot who had followed her from Heidelberg to France, also played a special role as confidante and spiritual advisor. 16.05.2020 | Sie ist die Nationalheldin Frankreichs: Johanna von Orléans, die aus dem Glauben heraus für ihr Land kämpfen wollte. For the Duke of Orléans it was already his second marriage, his first wife and cousin Henrietta of England died suddenly and under mysterious circumstances in 1670. [99], In 1692 Liselotte had to see that her powerlessness extended to her own children: Louis XIV married her son Philippe, Duke of Chartres against her will to Françoise Marie de Bourbon, one of his illegitimate but legitimized daughters whom he had with Madame de Montespan. Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine. Es existierten Pläne, sie nach Italien oder ins Deutsche Reich zu verheiraten. Élisabeth Charlotte war die einzige Tochter von Herzog Philipp I. von Orléans und seiner zweiten Frau Prinzessin Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte), Tochter des Kurfürsten Karl I. Ludwig von der Pfalz.Somit war sie eine Nichte Ludwigs XIV.
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