5) Den är ingen ny låt. Suche ein französisches Lied dududududu dum dudu. I always hear this song on the radio! I have this song stuck in my head and I don't know where it comes from. Täglich werden von 12 Radio- & TV-Redaktionen die besten neuen Bands, Songs und Videos gesucht und ausgestrahlt. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. De produceras alltså INTE nyligen utan är en gammal låt Relevance. 2) Den går: Dududu (3 snabba du du du) och sen du du du du du( 4 du du du sen direkt efter) 3) Den är ganska långsam , inte nån värsta snabb elektro utan den ligger på runt 130 BPM 4) Den har väldigt lite elektro-beats i sig. ... verfasst am 01.07.2011 um 15:14:04 Uhr. Normalerweise höre ich kein Techno, aber dieses Lied will ich einfach in meiner Sammlung haben. Problem: Ich weiß weder Interpret, noch Liedname, noch Text. While listening to this song, I remembered an early 2000 pop song with very much the same melody (see Youtube clip at 1:30).. Watch Queue Queue. The most Shazamed tracks in Israel this week. High quality Dududu gifts and merchandise. Source(s): song quot du dududu du du du du duuu quot: https://bitly.im/ETzbr. DUG Tour Dates. Then the story would go, "It is especially rude to make people listen to you being very loud for a very long time. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Join Facebook to connect with Tuwsho DuDu and others you may know. Ich suche ein ganz bestimmtes Techno Lied. Female singer, all I remember (and this is the part that got me looking) was the melody: A, A, G, F, E, D-E-F-E-D repeated 4 times. Hallo Leute! ... dödödödö-dödö dö-döö-dö dödödödö oder (je nach dem, wie man es ausspricht) dumdum du du du dumdum- duu dumdum… ich meine es hat auch ein wenig Akkordeon im Hintergrund ... Hey Leute.ich suche ein relativ bekanntes Elektro Techno Lied. Went to Punta Cana in August. Featuring: MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) - Lil Nas X, Astronaut In The Ocean - Masked Wolf, Maro - IVAN ASLAN. Jo Leute, Leon hier also ich hab gestern auf ner Party so ein geiles Lied gehört, kennt jeder irgendwo her, da singt so ein Kerl :just daaaaance (mit ziemlich hoher Stimme) und dann noch iwas was ich mir nicht mekren konnte und dann kommt so ein krasser Beat, der geht dududu dum, dudu dum, dududum, dududu . Mx3.ch, launched in 2006 by SRF Virus, SRF3, Couleur3, Rete Tre, and Radio Rumantsch. DU DU DUDUDU DU DU, DUU! I've been trying to find this one pop song, I think I heard it first May of 2011 and a few times after that, then when I started trying to look for it it disappeared. ive had it stuck in my head soo long and its really hard to explain cos i dont actually know any words.. im sure its an 80s/90s male band and it has a upbeat trumpet/sax/something intro like 'du du do do do do do doo, (bit lower now) du du do do do do do doo, (bit lower again) du du do do do do doo doo doo dooo' Techno war leider noch nie so mein Metier und daher hab ich auch damals nicht so drauf geachtet. Nun bin ich aber mal die Musik meiner Jugend durch gegangen und da kam man ja in den 90ern am Techno kaum vorbei besonders wenn man in Berlin gelebt hat. Can you guys help? All the staff at the resort would sing the popular tune "Dum da-da-dum da...." and the response would be "Dum dum!" Wish I knew what it was, its killing me. Answer Save. I'm pretty sure the song is quite new and was sung by a female and male. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 11 Answers. The song where some deep bass voice goes Oh, My, God and then the brass ection kicks in with a Du dudu du du DU du di du di du di. It would be about a sandstorm that is rude and only says "DUDU DUDU DU" and all the reasons that is rude (dudu sounds like a rude word; it is rude to talk so loudly; it is rude to interrupt; etc). duracell Tour Dates. Duran Duran Tour Dates. Suche Song (Dü dü düdü dü düdü dü düdü) (Musik ... 3:36.. dü dü di dü di dü di dü düü de düü de dü dü düd so geht des lied ist techno / house und ziemlich ne This video is unavailable. Black Coffee, Shimza , Caiiro, Pastor Snow, | Afro House Mix | Afro House Music | Black Coffee Mix mp3 Duration 1:15:39 Size 103.89 MB / MarCo Milano 11 The mouthpiece of the gaming generation, The Escapist aims to capture and celebrate the contemporary video gaming lifestyle and the diverse global video game culture by way of in-depth features, thought provoking articles and relevant columns authored by leading video game authorities, as well as cutting-edge video shorts, engaging forums and robust social media elements that incorporate … All Artists. Sieh dir an, was B H (marrynow) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat. High quality Darude Sandstorm gifts and merchandise. 0 1. Marcos Carnaval is one of the most respected DJs and producers to come out of Brazil. Quality: MP3 192 Kbps, 16 bit / 44.100 khz: Duration: 00:05 sec: Audio Size: 118 kb: Licence: The sound effect is permitted for non-commercial use under license … but i can not figure out title of the song! 12 Radios & TVs search and broadcast the best new bands, songs & videos. Looking for a song that goes "du dududu du du du du duuu". mx3.ch - Swiss Music Portal: Where the music grows! Suche ein Disco Lied (just dance,….dududu(7. "Fette Beats aufs Ohr: Hört das neue „Techno Syndrom“ zu „Mortal Kombat“ " Zur kommenden Videospielverfilmung „Mortal Kombat“ wurde nun eine neue Vers Artists: Du. Richard. DA-na-na, duh-nuh nuh nuh,nuh na, na na na nuh nuh nuh na NUH NUH NUH. They were one of the most successful bands of the 1980s and a leading band in the MTV-driven "Second British Invasion" of the United States. 14. DuDu Oktober is on Facebook. Ich zweifle sogar daran, dass der Song überhaupt Text hat. Cirque Du Freak Ich suche einen alten Techno/Dance Beat, also nur Melodie, kein Sänger. Download Cirque Du Freak songs, singles and albums on MP3. Some time ago, Laura Abril, artistic name Kronik Darling, visited Perla28 and asked us for a clip for her new song … I thought it was a resort thing until we started spending time off resort and started hearing a hip hop-type song played on the radio that had that exact riff in it! Join Facebook to connect with DuDu Oktober and others you may know. Tuwsho DuDu is on Facebook. ‘Alone’, from Laura Abril, artistic name Kronik Darling – a clip with soul, with Athenea Harrington, and also Dudu Arnalot from ‘Alegría’ (Cirque du Soleil); from the Perla28 group. 6 years ago. Der Beat stammt aus den 90ern und jeder müsste ihn eigentlich kennen. ... LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAA LAAA LAAAAAHAH!" Itay Levi lyrics with translations: אחרי הכל מתגעגע, חצי בשבילי, קירות, רק בנות, לקחת את המפתחות, הזמן שלנו, הולכת יחפה Itay Levi featuring lyrics Translations Doli & Penn - … The song the Beatles had that was recently in a Cirque du Soleil show was the song Love. That is personally one of my all time favorite songs that they made. Over one million legal MP3 tracks available at Juno Download. Great times Du Du Du Du dudu ..." Danke für eure Hilfe!Dürfte von Chic-Good times sein Suche ein Lied aus den 90er Jahren mit einer hohen weiblichen Stimme im Refrain - wer kann helfen? The hook of the song I look for, is nothing more than "tu tu tutu tututu" by a female singer. DUDU DU DU DU DUDUDU! Its all beats one part of the song is like this. okay like it starts o It's a bit similar to the hook "Can't get you out of my head" by Kylie Minogue. Thousands of concerts, playlists and free downloads to discover. Do you know the song, its kind of techno, and the beat goes doo do do do do doo do do, doo do do do doo doo do? Juni 2015 . A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "Dududududu" - from the Lyrics.com website. It's been sstuck on my mind longer than "The baker man, is baking bread" and it's driving me nuts. Duran Duran are an English rock band, formed in Birmingham in 1978. It goes like this: duh duh-da duh duh duh DUH duh duh duh, da duh duh da-da duh duh DUH DUH DUH. April 2020 .
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