December 2016: The group completes the purchase of, February 2019: Through the instrumental moves of, This page was last edited on 24 April 2021, at 00:42. Historische Entwicklung von Dividenden der Deutsche Post Aktie (WKN: 555200 / ISIN: DE0005552004) aus dem Sektor Logistik, Informationen von [7] Electric vans and trucks with a much greater range will be required to achieve the very long-term goal of replacing the group's entire fleet of approximately 70,000 vehicles with electric StreetScooter vehicles. Die Deutsche Post will ihre Aktionäre mit Aktienrückkäufen und einer deutlichen Dividendenerhöhung am Erfolg des vergangenen Jahres beteiligen. The range (before recharging is necessary) is estimated at "up to 100 km". Die Deutsche Post hat im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr unterm Strich mehr verdient und erhöht nun die Dividende. The company has four interim goals for doing so, to be achieved by the year 2025. The division consists of two main business units: In July, 2020, Deutsche Post DHL Group significantly increased earnings in Q2 2020 despite COVID-19. Since its privatization, Deutsche Post has significantly expanded its business area through acquisitions. More specifics would be announced in the next few months. It is the world's largest courier company. Für 2019 sollen die Anteilseigner 1,25 … "From now until 2050, our mission will be to drive our business toward zero [logistics related] emissions. December 2002: Deutsche Post AG acquires the remaining shares in DHL International. Der Logistikkonzern kündigte am Montag in Bonn Aktienrückkäufe im Wert von bis zu einer Milliarde Euro an und verwies dabei auf die gute Geschäftsentwicklung. Operating profit (EBIT) improved by around 16% to around EUR 890 million.[23]. The range (before the need to recharge) is said to be 50 to 80 km, depending on the weight of the load and traffic conditions. The Deutsche Post AG, operating under the trade name Deutsche Post DHL Group, is a German multinational package delivery and supply chain management company headquartered in Bonn, Germany.It is the world's largest courier company. 20 November 2000: Deutsche Post AG becomes a fully private company, with a new Board of Directors, in an IPO listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In December 2014 Deutsche Post DHL Group purchased StreetScooter GmbH, a small manufacturer of electric vehicles in Aachen, Germany. Mai zur ordentlichen Hauptversammlung 2021 … Alle wichtigen Informationen zur Aktionärsversammlung finden Sie hier. In late 2014, the group acquired StreetScooter GmbH, a small manufacturer of electric vehicles. Die Aktien der Bonner legte am Nachmittag um mehr als 3 Prozent zu und waren damit einer der gefragtesten Dax-Werte. Mai 2021 beantworten. [26], Deutsche Post's 2016 annual report indicates that it plans to replace its fleet of delivery vehicles in Germany with the electric StreetScooter products "in the medium term". Deutsche Post Dividendenrendite 2021: k.A. Umsatz, Gewinn, KGV, Dividende … Analysten hatten im Schnitt nur eine Erhöhung auf 1,24 Euro erwartet. Mittwoch, 24.03.2021, 00:11 Kaum ein Segment hat im vergangenen Jahr so sehr profitiert wie der Online-Handel. Die Aktien sollen dann eingezogen oder für langfristige Vergütungsprogrammen genutzt werden. ... Bonn und der Deutsche Post AG, Bonn beenden. For other agencies called "Deutsche Post", see, "Deutsche Post DHL Group completes UK Mail acquisition", "Deutsche Post delivers record earnings in 2016 despite lower revenues", "Germany to sell one-third of post office in IPO",, "Deutsche Post Bilanz, Gewinn und Umsatz | Deutsche Post Geschäftsbericht | 555200", "Deutsche Post Dividende | KGV | Bilanz | Umsatz | Gewinn", "45pc profit boost for Deutsche Post DHL", "Deutsche Post DHL Group ends financial year 2016 with record earnings", "Revenue falls, but earnings and operating profit up at DHL", "Deutsche Post DHL reports "record earnings" for 2016", "DHL forwarding profits continue improving", "DP DHL Group posts strong earnings in Q2 2020", "Deutsche Post DHL übernimmt StreetScooter GmbH", "Deutsche Post will 2016 noch 2000 Elektro-Transporter bauen - manager magazin", "Technical Information StreetScooter Work (Kofferaufbau)", "Deutsche Post DHL makes its own electric delivery vans", "Streetscooter - Der tausendste Elektro-Transporter der Post", "Even Germany's post office is building an electric car", "StreetScooter presents new "Work L" model", "Even Germany's Post Office Is Building an Electric Car", "2017 Deutsche Post AG Our GoGreen environmental protection program",, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.
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