And this is only the start. Eine himmlische Verbindung 18 Superleicht, extrem dünn, besonders gut formbar: ein innovativer … The Health Care Group. mehr Produktion Digital und nachhaltig – so sieht die Produktion von Covestro in Deutschland aus. … Media Contact. Die Ergebnisse unseres Geschäftsjahres 2020, viele Geschichten hinter den Zahlen und weitere Informationen über Covestro finden Sie hier. 8 Kennzahlen Covestro-Konzern 2 Vorwort4 Der Vorstand über die Entwicklung im Jahr 2018, die Erwartungen an 2019 und das Erfolgsrezept von Covestro. Contingent Liabilities and Other Financial Commitments, 32. Our innovative developments in polyurethanes, polycarbonates, coating, adhesive and specialty raw materials as well as thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers enhance products in a wide variety of markets. They must establish new value chains to recycle water barrels in China, and add blockchain technology to plastic waste to make it traceable and reusable. Covestro-Geschäftsbericht 2018 Herzlichst. October 28, 2020 Publication, Analyst Conference Call, Webcast. Covestro-Konzern im Überblick Unternehmensprofil ... [DRS 17], Internationale Rechnungslegungsvorschriften [International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS]). Bayer SASB-Index 2020 (PDF, 185.7 … All interim reports since H1/2001 can be downloaded in pdf format. Change in Presentation for Rebates Granted to Customers and Trade Working Capital, 5. 2019 Combined Management Report 2019 February 2020 PDF Innovation and Technology May 2019 PDF … We need the ability to recycle any given material, for example. Bis Anfang 2020 stellen wir uns dafür organisatorisch neu auf. Covestro's net income 2014-2020 Published by M. Garside, Mar 5, 2021 Covestro/Bayer MaterialScience is a subgroup of Bayer AG, mainly involved in the production of high-tech ­polymers. Mai 2020 PDF. Annual Report 2020: The results of our fiscal year 2020, stories behind the numbers and further information about Covestro can be found here . Annual Report. More detailed information and instructions on how you can revoke your consent at any time are provided in our settings of Data Privacy Statement. We will become fully circular. Pressemeldung BMW Group Bericht 2020 (PDF, 273.1 KB) Erklärung zur Unternehmensführung 2020 (PDF, 1021.7 KB) GRI Index 2020 (PDF, 2.3 MB) CDP Fragebogen 2020 (Englisch) (PDF, 897.5 KB) Konzernabschluss 2020 (XLSX, 38.8 KB) Zehn-Jahres-Vergleich 2020 (XLSX, 19.9 KB) Schlüsselkennzahlen 2020 (XLSX, 22.8 KB) Ältere BMW Group Geschäftsberichte (10 Dateien) BMW … Corporate responsibility reports. Covestro investiert erheblich in die Produktion der Schaumstoff-Komponente MDI. the consolidated financial statements, the combined management report, the report of the Supervisory Board and the compensation report) PDF Explanatory report on takeover-related information PDF Current articles of incorporation on Corporate Governance Website Link Regarding the election of the auditor PDF Report … For Covestro, this means rethinking waste. 2019 Zusammengefasster Lagebericht 2019 Februar 2020 PDF Innovation und Technologie Mai 2019 PDF Non-Deal Debt Roadshow April 2019 PDF. Annual Report 2019. To become fully circular, it needs developments and advances in various areas. Our official page for the 2020 annual report looks back at the past year and outlines the Group’s prospects for the future. 2017 … Personnel Expenses and Employee Numbers, Notes to the Statement of Financial Position, 17. Covestro/Bayer MaterialScience is a subgroup of Bayer AG, mainly involved in the production of high-tech ­polymers. Around 20 plants in the BASF Production Verbund use acetylene as a versatile chemical component. As a company, our goal is not just to comply with standards, but to set new benchmarks ourselves. Effects of New Financial Reporting Standards, 3. Making the future work for everyone. Integrated Management System for Health, Safety, Environment, Energy, and Quality, Results of Operations, Financial Position, and Net Assets of the Covestro Group, Results of Operations, Financial Position and Net Assets of Covestro AG, Report on Future Perspectives and on Opportunities and Risks, Group-Wide Opportunities and Risk Management System, Compensation of former members of the Board of Management, Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Covestro Group Consolidated Income Statement, Covestro Group Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, Covestro Group Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Covestro Group Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, Covestro Group Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Covestro Group, 2. Brief des Vorstandsvorsitzenden. Per Ende 2020 produziert Covestro an 33 Standorten weltweit und beschäftigt rund 16.500 Mitarbeitende (umgerechnet auf Vollzeitstellen). €1.6 bn. Quartal 2020 Veränderung in Mio. And existing energy- and resource-intensive plants must be further optimized. The following PDF files are available (PDF:) Covestro – Annual Report 2019 246 pages 13.5 MB (PDF:) BEYOND – Magazine EBITDA –49.9% +2.0 % Core volume growth . In 2020, Covestro's basic earnings per share were 2.48 euros. Annual Report 2020 English (PDF, 2.9 MB) Annual Report 2020 German (PDF, 3.7 MB) Financial Key Figures (XLS zip, 75.6 KB) Bayer AG Financial Statements 2020 (PDF, 602.4 KB) Download Sustainability Report. November 2020 PDF 2020 ESG Investor Presentation November 2020 PDF Investor Call on RFM Acquisition September 2020 IR Presentation PDF Investor Call 8:30 a.m. On-demand version Transcript Investor Call 3:00 p.m. On-demand version Transcript Innovation and Technology May 2020 PDF. Februar 2017. close. In the archive you will find Deutsche Börse Group annual reports from 2002 onwards. Quartal 2019 1. The Adecco Group is the world’s leading talent solutions and advisory company driven by a powerful purpose – to make the future work for everyone. The circular economy is becoming a global guiding principle. Quarterly Statement January - September 2020. Covestro/Bayer MaterialScience is a subgroup of Bayer AG, mainly involved in the production of high-tech ­polymers. We would like to use cookies to detect our users’ preferences and design the website optimally. Zudem folgt er den Empfehlungen des Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex (DCGK) in der zum Bilanzstichtag gültigen Fassung vom 7. Section in the Covestro Annual Report 2020 Section in supplementary information on sustainability Helpful explanation Greenhouse Gas Emissions RT-CH-110a.1 Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Greehouse gas (GHG) emissions GHG emissions in detail Biogenic CO2 emissions are not reported … HGB / Handelsgesetzbuch. Our 360 ° solutions offering enables sustainable and lifelong employability for individuals and empowers organisations to optimise their workforces. When it comes to research and development, our corporate culture and products, we transcend normal boundaries in our thinking and actions: BEYOND. The demand for more energy efficient buildings in China is growing and windows will play a key role in making this happen. Unsustainable production and consumption patterns must become a thing of the past. Accounting Policies and Valuation Principles, 4. It has an annual production capacity of 90,000 metric tons of acetylene. Folgende PDF-Dateien sind zum Download verfügbar (PDF:) Covestro – Geschäftsbericht 2019 246 Seiten 11,8 MB (PDF The new acetylene plant at the Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany, was gradually started up over a period of several months and has been in operation since 2020. Free operating cash … The Adecco Group: Annual Report 2020. In 2020, Covestro generated around 4.6 billion euros of revenue in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America (excluding Mexico). Markus Steilemann, Sucheta Govil, Klaus Schäfer and Thomas Toepfer reflect on the past year and outline how Covestro has its sights set on the future. ments and the interim management report as of June 30, 2020, and for any review of additional financial information of Covestro AG during fiscal 2020 and the first quarter of fiscal 2021. Earnings Release Events after the End of the Reporting Period, Limited Assurance Report of the Independent Auditor regarding the supplementary sustainability information, nexxar - digital reporting evolved - Online Report. Covestro – Interim Statement First Quarter 2020 Kennzahlen Covestro-Konzern 1. Annual Financial Statements 2020 Covestro AG PDF Annual Report 2020 (incl. Wednesday, April 28, 2021 // Start: 3:00 p.m. CEST. Covestro wants to drive the industry forward. Current Annual Report; Annual Report 2020 (PDF) Annual Financial Statements of Beiersdorf AG; Press Release Full Year 2020 Results; Speech; Webcast Financial Analyst Meeting 2021; Presentation Financial Analyst Meeting 2021 ; 2020. Covestro is a leading producer of advanced and high-performance polymers in India and around the world. And it means a profound culture change. € in % Mengenwachstum im Kerngeschäft1, 2 Umsatzerlöse Umsatzveränderung Menge Preis Währung Portfolio Umsatzerlöse nach Regionen EMLA3 NAFTA4 APAC5 EBITDA6 EBITDA-Veränderung davon Menge davon Preis davon Rohstoffpreiseffekt davon … Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method, 22. This is our vision. Corporate Media Relations Geschäftsberichte Annual financial report 2019 Find out more. €12.4 bn. Umfasst einen Großteil der … Covestro at a Glance: In 2019, Covestro had total assets amounting to 11.5 billion euros. Covestro announces virtual THINC30 Summit 2020: UN SDGs Relevance and Recovery Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Covestro and Crystal IS explore impact of … Folgende PDF-Dateien sind zum Download verfügbar (PDF:) Covestro – Geschäftsbericht 2018 244 Seiten 22,7 MB (PDF Covestro North America 2019 D&I Annual Report now available online. Covestro has developed a range of customized Baydur® polyurethane pultrusion windows, as part of the future buildings program, initiated by the China Academy of Building Research. Humanity is pushing the planet to its tipping point. Sustainability Report 2020. Archive. There is plenty still to be done if it is to be achieved: from recycling all waste to abandoning fossil raw materials and energy sources. It means switching to renewable energy. mehr Covestro in Deutschland An sechs Standorten verschieben mehr als 7.600 Mitarbeiter hierzulande die Grenzen des Machbaren immer weiter. Interim reports. Covestro's revenue share by segment 2019 Published by M. Garside, Jun 9, 2020 Covestro's (formerly Bayer MaterialScience) revenue in 2019 amounted to 12.41 billion euros. Key figures. Solvay’s Annual report presents the Governance report, Risk Management report, Business review integrating the Alternative Performance Measures (APM) reconciliation, Extra-Financial Statements, GRI index, Financial Statements, together with the Auditors' reports.. Covestro is a world-leading supplier of high-tech polymer materials: innovative, sustainable and diverse. Annual Report 2020 (IFRS)(PDF, 10 MB) Financial Statements 2020 (HGB)(PDF, 2 MB) Factsheet FY/20(PDF, 452 KB) Investor Relations Company Presentation(PDF, 5 MB) At a Glance(PDF, 657 KB) Annual Report 2019 (IFRS)(PDF, 9 MB) Financial Statements 2019 (HGB)(PDF, 3 MB) Annual Report 2018 (IFRS)(PDF, 5 MB) Financial Statements 2018 (HGB)(PDF, 1 MB) Follow us. What are you looking for? The circular economy is becoming a global guiding principle. Annual Report 2020 . There is plenty still to be done if it is to be achieved: from recycling all waste to abandoning fossil raw materials and energy sources. Raw materials must be based on renewable feedstock so as not to deplete the planet’s resources. more Covestro Mexico hosts second ‘greenlight for girls’ Day More than 130 girls from five schools in Ecatepec were scientists for a day at Covestro’s second ‘greenlight for girls’ Day in Mexico. Unsere Strukturen werden dadurch noch übersichtlicher, einfacher und flexibler, unsere Entscheidungswege kürzer und unsere Abläufe schneller. The live webcast link will be released on April 28, at 7:00 a.m. CEST. At Covestro’s virtual 2020 Annual General Meeting, broadcasted earlier today, CEO Markus Steilemann had a relatively buoyant message. While acknowledging that 2020 remained ‘an exceptional year,’ with uncertain times, the company is on a clear course and well-positioned for the rest of the year. Fiscal year ended December 31, 2020. €473 mn. No single entity can become fully circular alone. View Bayer's integrated annual reports online or download them as a PDF file. It is essential that businesses and society become climate neutral and resource conserving – and fast. 6. Sales –15.1%. Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Financial Reporting, 11. For this challenge of the century, stakeholders must unite to fight waste in the Alliance to End Plastic Waste. Please find our investor relations presentations below, available as a PDF download. Provisions for Pensions and Other Post-employment Benefits, 27. 2018 Nachhaltigkeitsbericht / GRI-Ergänzung 2018 2019 PDF Web Version 2018 ESG @ Covestro September 2018 PDF Positioning For Growth Oktober 2018 PDF Capital Markets Day 2018 Präsentation Juni 28, 2018 PDF. Plastics play a key role in this endeavor. Filter our online annual report by main topics.
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