The smartphone was the first to use Palm's Linux-based mobile operating system, webOS. Pronunciation: (prē-kook'), — v.t. This mixing results in chyme, which has almost fluid consistency. Apricot.] Find definitions for: pre•cook. The Palm Prē, no matter its faults — we remember its sharp-edged, hard-to-use keyboard — was a stylish little number. preoral: ( prē-ō'răl ), In front of the mouth. See more. Pyloric sphincter also prevents … praecoquere to cook or ripen beforehand; prae before + coquere to cook. to cook (food) partly or completely beforehand, so that it may … Definition of predigest in the dictionary. Pronunciation of prepare and its etymology. Premolar definition, situated in front of the molar teeth. What does predigest mean? (prē'pī-lōr'ik), Anterior to or preceding the pylorus; denoting a temporary constriction of the wall of the stomach separating the fundus from the antrum during digestion. See 3d Cook, and cf. Example sentences containing prepare Link to this page: prepyloric The Palm Pre / ˈ p r iː /, styled as palm prē, is a multitasking smartphone that was designed and marketed by Palm with a multi-touch screen and a sliding keyboard. Predispose definition, to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible: Genetic factors may predispose human beings to certain metabolic diseases. prē-kō′shus, adj. precook: Meaning and Definition of. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (5.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: Precocious. All Free. [pre- + L. os ( or- ), mouth] [L. praecox, premature] Definition of prepare in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of predigest. The Pre functions as a camera phone and a portable media player, and has location and navigation capabilities. Meaning of prepare with illustrations and photos. Definition of precocious in the dictionary. paprika - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. See more. The constriction of sphincter prevents the foods to empty into intestine until foods are mixed well with gastric juice (containing HCl and enzymes). Meaning of precocious. Related words - prepare synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. ... and praecoquus, fr. Information and translations of predigest in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. precocious: ( prē-kō'shŭs ), Developing unusually early or rapidly.
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