Headquartered in Weifang, Shandong Province, China, the Weichai Group is holding more than 80 subsidiaries set throughout China and overseas. Im Vorjahresviertel waren 0,240 CNY je Aktie erzielt worden. Vous pouvez sélectionner l’option « Personnaliser mes choix » afin de gérer vos préférences. Weichai Power Co., Ltd. (潍柴动力股份有限公司) was incorporated in 2002. WEICHAI POWER AKTIE (ISIN: CNE1000004L9): Realtime-Kurs der Weichai Power Aktie, Dividenden-Rendite und Termine, aktuelle Nachrichten ⇒ Die nächsten Kursziele. Weichai Group signed a strategic restructuration agreement with Ferretti Company in 2012 and obtained 75% of its shares. WEICHAI POWER AKTIE und aktueller Aktienkurs. Weichai Power Yangzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. (潍柴动力扬州柴油机有限责任公司) recombined with Weichai Power in 2009, is located in Yangte River Delta, China. In order to build a Blue Economic Zone in the Shandong Peninsula, Weichai Group signed a strategic restructuration agreement with Ferretti Company in January 2012, and obtained 75% of the shares of New Ferretti Company for a price of 374 million Euros.[13]. Thanks to its subsidiaries, it also provides transporting equipment, buses, luxury yachts and hydraulics products. Weichai, formerly known as Yucheng Ironworks, was founded in 1946 in Weihai, Shandong Province, China. The company focuses on controlling the entire industry chain to care about the environment and integrating all resources to play on the global scene. operates as a holding company. Bis 2006 gehörte Weichai Power zu Sinotruk. Having more than 35 offices and 245 authorized services stations through the world, Weichai products are sold in approximately 110 countries.[2]. Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. It is manufacturing diesel engines mainly used in light trucks and light buses, low speed trucks, self-unloading trucks, croppers, etc. In 2012, Weichai Power agreed to acquire a 25% stake in KION Group and a 70% majority stake in KION's hydraulics business.[12]. Weichai is a multi-field and multi-industry international group which owns powertrain, vehicle, construction machinery, intelligent logistics, agricultural equipment, marine transportation equipment and other business segments. In 1953, the company successfully launched the 6108 series diesel engine and was renationalized into the fourth Mechanical Industry Bureau in the first Ministry of Machine-Building Industry. Bis zum Jahr 2006 gehörte Weichai Power zu Sinotruk, das führende Unternehmen für die LKW Produktion in China. Moreover, the customers’ satisfaction is a big part in the Weichai's development program. 95,8 Prozent der Bezugsrechte seien ausgeübt worden. Indeed, China's Modern Power and Construction Engineering Coordination Seminar, held in Weifang, identified Weichai's WD615 engine as the new-generation product for construction machinery. Ten years later, Weichai was named one of the seventy “Daqing-Type” enterprises, a famous national denomination in terms of industrial production. Das Hauptgeschäft des Unternehmens umfasst die Forschung, Entwicklung, Herstellung, den Vertrieb von Fahrzeugen und Schlüsselkomponenten, Nicht-Automobil-Motoren und anderen Komponenten sowie die Produktion von Gabelstaplern und die Bereitstellung von technischen Dienstleistungen im Lagerbereich. Weichai Power possesses a full industry chain of power systems (including engines, transmissions and axles), heavy vehicles, automobile electronics and parts. The company operates on four different business sectors which are engines and vehicles, powertrains, luxury … Luxury Yachts: Founded in 1968, Italian Ferretti Group is a luxury yachts manufacturer, and owns the following yacht brands: Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Itama, Riva, Mochi Craft, CRN, Custom Line. Shaanxi Heavy-duty Motor Co. Ltd., or SHACMAN (陕西重型汽车有限公司), founded in 1968 and headquartered in Xi’An, Shaanxi Province, China, it manufactures commercial vehicles, especially heavy duty-trucks. Weichai Holding Group Co.,Ltd. In more concrete terms, Weichai aims in the next several years to achieve a sales income of 200 billion of yuan and to be in the World Top 500 Enterprises. Im Vorjahresviertel waren 0,240 CNY je Aktie erzielt worden. The group offers products, services and technologies for commercial vehicles, construction machinery, marine power, agriculture machinery and power generation. [4] Weichai Power lässt sich voraussichtlich am 31.03.2021 in die Bücher schauen: Auf der vierteljährlichen Finanzkonferenz wird Weichai Power die Bilanz zum am 31.12.2020 beendeten Jahresviertel offenlegen. Weichai Power acquired Moteurs Baudouin in 2009. Im Schnitt gehen 5 Analysten von einem Gewinn von 0,319 CNY je Aktie aus. Die Weichai Power Co Ltd (H) Aktie wird unter der ISIN CNE1000004L9 an den Börsen Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Hannover, Nasdaq … Weichai got its activity fields more diversified in 2000. It is a large automobile manufacturing enterprise, which is qualified to produce M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3 series vehicle. Weichai Power (H) Aktie im Überblick: Realtimekurs, Chart, Fundamentaldaten, sowie aktuelle Nachrichten und Meinungen. The company develops, manufactures and sells marine power and power generation equipments, medium-speed and high-speed diesel engines, generator sets and integrated power systems. At morning close, Weichai's H-shares in Hong Kong were up 0.80 hkd or 1.82 pct at 44.65. WD615 passed the national-level project acceptance certification in 1989, establishing a new pattern of parallel development of both medium and high-speed diesel engines for the factory. Weichai Power has built different industrial bases: for all series power (Weifang), for heavy-duty vehicle and powertrain (Xi’an), for big-power engine and light-duty vehicle (Chongqing), and for automobile electronics and parts (Yangzhou). Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment en consultant Vos paramètres de vie privée. Die Weichai Power-Aktie des Unternehmens Weichai Power Co Ltd (H) notiert unter der WKN bzw. In 2013, Weichai Power became a global sponsor of the Ferrari F1 team under a 4-year-contract strategic alliance.[7]. In 2005, Weichai launched the Euro III “Landking” series engines: WP10 and WP12, which are China's first Euro III diesel engines. Ein Vorteil von Weichai Power ist seine breite Aufstellung, … Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont nous utilisons vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique en matière de cookies. In the same year, Weichai Power acquired Torch Automobile Group Co., Ltd. (湘火炬汽车集团股份有限公司), allowing Weichai to own, among others, heavy-duty trucks, transmissions, and axles. Breite Aufstellung und hohe Dividende. In 1984, the Austrian heavy-duty vehicle engine Steyr WD615 was introduced. Weichai Power Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002, with Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. as the main sponsor. Société Internationale des Moteurs Baudouin headquartered in Cassis,[9] France, created in 1918, is the power generation specialist for the marine and inland shipping industry. The main targeted markets include trucks, buses, construction machinery, marine power, power generation, and agriculture machinery... Vehicles and engines: Subsidiaries as Shacman, AsiaStar, or Shengda Special Vehicles provide Weichai with different vehicles market: Heavy duty automobile, coaches, special vehicles, and commercial vehicles. WEICHAI POWER (A0M4ZC | CNE1000004L9) mit aktuellem Aktienkurs, Charts, News und Analysen. Aktien-Schnelltest inkl. Shantui is a Chinese manufacturer of construction equipment, the main product of which is bulldozers. In 1968, the 6200 marine diesel engine was developed and manufactured for light fishing vessels. Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Chinees: 潍柴控股集团有限公司) is 'n Chinese houermaatskappy in staatsbesit wat op die ontwerp, vervaardiging en bemarking van dieselenjins fokus. It is two years later that Coastal Ironworks moved to Weifang, where they started to manufacture 15 hp and 40 hp low-speed diesel engines. The Company invests in vehicle machines, powertrain systems, luxury yachts, automobiles, and other fields. Im Schnitt gehen 5 Analysten von einem Gewinn von 0,319 CNY je Aktie aus. In January 2009, Weichai's acquisitions started with Société Internationale des Moteurs Baudouin,[5] a French company who designs and manufactures marine engines. Based on this company, the ministry of People's Armed Forces of Weihai established Jianguo Ironwork Cooperatives which was later renamed Coastal Ironworks. Weichai R&D team successfully developed an 800 hp tank engine and won, in 1978, the National Science Conference Prize. Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Chinese: 潍柴控股集团有限公司) is a Chinese state-owned enterprise specialized in the design, manufacturing and sale of diesel engines. Weichai Power lässt sich voraussichtlich am 31.03.2021 in die Bücher schauen: Auf der vierteljährlichen Finanzkonferenz wird Weichai Power die Bilanz zum am 31.12.2020 beendeten Jahresviertel offenlegen. “Green Power, International Weichai” is the current mission of Weichai. Torch Spark Plugs brand can be used for automotive, motorcycles, small gasoline engines, special industrial spark plugs... Weichai (Chongqing) Automotive Co., Ltd. (潍柴(重庆)汽车有限公司), is the subsidiary company wholly owned by Weichai Power Co., Ltd. since 2012, formerly named Chongqing Jialing Chuanjiang Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd, headquartered in Chongqing, China. [10], Ferretti Group is an Italian multinational shipbuilding company, founded in 1968, which owns eight yacht brands. Find the latest WEICHAI POWER CO (WEICY) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. BYD, DEUTSCHE … Weichai Power Co., Ltd. ist in der Herstellung von Transportausrüstung tätig. Totally, it has six global operations centers located overseas: Wiesbaden in Germany, Forlì in Italy, Cassis in France, Chicago in the United States, Singapore, and Pune in India, which are all running testing centers and Research and Development platforms.[8]. In 1970, the National Defense Industry requested Weichai to develop and produce the 8V160 type tank engine. Der chinesische Ankeraktionär Weichai Power Holding nahm alle seine Rechte wahr und hält somit weiterhin 45,2 Prozent der Anteile. Shaanxi Fast Auto Drive Group Company, or Fast (陕西法士特齿轮有限责任公司), founded in 1968 (formerly Shaanxi Auto Gear General Works), and headquartered in Xi’An, Shaanxi Province, China, mainly manufactures heavy-duty, auto transmissions, auto gears, forgings and castings. Weichai Power Co., Ltd. ist in der Herstellung von Transportausrüstung tätig. Yangzhou Asiastar Bus Co., Ltd. (亚星客车股份有限公司), founded in 1949, possesses two production bases located in Yangzhou and Xiamen, China. Weichai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (潍柴重机股份有限公司), has been restructured by Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd in 2006. Die Weichai Power Co Ltd (H) Aktie wird unter der ISIN CNE1000004L9 an den Börsen Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Hannover, Nasdaq OTC, Tradegate, Lang & Schwarz, Baader Bank und Quotrix gehandelt. [2] the Company plans to become the largest bulldozer manufacturer, making them more than 10,000 units that year or 2 of the 5 tracked bulldozers in the world. Die onderneming het belange in ses verskillende sektore - enjins en voertuie, boumasjinerie, aandryflyne, luukse motorjagte, intelligente logistiek en finansiële en onderhouddienste. In 2015, hereinafter is the list of Weichai's brands: Weichai Power Co., Ltd. (HK2338, SZ000338), founded in 2002 and headquartered in Weifang, Shandong Province, China, its core activities are powertrain (engines, transmissions and axles), vehicle engines, hydraulic control and auto parts. Das Hauptgeschäft des Unternehmens umfasst die Forschung, Entwicklung, Herstellung, den Vertrieb von Fahrzeugen und Schlüsselkomponenten, Nicht-Automobil-Motoren und anderen Komponenten sowie die Produktion von Gabelstaplern und die Bereitstellung von technischen Dienstleistungen im Lagerbereich. Das Hauptgeschäft des Unternehmens umfasst die Forschung, Entwicklung, Herstellung, den Vertrieb von Fahrzeugen und Schlüsselkomponenten, Nicht-Automobil-Motoren und anderen Komponenten sowie die Produktion von Gabelstaplern und die Bereitstellung von technischen Dienstleistungen im Lagerbereich. Weichai Power Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002, with Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. as the main sponsor. Breite Aufstellung und hohe Dividende. Das Unternehmen gehört der Weichai Holding Group, die ihrerseits Teil von Shandong Heavy Industry ist. Citigroup maintained its "buy" recommendation on Weichai. Faced to a serious situation in 1998, the new management team made “Three commitments» to lead the company to implement the “Three One-Thirds” Property Reforms through innovation which included labor, personnel, and compensation. [11], Linde Hydraulics Ltd., founded in 1904, based in Aschaffenburg, Germany, is a global developer and supplier of modular drive systems consisting of hydraulics, electrical engineering and electronics. The company operates on four different business sectors: Powertrain: Weichai focuses on engines but also on other parts as transmissions, axles, or generating sets for different applications: high-speed light-duty engines, high-speed medium-duty engines, high-speed heavy-duty engines, medium-speed diesel engines, low-speed diesel engines. Im Jahr 2012 hat Weichai Power Co Ltd, eine Tochter der Weichai Holding, mit der deutschen KION Group GmbH, dem weltweit führenden Gabelstaplerhersteller und führenden Unternehmen in der Hydraulik-Technologie, eine strategische Partnerschaft aufgebaut. Thanks to a rapid development, Weichai won several national prices: Société Internationale des Moteurs Baudouin, "Weichai Power on the Forbes Global 2000 List", "Weichai Expands Overseas Market In a Wise Way-news-www.chinabuses.org", "Weichai Power en a fait sa base pour l'Europe", "Ferretti Group - SHIG-Weichai - Acquisition", "Weichai Power Surges on Moteurs Baudouin Purchase (Update2)", "SHIG-Weichai Group Takes Control of the World's Largest Luxury Yacht Manufacturer", "Il gruppo Ferretti comprato dai cinesi di Shig-Weichai", Weichai Power Becomes the First National Innovative Enterprise in Weifang, "Weichai Power Receive the 2nd Industry Grand Award of China--《Commercial Vehicle》2011年09期", "Weichai Makes Achievements in Informatization", Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. Official Website, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Weichai_Group&oldid=994977113, Manufacturing companies established in 1946, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "National Demonstration Base of Enterprise Culture", 2011, "National In-depth Integration Model of information technology and industrialization", 2012, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 15:12. der ISIN CNE1000004L9 . WEICHAI POWER Aktie jetzt für 0€ handeln: 10.04.
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