Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Definition and synonyms of in a fit state from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. , n. Synonyms for fit for purpose include acceptable, suitable, up to standard, appropriate, fitting, apt, proper, befitting, condign and reasonable. Resources. Another way to say Perfect Fit? The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. Blog. # formal. Synonyms for Perfect Fit (other words and phrases for Perfect Fit). What's the definition of Fit into in thesaurus? Definition and synonyms of fit in from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. This is the British English definition of fit for purpose.View American English definition of fit for purpose.. Change your default dictionary to American English. suitable for use. While all these words mean "right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance," fit stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for use or action. worth. be the right … Verb. BuzzWord. the application of scientifically proven methods to gather, process, interpret, and to, Cyber interception means the acquisition of the any digital contents through the, [Tech.];[Leg.] Cyber interception means the acquisition of the any digital contents. Adjective. appropriate. Bitte geben Sie einen Grund für die Meldung an. fits into place. serviceable. working. English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. to be of the correct size or shape (for) Always buy clothes that fit you properly. Synonyms for physically fit include whole, healthy, fine, fit, well, better, strong, wholesome, fresh and normal. Quiz Review. usable. Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose. This is the British English definition of fit in.View American English definition of fit in.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Antonyms for fits into. tasteful. When I read the selection criteria it seemed that Esprit would be great fit for the show.. You must be born and bred in one of those suburbs fit for the movie Delliverance! seasonable. To function in a complementary manner with. Synonyms for appropriate in Free Thesaurus. The quality of being suitable to fulfil a particular role or task. “Use To” vs. “Used To”: What’s The Difference? Synonyms for fits into in Free Thesaurus. adj. By the ninth tee he was in the lead. adj. . Fit For Use synonyms - 41 Words and Phrases for Fit For Use. As an added bonus, we have some helpful suggestions for more interesting synonyms (or words with similar meanings) that you might want to try instead. Synonyms for 'in a fit state': healthy, well, fit, fine, able-bodied, strong, robust, vigorous, spry, alive and well/kicking, all right Nearby Words. Definition and synonyms of fit for purpose from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. fit definition: 1. to be the right size or shape for someone or something: 2. to be suitable for something: 3. to…. 2 flabby, in poor condition, out of shape, out of trim, unfit, unhealthy. Contexts. as in suit. This car is not fit for purpose.. This is the British English definition of fit.View American English definition of fit. Some common synonyms of fit are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fitting, happy, meet, proper, and suitable. adj. Quizzes ... to fit into a narrow space, or to fit something into a narrow space. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Change your default dictionary to American English. functional. [ archaic], go, serve, suit. usefulness. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. acclimated, acclimatized, accommodated, adapted, adjusted, conditioned, conformed, doctored, to use a telephone; to use a saw and other tools; to use one’s eyes; to use eggs in cooking. word coined by Henry Chesbrough, who opposes this paradigm to the closed innovation one, where all the innovation process happens within the borders of the firm. adj. What are synonyms for fits into? 1 amiss, ill-fitted, ill-suited, improper, inadequate, inappropriate, unfit, unprepared, unseemly, unsuitable, untimely. (EP. Comprehensive list of synonyms for to put something inside something, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus Collocations. As Ensminger puts it, one of Hallmark’s best attributes is its range, and the company has put that versatility to good, In Virginia, Hanley said a new law banning cellphone, The platforms, which are outdoors, have undergone decades of, So far, the EEOC hasn’t even issued clear guidelines concerning hiring algorithms that are already in, The limit of 12 weeks within any 12-month period would remain, with, Simply plug in the hand warmer when not in, Line drying the garment is usually recommended, with care not to squeeze or wring out the vest so as to keep the delicate wiring inside safe for your next, The measures set out requirements for training for administering the vaccine and allowing for someone who owns a large facility to offer it for, Passive time spent on social media can be worse for our well-being than more active, HOW HALLMARK IS HANDLING PANDEMIC VALENTINE’S DAY, TRAFFIC COUNTS FELL DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, BUT ROAD FATALITIES STILL INCREASED, TWO BLUE LINE METRO STATIONS TO CLOSE THROUGH LATE MAY FOR PLATFORM WORK, AUDITORS ARE TESTING HIRING ALGORITHMS FOR BIAS, BUT THERE’S NO EASY FIX, CAN I ASK YOU A RIDICULOUSLY PERSONAL QUESTION? Fit for purpose. (Page 2 of 33) fit | definition: be agreeable or acceptable to | synonyms: accommodate, conform to, meet, suit| antonyms: understock, overstock, irregular, disrepute, nonstandard You can complete the list of synonyms of fit for use given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Open Dictionary. Be part of, be in proper place. Tailored: made or fitted to the needs or preferences of a specific customer. To incorporate. fits in with. rightful. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. ), When a large group of competing corporations hope to, innovation paradigm that assumes firms should. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. does. Definition of fit_1 verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Fehlerhafter Schreibweise Diesem Synonym enthält Schreibfehler. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. The verb use is a general word: to use a telephone; to use a saw and other tools; to use one’s eyes; to use eggs in cooking. fits of laughter. Any Wii owner and fan of the series can tell you that this would be a perfect fit for the. able, adapted, adequate, apposite, appropriate, apt, becoming, capable, competent, convenient, correct, deserving, equipped, expedient, fitted, fitting, good enough, meet, prepared, proper, qualified, ready, right, seemly, suitable, trained, well-suited, worthy, able-bodied, as right as rain, hale, healthy, in good condition, in good shape, in good trim, robust, strapping, toned up, trim, well, accord, agree, be consonant, belong, concur, conform, correspond, dovetail, go, interlock, join, match, meet, suit, tally, accommodate, accoutre, arm, equip, fit out, kit out, outfit, prepare, provide, rig out, adapt, adjust, alter, arrange, customize, dispose, fashion, modify, place, position, shape, tweak, amiss, ill-fitted, ill-suited, improper, inadequate, inappropriate, unfit, unprepared, unseemly, unsuitable, untimely, flabby, in poor condition, out of shape, out of trim, unfit, unhealthy, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus, hin, often tapered piece of material, such as wood, stone, or metal, used to fill gaps, make something level, or adjust something to, in youth slang, means attractive or well-toned Somebody who is buff has an attractive body, they look ‘, [Slang] "Amish" is the name of a religious group arisen in the 16th century, that resists modern world's changes (including technology, fashion etc. utilisable UK. Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. timely. Fit for purpose was one of the top UK searches on Macmillan Dictionary in October. feat or feet? Hold to adjust. Which version is correct? By the ninth tea he was in the lead. fits in. Synonyms for not fit include unworthy, unbefitting, contemptible, degrading, unseemly, dishonourable, ignoble, improper, inappropriate and shameful. as in belong. Synonym "fit" melden Sie können dieses Synonym melden. seemly. wont. 1 (verb) in the sense of be the right size (for) Definition. way. Synonyms for befit. [ archaic], do, fit. Fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently. Synonyms for fit the bill include pass muster, do, measure up, qualify, be acceptable, be adequate, be sufficient, fill the bill, pass and suffice. [Tech.];[Bus.] Some common synonyms of suitable are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, and proper. Use our Synonym Finder. The words we've compiled here probably look familiar: they are the 100 most frequently written words in the English language. as in accept. Synonyme für das Wort fit Finden Sie beim Duden andere Wörter für fit Kopieren Sie das gewünschte Synonym mit einem Klick implies some selfish or sinister purpose: often has depreciated or been diminished, sometimes completely consumed: a used automobile; All the butter has been used. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. E.g: He is not eager to attend the event, but he has to be there because his boss pulled rank on him. The state or condition of being useful. Find 229 ways to say FIT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. fits oneself out. Another way to say Perfect Fit? Use this article to clear up any confusion you have over the uses of "used to" and "use to." befit, beseem [archaic], do, go, serve, suit; Synonyms: Noun (2) access, attack, bout, case, seizure, siege, spell, turn; Antonyms: Adjective. as in square. fit. usable. To be suitable or acceptable. See also synonyms for: used / uses / using. Synonyms for Perfect Fit (other words and phrases for Perfect Fit). Learn more. As applied to persons, use implies some selfish or sinister purpose: to use another to advance oneself. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Es wird nach Ihrer Meldung von unseren Moderatoren geprüft. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Fit into meaning and usage. adapted. The actual say is: "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" This means that it is easier to persuade people if you, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? to utilize the means at hand, a modern system of lighting. Hold to adjust. Definition and synonyms of fit from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Utilize implies practical or profitable use: to utilize the means at hand, a modern system of lighting. Find another word for tailored. These cars are not fit for purpose.. Find more similar words at! You'll soon make it a habit to use each one correctly. View the pronunciation for fit. Best fit. Synonyms & Antonyms for fit. suitability for use. applicable, appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitted, fitting, good, happy, meet, pretty, proper, right, suitable; Synonyms: Verb. adj. as in oblige. Drag the correct answer into the box. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. The state or quality of being suitable, adapted or accommodated. Synonyms for tailored. Find 67 ways to say FITNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. slot into phrasal verb. as in suit. fit for use. All rights reserved. To be suitable or acceptable. wear and tear. n. best suited. ‘Murray is, at the moment, not fit for purpose.’ ‘What is currently on offer is simply not fit for purpose, in terms of funding or scale.’ ‘A high quality attractive, "fit for purpose" estate does not come cheap.’ ‘Product specification/quality not fit for purpose or meet regulatory standards.’ Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Synonyms for. fits with. Find more similar words at! To join or take part in (a social group) To join or unite (one thing to another) Accept the authority, policies, or principles of a particular group, especially unwillingly. Synonyms for best fit include optimum, ideal, bar, barometer, benchmark, best, target, yardstick, goal and perfection. appropriate for use. Synonyms: Adjective. as in jibe. felicitous. as in yield. While all these words mean "right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance," suitable implies an answering to requirements or demands. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. best-fit. This is the British English definition of in a fit state.View American English definition of in a fit state.. Change your default dictionary to American English. 451), FEDERAL WORKERS COULD GET MORE PAID LEAVE IF COVID-19 PREVENTS THEM FROM WORKING, BEST HAND WARMERS: BLOCK THE CHILL DURING YOUR FAVORITE WINTER ACTIVITIES, BEST HEATED VEST: BEAT THE COLD WEATHER WITH THE RIGHT WINTER GEAR, VIRGINIA’S GENERAL ASSEMBLY HEADS TO SPECIAL SESSION WITH BIPARTISAN MOMENTUM ON CORONAVIRUS RELIEF BILLS, HOW TO HAVE A BETTER RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR TECH. New from Collins Quick word challenge. Search fit for use and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Synonyms. improper, inapplicable, See also: fit, fiat, flit, filth. See definition of fit in on Here’s a brief look at its history and usage. useable. Definition and synonyms of fit for purpose from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Geben Sie eine korrekte Schreibweise an. To correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect. Synonyms for. Find more similar words at! The adjective fit has several meanings; the one that applies here is: “of a good enough standard for someone or something”.The relevant sense of the noun purpose is: “the aim that … something is intended to achieve”. VA:F 1. See also synonyms for: fitted / fitting. well-suited. Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5. tea or tee? What is used often has depreciated or been diminished, sometimes completely consumed: a used automobile; All the butter has been used. The condition of being physically fit and healthy. beseem. Definition of fit_3 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Find more similar words at! This is the British English definition of fit for purpose.View American English definition of fit for purpose.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Find 167 ways to say SEE FIT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Another word for fitting: appropriate, suitable, proper, apt, right | Collins English Thesaurus fit for purpose. Antonyms for appropriate. 21 synonyms of tailored from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 70 related words, definitions, and antonyms. utility. fits like a glove. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Synonyms for Best fit. Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. better fit. Thesaurus. Fit for dinner with friends, no.. practicable. Thesaurus for fit in from theCollins English Thesaurus. fits one like a glove. Explore 'fit' in the dictionary. 290 synonyms for fit: be the right size (for), be the right shape for, adapt, fashion, shape, arrange, alter, tailor, adjust, modify, tweak, customize, place.
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