Authors: R.J Productions. Karolis Dum. Credits:MIBATOMIC Description and instructions: Augmented and adapted version of the sound. Hello i have done converting my 3 Sounds(L6,V6 and V8)for Scania 143M by Ekualizer,truck works in 1.37 but missed windows anim and sound but i can manage to convert old sounds to FMOD.Scania L and V6 and from mod itself and V8 is from kriechbaum. So you need to extract file first. My new interior sounds, which were already added to my V8 sound, are also included in this mod now too. Photo. Derwin Posts: 493 Joined: 29 Oct 2020 12:56. TAGS: 1.40, Sound, new, Next, gen, scania, Stock, v8. Videos und den einzigartigen V8-Sound als Klingelton; Thomas Buchner aus Bayern erzählt über seinen neuen Scania 770 S; Klaus Neumüller berichtet über Holztransport im Alpenvorland ; Svempa vollendet seinen wohl letzten Showtruck; Helmut Mitterhauser ist auf schwere Aufgaben spezialisiert; und weitere Themen. Die Fahrphysik ist gut. WARNING! Scania V8 super Sound Aufrufe: ... 08.03.2019 13:22:37 Audi S3 8V Cold Start, Launch Control, Engine Rev, Exhaust Sound,Pull Away and Downshifts. Greetings. Owner Jais Andersen’s latest eyecatcher is a V8 Scania R 520 8×2 with a top-of-the-line Olympus compacting body. Here is what the sound mods look like in mod manager. Nickname: (8 characters min.) MODS UPLOADER. For the moment i won’t add the air brakes or gear sounds since it’s not really clear for the moment to put them in game and SCS changes these sounds very often with betas updates. 14:17. Leasing. I made a stock V8 sound for it, based on some real videos and with some scs samples. Ganz gleich, ob Leidenschaft oder Wirtschaftlichkeit hinter der Kaufentscheidung stehen, die V8-Motoren lassen unsere Kunden nie im Stich. (because i use default scs name sound). Authors: Bimo Wahyu Saputro, Kriechbaum. This mod only work on RJL Scania 4 Series R & T. Video 27. Hier ist die Geschichte hinter Scanias V8 Motoren – die in diesem Jahr auf ein Jubiläum zurückblicken darf. 9 talking about this. SCANIA V8 IST 50 JAHRE ALT. Scania G144 V8 / Palfinger Kran PK27000 / 8X4. Re: New Scania R & S series V8 stock sound Updated 2019/01/28 #191 Post by Virgo91 » 29 Sep 2020 18:42 @kriechbaum that's good news.Thank you for updating the mod.The next gen Scania really needs a good V8 sound in my opinion.And you dit it This mod adds a new Open Pipe L6&V8 sound for the Scania R and S Next Generation by SCS. Work on all Scania 2009 truck. ETS2 - Sound Fixes Pack V19.15 (1.35.X) 2019-07-05 18:27:42 66. The sound mod has now been updated to v2.0 and it compatible with ETS2 v1.39. Geparkt Parken. Scania feiert dieses Jahr 50 Jahre Scania V8-Motor. Download. Strictly Prohibited to modify and use sound samples without the Authors Permission. The sounds of tires, the sound of wind, the sounds of all the switches and sticks. The sound comes from a Greek Scania Konstantinidis nick named R950. Scania feiert dieses Jahr 50 Jahre Scania V8-Motor. Texturen: Die Texturen sehen gut aus keinerlei Beanstandungen. Videos und den einzigartigen V8-Sound als Klingelton; Thomas Buchner aus Bayern erzählt über seinen neuen Scania 770 S; Klaus Neumüller berichtet über Holztransport im Alpenvorland ; Svempa vollendet seinen wohl letzten Showtruck; Helmut Mitterhauser ist auf schwere Aufgaben spezialisiert; und weitere Themen. March 25, 2021. Der Fahrer ist nicht animiert. Version 2.0: Update for 1.38. Competible 1.35 Hi guys this mod changes scs nextgen scania r and s v8 sound this mod changes what?-Scania nextgen r and s v8 sound.-Scania nextgen r and s v8 start sound stop sound etc….-Scania nextgen r and s v8 retarder sound.-Scania nextgen r and s v8 turbo sound. Finally after the implementation of FMOD Sound System for SCS Games ETS2 and ATS, Rasta.Jr Productions proudly presents a new scania V8 sound. 33.500 € (Netto) 39.865 € (Brutto) 19,00% MwSt. - Rework & combined sound from Kriechbaum, Alexa and SCS. Kontakt. Leasing. The mod is suitable for Scania Augmented and adapted version of the sound. December 15, 2020. Version 1.5: - Improved fan sound - Now mod can work on Fred's Scania, BUT. Re: Scania DSC14 V8 Sound #2 Post by trucker520 » 14 Dec 2020 07:19 Very Nice job ! Similar Mods. Ganz gleich, ob Leidenschaft oder Wirtschaftlichkeit hinter der Kaufentscheidung stehen, die V8-Motoren lassen unsere Kunden nie im Stich. Die Stärke, das Gefühl und der unverwechselbare Sound - alles, was dazu beiträgt, dass man zur Legende wird. Reworked scs base sound and mixed with small part from kriechbaum. … The official page of Next Generation Scania. This mod is a reworked version of Alexander Swift Scania V8 EURO 3-4-5 Stock sound. Funktionalität: Es gibt 1 Config Möglichkeit und zwar Motorausführung. We Love Trucks- Jasper Feja. Karolis Dum. Sounds like tire noise of the wind, the sounds of all switches and sticks. YouTube. And also work on Eugene Scania. ETS2 - Realistic Blinker Mod for Mercedes V1.0 (1.35.X) 2019-07-05 17:59:20 95. MODS UPLOADER. His latest version is 3.0, This mod should be version 4.0 but after all. This sound mod works for all SCS stock in-game Scania Trucks including the new generation Scania S/R and for the mod trucks Scania RJL (Including the 4 Series). SCANIA DSC14 V8 SOUND 1.39. Auch die neuesten V8-Motoren liefern noch immer die herausragende Leistung, die ihresgleichen sucht. SCANIA R 2009 V8 STOCK SOUND 1.40. Mod for SCANIA DC13 Engine & SCANIA DC16 V8 Engine. The mod adds new realistic sounds for the DC13 and DC16 V8 engine. 2019-10-06 23:18:52 ETS2 Sounds 1.35.x 2 Download 147 Views. - New air brake, air gear and retarder sound with retarder engage sound. Scania V8 Stock Sound. This mod is a reworked version of Alexander Swift Scania V8 EURO 3-4-5 Stock sound. I have made it again from scratch with Fmod, i’m pretty happy with the result. Scania R560 V8 Retarder E5 Voll TopLine german Truck. Version 2.1: Update for 1.39. DOWNLOAD LINKS. … Kontakt. Scania gehört zu den weltweit führenden Anbietern von Transportlösungen. Credits: athelstan. Die legendären Motoren bieten nun 530, 590, 660 und 770 PS. ☠ Scania V8 Sound ☠ #WeRTRUCKERS (Y) © copyright Xavier Salmon You can get reference of the original real life truck sound from the video below. Version: 4.0. 16 May 2019 An eyecatching Scania refuse truck Danish Henry Andersen & Søn’s new refuse truck is certain to raise a few eyebrows along pickup routes. YouTube Awesome Porsche 928S V8 Engine Sound! Today Downloads: 1. Download. This mod improves the default Stock Sound For Scania Next-Gen : – Turbo sound (like a genuine super) – Blinker sound – Horn sound – Gear air sound – Brake air sound – Engine brake air sound – Start motor – Stop motor Hope you like it Enjoy . And Kriechbaum for unload sound Here's a download link: SIMILAR MODIFICATIONS. Credits:Kriechbaum,Bimo Wahyu Saputro,SCS. Video with the sound mod: -Sound has been updated on 2020/10/03 Update 2.0: -Sound mod rebuild with Fmod for the 1.38 version of the game.-Max2712 recorded and added the interior accessories sounds, a big thanks to him !-Added my standart european horn.-Added a second small mod that adds the original Scania … This mod have a lot of changes so I will called it 1.0. Changelog: v1.0. The famous Scania DSC14 V8 engine sound is now in ETS2. Mai 2019 18:08. … But because the last DSC14 engine was the 144 460 and 530 , its not realistic to put it compatible with DC16's (put it for 1 series , 3 series streamline ekualizer etc) Top. 15. This sound mod works for all SCS stock in-game Scania Trucks including the new generation Scania S/R and for the mod trucks Scania RJL(Including the 4 Series) and the Scania R2012 by Fred. SCANIA S730 V8 NEXTGEN ⚡ when the Cow-boy entered the saloon Production: Appelberg Publishing Project manager: Petra l odén Editor: Helena Åkesson Art Director: Cecilia Farkas and Åsa Carlsson Photographers: gustav lindh, Dan Boman and Tobias ohls Prepress: robert Hagström Printing: Brand … 29.999 € GMS Trucks GmbH (18) DE-94152 Neuhaus am Inn, Händler. April 14, 2019. Initial release. Wechselklappen und Sidepipes ✓ V8 Sound vom Feinsten ✓ Mehr als 40.000 Artikel online ✓ Hol dir jetzt den geilen Sound für deinen Scania Truck Compatible with game version: 1.39.x & 1.40.x. As you know, SCS Scania V8 sound like bass boosted. 1969 gab diese Legende ihr Debüt. 2 COLLECTION 2019 10 time to celebrate: collection 2019 Premium watches inspired by the V8 Collection 2019 magazine Scania Truck Gear & Selection. DESCRIPTION. 1969 gab diese Legende ihr Debüt. This mod is 164L version of Scania R 2009 V8 Stock sound and reworked version of SCS Scania V8 sound. Description: Version 11 of V8 engine sound mod for the Scania R and Streamline is ready. Geparkt Parken. The mod adds new realistic sounds for the DC13 and DC16 V8 engine. Joined: 02 Mar 2019 16:23. DOWNLOAD LINKS. Die Amaturen sind teilweise animiert und beleuchtet. DESCRIPTION. ETS2 - Scania R 2009 V8 Stock Sound V2.0 (1.40.x) 2021-03-19 14:02:42 ETS2 Sounds 1.40.x 13 Download 120 Views. This mod adds a V8 Sound made from a Swedish truck, Scania R500 Ostervalls. 2019 lieferten wir 91.700 Lkw, 7.800 Busse sowie 10.200 Industrie- und Marinemotoren an unsere Kunden aus. ETS2 - Voice Navigation in Russian Language (1.35.X) 2019 … Anyways, Give 90% of credit to Alexander Swift for almost all sound. Leave a comment . Version 1.5: - added realistic trailer-air-brake sound - optimized some interior sound levels - re-recorded blinker stick sound - new handbrake-stick sounds Kataghan Nutzfahrzeuge (2) DE-20539 Hamburg, Händler. Mit vier neuen V8-Motoren setzt Scania dem „King of the Road“ die Krone auf! Realistic sounds of Scania V8 Open Pipe with Ramjet Muffler for 8 cylinder engines(You must supply the V8 engine) ... 2019-07-04 22:55:29 19. Der LS19 Scania R730 8X4 Mod in der Version 1.0 Credits: Edward`s Modding Modgröße: 32,7 MB Downloadort: Share-Mods. Version 2.0 Changelog: -Now you have 2 Variants (With fan sound & Without fan sound). Juni 17, 2019 Engine Sound Scania V8 1969 And Scania V8 2011By Geo93 YouTube Lexus LC500 – same V8 engine, more torque, better sound Photos 1 of 21 Ford Mustang 1966 V8 302 sounds YouTube Formula 1 F1 V8 PURE ENGINE SOUND! Auch die neuesten V8-Motoren liefern noch immer die herausragende Leistung, die ihresgleichen sucht. Download 4.8 MB. Die … Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern und Kunden treiben wir den Umstieg auf ein nachhaltiges Transportsystem voran. Truckshow Ciney 2019 part 2.
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