She informs Shepard that she is on the run from Cerberus, her former employers. Dr. Chakwas returns in Mass Effect 3, provided she survives the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2. [27][28] EDI's facial and body design went through multiple iterations, which includes an eyeless visage, and partially completed 3-D models which differ from the EDI's appearance in terms of body shape, the split between solid and transparent surfaces, and finer points of her two-tone appearance. [55], Matriarch Benezia is voiced by Marina Sirtis. Along with the twenty thousand... plus generations of, she sure made mincemeat out of that Reaper Destroyer. [11] If the player imports a save game where Morinth is recruited and survives the events of Mass Effect 2, she will appear in Mass Effect 3 as an indoctrinated husk-like enemy type known as a banshee. Category:Races | Mass Effect Fan Fiction Wiki | Fandom. Humans were also the ones who conceptualized, planned and for the most part carried out the Andromeda colonization Initiative. They hibernate and remain dormant for a cycle of fifty thousand years, before returning to the Milky Way galaxy and harvest all sentient organic life. Although the other two Council Races managed to end the war diplomatically, human-turian relations are still rocky. [36] Samara's revealing clothing in her final design indicates that her primary method of defense is her uniform's "near-invisible kinetic-barrier technology". [19] The player can change their character's first name, but if the default names of Sara or Scott are kept, NPCs will occasionally refer to the character's first name in voiced dialogue. If the player imports a save game where Zaeed survives the events of 2, Zaeed returns in Mass Effect 3 with a small role. In Mass Effect 2 Joker briefly becomes a playable character when the Collectors invade the Normandy to capture its crew in the absence of Shepard and the squad. Asari are available for multiplayer in Mass Effect 3, and can use the Adept and Vanguard classes. Jaal was initially a romance option for a female player character only, and was an early fan favorite among Andromeda's new cast of characters. Non-sapient synthetic creatures that are created using the bodies of organic beings. He is based on the Leeroy Jenkins character. It's always the same thing. [35], Dr. Amanda Kenson is a human scientist known for her groundbreaking discoveries on the origins of the mass relays. The fact that turians are uptight fighting machines is one of the reasons the First Contact War was considered one of the, Even worse: the Asari were the first to discover the Citadel, They also consider very few measures to be out-of-bounds. The appearance and story arcs of certain characters in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 are conditional upon decisions from prior Mass Effect titles being carried over via an imported save file. [3] Omega space station, introduced in Mass Effect 2, lies outside of Citadel jurisdiction and is noted as being a haven of corruption, piracy, and home to the organized criminal underworld of the galaxy; it serves as the de facto seat of government for the Terminus Systems (a collection of independent states, corporate fiefdoms and pirate domains), an alternative hub for alien species who are unwelcome in Citadel controlled space, or for activities which contravenes Citadel laws and regulations. She has developed an obsessive interest in studying the Remnant, an umbrella term coined for technology, structures, and autonomous bots that have been sighted across the Heleus Cluster. Being creatures of logic, untruth is alien to the geth. Their clans would even exchange members through 'sale'. The original enemy from Mass Effect 2, the Collectors were a mysterious and deadly race rarely seen in the Terminus Systems. For simplicity's sake, they are categorized as characters. [25], Kai Leng's execution by Shepard is considered to be one of the original trilogy's most iconic moments by Kotaku's Gergo Vas,[34] and one of the 13 best Mass Effect Moments by IGN.[35]. If the player imports a save game where Grunt survives the suicide mission in 2, he appears in Mass Effect 3 in a small role. Immediately after the defeat of the Collectors and the destruction of the incomplete Proto-Reaper they were constructing,[7] the Reapers are shown traveling to the Milky Way galaxy from dark space at the ending of Mass Effect 2. Core races in the Mass Effect world include all four Council races (three if game takes place before Humanity's System Alliance is added as a Council race). They also lack ground vehicles and are very few in number, so any kind of occupation, even of a single large city, is out of the question. [50] Saren's head design went through several iterations: the team experimented with structure, scarring, and decorations. [70][71] The Collectors were initially envisioned as robed walking bipedal aliens for a dark, cultlike feel; as Collector soldier units had to fulfill in-game combat mechanic requirements, their design shifted to a more humanoid appearance, while the Collector General has multiple limbs that resemble arthropod legs. They do not acknowledge the other species and all they do is maintain the Citadel, which they seem to understand better than anyone else who lives there. If Kaidan survives, he returns in a cameo in Mass Effect 2 and as a full squad member in 3, where he has been promoted to the rank of Major and commands the 1st Special Operations Biotic Company, a covert operations unit. At the time of his recruitment, Thane states he has nothing left to lose, and he hopes to right many wrongs he has found in the galaxy before his death. In a late-game choice on the planet Virmire, the player must choose whether to save Ashley or Kaidan Alenko; this choice leads to the other character's death. To put it plainly, the krogan, tough as they are, are actually prey on Tuchanka. EDI assists in doing so, and in the process, struggles with the synthetic entity and eventually seizes control of its platform in the process, allowing her to accompany Shepard as a squad mate on missions. James is tasked to escort Shepard to an Alliance defense committee hearing, however the hearing is interrupted when the Reapers attack Earth. The asari were the first species to discover the Citadel. It is insulted. The Resurgence Pack DLC makes geth Engineers and Infiltrators available for multiplayer. That must have been painful, then. [11] Shepard may recruit him on the asari-dominated world of Ilium for the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2. Most of the funnier turians (like Garrus) are considered atypical of the species. Zaeed is a human bounty hunter who is available through the Mass Effect 2 DLC Zaeed - The Price of Revenge. Their preparations survive into the next cycle, in the form of the Crucible. Jien Garçon was the visionary, Alec Ryder wrote the book on being a Pathfinder, and most of your outposts there have human mayors. The kett comprise Mass Effect Andromeda’s new race. Unfortunately, this encounter took the form of the First Contact War. They turn out to be the Protheans, only indoctrinated and transformed into a new race by the Reapers, who they are forced to serve. [5], Suvi Anwar is a Scot who is the Tempest's science officer. [99] She utilizes a mixture of biotic and tech powers, and has a complicated history with Aria T'Loak. Outside of humans, the games feature dozens of original alien races that were designed with distinct characteristics that … Since other species cannot perceive these cues, elcor who frequently interact with other species are trained to prefix their speech with an emotive indicator. Admiral Steven Hackett is an admiral of the Earth Systems Alliance Navy's Fifth Fleet. The Protheans were first depicted in the form of visually ambiguous statues on the planet Ilos in the first game, as at the time BioWare was unsure as to the extent of the role the Protheans would play over the course of the original trilogy. Salarians are available for multiplayer, and can use the Engineer and Infiltrator classes. Garrus is initially a C-Sec officer who joins up with Shepard to escape from all the "red tape" in his job but becomes a vigilante under the alias Archangel on Omega in Mass Effect 2 before his squad is killed. The Mass Effect series, a military science fiction media franchise developed by Canadian video game developer BioWare and owned by American publisher Electronic Arts, features an extensive cast of characters. She appears in all three games as a reporter who employs a belligerent line of questioning whenever she is granted an opportunity to interview Shepard. [11] András Neltz from Kotaku commented that "the sheer audacity of a scam this huge—setting out to recruit a virtuous Asari Justicar, and coming back with her black widow of a daughter instead, passing her off as the real thing—is truly amazing."[1]. [1], Captain Kirrahe was the Salarian Special Tasks Group (STG) intelligence officer who uncovered Saren's facility on Virmire, and fights alongside Shepard's squad during the assault. In rather horrifying ways, the fate of the humans kidnapped by the Collectors for the human Reaper, they actually were created by an AI that judged forcing order on organic life by turning it into Reapers would prevent "inevitable" wars between organics and synthetics, With the Reaper Destroyer you topple at the end of the Rannoch arc in the third game, the air actually distorts from the extreme bass of the reaper's voice, The Reapers were originally created by an AI within the Citadel called the Catalyst, who directed the Reapers to begin their systematic purge of any life advanced enough to create synthetic life, the Catalyst specifically created them to bring order to chaos. Citadel Associate/Client/Protectorate Races, quarians and geth, krogan with themselves, It's actually very simple to pull off if you were given a cheat sheet by the most advanced race of the previous, The asari have secretly used that beacon to become one of the most powerful races in the galaxy... they only admit to Shepard that "something important" is on Thessia, because of the technological edge gained from the beacon, Actually, the Protheans altered their entire species to give them all biotics, the Reapers invade Thessia, all the elite light infantry in the world is worth about as much as spitwads against kilometer-long robo-Cthulhus, and Thessia falls in days, Despite being, for better or worse, an ambitious and warlike race, humans come to the rescue of the Citadel and prevent a return of the, you can do just that, or only make the Krogan think you did, And then surviving five minutes of a thresher maw spitting acid at you (unless you're *so* badass you actually kill it), It is revealed that they are older than the Protheans and are used by the Reapers to open the Citadel relay so that they can pass through and wipe out galactic civilization, Shepard is forced to destroy a system of 300,000 batarians to delay the Reaper invasion, the Hegemony was the first casualty of the Reaper invasion, the Reapers will create an artificial version; unlike her natural-born counterpart, she's thoroughly indoctrinated and will betray you if you free her, the protheans used them as living weapons, If spared, the Queen still gets captured and experimented on by the Reapers yet again, her survival in the hands of the exact same human, Which is why Saren revived the rachni queen: her ancestors found the Mu Relay, which led to Ilos, Turns out they're naturally peaceful. [87], Gatatog Uvenk is a Krogan Battle Master who appears as a minor antagonist in Grunt's loyalty mission on Tuchanka. Their weak immune systems mean that it is nearly impossible for them to participate in a long, drawn-out, ground engagement. Asari Asari. [38], Evan Lahti of PC Gamer called her "Judge Dredd with a serial killer daughter" who makes Mass Effect more interesting with her extremist stances. If he survives the mission, he will participate as a witness in Tali'Zorahs trial before the quarian Admiralty Board where she is accused of treason. The hanar saved hundreds of thousands of them as their world died; in gratitude, many drell choose to serve the hanar in some fashion under "The Compact". Races from the Relay - Mass Effect Races. They are controlled directly by Harbinger, Their fate, having been transformed from Protheans, Of course, the Reapers only added the cybernetics, The asari are also worshiping them without even realizing it, the asari. [61] The organization experienced numerous defections between the events of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, including operatives who specialize in close combat electric whips. Krogan don't know any better. ", meaning he cannot upload his runtimes to the geth consciousness. [46], Cora Harper is a human biotic commando and operations specialist in charge of the Pathfinder team's ground missions. Known for her keen scientific intellect, she fulfills a portion of Tali'Zorah's role within the narrative of Mass Effect 3 in imported saved games where she is deceased and cannot appear in-game. It doesn't work, but that doesn't stop them from buying. Turians take discipline and protocol very seriously. Turians are available for multiplayer, and can use the Sentinel and Soldier classes. The mass relays work by creating a "mass effect", the production of dark energyfrom a reaction wi… During the course of the battle, he will defer to Shepard's wishes to either save the Citadel Councillors aboard the asari dreadnought the Destiny Ascension, or press the attack on Sovereign's forces. Their philosophy in a nutshell. Overpopulation left the drell planet polluted and starved of resources before the species had even developed fusion power. Jan 17, 2021 - Explore Ollie's board "Mass Effect Races" on Pinterest. Category:Citadel Races. Depending on the choice of gender, Shepard is voiced by either Mark Meer or Jennifer Hale.[9]. Volus: You're mocking *hhhkkk* me! Hailing from Parnack, the yahg are known for their violent and aggressive nature. As the newest member state to join the Citadel Council galactic community, humanity tends to be underestimated, held in suspicion or looked down upon. The elcor are natives of Dekuuna, a world with incredibly high gravity. Rank Mass Effect races by military power Thread starter Gianfi; Start date Jan 15, 2021; Gianfi. If the player imports a save where the Arrival DLC is completed, Shepard's action of facilitating the destruction of the Bahak system's mass relay in order to delay the Reapers' invasion resulted in the loss of over three houndred thousand batarian lives, which leads to their imprisonment and impending trial in the beginning of Mass Effect 3. Even a minor wound could end up being fatal. Humans are one of the seven races available for multiplayer, and are the only one with access to all the classes and a customizable gender. We are proud to repay the debt.". They fought the turian forces deployed to Shanxi to a standstill and were gaining ground. In the aftermath of Sovereign's attack, they begin abducting entire human colonies for an unknown purpose. She is second-in-command of the human Pathfinder team and meant to be Alec Ryder's appointed successor as Pathfinder. [4][9] Liara is a potential romance option for Shepard throughout the entire trilogy. [39] Her face was modeled after Rana McAnear. [86], Kal'Reegar is a marine of the quarian Migrant Fleet who is assigned to protect Tali'Zorah, who is on a mission to perform research work on the planet Haestrom in Mass Effect 2. [5] Drack's preferred weapon is a "Ruzad" shotgun, and his favorite ability is Blood Rage, which "enhances his melee damage, damage resistance, and health regeneration". [52] Saren later takes command of a dissident geth faction through the use of a Reaper known as Sovereign. Move the hell out! In Mass Effect 3, he is promoted to C-Sec Commander in-charge of C-Sec operations of the Citadel Embassies quarters. Humans are a Race in Mass Effect Andromeda. They are the most culturally and genetically diverse of all of the species in the series. [54] The design of her headdress references religious and royal clothing. Lieutenant James Vega is a human Systems Alliance Marine and Shepard's squad member in Mass Effect 3. By the year 2186, the promised Reaper fleet arrived in force, and some alien races were better prepared than others. She is a squad mate in each of the three games. ", "BioWare Writers Talk Same-Sex Love In Mass Effect 3", "Mass Effect 3: The Return of the Shepard", "All The Pretty Doritos: How Video Game Journalism Went Off The Rails", "Mass Effect 3 writer: creating engaging female characters "shouldn't be such an issue, "THE WAR FOR OMEGA HAS BEGUN - HOW FAR WILL YOU GO TO END IT? [64] He wears a coat similar to Thane's over a uniform with Cerberus colors, and his face and body is equipped with visible cybernetic implants to compensate for the injuries he sustained in Retribution courtesy of David Anderson. She sees science and religion as complementary, with the former as a means of understanding “the divine intelligence behind all of creation", and speaks openly about her faith. James and Ashley or Kaidan, depending on who survived Virmire, retrieve the Normandy SR-2 and pick Shepard up from Earth. [61], Kai Leng is a former lieutenant N7 marine and Cerberus assassin, who first appears in the novel Mass Effect: Retribution, as well as its subsequent sequels. He is described as meaning well, "but also likes power, and plays up his own effectiveness and importance". [11] EDI is also included in PC Gamer's definitive list of the best squad mates around, citing her utility as a solid fighter and being an actual spaceship. Mass Effect: Andromeda introduces the angara, an emotionally expressive species native to the Heleus Cluster in the Andromeda galaxy, who are dependent on sunlight for sustenance. The Initiative's main objective is to establish a permanent presence in the Heleus Cluster, a seemingly resource-rich frontier of Andromeda, and eventually create a reliable route between both galaxies. T ravelling throughout the galaxy and meeting with an abundance of fascinating alien races is, without a doubt, one of the biggest allures of the Mass Effect series. [11] IGN's Steven Hopper ranked Kasumi #9 in his list of best Mass Effect teammates.[43]. Now possessing a physical body with humanlike characteristics, her relationship with Joker develops further, and, if Shepard supports the idea, the two may start a romantic relationship. They have, however, created some "harmless lies" in an attempt to study organics, such as a social experiment in which they spread word that certain stars will form the shape of a salarian goddess when seen from a certain batarian planet, then watched in confusion as salarians - without confirming this or even double-checking it - began to attempt at buying up property on that planet...which was completely made up by the geth for said experiment. [40] He joins Shepherd for the suicide mission if recruited, and asks that Shepard help him deal with the mercenary group he co-founded as a favour. Led by a Collector General, a unique being who controls the rest of the Collectors from their base beyond the Omega Four mass relay, they collect humans by incapacitating them using flying insect-like "seeker swarms" to create a new Reaper on their masters' behest following Sovereign's defeat and destruction at the end of the first game. [62] Megan Logan from Inverse praised the depiction of Cerberus in the series as a villainous entity, and opined that "nuanced complexity built upon an understandable motivation is what makes a compelling antagonist". Saved by Lila. [27], Mass Effect 2 establishes that EDI's highly advanced nature is a result of modifications achieved with technology salvaged from the Reaper Sovereign. Mordin Solus is voiced by Michael Beattie in Mass Effect 2, and by William Salyers in Mass Effect 3. Since they didn't virtually own the Reapers' communications network nor could prepare for or target their weaknesses prior to the unexpected attack, the salarian military was left at a severe disadvantage. He was a key member in the science team that researched the remodification of the Krogan Genophage, an action that he feels guilty about but considers the best possible solution to a once growing problem. [80] In the first game he was relieved of command of the SSV Normandy by Donnel Udina, and the starship was transferred to Shepard's command. Shepard may choose to mate with Morinth, although it will result in his or her death. Shepard sets out to assemble a team of skilled individuals from across the galaxy for a suicide mission into the Omega Four mass relay to stop the Collectors from harvesting more human colonies. IGN included the moment Saren commits suicide in their list of 13 Best Mass Effect Moments. One of the two founding races of Citadel Space alongside the salarians and the most powerful and widespread race in the galaxy, the asari often take the role of diplomats. Game writer Brian Kindregan created Niftu Cal and added him into Mass Effect 2 as a joke character, where he became popular with fans as a meme. Organic life forms that were bred to fight. In the Mass Effect games, Commander Shepard gets a preview of the Reaper fleets when they touch the Prothean beacon on Eden Prime, seeing terrifying visions of the Prothean Empire's downfall at the hands of the Reapers. All The Tropes Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Unlike their predecessors in previous cycles, the Protheans had learned of the Reapers and prepared for their arrival, though they were unable to prevent their own extermination by the Reapers. If Legion is destroyed in the suicide run, he calls out "No carrier! When the salarians arrived, it was the asari who proposed the establishment of the citadel council to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. It is primarily based on a series of third-person role-playing shooter video games which currently consists of four mainline instalments and two spin-off mobile games. [6] She owns the Afterlife Club, which serves as the station's central hub. He holds the reputation as the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter and co-founder of the Blue Suns mercenary group. [35], Matriarch Benezia is the mother of Liara T'Soni, and was a highly regarded spiritual leader among the asari until she was mind controlled by the Reaper Sovereign and forced to become Saren's second in command. [82] He can develop a romantic relationship with EDI in Mass Effect 3 if given some help from Shepard. [74] Following the events of Mass Effect: Redemption, Liara pursues the Shadow Broker for revenge over her friend Feron's imprisonment and torture. Jeff Moreau, better known by his nickname "Joker", is the human pilot of the Normandy, and is voiced by Seth Green. Historically, the Citadel in general and the Council in particular have sided against the Migrant Fleet in legal matters, which has not endeared them to the Citadel. [4] If he survives the battle, he will be promoted to Major and appears in Mass Effect 3 as an ally at various instances. We must invent our own reasons to exist.". [4] Grunt's design is intended to be youthful but also tough, invoking the look of a linebacker with large shoulder pads and exposed muscular arms. The second race to discover the Citadel and one of the two founding members of the Citadel Council. Legion is the name, inspired by the "Gospel of Mark 5:9 – Exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac", given to the gestalt consciousness hosted within a geth mobile unit eleven times more powerful than standard geth mobile platforms. [11], PC Gamer praised EDI's characterization, noting that she "might have had some fine dialogue and ruminations on what it means to be human". Even Kadara port is under the stewardship of a human. They were also frequently the victims of this during the Krogan Rebellions, the krogan had a habit of smashing moons into turian planets. Research of the artifact, in addition to providing new technologies for humanity, led to the discovery that Pluto's moon Charon was really a "mass relay", an alien construct that is capable of transporting any ships faster than light to a nearby mass relay on the galactic scale. With the Mass Effect Legendary Edition set to release in 2021, it's time to look at many of the aspects of the franchise that make the trilogy an all-time great. He later retrieves his blade and makes a final attempt to kill the Commander from behind. Other notable agents of the Broker include the volus financial adviser Barla Von, and Wilson, Miranda Lawson's assistant in the Lazarus Project who joins Shepard as a temporary squad mate on Lazarus Station in Mass Effect 2. This has resulted in the Turian Hierarchy having the largest military force in the galaxy. Only the hanar (and by extension, the drell) really implement it into their government, and I … He first appears in the novel Mass Effect: Revelation, which takes place 18 years before to the events of Mass Effect and before he was indoctrinated and working with Sovereign. Morinth is the fugitive daughter of Samara. [25], A nearly thousand-year-old Asari Justicar, Samara is a member of a highly respected and feared ascetic order of mystic warriors. Other. A, Legion even plays video games. The Reaper invasion have commenced by the beginning of Mass Effect 3, with the war's earliest fronts taking place in batarian and human space. Once his work is discovered, he is dishonourably discharged from the Systems Alliance military. [2], In 2148, mankind discovers an alien artifact on Mars which shows that humanity had been studied by an intergalactic species since the Cro-Magnon period. Now, many fans of the franchise are hungry to discover new life in Mass Effect 4 … [33] Compared to Wrex who is a much older krogan, Grunt's crest is smaller and does not fully cover his entire skull due to his age. Patrick Lee from AV Club brought up Chambers' potential fate in Mass Effect 3 as an example where a Paragon-aligned Shepard is "not a saintly warrior-poet whose every decision is ethically and practically airtight". [75] She makes her first video game appearance in Mass Effect 3 as a staff member of the Grissom Academy.[64]. The turians refuse to be intimidated." Kelly Chambers is Shepard's yeoman on the Normandy SR-2 in Mass Effect 2 whose primary role is administrative and clerical work. Compared to most other species, anyway. [96], Urdnot Bakara, nicknamed Eve by her supervising salarian scientists, is a fertile female krogan who plays a pivotal role in the conclusion of the Krogan Genophage storyline in Mass Effect 3. One is even an actor in a radio drama! Garrus Vakarian is a male turian who serves as a squad mate in all three of the games. Kasumi is a master thief who is made available through the DLC, Mass Effect 2: Kasumi – Stolen Memory. Jacob Taylor is the protagonist of Mass Effect Galaxy, a tie-in iOS game to Mass Effect 2. Tiran Kandros is the turian leader of the de facto volunteer militia for the Andromeda Initiative based in the Nexus, known as APEX, and the cousin of Nyreen Kandros. He is a mostly upstanding officer, but is pragmatic enough to bend the rules if it is more convenient or rewarding for him. [3], Three politically dominant species make up the Citadel Council at the inception of the series: the asari, a feminine mono-gendered species who favor centrism, republicanism, diplomacy, biotic abilities and guerrilla warfare tactics over raw military power; the salarians, an amphibious species who have an aptitude for liberalism, technocracy, technological research, espionage and unconventional warfare; and the turians, a proud avian-like species known for their conservatism, stratocracy, disciplined honour culture and military-industrial capability. [102] Depending on the player's choices in the final battle for Earth, one of the Stargazer's iterations may be voiced by Buzz Aldrin. Salarian = Reptilian, technically they are Amphibian in the Mass Effect lore, but Reptilian is the closest.
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