Rating: E. Warnings: Pregnancy, sex talk. When Director Nick Fury asks her for another favor from S.H.I.E.L.D., she can’t say no to him. Sort. Start Over: A Black Widow Fanfic. You know the drill, these characters belong to Marvel and/or myth. Before Natasha became and Avenger, before she saved the world, before she became Wanda's mom, she was the Black Widow. Sollte es dennoch über einen längeren Zeitraum bestehen bleiben, wende dich bitte mit einer kurzen Problembeschreibung an support@fanfiktion.de. I just play nicely with them. 35. Krystal, Loki's daughter, was born with special powers and wings. Forum . When you find out that Clint and Natasha want to start a family but have exhausted all their options, you realize your powerset might allow you to give them what they want. Rating: M. … Posted on 15th Dec 2019 21st Dec 2019 by avengerscompound. More. Featured Fanfiction … Aug 24, 2020 - Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Eigentlich kommen wir super miteinander aus, auch wenn ich das Gefühlt habe, dass sie denkt sie sei mir etwas schuldig nach der Sache in Sokovia. A.N. Aufgeregt stehe ich vor dem riesigen Gebäude. Avengers x Reader // Just Different by ThatRandomWriter. Posted on 15th Feb 2020 by avengerscompound. (Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, I only own Krystal and original storylines.) Article by Emma. Forum. A year before Loki attacked New York, SHIELD brought in their youngest agent ever. Community. Masterlist PREVIOUS // Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing: Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader. https://www.women.com/kelleyobrien/lists/black-widow-fanfiction-080119 Black Roses for a Black Widow. Though your cold disposition make you far more deadlier than the Black Widow and The Winter Soldier. Search Stories Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Quizzes People Close. The Avengers Compound. Posted on 8th Sep 2020 15th Sep 2020 by avengerscompound. Even if Black Widow survived through Vormir, she … Nachdem wir beide für die Avengers arbeiten, verstehen wir uns etwas besser und ich hab akzeptiert, dass sie hier mehr zu sagen hat, als ich. Natasha Romanoff doesn't remember much before the age of five. Then Clint gave her a choice. More Black Roses for a Black Widow by chatnoir1. She accidentally gets herself banished from Asgard at 15 in human years. The two of you hate the time apart. Von Iron Man, Thor und Avengers: Endgame bis zu WandaVision und Black Widow. (Weekly updates) 36. Action Fanfiction Romance Avengers Marvel Black Widow ... Winter Soldier Natasha Romanoff Bucky Barnes Clint Barton Hawkeye Thor Steve Rogers Captain America Iron Man Tony Stark Maria Hill Nick Fury Anya Romanoff is the honorary sister of Natasha Romanoff. Jetzt ist ein neues Video aufgetaucht, das ihren Tod als alternative Szene zeigt. Quizzes Stories People Tests Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Surveys. 421K 10.9K 50. agentcoulson; nickfury; natalieswan +22 more # 4. Making you the deadliest predator in Hydra's ranks. Das Marvel Cinematic Universe ist gigantisch. Chaos: A Loki Fanfiction (ON HOLD) Human-hybrid Lauren Williams is a retired S.H.I.E.L.D. The Avengers Compound. 2. Black Widow - the Derivation by FallToYourKnees. FanFiction. In Avengers: Endgame hat sich Black Widow in einem tragischen Moment selbst geopfert. FanFiction. Little Widow by Punk. Word Count: 2364. Der Stark Tower wird, wenn ich mich heute gut anstelle, mein neuer Arbeitsplatz. In der Hoffnung, dass das auch wirklich funktioniert haben mein bester Freund James und ich uns bereits ein paar Wohnungen die mehr in der Innenstadt von New York liegen, gesucht. Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. Everyone knew the story of the Black widow. agent, and lives a calming life on the west coast. Movies: Avengers fanfiction archive with over 49,352 stories. Leave a like. All Action Adventure Anime/Manga Fantasy Historical Horror Humor. Tag: black widow fanfic Posted in bucky barnes, clint barton, fanfiction, natasha romanoff, reader insert Like Rabbits – Chapter 8. Criminal Minds and Avengers crossover fanfiction archive with over 18 stories. where babies or sparrows as they were known, were raised outside of the academy in the field, to blend in, to hid in plain sight and build connections and bonds, and to use them to their advantage. The Surrogate: A Clintasha Fanfic . Geschichte: Fanfiction / Kino- & TV-Filme / Marvel / Marvel Cinematic Universe / The Avengers / You’re not a monster. Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow bereitet sich auf ihr erstes eigenes MCU-Abenteuer vor. In diesem wird sie unter anderem auf ihre kleine "Schwester" Yelena treffen. Das Problem wurde den Administratoren automatisch gemeldet. (Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, I only own Krystal and original storylines.) Action Romance Avengers Marvel Black Widow Winter Soldier ... Natasha Romanoff Bucky Barnes Clint Barton Hawkeye Thor Steve Rogers Captain America Iron Man Tony Stark Maria Hill Nick Fury Anya Romanoff is the honorary sister of Natasha Romanoff. Masterlist // PREVIOUS. I couldn't find a good video of this anywhere on Youtube, so I did it myself. She was very talented and was trained by none other than Natasha Romanoff. Why Black Widow is an Underrated Character in Marvel's Avengers. Kate, Writer of Avengers Fanfic. He leaves Magical Britain Behind to head to America to find his mom. Tag: black widow fanfic Posted in fanfiction, natasha romanoff, reader insert Start Over. She was an orphan raised in the red room to be an assassin. It’s Lauren’s job to capture and interrogate Loki Laufeyson, Thor’s brother and the so-call . But what only a few people knew was that the red room had a separate division. She accidentally gets herself banished from Asgard at 15 in human years. Check the Playlist for HEAPS of Gameplay. X. Zashchitnic: An Black Widow Fanfic. Kate, Writer of Avengers Fanfic. Inhalt ist versteckt. Default New Newly published Popular All time Relevance Category. (Also, I will finish this, it won't be abandoned.) Warnings: Smut (F|F, oral, vibrator and strap on use) Synopsis: Natasha is away a lot.
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