For locals, drinking it straight up without mixers or chasers is normal – although a lot of Koreans wash it up with beer. Additionally, everyone turns another year older on Lunar New Year’s Day. There are no open container laws in South Korea, so you might see many people strolling on the street and drinking alcohol in public. Wine is normally mostly available in specialty shops. Check Out These 9 Affordable Korean Fashion Brands, 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Pollution | Yellow Dust in Korea, What is KaKaoTalk? As in many countries, before you can purchase alcohol or enter certain bars or clubs, you need to be a certain age whether you are a native Korean or foreigner. The legal drinking age is the minimum age at which a person can legally consume alcoholic … The legal drinking age in Korea is much more confusing than in most countries because Korea counts age differently (more below). The average South Korean of drinking age takes 13.7 shots of liquor a week while a regular Russian of drinking age only takes 6.3. Heavy drinking was defined as drinking almost everyday. Even if you don’t drink, you may want to politely accept what your host offers; it is seen as a gaffe to refuse the first drink once it has been presented to you. What is the legal drinking age in Korea? It is usually served cold in a teapot and poured into a smaller glass. What clubs accept people younger than the drinking age? In law, this means you can act independently (e.g., enter into contracts w/o parents’ consent). Read more: A Quick Guide for Your First Trip to Seoul. Stay up to date on all of Korea's best activities, food, entertainment, shopping, fashion, culture, and travel. Details. This seems to be true for both social and work relationships. On Premise 19. No one remembers much from those three days, except that they had a blast. Seniority is respected in Korea and this does not only apply to age, but also to the hierarchy within a company. Bokbunja Ju (bok-bun-ja-cha) is made from water and fermented black raspberries. The legal drinking age is 19, as is the voting age. Because drinking is to strengthen the bond between your peers, if you refuse without giving a good reason it can be taken as you don’t want to be part of it. Sorry to break the news to you, but for U.S. military stationed in South Korea, the legal drinking age is still 21 years according to their international age (following U.S. law). In Quebec, Alberta und Manitoba gilt ein Mindestalter von 18 Jahren, wohingegen in den restlichen Provinzen ein Mindestalter von 19 Jahren gilt. When you’re out with your friends or colleagues, the most senior person in terms of age or position should be the one pouring the first glass of drink. While the legal drinking age in South Korea isn’t strictly enforced, keep in mind that it’s nevertheless always better to follow the law when you're abroad. This is even more true outside of Seoul, where rules are even less strictly enforced. That said, be responsible, but don’t be afraid to have fun! By Steve Chao and . Alcohol is only served on Saturdays. So, if you are visiting The Land of the Morning Calm, one of the best ways for you to truly experience the local culture on a deeper level could be to try out the country's special brews. You can also drink almost everywhere; be it on the beach, public park, or street, as there are no specific regulations barring public drinking. 5 Cities with The Best Street Foods In The World, Discover 8 Different Cuisines Around the World. Alcohol is only served on Saturdays. By going to the nearest convenience store, you can get a bottle of booze for a few thousand won. There are many manners about drinking alcohol in South Korea. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Normally, the oldest person in the group is the one who must pour the drink. They will probably remind you of Budweiser and other pale lagers. There are many possible reasons why people may gather for an after-work dinner. | Drinking Laws-- The legal drinking age is not strictly enforced in South Korea. This is also the age that you have to be to enter most night clubs in Korea. In the Western system, someone born in 1993 will be 26 years old in 2019. Norway: No drinking age; purchase ages of 18 for less than 22% alcohol and 20 for greater than 22% alcohol. Classic Korean drinks, like makgeolli, are usually found in the trendiest restaurants and bars. But when visiting the country, wouldn’t it be a shame not to taste the unique drinks made in Korea? Alcohol is only served on Saturdays. South Korea, therefore, falls somewhere in the middle. ... South Korean can be pushy when it comes to drink so be prepared for your refusal to drink be refused. Required fields are marked *. In international age: He’s 23 years old until August 30th and 24 years old after September 1st, which is his birthday. However, keep in mind that the Korean age system is kind of different – for Koreans, you are 1 year old as soon as you are born. And as you would expect, soju and other alcoholic drinks are the stars of the table. As Korea continues to become increasingly globalized, the Korean government has become stricter at enforcing drinking regulations. Drinking Age in Korea The legal drinking age in Korea is 19, though this is rarely enforced and even less so if you are foreign. All rights reserved. Among them is a typical manner of drinking culture called ' Hyangeumjurye(향음주례)'. It used to be an obligation. South Koreans drink more alcohol than Brits, Russians and Americans put together, a new report has revealed. This is partly due to the existence and availability of many unique Korean alcoholic drinks. Be sure to honor the legal drinking age in Korea for your own safety and the safety of others. You’re an adult once you turn 19. Some we explain just fine! More legal details. On top of that, for Koreans, having some quality time over alcohol creates a stronger bond. North Korea: The legal age is 18 for both drinking and purchasing. Venues often have longer opening hours at the weekend, so some might be open from 12 in the afternoon up to very late in the evening, or even until the next morning. Almost all bars card (and I'm Korean, I'm sure they skip over some foreigners because they can't tell their age/don't know how to ask for ID in English). Bars and nightclubs normally start operating from 6 pm to midnight on week days. Data from the 2002 Social Statistics Survey (age group 20 to 29 years old) found that the rate of heavy drinkers was 9% among males and 0.9% among females. So, it would be a shame not to go and share that experience. It is considered impolite to pour your own glass. It also meant that people had to respect benevolent persons and … A Quick Guide for Your First Trip to Seoul. The average person of drinking age in South Korea … Many clubs ask for proof of age as young people enter the club. Some of the most common ones include haejjunguk or hangover soup, chocolate milk, Asian pear juice, and Jjimjilbangs or Korean spa. At some clubs, those under the legal drinking age will not be allowed to enter at all. You’ll learn more about how to work out Korean age in this article. But, what is the drinking age in Korea? Unlike what everyone else thinks, you can't drink at a bar. Check with local law enforcement what is the legal drinking age BEFORE drinking or purchasing alcohol while in the country. You can still enjoy a fun and boisterous nightlife in Korea whether you drink alcohol or not. Click here: Wikipedia Legal Drinking Page. After a few shots of soju, even the shyest person is more outgoing and talkative. Most people obviously approaching the legal drinking age in Korea will frequently not be asked for their ID to drink at local bars and restaurants when they order alcohol. In most countries in the world – aside from the United States, where the legal drinking age is 21 years old – 18 years old tends to be the norm. Alcohol is available in many different places, including convenience stores, supermarkets, and department stores. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, 10 Fun Things to Do in South Korea in April 2021, 10 Things to Do in South Korea This March, Where to Watch the 2021 Super Bowl In Seoul | Busan Korea, 5 Restaurants For Healthy Food in Seoul You Should Visit This Spring, The History of Soju and its Modernization, 8 Fashion Trends You’ll See This Spring in Korea, Introducing HwaHae (화해): The Best Thing to Happen to K-Beauty Lovers (And Your Skin), Ready to Try on Some K-fashion? Also, don’t forget to share this article on your social media to let others know! It’s best savored with some delicious pancakes. What does this mean for you? In Korea’s unique age system, they consider the time spent in the womb as adding one year of age, so everyone in the country is considered one year old at the time of their birth. Your email address will not be published. Drinking Age In Italy. Korea’s legal drinking age is stated differently in different places. One of the main reasons why the country has a big drinking culture once you're past the drinking age in Korea is that it helps people to lose their inhibitions and socialize. South Korea has come up with a lot of hangover cures. She is originally from Ghana and enjoys eating cake while watching anime and going for walks. While South Korea is becoming stricter when it comes to checking IDs at convenience stores and bars, it is really easy to procure a drink when you're in the country. Let's check if you’re old enough to have alcohol there! If you have a sweet tooth, this drink is best had with dessert. South Korea is known for its vibrant nightlife and drinking culture. But drinking is so culturally embedded that alcoholism is often overlooked and ignored. Need some help navigating Korea? Meanwhile, the legal drinking age for the US soldiers based in Korea is 21 years old. In 2002, Renato Balduzzi, the then Health Minister proposed to raise the minimum drinking age to 18 years. Grabbing a few beers or a little soju from the convenience store and hanging out with a few friends is one of the most popular pastimes. Check with local law enforcement what is the legal drinking age BEFORE drinking or purchasing alcohol while in the country. As a foreigner, drinking with Koreans will give you the chance to truly immerse yourself in the local culture and customs. This drink is sweet, carbonated, and tangy – it tastes like champagne! 7 years ago. Purchase Age. Our library of How-To guides awaits! And no matter what is being offered to you, make sure to accept it or the other party might get offended. Koreans believe that it is beneficial for one's health and that it acts as an aphrodisiac. Home. Intern Shyun here with some sage advice if you ever visit my motherland, South Korea or find yourself drinking with a bunch of Koreans. I chose to live life on my own phase and live day by day while immersing myself in new experiences, new knowledge, and new people in a different walk of life I met along the way. Alcohol consumption varies significantly between countries, as does the legal drinking … One of them is that it gives everyone a chance to get to know each other and to build stronger relationships. You have to be 20 or above in Korean age to drink. This means that the drinking age for international visitors is actually 19 years old. Today, however, it has become an excuse to drink with friends and co-workers. You have to keep in mind that Koreans mostly drink for social purposes and within social hierarchies. This means that the drinking age for international visitors is actually 19 years old. However, keep in mind that the Korean age system is kind of different – for Koreans, you are 1 year old as soon as you are born. What is the clubbing age in Seoul, Korea? Drinking is a big part of Korean culture. Because of this, someone born on December 31st (or right before the Lunar New Year) is considered two years old only a few days or weeks after their birth. However, you must avoid drinking and driving in South Korea at all costs, as the country has zero tolerance for it. More legal details. It is almost as strong as vodka (though not quite). Drinking age is 20, or 19 in international age (you are one year old at birth in Korea). South Korea has more alcoholics than any other country, but it seems unlikely to quit the drink any time soon. What You’ll Drink in Korea From drinks drunk before your first glass of alcohol, to soups, or even grapefruit ice cream, Koreans might offer you different forms of ways to cure your hangover. Korean age system works like this: you are age 1 right after your birth, and age is added up on every January 1st. So, the next time you are out drinking, make sure to keep your ID card close and be of age. If you are drinking with superiors (in age or position) turn away your head away as you drink. USFK officials said this change would apply to personnel off-base as well, although the legal drinking age in South Korea is 20. Moreover, when offered a drink, make sure to accept it by holding up your glass with two hands rather than one. Your email address will not be published. Korea is a country of tradition, manners, and rules. The solar New Year’s Day has come to be recognized instead of the Lunar New Year for most people in modern day Korea. During my time there I never heard of people even being carded, much less turned away so unless you are super young, obviously drunk, or causing trouble, I wouldn’t worry too much. Age and Korean Drinking Etiquette. Click here: Wikipedia Legal Drinking Page. Underage drinking is somewhat restricted by bartenders' reluctance to serve younger people alcoholic drinks. The legal drinking age in South Korea is 20 years old in Korean age. The legal drinking age in South Korea is 19 years old. The country with the world’s worst drink problem. If you have any questions or suggestions to make this article more helpful, let us know by leaving a comment below. Verkauf ab 16 Jahren. Of course, the classic and most widely consumed alcohol in South Korea is the rice spirit called soju. Oman: The legal age is 21 for both drinking and purchasing. To understand the legal drinking age in Korea, you need to understand the system for counting age used in Korea. On- and off-premise age minimum is 16 for beer and wine/18 for spirits. What is the legal drinking age in Korea? Meanwhile, the legal drinking age for the US soldiers based in Korea is 21 years old. Still, the legal drinking age is 20 (or more specifically Jan 1 of the year the person turns 20, since everyone is considered a year older when the year turns). In bigger cities, you can find bars that run 24 hours a day. The legal drinking age in Korea for foreigners is 19 years of age for most people. On Premise 18. To determine what your Korean age is you need to add 1-2 years to what the rest of the world considers your age. Hopefully, this article has taught you what the drinking age in Korea is and shared some useful information on this topic. If you're planning a trip and are over the drinking age in Korea, always keep in mind that it's best to practice moderation when drinking. Actually, this drink accounts for 97% of the South Korean liquor spirits market. In that case, the basic way of calculating their Korean age would look like this: Korean age = (2019 - 1993) + 1 = 27. So, if an acquaintance suggests going out to have drinks with you, it’s probably because they need an icebreaker. Since it is unfiltered, this drink has an opaque white color, as well as residue at the bottom. Of course, you can find almost any type of drink in South Korea, especially in bigger cities like Seoul and Busan. By Alice Ross North Korea: Age 18 for both drinking and purchasing. Age and Korean Drinking Etiquette. South Koreans drink a lot of alcohol. The Complete 2021 Guide, HiKorea! Some of the local brews you may want to try include Cass, Hite, and OB Lager. If you’d rather have some good old beer, then you’ll be happy to know that you will find a great selection. In Korea, the age of majority is 19 (int’l age, not Korean age). Culture. The oldest drink in Korea, Makgeolli (Mokk-oli) is a mixture of yeast, fermented rice grains, and boiled water. In Korean age: He’s 25 years old from January 1st until December 31st, 2021. Irene is the managing editor for 10 Magazine & 10 Directory and currently studying for her masters degree in International relations at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. Drinking age in North Korea is 18 See below for more details on drinking age and alcohol purchase age in North Korea This is not legal advice. Off Premise None. If you have not seen soju before, this is a clear distilled rice liquor. Get more travel inspiration, tips and exclusive offers sent straight to your inbox. Alcohol is only served on Saturdays. Specifically, adults can legally drink alcohol from January 1st of the year they turn 20, since everyone adds one year at the start of the new year. By the middle of 1300s, manners and culture of drinking came into South Korea. The average American drinks 3.3 shots of liquor per week. The best of South Korea, for locals by locals. The age of consent for marriage is 20 although a man over 18 and a woman over 16 may marry with their parents' or guardians' consent. Although 19 might sound like an odd drinking age, it is the same as in many Asian countries – for instance, it is close to the drinking age in Japan. The legal drinking age in South Korea is 20 years old in Korean age. If their birthday has passed by the time they are calculating their Korean age, that means they are 26 + … We count 1 year from the first day of life. August 29, 2019 September 10, 2019 Sean Kim. Find good eats, restaurant reviews and neighborhoods known for good food here. It was an event that saw many classical and Confucian scholars gather and drink, learning drinking manners. These are things that are fully integrated into everyday life for Koreans and they no longer think about. If you really want to drink the night away and not be afraid of hangovers, then this is a good drink to try. The legal drinking age in North Korea is 18 but no one seems to care about that. As such, there are some things you should keep in mind in order to show respect not only to the people you are drinking with, but also to the culture itself.
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