Although counter arguments are most frequently used in academic essays, they are most powerful when used in response to an argument presented in debate. Therefore, there is no financial incentive to encourage people to accelerate their deaths.”, “[I]n this profit-driven economic climate, is it realistic to expect that insurers are going to do the right thing, or the cheap thing? “The right to die should be a matter of personal choice. If you don’t clearly mark your counter argument as being a rebuttal of your thesis, your audience may mistakenly believe it’s your own view. From the Cambridge English Corpus. Create an online video course, reach students across the globe, and earn money. “Legalising euthanasia would have a wide range of profoundly detrimental effects. To prolong a death in some cases is not helpful, it can be counter productive. is the institutional or organization author for all pages. In an argumentative paper, counter arguments are used to acknowledge a difference of opinion on the topic and also strengthen the writer’s argument. This gives you a chance to express your key points in advance of the counter argument and provide a rebuttal for your audience. In the process of presenting counter arguments to your thesis, you may discover an argument that is both true and relevant. And I wouldn’t deny that right to others.”. (2018, October 9). Make sure you introduce your counter argument using phrases like “It is argued that” or “It may seem as if”. Although some people think that an easier approach will just be to delete your social networks you have in order for the cyber bullying to stop. In this era where knowledge is key to survival, learning facts is very important. You can ask our writers for … The Oath clearly states: ‘I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.’…, Indeed, when patients nearing the end of life express fears of losing control, or being deprived of dignity, compassionate and supportive counseling is called for – not assistance in committing suicide.”, “The right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death bears the sanction of history and is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty. For these MPs to describe their vote as protecting the vulnerable is grotesque.”. Let’s consider this counter argument example. A well-rounded, fair counter argument can often win a challenging debate or argument. You might proceed with examples of places (such as states or countries) where gun laws have reduced crime. From the Cambridge English Corpus Yet, the counter - argument is again efficiency, because the way academics and the general public think and behave cannot be changed easily. How to Be A Freelancer: Tips To Being A Successful Freelance Writer, 7 Lessons on Writing for Becoming a Standout Writer, Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer, Ninja Writing: The Four Levels Of Writing Mastery. In some cases, you will hear the word … The argument is not about things, but names. “[I]n this profit-driven economic climate, is it realistic to expect that insurers are going to do the right thing, or the cheap thing? Let’s assume the thesis statement for your persuasive essay claims that Americans are safer due to gun control laws (controversial topics are always easy picks for persuasive essays). Argument . In this simple pattern for an argumentative essay, you discuss two pro … And people who have died from a drug overdose have no freedom of choice at all. Are you writing a counter argument for a college essay? It explains why your thesis – in part of in full – is incorrect, and uses evidence and logical reasoning to undermine your thesis. Presenting a counter argument gives you an opportunity to respond to criticism in your own essay. A verbal dispute; a quarrel. Death Penalty – Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed? It would allow the killing of people who do not genuinely volunteer to be killed, and any safeguards, although initially observed, would inevitably weaken over time. A counter argument can be any argument in opposition to a thesis. I have carefully read the thoughtful opposition materials presented by a number of doctors, religious leaders and those who champion disability rights. (Pro-argument) Global warming is a reality. A good counter argument should be built using the strategies near the top of the pyramid, rather than those near the bottom. Here is an example essay for students to look at in order to guide their own essays. Physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks… [P]ermitting physicians to engage in euthanasia would ultimately cause more harm than good. Examples of Step 2. This type of counter argument is built around the assumption that even if a certain fact is true, it has little relevance to the argument being debated. !function(){var e,t=document.getElementById("procon-page-data"),n=! Writing Great Fantasy: World Building Workshop, Productivity Hacks for Writers (Writing Mastery), Develop Blockbuster Story Ideas that Sell! We should reject laws that legalize the practice.”, “There’s people that tell me why are you doing this [advocating for PAS], you’re supposed to cure, you’re supposed to help this person, my answer to that is some people need help dying. An argumentative essay is organized according to one of these five patterns: pro-con, con-pro, 3-con, claim / counterclaim or alternating. There is no more palpable and convincing argument of the existence of a Deity. Example This table shows an argument, counter-argument, and one possible rebuttal to this counter-argument: Argument Counter-argument Rebuttal The primary focus in medical end-of-life decisions should be on patient consent, rather than doctor intention, because it is not a breach against a patient's rights if s/he consents to the termination of their life. The truth is that assisted suicide as public policy is rife with dangerous loopholes and consequences, especially for the vulnerable in our society. When you write an academic essay, you make an argument: you propose a thesis and offer some reasoning, using evidence, that suggests why the thesis is true. Part of our job, in my opinion, is to help people die better. A rebuttal can also attack the impact of the counter argument. On the one hand, some experts in child development claim that homeschooling has multiple benefits. I do not accept that counter-argument. Being able to understand your opponent’s argument and turn it around is a very powerful persuasive skill that can be used to win debates and influence people. In this case, using this counter argument is likely to damage your thesis more than it supports it.
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