Tested on 1.39.x version Supported game versions: ETS2 – (1.40.x) Authors: Wolf . GARAGE CORREIOS 1.39. Similar Mods. DOWNLOAD open_pipe140_ver.scs – 904 KB. Credits: Emre Kocabiyik. Truck and trailer models, maps, sounds, tuning, truck parts and much more mods. 0. Wofür werden diese Mods verwendet: Euro Truck Simulator 2 und … December 4, 2020. KRONE COOLLINER *TUTORIAL FOR ETS2 V1.39* 1.39.1. Improved Scs Rain V1.0 ETS2 1.40 . decrease exhaust and improve turbo sound. VOLVO FH16 2012 REWORKED V3.1.6 FIXED 1.40. Changelog v1.0. Also trucks in quick jobs are modded, both EU and UK. Das Design ähnelt dem der Vorgängermodellreihe, und auch deren Technik wurde an vielen Stellen übernommen. A black and red paintjob for Scania R. Works with PGRS Scania and only high cab. Read Next . 1 Kommentare. 24 Mar, 2021 . Combo Skin Protrans S.R.O V1.0 ETS2 1.40. ETS2 - 1000 HP Engine All Trucks V1.2 (1.35.X) 2019-07-06 21:47:03 742. Modelle mit … 7 chassis. Tags: 2016 OPENPIPE S&R SCANIA V2.0. Here you will find thousands of ETS2 mods in one place. Skins / April 16, 2020 April 16, 2020 / bishop / No Comments. ETS2 / ETS2 Truck. Beschreibung 2 Änderungen 9 Bilder 1 Videos Credits Dateien ~ 270,3 MB Beschreibung 4 cabin. Description; Comments; Add Media; Author; Is a basic black skin, work for high and lo cab of the scania R for use as the best the skin i recommended you to use abasstrepass wheelpack extended sunshield and if you have the 3dma parts for nextgen. April 21, 2021. 4 engines (3 of them V8) 12 Transmission . You may also like... 0. Credits:(be)modding. Description; Comments; Add Media; Authors; v1.1 – added 3 new trailers, overhauled graphic on Scania and added the following Fleet numbers… Come With: RJL Scania R Fleet numbers Include… H2817 Emily Georgia H3859 Maisie H5084 Laura Amy H8237 Laura Jane SCS … Die Buchstaben- und Zahlenkombination der Modellbezeichnung gibt die Serie (R-Serie) und die gerundete Motorleistung in PS an. E-Mail: Select Color: Green Silver Blue Black Red Yellow Submit comment. (weil ich Standard scs Name Sound verwenden). Aufkleber Animation scania S & R 1.39 – 1.40 ETS2. SCANIA R NEW V8 STOCK SOUND V1.5 zum Download (1,7 MB) Scania Next Gen Straight Exhaust Pipes [1.40] v 1.0 8 Downloads heute 105 Downloads gesamt 0 Kommentare Userbewertung 0 Danksagungen veröffentlicht Fri, 16 Apr 2021 05:20:24 GMT in - Scania Scania Next Gen Straight Exhaust Pipes v1.0 zum Download (264,2 KB) Scania DC9 Sound | 1.40 v 1.0 11 Downloads heute … SCANIA NG TCAB SCS BASE V1.1. Remove L6 Openpipe Sound. Scania R – Big Sunshield Tuning Mod 3D-Wolf No comments 1.39, 1.40, ETS2, RJL, Scania R, Sunshield ETS2 / ETS2 Truck. ETS2 - Mercedes-Benz Actros MP4 Fix V1.3 (1.37.x) 2020-05-01 11:33:02 384. Skins / [RJL, Scania] / April 5, 2021 April 5, 2021 / marie / No Comments. ETS2 – Next Generation Scania P G R S V2.3.1 (1.39.x) December 27, 2020. Welcome! Truck replaces default Scania R & S series, P & G series are separate trucks. Credits: Kriechbaum, Bimo Wahyu Saputro, SCS. ETS 2 … For help about the game, you can ask in our forum or comments below any mod. Scania R 620 Fleurs Witch Trailer ETS2 1.39 Download Link #1. All mods are free to download. ETS 2 Mods. Credits:-50keda -anaheim and mr.poland -shery0 -SCS -Mattias P and Arnook for skins. Next Generation Scania P G R S v.2.3. ETS 2 Mods ETS2 Truck Mods ETS2 – Rjl Scania R & Streamline V2.3.0 (1.39.x) November 7, 2020. Fully standalone mod, it doesn't replace anything. November 20, 2020 November 19, 2020 by IceDanyiel. Scania R 2009 – Exclusive Beige Interior [1.40] for ETS2 Interiors / [ 1.40 , Scania ] / March 22, 2021 March 22, 2021 / hansen / No Comments Description Combo Skin Siebel Spedition V1.0 ETS2 … His salon (3 variant) Paint. March 26, 2021. April 21, 2021. Tags: CABIN LIGHT RGB SCANIA R. You may also like... 0. Scania R NG & Trailer Gulf Skin v1.0 ETS2. Log In . Credits:PDT. Working windows UI errors removed Def files edited for sound and windows. ETS 2 Mods. 0 Downloads heute. Scania R Mega Mod v 6.5 [1.27.X] Scania R Mega Mod v 6.5 [1.27.X] V 6.6 Mod für Eurotruck Simulator 2. 50Keda Addon ETS2 1.40. Realistic Vehicle Lights … Today Downloads: 1. sharemods.com Download. 31 Mar, 2021. Every Scania R 620 Fleurs witch Trailer 1.39 ETS2 Mod we have uploaded still to this day are the best in the game. Description: Replace Default SCS Sound. ETS 2 Mods ETS2 Skin Scania R Black And Red V1.0 ETS2 1.40. Small temporary fix addon for RJL Scanias to work in 1.39.x Edited Scania RS, R4, T, T4: Cab models Interior models Animations. New release of SCANIA R 2008. Contains many customization options and more chassis, cabin, engine and transmission options. Nickname: (8 characters min.) 0. April 21, 2021. Krone Trailer: Profi Liner Trockener Liner Cooler Liner. ETS 2 Mods. April 8, 2021. ETS2 - Scania 143M Interior V1.0 (1.35.X) 2019-08-01 17:53:57 315. Today Downloads: 1. sharemods.com Download modsbase.com Download. Log In. Erstveröffentlichung Überarbeiteter scs-Basissound und gemischt mit einem kleinen Teil von kriechbaum. ETS2 / ETS2 Truck. ETS 2 Mods. – Only works for Scania R 2009. 50Keda Addon ETS2 1.40. – 2.0 – Increase levers of souffle sound. Tags: Arbeiten Sie Name Sound. ETS2 - Kamaz 5460 Truck (1.35.X) … You can find the truck from Scania dealer. Dijkstra Plastics Skin Pack Includes: Skins for Scania R & S (8K Resolution) April 21, 2021. Also trucks in quick jobs are modded, both EU and UK Showroom models are new aswell. ETS2 - Remoled Next Gen … 11 Apr, 2021. SCANIA NEXTGEN I6 SOUND 1.39. 5 Apr, 2021. August 22, 2020. Die Scania R-Serie ist eine Modellreihe schwerer Lkws des schwedischen Herstellers Scania.Die R-Serie löste im Jahr 2005 die Serie 4 ab. Eddie Stobart Scania R Skinpack V1.1 for ETS2. Similar Mods. ETS2 - Stickers Animation Scania S & R (1.39.x) 2021-01-02 13:37:58 ETS2 Others 1.39.x 117 Download 609 Views. Scania R BW Skin for ETS2. RIGA METRO AREA REBUILD V1.1. SCS Trailer: Curtainsider Trockenfrachter Isoliert Gekühlt Moving Floor. Credits:RJL, Kast. Scania R & S Dijkstra Plastics Skin Pack mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. ETS2 / ETS2 Truck. NEXT GENERATION SCANIA P G R S V.2.3.2 1.40. Have sound wheels animated window. 0 241 Less than a minute [6.11.2020] Changelog V2.2.4 to V2.3.0: -Updated the mod for 1.39 patch-Added support for openable windows and FMOD® sound system introduced in 1.37-Fixed missing engine badge for DT12 18 440 Euro 3 engine-Added more plastic/paint combinations for front … 9.827 Downloads gesamt. ETS2 - Scania RJL R&4 Lowered Chassis (1.39.x) 2021-01-22 22:31:10 ETS2 Parts/tuning 1.39.x 49 Download 326 Views. April 21, 2021. ETS2 mods / Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods. ETS2 - RJL Scania R & Streamline (1.39.x) 2020-10-20 22:20:29 ETS2 - Trucks 1.39.x 693 Download 2933 Views. Welcome to the MODHUB, a portal has more than 100000 tested and untested mods. January 28, 2021. DOWNLOAD Otanki.scs – 468 KB. Credits: LcokettLV. DOWNLOAD Scania_R_RGB_Cabin_Light.scs – 2.4 MB. Today Downloads: 2. modsfire.com Download. Roman Diesel By Madster V1.3.4 ETS2 1.40. Animation of stickers on scania next gent s & r windows interior-exterior view you to put the logo or image you want a Template and provided. Author: TruckSkinByDorian. Gamers who are looking for new Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mods can expect mods that can enhance the game's graphics and textures. 0. Thus the content we pump out is fresh and worth your investment. Here you can find thousands of Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods in one place. Today Downloads: 5. modsbase.com Download. ETS2 - MAN TGX Euro 6 Interior (1.35.X) 2019-08-03 13:20:11 50. November 26, 2020. Autor: aroxe. Truck mods; Trailer mods; Bus mods; Interior mods; Interior addons; Parts/Tuning mods; AI traffic; Sound mods; Truck Skins; Combo skin packs; Maps; Cars; Others; Our friend: FS19 mods. Scania R Black And Red V1.0 ETS2 1.40 Download Link #1. Tags: MILL OTANKI SCANIA R. You may also like... 0. Credits: Lantmanenfs ETS 2 mods, Ets2 … Log In. 0 67 Less than a minute. SCANIA R 2009 V8 STOCK SOUND 1.40 ETS2. Note: The light belongs to Harun Aras. Autor: Bimo Wahyu Saputro, Kriechbaum. Sponsored links. Username: Password: Keep me signed in. Scania S & R Animationsaufkleber Spiel: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Getestet auf Version 1.39 – 1.40 Vorlage zur Verfügung gestellt und nach Belieben änderbar. Showroom models are new as well. ETS 2 Mods. RJL Scania R & Streamline v2.3.0 for ETS2 version 1.39 This mod adds reworked versions of Scania R-series and Streamline for ETS2. SPONSORED LINKS. April 21, 2021. THIS MONTH POPULAR ETS 2 TRUCKS. But this time with new pmg version so it only can be played on 1.40.x versions. Fixed collision Fixed lights for 1.40 Fixed Mirrors for version 1.40 V8 SOUND Scania RJL R&4 Lowered chassis Lowered chassis for all cabs All chassis variants. Register Lost Password. 0 16 Less than a minute. Arbeiten Sie an allen Scania 2009 LKWs. March 22, 2021. Volvo vnl custom ets2 1.40. Description: OtankiMill skin for SCS Scania R High roof Tested on game version 1.40. Scania R 620 Fleurs Witch Trailer [1.40] mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2. ETS2 - Scania S-R Holland Interior (1.35.X) 2019-07-16 08:49:25 484. Haut für SCS Scania R & SCS & Krone Box Trailer. Similar Mods. Description: Skinns too Scania R and trailer too ETS Find more in the link! Author TruckSkinByDorian. 7 Apr, 2021. December … Tested Version: 1.39. 0. ETS2 - Scania R 500 Penoza Official Update (1.39.x) 2021-01-24 20:39:38 ETS2 - Trucks 1.39.x 145 Download 524 Views. Leave a comment. Truck mod replaces default Scania R & S series, P & G series are separate trucks. to change the image, it is wrong to follow the path of the Template in the file vehicle / truck / scania_2016 / (dds) Template. Renault T – Mclaughlan Transport – Perth, Scotland. ETS 2 Mods. Read Next. ETS2 - Scania R 2008 Pack V3.0 (1.40.x) 2021-04-05 16:13:43 ETS2 - Trucks 1.40.x 173 Download 497 Views. Everything converted with new Blender2SCS. Autor: Helge_k. ETS2 Mods. Scania R NG 4×2, 6×4 / 2 8×4. ETS 2 mod categories. ETS2 / ETS2 Truck. MERCEDES MP4 V4.0 1.40.
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