2 EO4SD’s objective was to promote the integration of satellite information Explore our Missions. The European Space Agency (ESA) is organising an Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing with the focus on Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence for Forestry.This course is dedicated to training the next generation of Earth Observation (EO) scientists and experts working in forestry domain to exploit data from EO missions (e.g. The attached document, jointly prepared by the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation (RTD) and ESA’s Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes (EOP), responds to the will and intention of both institutions Find out more. CryoSat-2: In 2010, Europe’s first ice mission CryoSat-2 was launched. ESA and TPM Earth Observation Data. Join our second instalment of ‘Get to know your planet with ESA’ Instagram live series. The European Space Agency (ESA) is expanding its Copernicus Earth observation satellite programme but the UK is being left behind as the organisation decides its six prime contractors for missions. ESA’s Earth Observation programme aims to study all aspects of the way it works and the way human endeavours interact with it. esa and gaf ag continue to offer free-of-charge access to third party mission data. Earlier this year, the ESA Earth Observation Programme organized the “ EO and AI for Health and Urban Resilience ” workshop. The foundations of the Copernicus programme were laid with the signing of the Baveno Manifesto in 1998. It aims at achieving a global, continuous, autonomous, high quality, wide range Earth observation capacity. This document proposed the creation of a European environment monitoring programme. In January 2021, ESA and GAF AG extended their agreement under ESA’s Third Party Missions programme regarding the provision of IRS data and DSMs until the end of 2021. 20 years of the Copernicus programme. Earth is a complex system of interlocking parts. Get to know your planet with ESA. (GEF)—through the ESA Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes (EOP) and, specifically, through the Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) initiative. To celebrate Earth Day, we will be joined by Simonetta Cheli – Head of Strategy, Programme & Coordination Office at the ESA Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes. Sentinel family, launched April 2014 onward – Suite of Earth observation missions serving as the ESA's contribution to the European Commission's Copernicus Programme. Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation programme coordinated and managed by the European Commission in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA), the EU Member States and EU agencies.. The Earth Observation Envelope Programme (EOEP) is the backbone for implementing the ESA Earth Observation Strategy 2040 whose prime objectives are to EO science for society is the ESA Earth Observation programme (2017-2021) dedicated to scientists, EO industry and EO users. Programme: 1. backbone of European Earth science 2. technology development, leading edge space missions, operations, science and exploitation 3. flexible and responsive definition of program content 4. offers recurrent opportunities in terms of proposed new calls for missions/activities The Earth Observation Envelope Programme Building on its outcomes, ESA is currently planning innovative projects in the wider health resilience domain, seeking in-situ data providers and big data analytics solutions, creating a solid framework for collaboration. EARTH OBSERVATION PROGRAMME BOARD JOINT EC DG-RTD/ESA EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE INITIATIVE Summary .
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