Alistair is arrested as an accessory to Katie's murder, and Anna slowly starts her life over again. She has recently separated from her husband, Ed, who has custody of their nine-year-old daughter, Olivia. Netflix announced today that … Finn, which is the pen name of American book editor and novelist, Dan Mallory. Filmmaker. Powered by a impactful performance from Amy Adams, THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW overcomes occasional pacing issues and a somewhat rote narrative structure to result in a solid thriller with an unexpected twist that will keep audiences hooked! 'The Woman in the Window' Movie Is Coming Out This Year and the Trailer Looks Intense Megan Stein 1/13/2021. The following is from A.J. Regie führte Joe Wright. The influence of classic Hitchcock films is undeniable, but The Woman in the Window is definitely a powerful force of its own. An agoraphobic woman living alone in New York begins spying on her new neighbors, only to witness a disturbing act of violence. Mit »Die stumme Patientin« hat er einen echten Pageturner geschrieben, der Fans von Psycho-Thrillern wie »The woman in the window« oder »Gone girl« elektrisieren und überraschen wird. Er basiert auf dem Roman Die Frau im Fenster (Originaltitel: Once Off Guard, später: The Woman in the Window) von J. H. Wallis Der Film sollte am 14. [2], According to Alexandra Alter in The New York Times, the book is "strikingly similar" to the earlier published novel, Saving April, by Sarah A. Denzil, with "parallels [that] are numerous, and detailed." Directed by Joe Wright. The Woman in the Window ist ein Mystery-Thriller von Joe Wright, der am 14. Eines Tages zieht mit Alistair Russell (Gary Oldman) und Jane Russell (Julianne Moore) eine wahre Vorzeigefamilie in die Gegend. The Woman in the Window also stars Brian Tyree Henry, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Anthony Mackie, Tracy Letts, and Gary Oldman. Woman In The Window, The (1944) -- (Movie Clip) Thanks For The Dime Having committed no offense but justifiable homicide, Professor Wanley (Edward G. Robinson) leaves Joan Bennett (title character) with the body of her sponsor, flees New York to the north, and encounters a toll collector (Joe Devlin), Fritz Lang making it more than tense, in The Woman In The Window, 1944. She also spends time spying on her neighbors, including the Russells, a family that moved in across the street. Doch dann zieht gegenüber Familie Russell ein und sie wird Zeugin von etwas Undenkbarem. Title: The Women In The Window Author: A.J. The Woman In The Window is te zien vanaf 14 mei. Critic Reviews for The Woman … The rocket fuel propelling “The Woman in the Window,” the first stratosphere-ready mystery of 2018, is expertise. „Sobald sich eine gewisse Anspannung aufbaut, wechselt der Film zu schnell die Grundstimmung, will um jeden Preis undurchsichtig bleiben und wird ironischerweise genau aus diesem Grunde vorhersehbar.“ Der Regisseur habe sich „ganz ungeniert“ bei Klassikern bedient – genannt wir hier an erster Stelle Hitchcocks Das Fenster zum Hof, und den Zuschauer beschleiche zunehmend das Gefühl, die Handlung so oder so ähnlich bereits gesehen zu haben. View HD Trailers and Videos for The Woman in the Window on Rotten Tomatoes, then check our Tomatometer to find out what the Critics say. Gertrude, a mother of four, must make an unconscionable decision to save her daughters. What debut novelist A. J. Finn does with The Woman in the Window is remarkable. Paperback, 427 pages. Anna Fox suffers from agoraphobia due to a traumatic car accident and lives a reclusive life at her large home in New York City. [4][5][6], Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Combined Print & E-Book Fiction- January 28, 2018", "Similarities in 2 Novels Raise Questions About the Limits of Literary Influence", "Netflix Unveils A 2021 Film Slate With Bigger Volume & Star Wattage; Scott Stuber On The Escalating Film Ambition", "Amy Adams THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW On Netflix May 14", "The Woman in the Window Movie Really, Finally Has a Release Date",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from February 2019, All articles needing additional references, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Anna Fox: a reclusive, alcoholic 39-year-old woman who suffers from severe agoraphobia and anxiety, Ed Fox: Anna's estranged husband who frequently calls her on the phone, Olivia Fox: Anna's 9-year-old daughter who lives with Ed, Ethan Russell: the shy and polite teenage son who lives across the street and becomes friends with Anna, Jane Russell: a mysterious woman who is portrayed as two different people, one maybe imagined by Anna, Alistair Russell: an intimidating man who Anna believes stabbed and killed Jane, David Winters: Anna's tenant who lives in the basement of her large home and frequently does house work for the neighborhood, Dr. Julian Fielding: Anna's therapist who visits her once a week, Bina: Anna's physical therapist who works on helping her recover from the car accident, This page was last edited on 14 May 2021, at 05:51. Vom Filmtitel über die Prämisse bis hin zum visuellen Stil schreit alles an The Woman in the Window laut nach Alfred Hitchcock. News & Interviews for The Woman in the Window. . However, they frequently talk on the phone. Mai. Der internationale Bestseller: von 0 auf Platz 1 der New York Times-Bestsellerliste und von 0 auf Platz 2 der Sunday Times-Bestsellerliste in England! A twisting, twisted odyssey inside one woman's mind, her illusions, delusions, reality. The Woman in the Window, a psychological thriller published in 2018 by William Morrow.The novel was written by A.J. Mai 2021 auf Netflix. Gefährliche Begegnung (Originaltitel: The Woman in the Window) ist ein US-amerikanischer Film noir des deutsch-österreichischen Regisseurs Fritz Lang aus dem Jahr 1944. Lead actress Amy Adams, who recently stunned audiences with her heartbreaking performance in … The Woman In The Window ein Film von Joe Wright mit Amy Adams, Anthony Mackie. He’s created a breathless, stunning twist-and-turn plot that cleverly relies on familiar scenarios, most of the Hitchcock kind, and builds the Hitchcock references into his own story. Disney now own the brand and have no interest in pursuing it. The Woman in the Window is intoxicating, dark, and simply unputdownable. Finn, David Baldacci, Lee Child, Joanne Harris und Black Crouch sind begeistert:, „The Woman in the Window“ – Kritik zum Netflix-Start,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Sein Fazit: „Trotz bester Voraussetzungen schafft es „The Woman in the Window“ nur selten aus dem Mittelmaß auszubrechen, kann lediglich vereinzelt echte Spannung erzeugen und gipfelt schließlich in einem überambitionierten Finale, das keine Befriedigung für den Betrachter bietet.“[8], A.J. Bei all der Hochspannung, die für gewöhnlich mit einem Psycho-Thriller in der Tradition Hitchcocks einhergeht, will The Woman in the Window aber auch etwas aussagen: „Ich hoffe, dass die Leute gestärkt aus meinem Film hervorgehen und erkennen, dass Ängste uns selbst einkerkern können“, meint Wright. Finn, which is the pen name of American book editor and novelist, Dan Mallory. Inhaltsangabe: Weil die New Yorkerin Dr. Anna Fox (Amy Adams) … Watch the new trailer for The Woman in the Window now, coming to cinemas soon. Als sie eines Tages wieder die Russels beobachtet, die seit kurzem in der gegenüberliegenden Wohnung eingezogen sind, wird sie Zeugin eines Gewaltverbrechens. Retta, a first-generation freed slave, comes to Gertrude's aid by watching her children, despite the gossip it causes in her community. Niels van Arkel, 04.08.2020 Eerste trailer 'The Woman in the Window' met Amy Adams! Douglas Buck. ... aber dann gibt es doch eine Auflösung, die reichlich hanebüchen daherkommt. A condemnation that may well prove all too apt as audiences finally get the chance to see the film for themselves. EXCLUSIVE: Netflix is finalizing an acquisition deal that will move The Woman in the Window out of Disney-owned 20th Century Studios and into a new window, as a global Netflix event film. Übersetzung: Göhler, Christoph. Producer, who also prepared the … Women who drank two or more 8-ounce servings of sugar-sweetened beverages a day as adults were more than twice as likely to develop early-onset … Realizing that he intends to kill her too, Anna flees. "We're dealing with a complex novel," Fox 2000 president Elizabeth Gabler told THR "We tested the movie really early for that very reason. The Woman in the Window is a perfect read for those who enjoy slow burning thrillers that focus on deep character development through compelling writing. Anna Fox ist alleinstehend, sie ist von Beruf Kinderpsychologin und lebt zurückgezogen in einem der alten New Yorker Sandsteinhäuser. An absolutely gripping thriller." Full Review on THE GLOBAL FILM SHOW AJ Finn's debut novel is placed in current day, gentrified Harlem, New York City, where Dr. Anna Fox spends her day in her five-story townhouse drinking Merlot, spying on her neighbors, and mixing pills to numb her thoughts. Looking to watch The Woman in the Window? Der Streaminganbieter Netflix zeigt die Verfilmung von A. J. Flinns „The Woman in the Window“ ab Freitag, 14. There is Ethan, the reserved and polite teenage son; Alistair, the controlling father; and Jane, a friendly woman with whom Anna shares many interests. AJ Finn's debut novel is placed in current day, gentrified Harlem, New York City, where Dr. Anna Fox spends her day in her five-story townhouse drinking Merlot, spying on her neighbors, and mixing pills to numb her thoughts. He pursues her to the roof where she pushes him through an old skylight to his death. After she receives an anonymous email with a picture of herself sleeping, she calls the police. The cast of The Woman in the Window is absolutely stacked with all-star talents. The Woman in the Window. In this diabolically gripping thriller, no one—and nothing—is what it seems. Three years, a pandemic, and an upsetting elegy later, The Woman in the Window is finally going to be able to leave her house. Mai 2020 in die deutschen Kinos kommen sollte. basierende Drehbuch schrieb Tracy Letts. Aus dem, was ein Drama hätte sein können, wird so ein schmalbrüstiger Thriller. For readers of Gillian Flynn and Tana French comes one of the decade’s most anticipated debuts, published in forty-one languages around the world: a twisty, powerful Hitchcockian thriller about an agoraphobic woman who believes she witnessed a crime in a … The book's publisher responded, "the outline of The Woman in the Window, including characters and main plot points, was fully formed by Sept. 20, 2015, before Saving April was released. He breaks down and tells her the truth: Jane and Alistair are his adoptive parents, and Katie, the woman Anna assumed was Jane, is his biological mother. She is startled by Ethan in her room, where he confesses that he has psychopathic tendencies, that he has been sneaking into her home at night to watch her, and that he has stalked other women as well. Bibliographische Angaben. The Woman in the Window may be a good one (with an unfortunate bad ending)… but it’s Scarlet Street, with the monster Lang having temporarily broken from his chains, that ends up not only a brilliant example of cinema noir, but an auteur film tour-de-force. . Mai 2021 in das Programm von Netflix aufgenommen wurde. By Spencer Selby For an entry on Noir of the Week Steve has graciously suggested my piece on The Woman in the Window, one of 25 interpretive essays which appear in my book Dark City: The Film Noir. : Die Bestseller-Verfilmung „The Woman In The Window“ über eine Frau mit Agoraphobie, die im Haus gegenüber einen Mord beobachtet, ist … .Dear other books with unreliable narrators: This one will see you and raise you.” -- New York Times Book Review “The Woman in the Window is a tour de force. Danny Elfman to Score Joe Wright’s 'The Woman in the Window'. Sie hat aber noch ein anderes Hobby: Anna liebt es, ihre Nachbarschaft auszuspionieren. The Woman in the Window is intoxicating, dark, and simply unputdownable. Anna Fox suffers from agoraphobia due to a traumatic car accident and lives a reclusive life at her large home in New York City. Denn zum Ende hin muss das Ganze dann eben doch ein konventioneller Thriller mit einer halbgaren Auflösung werden, dem man sogar noch so etwas wie ein Happyend aufpfropft, das vieles, aber auf jeden Fall nicht überzeugend ist. The Woman in the Window is a thriller novel by American author A. J. Finn, published by William Morrow on January 2, 2018. Starring Amy Adams and adapted by Tracy Letts (August: Osage County) from the bestselling novel by AJ Finn, the film follows the tense story of an agoraphobic woman who is keeping a close eye on the family across the street — only to witness a terrible crime. The Woman In The Window is te zien vanaf 14 mei. The book is told from the perspective of Dr. Anna Fox, a child psychologist whose agoraphobia has confined her to her own home for ten months. Netflix-Kritik «The Woman in the Window»: Das Fenster zur Strasse Mai 15th, 2021 0 Comments Es gab bereits 2019 Testvorführungen des Films, aber das Publikum war verwirrt, und deshalb waren einige Aufnahmen geplant, um die Geschichte klarer zu vermitteln. Cruella Anna realizes that the murder may have been a hallucination as well. A psychological thriller captivated in the four walls of a house. Anna urges Ethan to talk to the police, but he convinces her that he will talk his parents into turning themselves in. Ethan later sends a text confirming he and his parents are going to the police. Auf Moviepilot findest du alle aktuellen The Woman in the Window Trailer in HD Qualität! Jump to. ISBN 978-3-76450641-4. Und zu guter Letzt waren vor allem Amy Adams und Gary Oldman jeweils schon wesentlich besser als hier in #TheWomanInTheWindow: Das auf A.J. Gripping, compelling, and utterly intriguing. تحميل و The Woman in the Window WEB-DL Overview. He reveals that he was the one who killed Katie because of his resentment about the abuse and neglect he faced as a child under her care, and that his father knew, but kept it a secret to protect Jane. Mai 2021 um 18:28 Uhr bearbeitet. Ich fand "The Woman in the Window" einfach großartig. Anna has a number of encounters with the Russells and becomes convinced that something is suspicious about them. … Zum Hintergrund: Angetrieben von Bestellern wie Gillian Flynns „Gone Girl“ (Fischer) oder Paula Hawkins „The Girl on the Train“ (Blanvalet) erfreut sich das Genre Domestic Noir seit einigen Jahren großer Beliebtheit. [2] Der am darauffolgenden Tag angesetzte Starttermin in den USA[3] wurde wegen der Coronavirus-Pandemie auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben. Der Player berechnet automatisch die beste Trailer-Auflösung für deine Internetverbindung. A smart, sophisticated novel of psychological suspense that recalls the best of Hitchcock. The Woman in the Window Download and Watch online مشاهدة اون لاين وتحميل مباشر على موقع سينما كلوب كامل اون لاين وتحميل مباشر على اكثر من سيرفر بجودة WEB-DL مشاهدة و تنزيل . München: Blanvalet 2018. REVIEWS: The Woman In The Window The NY Times Kirkus The Guardian Book Companion The #1 Instant New York Times Bestseller. Enttäuschende Testvorführungen, Nachdrehs, der Verkauf von Fox an Disney und Corona haben dazu geführt, dass die Bestseller-Verfilmung The Woman in the Window nicht mehr in die Kinos kommt, sondern bei Netflix eine neue Heimat gefunden hat. Katie tracked the family down in order to see her son again, but her frequent unwanted visits led to an altercation with Jane, which resulted in Katie being stabbed. Der Player berechnet automatisch die beste Trailer-Auflösung für deine Internetverbindung. The Russells deny that any sort of attack took place. A.J. In The Woman in the Window by A.J. A.J. Stellt sich nur die Frage: Was hat sie wirklich gesehen? Finn's 2018 hit murder mystery The Woman in the Window is getting the big-screen treatment with an Oscar-pedigreed cast — Amy Adams is set to star Bram de Groot, 10.01.2021 Nieuwe Amy Adams-film van Disney naar Netflix. Finn's 2018 hit murder mystery The Woman in the Window is getting the big-screen treatment with an Oscar-pedigreed cast — Amy Adams is set to star William Morrow. Anna's lifeline to the real world is her window, where she sits day after day, watching her neighbours. Sie verständigt sofort den Notruf, die Polizei wird eingeschaltet, doch niemand glaubt ihr. When the Russells move in, Anna is instantly drawn to them. Als je bij mensen naar binnen gluurt zie je dingen die je liever niet had gezien. Letztlich fürchtet sich der Film vor der Konsequenz. January 2, 2018. Da sie seit einem traumatischen Erlebnis an Agoraphobie leidet, verlässt sie nie das Haus. Davor, storytechnisch dorthin vorzudringen, wo es wehtut. Accessibility Help. Beschreibung. The Woman in the Window will be the final film from Fox 2000 before it shutters in the wake of the Disney-Fox merger, and this is just the most recent setback the film has faced. "The Woman in the Window is a tour de force. Gripping thriller The Woman In The Window is coming soon to Netflix. To pass the time, Anna spends her days drinking too much alcohol, playing online chess, communicating with other recluses through the "Agora online forum," watching old movies, and meeting with her shrink and physical therapist. "[3], A Netflix film based on the novel directed by Joe Wright, with a screenplay by Tracy Letts and starring Amy Adams, Gary Oldman, Anthony Mackie, Fred Hechinger, Wyatt Russell, Brian Tyree Henry, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Julianne Moore was released on May 14, 2021. «The Woman in the Window» ist durch die Bank gut besetzt. The police, including lead investigators Detective Little and Norelli, also don't believe Anna's story as another woman who claims to be Jane is alive and uninjured. Kindle. The Woman in the Window, a psychological thriller published in 2018 by William Morrow.The novel was written by A.J. It hits Netflix May 14th. The Woman in the Window. 2018, 544 Seiten, Maße: 14,2 x 21,6 cm, Kartoniert (TB), Deutsch. Mai 2020 in die deutschen Kinos kommen. The Woman in the Window Nunnally Johnson whips up a strong and decidedly suspenseful murder melodrama in Woman in the Window. ISBN: 0062678426 (ISBN13: 9780062678423) Edition language: English. The following version of the novel was used to create this study guide: Finn, A.J. A picture-perfect family of three, they are an echo of the life that was once hers. Now shafted to online only, The Woman in the Window will most likely be remembered as the very last feature to be released under the Fox 2000 banner. القصة. [6], Die deutsche Synchronisation entstand nach einem Dialogbuch und der Dialogregie von Masen Abou-Dakn im Auftrag der Iyuno Media Germany GmbH, Berlin. --Louise Penny, #1 New York Times bestselling author "An astounding debut from a truly talented writer." Finn. Finn. Sections of this page. A detective confronts her with the tragic truth: her husband and daughter died in the car accident that triggered her agoraphobia, and she has been imagining her conversations with them. Finn: The Woman in the Window – Was hat sie wirklich gesehen? It left my own mind reeling and my heart pounding. Hochkarätige Thriller-Autoren wie A.J. She has recently separated from her husband, Ed, who has custody of their nine-year-old daughter, Olivia. Der Film basiert auf einer Erzählung von A.J. “The rocket fuel propelling The Woman in the Window, the first stratosphere-ready mystery of 2018, is expertise. A twisting, twisted odyssey inside one woman’s mind, her illusions, delusions, reality. [1] Die Kostüme entwarf Albert Wolsky. مشاهدة فيلم The Woman in the Window 2021 مترجم تبدأ امرأة مصابة برهاب الخلاء تعيش بمفردها في نيويورك بالتجسس على جيرانها الجدد,فقط لتشهد عملاً مزعجًا من أعمال العنف. Anna insists the woman claiming to be Jane is not the same woman she met before. Alistair and Jane hid the body and lied to the police. News & Interviews for The Woman in the Window. Finn’s novel, The Woman in the Window. GET ready to be chilled to your core with new Netflix psychological thriller The Woman In The Window. Finns Thriller The Woman in the Window – Was hat sie wirklich gesehen? Finn. The 5 Most Anticipated Movies of May 2021 TV Premiere Dates 2021 The 95 Most Anticipated Movies of 2021 View All. Ihre Zeit verbringt sie damit, online mit Fremden zu chatten, sie trinkt viel, schaut alte Filme an oder sitzt am Fenster und beobachtet ihre Nachbarn. [5], In den USA erhielt der Film von der MPAA ein R-Rating, was einer Freigabe ab 17 Jahren entspricht. The novel stayed at number one for two weeks on the New York Times best sellers list. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 15. Alex Michaelides ist erfolgreicher Drehbuchautor von »The devil you know«. However, they frequently talk on the phone. Approved | 1h 47min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 3 November 1944 (USA) When a conservative middle-aged professor engages in a minor dalliance with a femme fatale, he is plunged into a nightmarish quicksand of blackmail and murder. They’re all hiding something. Chinese driverless car company WeRide valued at $3.3 billion after fresh funding. That night, Anna realizes that Ethan mentioned something that he couldn't have known. Author (s): A.J. The Woman in the Window Official release poster Directed byJoe Wright Produced by Scott Rudin Eli Bush Anthony Katagas Screenplay byTracy Letts Based onThe Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn Starring Amy Adams Gary Oldman Anthony Mackie Fred Hechinger Wyatt Russell Brian Tyree Henry Jennifer Jason Leigh Julianne Moore Music byDanny Elfman CinematographyBruno Delbonnel Edited … Weil die New Yorkerin Dr. Anna Fox (Amy Adams) allein in ihrem Haus lebt, am liebsten (viel) Wein trinkt und alte Filme schaut, gilt sie unter ihren Nachbarn als Einzelgängerin. Finn Genre: Psychological Thriller Publisher: William Morrow and Company Published On: 2 January 2018 Rating: 3.5/5 There is a thin line between reality and hallucination. Autor: A. J. Finn. Netflix's newest thriller, The Woman in the Window, based on the novel of the same name by controversial author A.J. Sein Debütroman »The Woman in the Window« sorgte vor Veröffentlichung weltweit für Furore, wird in 41 Sprachen übersetzt und derzeit von Fox verfilmt. It hits Netflix May 14th. Zwaar vertraagde 'The Woman in the Window' snel op Netflix. 1 Kommentar - Fr, 09.04.2021 von N. Sälzle Trailerrunde mit Angelina Jolie, Jodie Foster und Amy Adams: Filmnachschub mit "They Want Me Dead", "The Mauritanian".und "The Woman in the Window". Overview. Anna finds a picture she had taken of the "Jane" she met and shows it to Ethan. Auf Moviepilot findest du alle aktuellen The Woman in the Window Trailer in HD Qualität! The Woman in the Window – Eine Kritik. Liz Nugent. Amy Adams kämpft sich ins Leben zurück. The Woman in the Window Übersetzer Christoph Göhler Verkaufsrang 94888 weitere Details weniger Details. The 5 Most Anticipated Movies of May 2021 TV Premiere Dates 2021 The 95 Most Anticipated Movies of 2021 View All. Those essays were the earliest parts of the 1984 book, having been written in the late 70s, when I was living in Iowa City, Iowa. Ich hatte die ganze Zeit das Gefühl mich in einem Hitchcock Film àla "Das Fenster zum Hof" zu befinden, dazu trugen auch die vielen Anspielungen alter Filme bei. All the Movie Releases Changed by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Flüssiger Schreibstil, kurze knackige Kapitel und die Spannung nahm von Seite zu Seite zu. One evening, while looking out the window, Anna witnesses Jane being stabbed and calls the police. . The Woman in the Window ist ein Mystery-Thriller von Joe Wright, der am 14. Critic Reviews for The Woman … Der Film basiert auf einer Erzählung von A.J. The Woman in the Window Explained: Geld Halston - Staffel 1 ... Weder kommt Hitchcock-Suspense auf noch überzeugen mich die Auflösung und die Inszenierung. [7], Cliff Brockerhoff vom Online-magazin Film Kritik+ lobt die Leistungen der Schauspieler und des Kameramanns, auch den interessanten Plot des Films. [1] The review aggregator website Book Marks reported that 38% of critics gave the book a "rave" review, whilst another 38% of the critics expressed "positive" impressions, based on a sample of 13 reviews. Der Streamingdienst hat nun endlich bekannt gegeben, wann der Thriller mit Amy Adams bei ihnen erscheint: 14. Press alt + / to open this menu. Find out where The Woman in the Window is streaming, if The Woman in the Window is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider. Deutsche Übersetzung von Christoph Göhler. Also sieht sie sich gezwungen, selbst Nachforschungen anzustellen. The Woman in the Window Film Trailer HD - Anna Fox (Amy Adams) fühlt sich am sichersten, wenn sie die Welt von der Geborgenheit hinter ihren Fenstern aus beobachten kann. Die Filmmusik komponierte Danny Elfman. [4] Stattdessen erschien er am 14. The Woman in the Window (Paperback) Published March 5th 2019 by William Morrow Paperbacks. As someone who enjoys classic films, I especially appreciated the suspense of the book that left me feeling terrified without the gore and sensational violence typical of modern works. Knowing her medications can cause hallucinations, they theorize that Anna could have taken the picture and emailed it to herself. It's 1924 in Branchville, South Carolina, and three women have come to a crossroads. Mit »Die stumme Patientin« hat er einen echten Pageturner geschrieben, der Fans von Psycho-Thrillern wie »The woman in the window« oder »Gone girl« elektrisieren und überraschen wird. Drehbuch und Regie aber könnten deren Stärken nur bedingt ausnutzen. Good luck putting down The Woman in the Window.. Good Housekeeping. --Booklist (starred review) With Amy Adams, Gary Oldman, Anthony Mackie, Donat Balaj. The Woman in the Window is an upcoming 2021 American psychological thriller mystery film directed by Joe Wright, from a screenplay by Tracy Letts, based on the 2018 novel of the same name by pseudonymous author A. J. Finn.The film stars Amy Adams, Gary Oldman, Anthony Mackie, Fred Hechinger, Wyatt Russell, Brian Tyree Henry, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Julianne Moore.
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