Zu den größten Errungenschaften gehören die EU-Förderungen für Kultur und MEDIA, seit 2014 vereint unter "Creative Europe", Europäische Kulturhauptstädte sowie die mehrjährigen EU-Arbeitspläne für Kultur. Assessment of Applications. But don’t be frightened. Daarnaast heeft het programma een regeling voor cross-sectorale projecten. Martina Petrovic. Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office at Croatian AV Centre. Once registered and logged in, you can download an e-form for your desired scheme and begin your application. Development of single projects and slate funding, EU Prize for Popular and Contemporary Music, Cultural and Creative Sector Guarantee Facility, Refugees, migration and intercultural dialogue, facebook Creative Europe Desk Deutschland Kultur, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Ciudad de la Imagen. Helpdesk e-mail address: eacea-helpdesk@ec.europa.eu The programme was approved by the European Parliament on 19 November 2013 and adopted by the European Council on 3 December 2013. 2. All Creative Europe Calls will be published on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (FTOP). CREATIVE EUROPE MEDIA. Commission européenne / Unité MEDIA. To make sure that your organisation has not already been registered in the Participant Register, search for organisations by clicking . This triggers an automatic check that informs you your application form is complete. The UK participated in the Creative Europe programme from 2014-20. 3510000 PrishtinaRepublic of Kosovo. Hier geht es zum Participant Portal Schritt 3: Online-Antragsformular eForm erstellen Die Antragsunterlagen sind in der Regel 3 Monate vor der Einreichfrist verfügbar und werden auf der Seite der EACEA veröffentlicht. Creative Europe Desk Berlin-Brandenburg Tel. I ép. Once you have completed the eForm and the annexes, validate it by clicking the Validate button on the eForm. To create your eForm, you will be asked to go through the following steps: Please note that the deadline is 11am Irish Time on the relevant deadline day. If, after referring to the eform User Guide you still have a question or have encountered a technical problem in relation to the e-Form, please contact the HelpDesk services. Please contact Creative Europe Desk Ireland – MEDIA Office or MEDIA Office Galway, if you have any questions regarding your application. The Creative Europe framework programme of the European Commission aims to support Europe's cultural and creative sectors. Applications are made directly to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels through an online system. Applications are made directly to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels through an online system. Zodra de informatie over het nieuwe Creative Europe-programma (2021-2027) en de details over de nieuwe projectoproepen voor handen zijn, worden de teksten van deze Additionally, MEDIA Mundus was created for the cooperation between Europe … 174. If your organisation is unable to provide the required sum, it can be raised through various funds, grants, with the support of the state and local authorities. Experts usually only review applications from outside their country of residence to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. To apply for a grant you will first have to register your company or organisation through the EACEA Participant Portal and receive a … *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. Please note that some schemes require a paper application in addition to the eForm. BE-1049 Bruxelles Tel: +32 229-91281. You only need to do this once and prospective applicants can now register using the following steps: 1. Global Creative and Media Agency is your one-stop solution for your PR, Marketing, and Publicizing needs. All organisations participating in the proposal must have a PIC number. Agence exécutive EACEA / Unité MEDIA. This process allows the EU Project Officers and Participant Contacts (PACOs) or Coordinator Contacts (CoCos) from the beneficiary side to upload a document which will then be registered and sent to the other party. Then, search for organisations, enter the name or a part of the name. This application provides information on what the courses offer, who they target, when they take place and who organises them. Links to these documents can be found on the relevant funding scheme pages on this website. RTD … You will be sent a verification email; click on the link to create your password. All applications are assessed by two independent experts. Select the organisation(s) participating in your proposed activity. Join on Facebook Follow on Twitter newsletter, Head of European Integration, Management of IPA Funds, Regional and International Cooperation Unit, Aleksander Moisiu 76, Ish Kinostudio,Tirana 1001, Str: "Aleksander Moisiu" Nr 77,1012. Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales. Creative Europe Desk (MEDIA) Belgique. Ujazdowskie 41,00-540 Warsaw - Poland, Ewa Kornacka - Coordinator of Culture Sub-programme, Małgorzata Kiełkiewicz - Head of Creative Europe Desk, Praça Bernardino Machado, nº41750-042 Lisboa, Ministry of Culture - Project Management Unit, Bogdan Stefan Trîmbaciu - Head of Creative Europe Desk, bogdan.trimbaciu@gmail.com / office@umpcultura.ro, Bianca Floarea- Coordinator Culture Sub-programme, bianca.floarea@europa-creativa.eu / cultura@europa-creativa.eu, Valentina Miu – Coordinator MEDIA Sub-programme, valentina.miu@europa-creativa.eu / info@media-romania.eu, Grösslingová 32,811 09 Bratislava 1 - Slovakia, MOTOVILA, Centre for the promotion of cooperation in the cultural and creative sectors, Upravna hiša SEM, Metelkova 2,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Dirección General de Industrias Culturales, Propiedad Intelectual y Cooperación, Europa Creativa Desk - Oficina Cultura España, Calle Luis Buñuel, 2-2°ACiudad de la Imágen,E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcon, Generalitat de Catalunya -Departament de Cultura, ICEC (Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals), Ptge de la Banca 1-3, 1a planta,08002 Barcelona SPAIN, Plaza de las cigarreras 1, 3ª planta20012 Donostia - San SebastiánSpain, Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales, Edificio Estadio Olímpico. Zu den größten Errungenschaften gehören die EU-Förderungen für Kultur und MEDIA, seit 2014 vereint unter "Creative Europe", Europäische Kulturhauptstädte sowie die mehrjährigen EU-Arbeitspläne für Kultur. The official page for Creative Europe, the EU's programme for the cultural and creative sectors (2014-2020). It provides support for the development, promotion and distribution of European works within Europe and beyond. 1. The entire application including Annexes must not exceed 10MB. Creative Europe programme 2021-2027 . Puerta M -,41092 Isla de la Cartuja (Sevilla), Borgvägen 1-5 SE 10253 Stockholm,P.O Box 27215, SE- 102 52 Stockholm - Sweden, Swedish Film Institute (Svenska Filminstitutet), Filmhuset, Borgvägen 1-5,P.O. Introductie Creative Europe Cross-sectoraal. Creative Europe only offers 50-60% of a project’s budget and requires a contribution from the participants. Tel. 17,1040 Sofia / Bulgaria, 2A, Dondukov Blvd (last floor),Sofia 1000 / Bulgaria, Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office at Croatian AV Centre, 1 Diogenous Street, 4th Floor,2404 Nicosia, Dr. Stelios Stylianou – Head of Creative Europe Desk, eva.zakova@kreativnievropa.cz - kultura@kreativnievropa.cz, The Danish Agency for Culture - Kulturstyrelsen, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 2,DK 1553 Copenhagen V, Danish Film Institute - Creative Europe Desk/MEDIA, Ms Ene Katrine Rasmussen and Katrine Danielle Bjaarnø, kristiina@looveuroopa.ee / tiiu@looveuroopa.ee, Eesti Filmi Instituut (Estonian Film Institute), Finnish National Agency for Education / Internationalisation services, 132, rue du Faubourg Saint Denis,75010 Paris - France, Ville et Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg, Weberstraße 59A - Haus der Kultur - D,53113 Bonn - Germany, facebook Creative Europe Desk Deutschland Kultur - http://www.creative-europe-desk.de/, Christiane Siemen (Jürgen Abel, Mathieu Dolenc, Britta Erich), http://www.facebook.com/MEDIADeutschland - http://www.creative-europe-desk.de/, August-Bebel-Strasse, 26-53,D-14482 Potsdam, Contact persons: Angeliki Peleki, Konstantina Liakopoulou and Konstantinos Trakosas, 1, Nikitara Street 106 78,Athens - Greece, (+30) 210 32 30 894, 210 38 30894, 210 38 10 348, 9 Chatzopouloy str,115 24 Psychico- Greece, info@mediadeskhellas.eu - anna.kasimati@gfc.gr, H-1145 Budapest,Róna u. Mme Lucia Recalde Langarica. Box 27126, SE-102 52 Stockholm - Sweden, İnönü Bulvarı No:5Asma Kat No:A-12,06100 Emek - Ankara - TURKEY, Asma Kat No:A-12,06100 Emek - Ankara - TURKEY, The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for the management of certain parts of the EU's funding programmes in the fields of education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering.EACEA website, The Creative Europe programme provides support for European networks to help the cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and to strengthen their competiveness.European networks, Culture Programme (2007-2013)MEDIA Programme (2007-2013), Supporting Europe's cultural and creative sectors. Afbeelding. 267, L-2012 Luxembourg, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1,2033 Chișinău, Moldova, Head of the Arts and Creative Industries DepartmentNational Coordinator of the Media sub-programme, Creative Europe Desk Moldova, PiataMariiAdunariNationale 1,2033 Chișinău - Moldova, Ulica Njegoseva,81250 Cetinje - Montenegro, Ulica 13. jula bb81000 Podgorica - Montenegro, Creative Europe Desk NL/DutchCulture - centre for international cooperation, Postbus 15648, 1001 NC Amsterdam - Herengracht 474,1017 CA Amsterdam, Creative Europe Desk NL/DutchCulture – centre for international cooperation, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, Kirli and Metodij, No.54 (facilities of Nova Makedonija), 3rd floor,1000, Skopje, MK, Visitor address: Dronningens gate 16,0152 Oslo, Al. Edificio Estadio Olímpico. The goal of the programme is the protection, development and promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and strengthening the competitiveness of cultural and creative sectors in Europe. Make sure you have received a confirmation email. All applications will be made through this portal. Der "EU-Kulturartikel" 167 ist die Rechtsgrundlage für das kulturpolitische Engagement der Europäischen Union. Description. If you are interested in becoming an Expert, you can find out further information here, Creative Europe Desk Ireland - MEDIA Office Dublin, Distribution And Sales Agents Automatic Scheme, VAT Certificate and extract from the official gazette/trade register (private companies only), Legal resolution or decision (public entities only), Complete and certified annual accounts (two years for commercial companies or the most recent year available for non-profit companies), An audit report approved by a certified accountant certifying the accounts for the last financial year available. The MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe or simply Creative Europe MEDIA is designed to support the European film and audiovisual industries. 22 apr 2021 - 22 apr 2021. www.mediadesk.hr. Skip to main content. EU-Kulturpolitik. If it is, you can submit it online by clicking the green Submit button on the last page. 3. REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS Creative Europe Desk Cyprus. These experts will assess applications from their field of expertise (for example, an experienced producer would review applications for the Single Project Development Scheme). Technical Assistance. : 0331-743 87 50/51 / info@ced-bb.eu Creative Europe Desk Hamburg Tel. You will then be redirected to the Participant Portal where you will be prompted to enter specific details about your company or organisation. Having considered the possibility of merging the Creative Europe programme with other programmes supporting European values, rights and justice, the European Commission has decided to continue the Creative Europe programme as a stand -alone programme, increasing its budget by 17 %. Don’t forget to complete the compulsory annexes to the eForm. Um das eForm erstellen zu können, benötigen Sie … HelpDesk phone: +32 2 299 0705. Mme Stéphanie Leempoels Over MEDIA Expert Evaluation Guides are available to download through links on the relevant funding scheme page. Creative Europe MEDIA aims to strengthen the competitiveness & diversity of the European audiovisual industry with a series of support measures: training of professionals; development of film & video game production projects & companies; distribution of cinematographic works; support for cinematographic festivals, professional meetings & markets; audience development projects. III/304, RANNIS- The Icelandic Centre for Research, ragnhildur.zoega@rannis.is - creative.europe@rannis.is, media@creativeeuropeireland.eu - orla@creativeeuropeireland.eu, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo, Via del Collegio Romano, 2700186 Roma- Italy, E-Mail: alessandra.lucchese@beniculturali.it, Giuseppe Massaro (Maria Cristina Lacagnina), Silvia Sandrone (Sarah Bellinazzi, Francesca Messina), Mother Theresa Square No. Please fill in the e-Form by referring to the User Guide. Der "EU-Kulturartikel" 167 ist die Rechtsgrundlage für das kulturpolitische Engagement der Europäischen Union. The UK participated in the Creative Europe programme from 2014-20. 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) E. info@oficinamediaespana.eu. Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Youtube - Vimeo - Linkedin. MUSIC MOVES EUROPE - Appels 2019/2020 . Enter your company information into the Participant Portal and upload the following documents: Additionally, when the requested amount exceeds €60,000: For companies requesting an amount over €750,000: Before you start your application, we recommend reading through the guidelines, FAQ and User guides for the relevant funding scheme. MEDIA España. 527 talking about this. The system shuts down at this time and no more applications are accepted. We offer editorial services, digital transformation, event management & … This is a fully paperless, unique tool for all EU programmes designed to speed up the selection, contracting, reporting and payment process. MEDIA has progressed through several phases: the Pilot Phase; MEDIA 95; MEDIA II; MEDIA Plus; MEDIA 2007; Creative Europe MEDIA Programme. For questions, assistance related to the programme and help cooperating with organisations in other countries, Creative Europe Desks are in place in every participating country. It is designed to be your main practical reference for preparing and submitting your proposal and — if successful — for managing your grant. If not, contact the helpdesk – please see details below. This application provides information on what the courses offer, who they target, when they take place and who organises them. Krišjana Valdemara iela 11a,Riga, LV1364 - Latvia, Z. Sierakausko g; 15 LT 03105,,Vilnius - Lithuania, Agence luxembourgeoise d'action culturelle, Cercle - Place d'ArmesB.P. Description The formal notification process is part of the formal communication taking place between the EU and consortia. Creative Europe (2014-2020) is het zevenjarige ondersteuningsprogramma van de Europese Commissie voor de culturele en audiovisuele sector en bestaat uit twee subprogramma's: Cultuur en MEDIA. Notre Blog regroupe une panoplie de contenu informatif – la newsletter MEDIA, actualités sectorielles, appels à projets en dehors du programme Europe Créative, développements politiques liés au secteur audiovisuel, communiqués, festivals et marchés etc. When you have submitted your application online, you should receive a confirmation email and reference number. Sign up for an ECAS account. български; čeština; dansk; Deutsch; eesti; ελληνικά; latviešu; lietuvių; … Participant Portal. OVERVIEW . Rue Joseph II 70/Josef II-straat 70 . The PIC will be requested in the application form. Mme Sari Vartiainen. It came into force on 1 January 2014. The Participant Portal allows applicants and partners, to upload or update the information related to their legal status and attach the requested legal and financial documents (see section 14.2 for more MEDIA Andalucía. To apply for a grant you will first have to register your company or organisation through the EACEA Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). Participant Portal. Creative Europe is a €1.46 billion European Union programme for the cultural and creative sectors for the years 2014–2020. De huidige, onderstaande info geldt enkel en alleen nog voor de lopende projecten onder het voorbije Creative Europe 2014-2020-programma en is niet van toepassing op het nieuwe Creative Europe 2021-2027-programma. EForm. Tirana, Albania, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport, Department for European and international Cultural Policy, creativeeuropeculture@vlaanderen.be - Gudrun.heymans@vlaanderen.be, Creative Europe Culture Desk - Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Creative Europe MEDIA Desk – Wallonia-Brussels Federation, stephanie.leempoels@cfwb.be - media@europecreative.be, Ministry of Culture, International Relations, European Programs and Projects, Alexander Stamboliiski Blvd. Kralja Zvonimira 20, 10 000 Zagreb +385 1 46 55 434 +385 1 46 55 442. martina.petrovic@mediadesk.hr. Creative Europe MEDIA provides support to some 80 audiovisual training courses across Europe. Want to give your feedback about this page? It is planned to allocate up to 1.46 billion Euros from the EU 18 nov 2016. From the How to participate menu on the top, select Participant Register. Get technical help for your Creative products through Knowledgebase Solutions, firmware updates, driver downloads and more. Use the official e-Form. Luis Buñuel 2, 2A. Submit your application online before the specified deadline. Save the application eForm to your local computer or network drive. Het sub-programma MEDIA van Creative Europe steunt de audiovisuele sector. MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe, kurz Creative Europe MEDIA (wobei MEDIA als französischsprachiges Apronym für Mesures pour Encourager le Développement de l´Industrie Audiovisuelle steht, in deutscher Sprache für Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Entwicklung der audiovisuellen Industrie) ist ein Programm der Europäischen Union zur Förderung der europäischen Film- und audiovisuellen Medienindustrie in den Completing your Application. T. +34 91 512 01 78. Creative Europe MEDIA provides support to some 80 audiovisual training courses across Europe. : +32 2 295 42 04. If you have a technical issue submitting your application, please refer to the eform User Guide relating to your relevant funding scheme. Welcome to Creative Worldwide Support. Avenue du Bourget 1 BOUR/BOU2* BE-1140 Bruxelles. The Executive Agency (EACEA) has a database of experts who have a high level of expertise in the programmes managed by the Agency. Register in the Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). Cette action préparatoire a pour objectif de soutenir des projets pilotes innovants, afin de participer à la préfiguration d'un soutien européen au secteur de la musique dans le prochain programme Europe Créative 2021-2027. EU-Kulturpolitik. Creative Europe Programme managed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (‘Portal’). De tak van Creative Europe gericht op sectoroverschrijdende initiatieven Afbeelding.
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