News, analysis from the Middle East & worldwide, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, podcasts, long reads and broadcast schedule. Al Jazeerin Centar za studije; Al Jazeerin Medijski institut; Al Jazeerin Centar za ljudska prava i građanske slobode; Al Jazeera Forum At a special summit, southeast Asian leaders call for an end to the post-coup violence. 12M likes. AJB Start. Your Platform. Blood and Tears: French Decolonisation (Part 3), Blood and Tears: French Decolonisation (Part 2), Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. Four astronauts from US, France and Japan become first sent into orbit by a rocket booster used in previous spaceflight. 78 Followers, 2 Following, 15 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from AL JAZEERA KUWAIT (@_aljazeera) Perez says clubs, funding bank have taken time to reflect following a backlash over the announced project. Al Jazeera’s landmark documentary series that seek to engage, inform and inspire with a wide range of stories from around the world. Crew reaches space station on board recycled SpaceX capsule, 1bn COVID jabs given globally – but over half in just 3 countries, Lebanon launches first electric car despite economic crisis. 23.6k Followers, 113 Following, 953 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al Jazeera Balkans (@ajbalkans) Tunisia’s former president discusses the Arab Spring, 10 years on. While COVID 19 is still a mystery, two Chinese journalists are sent to Wuhan to investigate the outbreak. Watch Al Jazeera’s live broadcast now. الأخبار والتحليلات من الشرق الأوسط والعالم ، الوسائط المتعددة والتفاعلات ، الآراء ، الأفلام الوثائقية ، البودكاست ، القراءات الطويلة وجدول البث For airing times, please check the Schedule. US president’s recognition of WWI mass killing of Armenians as ‘genocide’ welcomed by Armenia but slammed by Turkey. From designer drugs to conflict zones, a look at how the modern drug trade has affected countries worldwide. Exposing a multi-million-dollar campaign that has undermined science and cast doubt on the dangers of climate change. For airing times, please check the Schedule. From colonial China’s opium wars to Cold War US politics, we trace rise of global drug trade and its political backers. Reactions to Biden’s recognition of Armenian ‘genocide’, ‘I’m trapped here’: Haitian asylum seekers languish in Mexico, Oil tanker off Syrian coast hit in suspected drone attack, Belarus leader to amend emergency power transfer to empower son, Tanzania braces for Cyclone Jobo, fishermen told to keep off sea, US President Joe Biden officially recognises ‘Armenian genocide’, Liberia pledges to prevent attacks on I. Football chants, rock music and anti-establishment flair – St Pauli fans go beyond sport to focus on political activism. Unable to get US asylum and facing discrimination in Mexico, Haitians say they have nowhere to go and are losing hope. Liberian gov’t says it is deeply concerned by incident where men thought to be Liberians attacked an Ivorian army base. Your Story. 27.9k Followers, 3 Following, 690 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al Jazeera Stories (@aljazeerastories) 1,028 Followers, 0 Following, 80 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al Jazeera Schools (@aljazeeraschools) Coast from its territory, Iran slams EU sanctions, calls out human rights violations, Iran halts flights with India and Pakistan over COVID, Real Madrid president insists European Super League will return, Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. تشبه فكرة برنامج العام الحالي “رامز عقله طار” فكرة برنامج عام 2015 وهي “رامز واكل الجو”، إذ تعتمد فكرة العام الحالي على صعود الضيف المخدوع إلى مجسم ألعاب المحاكاة، ويظل معلقا خائفا ليتولد الضحك. Firefighters extinguish blaze in tanker near Baniyas refinery after a suspected drone attack, Syria’s oil ministry says. ما يزال مصير عملاق النقل البحري سفينة نقل الحاويات “إيفر غيفن” (Ever Given)، التي تم تحريرها مؤخرا بعد أن جنحت في قناة السويس قبل أسبوع، وأغلقت أحد أهم الممرات المائية في العالم، محل تساؤلات كثيرة. 1.9m Followers, 610 Following, 5,104 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al Jazeera English (@aljazeeraenglish) Host Kevin Hirten takes you inside the investigation with the team that broke the story. The story of the decline of the French empire and the indelible mark colonialism left on countries that were colonised. They show that convicted criminals and fugitives are using Cyprus’ "golden passport" scheme to buy their way into the EU. Manufacturer of ‘Quds Rise’ hopes 10,000 vehicles will be produced by next year in the crisis-hit Mediterranean country. شاهد واستمع، بث حي لقناة الجزيرة بالصوت و الصورة، ومشاهدة البرامج المسجلة وتقارير المراسلين. Biden is first US president to formally recognise mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Empire during WWI as ‘genocide’. Food, photography and social justice – Asma Khan and Hassan Akkad The IEA predicts that CO2 emissions could rise to 33 billion tonnes in 2021 – the second-largest rise in emissions ever. Moncef Marzouki: Has the Tunisian revolution succeeded? يقدم هذا المقال نبذة عن تاريخ التراويح؛ فيروي مسيرتها منذ فجر الإسلام، ويتطرق لبعض ما اعترى إقامتَها من تعطل بالأزمات، ويرصد ما شابها من مسحات اجتماعية كادت تخرجها من حيز ‏العبادات إلى دائرة العادات. لم تحجب جائحة كورونا التكافل بين المسلمين في شهر رمضان المبارك، على الرغم من تحجيم مظاهره مقارنة بما كان عليه قبل الجائحة، خصوصا موائد الإفطار الخيرية للصائمين التي يطلق عليها موائد الر حمن. Al Jazeera English, Doha. Watch Al Jazeera’s live broadcast now. Play Video Read Article Listen to podcast. Istraživačka emisija AJB o skrivenim korupcijama, malverzacijama, zloupotrebama i pojedinaca i sistema. 4m Followers, 0 Following, 10.5k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from الجزيرة (@aljazeera) After the blacklisting of its army commanders, Iran urges action over ‘violations’ of its citizens’ rights by EU states. 455,303 talking about this. Celtic have some of the most passionate fans but their cause goes beyond sport to fight human rights issues. Your Story. Opozicija traži detalje, naročito visinu kamate, jer, kako kažu, kompanija “Moody’s” je dala RS privremeni rejting B3, odnosno ocjenu da je ulaganje u njene obveznice “spekulativno i visokorizično”. Your Voice. Your Platform. AlJazeera Instagram is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. @Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. Al Jazeera Media Network launches today, Thursday September 28, its new daily content on the key interactive medium Instagram, with the aim of providing dedicated, creative and … Security council, where Lukashenko’s son plays prominent role, to assume power in event of sitting president’s death. Raja Casablanca football fans transform the political landscape of Morocco from inside the national stadium. Authorities warn people to avoid coastal areas as storm expected to make landfall on Saturday night. As COVID-19 cases mount across the country, Iran has suspended flights with neighbouring Pakistan and badly hit India. Al Jazeera’s I-Unit exposes corruption in the centres of power in Bangladesh. 3 Days that Stopped the World. Al Jazeera Kodex. One in four people in rich countries has been vaccinated, compared with one in every 500 in low-income nations. How a new generation of global drug lords emerged at the end of the 1970s, in want of both money and power. The story of Boca Juniors, their super-fans and how they became a team for the working class in Argentina. Nevladine organizacije u Srbiji će tražiti ocjenu ustavnosti novog zakona o geološkim istraživanjima jer, kako kažu, vlasti tim zakonom daju ogromna prava za eksploataciju rude stranim investitorima. Siromaštvo u Libanu: Mjesečni trošak za iftar iznosi dvije i po minimalne plate 213 Followers, 793 Following, 200 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al jazeera (@al_jazeera) Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit has obtained a major leak of documents we're calling The Cyprus Papers. Can ASEAN help end the crisis in Myanmar? Al Jazeera Arabic; Al Jazeera English; Al Jazeera Mubasher; Al Jazeera Dokumentarni; Al Jazeera Balkans; AJ+ Arabi; AJ + Naša mreža تبديل القائمة. Zbog bolje epidemiološke slike otvorene su terase lokala u 8 od 12 regija, a vlada je nakon odluke Ustavnog suda ukinila zabranu javnog okupljanja, pa su dozvoljena okupljanja do stotinu osoba. Stay on top of Climate latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps. 31.6k Followers, 24 Following, 1,211 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Al Jazeera Türk (@aljazeeraturk) How Liverpool FC became a symbol of defiance for its city and grew into one of the most popular teams on earth. Stay on top of News latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps. PSS Sleman’s main fan group is a spectacle to witness as they celebrate football and promote peace in Indonesia. Al Jazeera’s landmark documentary series that seek to engage, inform and inspire with a wide range of stories from around the world. We expose the financialisation of water. Your Voice. Doctors and patients call for urgent help as government is criticised for response to record-breaking second wave. Is water the new oil? The Campaign Against the Climate: Debunking climate change denial, The Fans Who Make Football: Boca Juniors FC, The Fans Who Make Football: Raja Casablanca AC, Drug Trafficking, Politics and Power: The Lost Territories, Drug Trafficking, Politics and Power: The Age of Drug Lords, Drug Trafficking, Politics and Power: The Era of Empires. AJB Start je digitalna emisija Al Jazeere Balkans, koja poznate, kao i one manje poznate, svjetske i lokalne priče objašnjava na zanimljiv i …
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