Aian Hundegger ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren bei Campana & Schott tätig und leitet als Expertise Lead das Expertise Cluster Agility. Prior to joining Agility, Kent was the Chief Investment Officer for Baylor University, where he was charged with overseeing the day-to-day investment practices and operations of Baylor’s endowment. He is a CFA charterholder. Darren was previously a Senior Analyst at UTIMCO focused on hedge fund investments for the $3 billion Marketable Alternative Investments portfolio. Lindsay Olson is a Director at Agility and a member of the Client Service Team, where her duties include serving as a specialist for all client-related information and activity, communicating directly with clients on requests and inquiries, and creating client presentation materials. Join Facebook to connect with Christine Thielen and others you may know. Vsi rezultati osebe 2019 FCI-WM/-EO Qualifikation Agility 3./4. Austin Hirt is an Analyst at Agility and a member of the Accounting and Operations Team, where he assists with daily operational tasks such as cash management and day-to-day trade activities. Brenna Mitton is a Director at Agility and a member of the Legal and Compliance Team. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage bieten wir in Kooperation mit Dr. Katrin Thelen auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein Seminar an. Neli ist gerannt wie der Teufel und hatte den Spaß ihres Lebens! Brad Edson is an Executive Director at Agility. During his term as Chairman of the Investment Committee, he was involved in moving the plan into alternative investments, including private equity. Prior to joining Agility, Matthew served as Proposal Manager at Janus Henderson Investors, where he managed the company’s US-based proposal writing function and staff in support of the firm’s global business development effort. He is a CFA charterholder and a member of the CFA Institute. Kent is an investment committee member for the healthcare foundation Colorado Trust, and is an active supporter of several other cancer and healthcare-focused philanthropies. Devin Arguinchona. Stephen Fleischer is a Managing Director at Agility and also serves as Associate General Counsel. Paula Borton is the Receptionist for the Agility Denver office. Join Facebook to connect with Christy Thelen and others you may know. Outside the office, Devin enjoys playing basketball, hiking, and snowboarding. She was also responsible for developing Excel software to facilitate customer and error reporting. Interessierte und Besucher sind herzlich Willkommen! Kent Muckel is a Partner at Agility and Deputy CIO. He is a guest lecturer on investment management at the University’s Leeds School of Business and a former member of the University’s Intercollegiate Athletics Task Force. Outside the office, Patrick enjoys skiing, fly fishing, playing golf, and spending time with friends and family. Amita Schultes is a Partner at Agility and a voting member of Agility’s Investment Committee. Outside the office, Austin enjoys playing golf and spending time at the beach. He is a CFA charterholder. Austin graduated cum laude from Hobart College with a dual major in Economics and History. Emily Christensen is an Executive Assistant in Agility’s Austin office. Prior to joining Agility, Dan was a graduate student at Kogod School of Business in Washington, D.C., where he was the Fund Manager of the Student Managed Investment Fund and a finance teaching assistant. Outside of work, Reese enjoys traveling, playing golf and basketball, and spending time with family and friends. She is a former board member of the Service Program for Older People, the Bronx Lighthouse Charter School, and Family Advisory Council of the Komansky Center for Children’s Health at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Prior to that, he gained experience at National Securities in Miami as a wealth management intern. Prior to Agility, Emily was an Executive Assistant for Walker Myers Insurance Agency, handling everything from administrative duties to human resources and social media. In his spare time, Jaime enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, and likes hiking, cars, and traveling. Nick is a participating member of Agility’s Investment Committee. In this role, he is responsible for all legal matters pertaining to Agility. Outside the office, Mason enjoys traveling the world, skiing, mountain biking, listening to audiobooks, and spending time with his dog, girlfriend, and close family and friends. Ming Zhu Wang is a Director at Agility and a member of the Accounting and Operations Team, where her primary duties include the client performance reporting process, assisting with new client on-boarding, and day-to-day operations-related projects. When he is not in the office, Thomas enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and rowing on Lady Bird Lake. Ich kann die Tage nicht mehr zählen, an denen ich überhaupt kein Bock hatte, Sport zu treiben. Kristina Anderson is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCS), as well as a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise.She’s been training athletes since 2006, and … She is also a member of the Investment Committee for the David Rockefeller Fund, and is on the Steering Committee for the Intentional Endowments Network and Membership Committee for Confluence Philanthropy. Jessica earned a BS in Accounting and Finance from New York University. Agility – Christine Thelen, Jutta Sonntag & Martina Müller, Frisbee – Marion Schumacher & Claudia Wagstyl, Hoopers – Sandra Borchert, Tanja Schikowski & Heidi Stumpf, Obfrau für Agility: Christine Thelen Email:, Geschäftsführerin Jutta Sonntag Email:, 1. Melissa is a registered Yoga Teacher and coordinates the Wellness Activities for the Agility office. Leading a staff of twelve investment professionals, Mr. Lundberg develops and implements investment strategy for all of the University’s investment programs, evaluates current and prospective investment managers, explores alternative investment strategies, and ensures successful communication and relations with the University and its Investment Advisory Committee. Unsere Trainer Agility - Christine Thelen, Jutta Sonntag & Martina Müller Frisbee - Marion Schumacher & Claudia Wagstyl Hoopers - Sandra Borchert, Tanja... Sonstiges (1 - 20 von 66 Tia Sun is an Analyst at Agility and a member of the Risk Management Team, where her duties include building risk reporting tools, assessing the risk profiles of client portfolios, performing analyses at both the asset class and strategy level, and supporting various risk reporting functions. Prior to joining Agility, Austin interned at Squarepoint Capital, where he was responsible for a number of operational functions including margin management and trade booking. Reese Davis is an analyst at Agility and a member of the Private Capital Team, where he assists with investment due diligence and market research and analysis. Mallory Beck is an Associate at Agility and a member of the Business Development Team. Delina received her BS in Accounting from Fordham University. Prior to joining Agility, Karl was a Senior Investment Director at Cambridge Associates in the OCIO practice. Prior to joining Agility, Kelsey worked as a Client Relationship Coordinator at The Select Group where she was responsible for on-boarding new clients, maintaining client relationships, and managing vendor relationships. Mr. Kennedy currently sits on the Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Investment Foundation Fund and also serves as a national co-chair of the UNC capital campaign. Thomas holds a BBA in Finance, a minor in Accounting, and the Business of Healthcare Certificate from The University of Texas at Austin. Everyone at Agility Orthopedics is dedicated to making sure that you receive the best orthopedic care possible. Agility Freunde Niederschlesien e.V. 11/09/2019 . Jeff is a CFA charterholder, and represents PWP on multiple Limited Partner Advisory Committees. Teilnehmerliste VDH Qualifikation zur FCI WM/EO Agility 2020 - Large Name Vorname Hund Rasse Verein VDH-MV Platz DO fix WM EO Alshut Nadine Darleyfalls Born with Style Border Collie Hundesportzentrum HSZ-NRW e.V DVG X X Behrendt Monika Ebony Nose Elron Border Collie Hundesport am Wiehen e.V. Das heißt für uns neue Trainingstage und neuer Trainer! Christine mit Ronja konnten ihren perfekten Lauf der letzten Woche in Aachen leider nicht ganz wiederholen, aber sicherten sich Platz 2. Erstelle kostenlos eine Website oder ein Blog auf Annette Narans is an Executive Assistant in Agility’s Denver office. Prior to joining Agility, Chris was the Chief Investment Officer of the University of Colorado Foundation. AGILITY JUMP START - KATIE BRENNAN . As an undergraduate, Patrick interned for IPS Strategic Capital. Finden Sie hilfreiche Kundenrezensionen und Rezensionsbewertungen für Trixie 3213 Dog Activity Agility Wippe, 300 × 54 × 34 cm auf 5 sG 13.98 5 5 3.98 54.98 111 Easy Thelen, Heiko HSF Bergisch-Land Erw. In his previous role, Karl worked with a variety of endowments and foundations, ranging in size from $100 million to over $3 billion, on risk measurement and monitoring, strategic and tactical asset allocation, and position sizing. Obfrau für Agility: Christine Thelen Email: Prior to joining Agility, Samuel interned at Goldman Sachs twice within their securities division, first as a spring intern then again as a summer analyst. Before joining Colonial, Amita was a Senior Consultant at Ibbotson Associates where she developed asset allocation programs for asset management companies, insurance companies, and broker dealers. Katelyn received a BA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a JD from the University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law. He has conducted Chief Investment Officer assignments for pension funds, endowments and foundations, Taft-Hartley plans and asset management organizations. He has also been involved in the Harvard Business Club of Atlanta and the National Association of Securities Professionals. Outside the office, Lindsay enjoys spending time with her husband, traveling, and volunteering at her church. As a member of the Private Capital Team, Nat is responsible for managing clients’ private investment portfolios. Prior to that, Stephen was a Senior Counsel at UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. and Senior Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Harris Alternatives LP. He also develops asset class commentaries and client presentation materials. She serves on the boards of Colorado Public Television (CPT12) and a renewable energy venture focused on Africa. Prior to joining Agility, Paula worked for various commercial real estate companies in the greater metropolitan Denver area including CBRE (Property Management – Administrative Assistant), NAI Shames Makovsky (Receptionist), and Broker Agent at Keller Williams Realty – DTC. From 1987 to 1996, Mr. Pozen was managing director and general counsel of Fidelity Investments. Also, a true advocate of the arts, Paula loves theatre, concerts, movies, and being with her family and friends, dining, and traveling when applicable. Prior to Qwest, he held various positions as a fixed income portfolio manager and investment professional. Prior to joining Agility, Brenna gained eight years of compliance experience in positions at Shelton Capital Management and ALPS Fund Services, where she directly supported compliance activities mandated by federal securities laws and the compliance programs for investment advisers, registered investment companies, and broker-dealers. Prior to joining Agility, Devin worked at PFM where his responsibilities included structuring debt issuances, evaluating refinancing opportunities, and providing advice to local governments, universities, and non-profits throughout the debt issuance process. Prior to joining Agility, Trey served as the Managing Director of Private Markets investments for the University of Texas Investment Management Company (“UTIMCO”) from 2002 to 2007. Ausstellerliste der DOGLIVE 2020 - Erleben Sie die DOGLIVE, Münsters Hundemesse und Event, vom 20. bis 21. Frances focuses on financial, tax, and operational matters for the Agility team. erreicht :-) Ich bin mega … Auch weiterhin noch viele sportliche Erfolge! Faszien, bisher zu unrecht vernachlässigt?
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