), è un media franchise horror giapponese creato nel 1996 da Shinji Mikami e Tokuro Fujiwara, nato come serie di videogiochi prodotti dalla Capcom.La serie si concentra su videogiochi survival horror e include film live action, film di animazione, fumetti, libri, drammi audio e merchandising. Share. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter è l'ultimo capitolo della saga. or. Alice is reunited with Becky and Jill Valentine. Trapped in an underground facility with virtual zombie-infested simulations of major metropolises, Alice delves deeper and deeper into the secret facility, piecing together her mysterious and fragmented past. While trying to make their way back to the elevator, they came across a room filled with countless clones of various people they encountered before. Dec 3, 2020 - Explore ChickenScratch's board "Resident Evil" on Pinterest. For a short time, the Uber Licker held Becky hostage in an cocoon before she was saved by Alice. Comments. 2 Shares. When Rain's Prius was hit by a truck, they were forced to run again, believing Rain to have been killed. Becky was created with little actual memories, like all of Umbrella's clones. Creature apparse nel film. Becky Becky was one of many clones that shared the same unnamed progenitor, each having unique experiences in Umbrella Prime's environmental tests. Biographical information First appearance: Occupation: Alice led Becky to a train station where they encounter the Rain clone Becky met earlier. (Covers information from Anderson's universe). Resident Evil: Retribution Becky Race/Nationality: Alice è la protagonista della serie cinematografica Resident Evil, ispirata dall' omonima serie di videogiochi creata da Capcom, fa tuttavia parte di una trama differente rispetto alla serie videoludica, apparendo esclusivamente nei film di Paul W. S. Anderson. Bravo Team into a forest as part of an investigation. See more ideas about resident evil, evil, resident. Picking up where Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) left off, Alice finds herself captured, and at the mercy of the Umbrella Corporation's state-of-the-art supercomputer known as the Red Queen. Like. Other Information Becky and Alice Resident Evil Retribution - Duration: 2:07. chem87100 87,762 views. First appearance: She did, however, have enough to project "the right responses" during the tests. The team was attacked by monsters and were forced to run into a nearby … Portrayer: Anderson watched. Resident Evil Survivor 2 CODE:Veronica (2001), Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (2010), Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (2012), https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Becky_(Marvel)?oldid=848135. Becky was sent with the S.T.A.R.S. Becky was a member of the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad, a specialised law enforcement team. In the games, they are created by exposing human T-virus carriers to secondary infection, causing them to mutate into squat, quadrapedal beasts. As they left the house they were confronted by an a squad led by Jill, Rain, One, and Carlos, Becky mistakes the Carlos clone as her dad, despite Alice's protest to otherwise. Sex: A direct sequel to Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010), it is the fifth installment in the Resident Evil film series, loosely based on the video game franchise of the same name. Biographical information While eating breakfast, they were attacked by the newly arrived Las Plagas Undead, with her father seemingly being killed. Becky es una niña clon que aparece en la película Resident Evil: Retribution. When Alice tells her to go hide with Rain, Becky tells Rain about how she met her 'evil sister' earlier on. Alice (Resident Evil) Jill Valentine; Becky (Resident Evil) Fix-It; extended ending; Reunion; Summary. She and her "mother" managed to escape into the streets where they were offered help by a clone of Rain. Resident Evil: The Book For the S.D. Becky and the others eventually made their way to the surface, only for their escape to be blocked by one last confrontation with Jill and Rain. She was programmed to live a c… The plot of each film generally revolves around her struggle with the Umbrella Corporation. Deceased Sex: Becky Resident Evil Wiki Fandom . Rain was tasked to look after Becky while the rest tried to get the elevator working. Jun 14, 2013 - See also: Becky (Shirley)and Becky (Waggoner) Becky was a clone created by the Umbrella Corporation as the Red Queen took over. Becky and the others were brought to Washington D.C. where Wesker was leading a military effort to hold back an Undead army besieging the White House. The "mother" and "daughter" found momentary refuge in a ransacked house and hid in a closet from an Undead who followed them to the second floor. Set shortly after the events of "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter". S.T.A.R.S. Aryana Engineer (born March 6, 2001) is a Canadian former actress who made her debut in the 2009 horror film Orphan, as a little girl named Max, alongside Vera Farmiga.In 2012 she starred, alongside Milla Jovovich, as Becky in Resident Evil: Retribution, the fifth film in the franchise This proved to be a trap, as part of Umbrella's plan to kill off the remaining uninfected non-Umbrella personnel and release an anti-virus to sterilise the rest of the world. Bravo Team into a forest as part of an investigation. Caucasian Sieh dir an, was Becky (c_overbeck) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat. Biological information Female Anderson continued as writer and producer for Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In response, Alice tells Becky that "she is her real mother now" and the two escape the room after Alice detonates a pack of grenades that kill the pursuing Uber Licker. One-shot fix-it fic. Set shortly after the events of "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter". Resident Evil Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It's also the third to be written and directed by Anderson after the first film and previous installment. Becky was one of many clones that shared the same unnamed progenitor, each having unique experiences in Umbrella Prime's environmental tests. Becky was a young child from Raccoon City who was among the initial victims of the Cerberus pack which escaped from the … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Becky was sent with the S.T.A.R.S. Creature apparse nel film[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Zombie: uomini e donne uccisi e poi rianimati dal Virus-T e successivamente dal Las Plagas. Alice (Resident Evil) Jill Valentine; Becky (Resident Evil) Fix-It; extended ending; Reunion; Summary. Becky was one of many clones that shared the same unnamed progenitor, each having unique experiences in Umbrella Prime 's environmental tests. Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) Aryana Engineer as Becky. The White House was destroyed in his betrayal, killing everyone inside with the exception of Alice. Status: officer One-shot fix-it fic. Comment. Sempre diretto da Paul W. S. Anderson ed uscito nelle sale statunitensi il 27 gennaio 2017 e in Italia il 16 febbraio dello stesso anno.. She did, however, have enough to project "the right responses" during the tests. For more information and source, see on this link : https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Becky The licker captured Becky and Alice went after her. Lickers are genetically-engineered creatures developed by the Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil games and films. Aryana Engineer. Resident Evil Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sempre diretto da Paul W. S. Anderson ed uscito nelle sale statunitensi il 27 gennaio 2017 e in Italia il 16 febbraio dello stesso anno.. Biological information She was programmed to live a comfortable life in suburban Raccoon City (actually the "Suburbia" test-zone), with all three being programmed to be skilled at sign language. Alice (portrayed by Milla Jovovich) is the protagonist of the Resident Evil film series. Resident Evil, Issue #1. Originally published on fanfiction.net on 7/2/2017. September 28, 2015 January 4, 2016 In Becky's Head A little while ago my boyfriend and I played through Resident Evil 6 on co-op. Alice also appears in the film's novelizations which go into greater detail of her backstory. Becky stayed hidden until after the test ended, when she found Alice - the woman Alice was cloned from - now believing her to be her mother. Becky came to a realization that Alice was not her real mother. Perry character, see Becky McGee. Resident Evil Survivor 2 CODE:Veronica (2001), Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (2007), Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (2010), Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (2012), 25 Things to Know About RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION, Casting Directors Are Looking For A Little Girl Or Boy To Be In Resident Evil Retribution, https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Becky?oldid=870694, This is actually seen in the movie when ". Resident Evil: Retribution - The Official Movie Novelization Becky was a clone created by the Umbrella Corporation. As such, she willingly accepted "Todd" and "Alice" as her parents upon seeing them for the first time, with all three ignorant towards their lack of actual memories. Becky was created with little actual memories, like all of Umbrella's clones. "Suburban Alice" attacked the Undead, instructing Becky to hide elsewhere. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil_(Realfilmreihe) Resident Evil is an action-horror film series based on the Japanese video game franchise by Capcom.German studio Constantin Film bought the rights to adapt the series in January 1998. When they reach the elevator, the Red Queen disables the elevator, allowing the Umbrella soldiers to catch up with them. As such, she willingly accepted "Todd" and "Alice" as her parents upon seeing them for the first time, with all three ignorant towards their lack of actual memories. Female Alice returns from helping Leon, Luther and Barry in the Red Square and the group make their way to the elevator through the subway system. At the end of the novel, Alice finds her again with the help of the Red Queen. "Suburban Alice" and Becky in their ravaged neighborhood. Becky was not originally intended to be deaf, but Milla Jovovich and Paul W.S. A casting call for the film requested either a boy or girl roughly of the age of six, with parents "willing to be in Toronto". In 2001, Screen Gems acquired distribution rights and hired Paul W. S. Anderson as writer and director for Resident Evil (2002). I’d never played any of the previous Resi games and I hadn’t played Resi 6 before either. In the novelization for Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Becky is revealed to have survived the destruction of the White House because someone locked her in a safe room. See more of Resident Evil My Life on Facebook. Resident Evil: Retribution is a 2012 action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. Originally published on fanfiction.net on 7/2/2017. 2:07. Log In. Alice is reunited with Becky and Jill Valentine. As the test simulation began, "Suburban Alice", Todd, and Becky woke up late for their appointments (work and school, respectively). The team was attacked by monsters and were forced to run into a nearby mansion, where she disappeared from Richard Aiken's view.[1]. The Umbrella Corporation’s deadly T-virus is spreading across the globe, transforming ordinary people into legions of undead. Rain was killed by a surprise attack from an Uber Licker. Jill and Becky by: Jungdraw66. Other Information Becky was a clone created by the Umbrella Corporation as the Red Queen took over. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter è l'ultimo capitolo della saga. Resident Evil, conosciuto in Giappone come Biohazard (バイオハザード Baiohazādo? Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events 20.
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